I have been having many issues trying to configure and build rc3 and/or
rc4 on a solaris 8 X86 box and a solars 9 sparc. rc2 and earlier all
compile without issue.

from the configure script, checking curl:
ok=`echo "ibase=16; if($hex_ver>=$check_hex) $hex_ver else 0" | bc`

syntax error on line 1, teletype

the output from configure:
checking for curl >= 7.10.0... syntax error on line 1, teletype
checking for gethostbyname_r... yes, and it takes 5 arguments

This is an issue with the stock bc as shipped in solaris 8 and 9.

In Building, I get the following error:
Undefined                       first referenced
 symbol                             in file
BZ2_bzRead                          scanners.lo
BZ2_bzReadOpen                      scanners.lo
BZ2_bzReadClose                     scanners.lo
ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to

It reading the change log:
Wed Apr 30 22:23:50 CEST 2003
  * libclamav: use bzReadOpen instead of BZ2_bzReadOpen under Solaris
               (patch by Hrvoje Habjanic <hrvoje.habjanic*zg.hinet.hr>)

and I noticed that in clamav-config.h "NOBZ2PREFIX" is not defned.
If I add a line "#define NOBZ2PREFIX" in clamav-config.h then compilation

Other than that, I'm also having issues with bind (resolv.h) but I beleive
that is an issue on my system, not a larger issue :)

Ken Jones


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