Re: [Clamav-users] RE: Re: This is how I use ClamAV

2004-12-06 Thread Jan Pieter Cornet
On Fri, Dec 03, 2004 at 02:54:44PM -0800, Todd Lyons wrote:
> Jan Pieter Cornet wanted us to know:
> >What I find really odd is your complete lack of Worm.Sober-I. Our stats for
> >Thu Dec 2:
> Good point.  I had totally missed that too.
> >Top-5:
> >W32/Sober-I : 1078544
> >W32/Netsky-P:   57920
> That's a pretty big difference, seems more like an internal infection

Erm... I cheat bit, because I'm counting recipients, not emails.
Sober-I sends to multiple recipients. We "only" had 178405 viruses
that day (about 2 per second). Still makes it to the #1 position, though.

Viruses come in from 2212 different IP addresses, from all over the
world... but the top-10 /8s are all from the RIPE region.. first non-RIPE
is with 66 different IPs (66x66/8. Coincidence? I think not! :)

Yep, it might be regional indeed. Odd.

#!perl -wpl # mmfppfmpmmpp mmpffm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
$_[2]}->(map{/p|f/i+/f/i}split//,$&)+97):qw(m p f)[map{((ord$&)%32-1)/$_%3}(9,
3,1)]),5,1)='`'lt$&;$f.eig;# Jan-Pieter Cornet

Re: [Clamav-users] RE: Re: This is how I use ClamAV

2004-12-06 Thread Matías López Bergero
Hash: SHA1
Sasa Stupar wrote:
| Todd Lyons wrote:
| | Sasa Stupar wanted us to know:
| |
| |
| |>Guys, how do you make this stats? I am running Sendmail 8.13.1 on FC3
| |>with clamav-milter. Is there some settings on sendmail or Clamav?
| |
| |
| | cat /var/log/clamav/clamd.log |
| |
| | The is attached to this email.  It's very very simple, no
| | error checking, and no command line options.  It could be added very
| | easily though.
| |
| Great, it works like a charm. I just needed to change command line to:
| cat /var/log/clamav/clamd.log | ./
| othervise I get "command not found".
Copy the file to a directory on your $PATH, e.g. /usr/local/bin
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Re: [Clamav-users] RE: Re: This is how I use ClamAV

2004-12-06 Thread Sasa Stupar
Hash: SHA1
Todd Lyons wrote:
| Sasa Stupar wanted us to know:
|>Guys, how do you make this stats? I am running Sendmail 8.13.1 on FC3
|>with clamav-milter. Is there some settings on sendmail or Clamav?
| cat /var/log/clamav/clamd.log |
| The is attached to this email.  It's very very simple, no
| error checking, and no command line options.  It could be added very
| easily though.
Great, it works like a charm. I just needed to change command line to:
cat /var/log/clamav/clamd.log | ./
othervise I get "command not found".
This is my first test:
# cat /var/log/clamav/clamd.log | ./
Worm.Mydoom.Gen-unp: 15
Worm.Gibe.F: 12
Worm.SomeFool.P: 3
HTML.Phishing.Bank-31: 2
Exploit.JPEG.Comment.ED: 2
Worm.Mabutu.A-unp: 2
- -
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)

Re: [Clamav-users] RE: Re: This is how I use ClamAV

2004-12-06 Thread Todd Lyons
Sasa Stupar wanted us to know:

>Guys, how do you make this stats? I am running Sendmail 8.13.1 on FC3
>with clamav-milter. Is there some settings on sendmail or Clamav?

cat /var/log/clamav/clamd.log |

The is attached to this email.  It's very very simple, no
error checking, and no command line options.  It could be added very
easily though.
Regards...  Todd
OS X: We've been fighting the "It's a mac" syndrome with upper management
for  years  now.  Lately  we've  taken  to  just  referring  to  new  mac 
installations  as  "Unix"  installations  when  presenting proposals  and 
updates.  For some reason, they have no problem with that.  -- /.
Linux kernel   3 users,  load average: 0.04, 0.11, 0.13

use strict;
my %virus;

while (<>) {
if ( m#^.*\s([^\s]+)\sFOUND$# ) {

foreach (sort { $virus{$b} <=> $virus{$a} } keys %virus) {
print "\n$_: $virus{$_}";
print "\n";

Description: PGP signature

RE: [Clamav-users] RE: Re: This is how I use ClamAV

2004-12-06 Thread Samuel Benzaquen

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Jeremy
> Kitchen
> Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 11:51 AM
> To: ClamAV users ML
> Subject: Re: [Clamav-users] RE: Re: This is how I use ClamAV
> On Friday 03 December 2004 09:44 am, Kiril Todorov wrote:
> > Ian Lewis wrote:
> > > That is very interesting information Samuel. I shall be interested to
> > > compare it to my own data.
> > >
> > > We quarantine our emails just in case there are any which are
> genuine but
> > > holding viruses. Not very likely but you never know.
> > >
> > > Do I understand from what you say that having identified 4 million
> > > viruses you reject them and they go 'back' to the often
> spoofed sender,
> > > still capable of causing trouble?
> >
> > I belive he meant rejected at SMTP level with a permanent error code
> > (5.x.x)
> in which case, the only way they would go to an innocent third
> party is if
> they were relayed through another smtp server, and that's Somebody Else's
> Problem, because if that other smtp server had rejected the virus in the
> first place, you wouldn't have had to reject the message yourself.
> Any legit emails that get rejected because of infections (false
> positive or
> not) should go back to the original sender without any problems.

That's just what I meant =)
I don't like the idea of adding to quarantine 300K viruses daily 'just in
case' and then use the helpdesk to help people recover their messages.



Re: [Clamav-users] RE: Re: This is how I use ClamAV

2004-12-05 Thread Sasa Stupar
V sob, 04.12.2004 ob 19:53 je Krištof Petr napisal(a):
> Sasa Stupar wrote:
> >>Worm.Sober.I: 4081
> >>Worm.Zafi.B: 3552
> >>Worm.SomeFool.P: 3529
> >>Worm.Bagle.Gen-zippwd: 612
> >>Worm.SomeFool.Gen-1: 573
> >>HTML.Phishing.Bank-1: 392
> >>Worm.Bagle.N: 328
> >>HTML.Phishing.Bank-27: 316
> > 
> > 
> > Guys, how do you make this stats? I am running Sendmail 8.13.1 on FC3
> > with clamav-milter. Is there some settings on sendmail or Clamav?
> > 
> Do you have logwatch package installed?
> If yes, you will get daily stats in root's email.
> Petr

Yes, I have Logwatch installed and I get some of the sendmail stats but
for viruses I get only how much was clean and how much infected but
there is no description on what viruses.


Description: To je digitalno podpisani del =?iso-8859-2?Q?sporo=E8ila?=

Re: [Clamav-users] RE: Re: This is how I use ClamAV

2004-12-04 Thread KriÅtof Petr
Sasa Stupar wrote:
Worm.Sober.I: 4081
Worm.Zafi.B: 3552
Worm.SomeFool.P: 3529
Worm.Bagle.Gen-zippwd: 612
Worm.SomeFool.Gen-1: 573
HTML.Phishing.Bank-1: 392
Worm.Bagle.N: 328
HTML.Phishing.Bank-27: 316

Guys, how do you make this stats? I am running Sendmail 8.13.1 on FC3
with clamav-milter. Is there some settings on sendmail or Clamav?
Do you have logwatch package installed?
If yes, you will get daily stats in root's email.

Re: [Clamav-users] RE: Re: This is how I use ClamAV

2004-12-04 Thread Stephen Gran
On Sat, Dec 04, 2004 at 09:32:47AM +0100, Sasa Stupar said:
> Guys, how do you make this stats? I am running Sendmail 8.13.1 on FC3
> with clamav-milter. Is there some settings on sendmail or Clamav?

I generally parse the clamav log, as that seems easiest.  Several of us
have posted our scripts that we use for this in the past.  I don't have
the time to trawl the list archives right now, but if you have trouble
finding one you like, write back.
|  Stephen Gran  | Cahn's Axiom:  When all else fails, |
|  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | read the instructions.  |
| | |

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Clamav-users] RE: Re: This is how I use ClamAV

2004-12-04 Thread Sasa Stupar
V pet, 03.12.2004 ob 23:54 je Todd Lyons napisal(a):
> Jan Pieter Cornet wanted us to know:
> >What I find really odd is your complete lack of Worm.Sober-I. Our stats for
> >Thu Dec 2:
> Good point.  I had totally missed that too.
> >Top-5:
> >W32/Sober-I : 1078544
> >W32/Netsky-P:   57920
> That's a pretty big difference, seems more like an internal infection
> than mail coming from the outside.  Or am I stating the obvious since
> most viruses/worms have their own smtp engines and connect directly to
> MX boxen anyway?
> >W32/Netsky-D:9193
> >Troj/BkFraud-A  :7238
> >W32/Netsky-Z:7157
> For us, it's less drastic for our top 5, and I included a few extra to
> show just how much positive hits I'm getting from the Phishing sigs:
> Worm.Sober.I: 4081
> Worm.Zafi.B: 3552
> Worm.SomeFool.P: 3529
> Worm.Bagle.Gen-zippwd: 612
> Worm.SomeFool.Gen-1: 573
> HTML.Phishing.Bank-1: 392
> Worm.Bagle.N: 328
> HTML.Phishing.Bank-27: 316

Guys, how do you make this stats? I am running Sendmail 8.13.1 on FC3
with clamav-milter. Is there some settings on sendmail or Clamav?


Description: To je digitalno podpisani del =?iso-8859-2?Q?sporo=E8ila?=

Re: [Clamav-users] RE: Re: This is how I use ClamAV

2004-12-03 Thread Todd Lyons
Jan Pieter Cornet wanted us to know:

>What I find really odd is your complete lack of Worm.Sober-I. Our stats for
>Thu Dec 2:

Good point.  I had totally missed that too.

>W32/Sober-I : 1078544
>W32/Netsky-P:   57920

That's a pretty big difference, seems more like an internal infection
than mail coming from the outside.  Or am I stating the obvious since
most viruses/worms have their own smtp engines and connect directly to
MX boxen anyway?

>Troj/BkFraud-A  :7238

For us, it's less drastic for our top 5, and I included a few extra to
show just how much positive hits I'm getting from the Phishing sigs:

Worm.Sober.I: 4081
Worm.Zafi.B: 3552
Worm.SomeFool.P: 3529
Worm.Bagle.Gen-zippwd: 612
Worm.SomeFool.Gen-1: 573
HTML.Phishing.Bank-1: 392
Worm.Bagle.N: 328
HTML.Phishing.Bank-27: 316

Regards...  Todd
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary 
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.   --Benjamin Franklin
Linux kernel   2 users,  load average: 0.05, 0.06, 0.06

Re: [Clamav-users] RE: Re: This is how I use ClamAV

2004-12-03 Thread Jan Pieter Cornet
On Fri, Dec 03, 2004 at 03:15:49PM -, Ian Lewis wrote:
> >I think it could be nice to have like a list of "known systems". That way a
> >newbie could read and choose the best for his needs.

Sendmail 8.12.11, mimedefang, f-prot, sophos and Clamav as soon as the
thread concurrency problems on FreeBSD 4 are tackled or we upgraded to
FreeBSD 5 (whichever comes first). Discarding in case of virus.

> >Viruses stopped Yesterday: Thu Dec  2
> >77550 Worm.SomeFool.Gen-1
> >76936 Worm.SomeFool.P
> >26800 Worm.Mydoom.M
> >21249 Worm.Bagle.Gen-zippwd

What I find really odd is your complete lack of Worm.Sober-I. Our stats for
Thu Dec 2:

Scanned mail: 5730363
Virus   : 1195719 (20%)

W32/Sober-I : 1078544
W32/Netsky-P:   57920
Troj/BkFraud-A  :7238

Sober-I raised the percentage of viruses in email from about 2% to nearly
30% at peak...

#!perl -wpl # mmfppfmpmmpp mmpffm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
$_[2]}->(map{/p|f/i+/f/i}split//,$&)+97):qw(m p f)[map{((ord$&)%32-1)/$_%3}(9,
3,1)]),5,1)='`'lt$&;$f.eig;# Jan-Pieter Cornet

Re: [Clamav-users] RE: Re: This is how I use ClamAV

2004-12-03 Thread Joe Maimon

Kiril Todorov wrote:
Ian Lewis wrote:
That is very interesting information Samuel. I shall be interested to 
it to my own data.

We quarantine our emails just in case there are any which are genuine 
holding viruses. Not very likely but you never know.

Do I understand from what you say that having identified 4 million 
you reject them and they go 'back' to the often spoofed sender, still 
of causing trouble?

I belive he meant rejected at SMTP level with a permanent error code 

Which could mean that a host not running a virus scanner would then 
bounce the DSN to the "sender"

Counter arguments are usualy
a) They should be running a virus scanner and they too should be 5xx/4xx 
rejecting. Serves them right.
b) Modern virus infected hosts are direct to MX emailers

Remember, there is a point that can be made here. Its plausible to 
conclude that every un virus scanned email service is contributing  
directly to the epidemic by allowing their users to become infected and 
spew crap to everyone else. Clogged queues are therefore no less than 
they deserve, as the arguments against virus scanning are usualy in the 
form of resource concerns.

Service providers should be aware too that allowing their users to 
become infected which generally result in tech support calls to the 
effect of "My internet is {slow|broken}"



Re: [Clamav-users] RE: Re: This is how I use ClamAV

2004-12-03 Thread Jeremy Kitchen
On Friday 03 December 2004 09:44 am, Kiril Todorov wrote:
> Ian Lewis wrote:
> > That is very interesting information Samuel. I shall be interested to
> > compare it to my own data.
> >
> > We quarantine our emails just in case there are any which are genuine but
> > holding viruses. Not very likely but you never know.
> >
> > Do I understand from what you say that having identified 4 million
> > viruses you reject them and they go 'back' to the often spoofed sender,
> > still capable of causing trouble?
> I belive he meant rejected at SMTP level with a permanent error code
> (5.x.x)

in which case, the only way they would go to an innocent third party is if 
they were relayed through another smtp server, and that's Somebody Else's 
Problem, because if that other smtp server had rejected the virus in the 
first place, you wouldn't have had to reject the message yourself.

Any legit emails that get rejected because of infections (false positive or 
not) should go back to the original sender without any problems.


Jeremy Kitchen ++ Systems Administrator ++ Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] ++ ++ 866.528.3530 ++ 815.776.9465 int'l
  kitchen @ #qmail #gentoo on EFnet IRC ++
 GnuPG Key ID: 481BF7E2 ++ jabber:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Clamav-users] RE: Re: This is how I use ClamAV

2004-12-03 Thread Kiril Todorov
Ian Lewis wrote:
That is very interesting information Samuel. I shall be interested to compare
it to my own data.
We quarantine our emails just in case there are any which are genuine but
holding viruses. Not very likely but you never know.
Do I understand from what you say that having identified 4 million viruses
you reject them and they go 'back' to the often spoofed sender, still capable
of causing trouble?
I belive he meant rejected at SMTP level with a permanent error code (5.x.x)
'Can death be sleep, when life is but a dream'  --John Keats
/* waiting... dreaming... wishing... */

[Clamav-users] RE: Re: This is how I use ClamAV

2004-12-03 Thread Ian Lewis

>I think it could be nice to have like a list of "known systems". That way a
>newbie could read and choose the best for his needs.
>We use Sendmail 8.13.0 (since 8.12.11) + Clamav-milter + Clamd.
>No quarantine, no postmaster/sender/recipient notice, just reject messages.
>Centralized freshclam on two servers at different times (minutes 23 and 53
>respectively). OnUpdate it propagates vía sftp to the other 9 servers
>(including the other one that runs freshclam, so it doesn't have to update
>again). OnUpdate & OnError sends a message to postmaster.
>Viruses stopped Yesterday: Thu Dec  2
>77550 Worm.SomeFool.Gen-1
>76936 Worm.SomeFool.P
>26800 Worm.Mydoom.M
>21249 Worm.Bagle.Gen-zippwd
> [...]
>   1 Worm.Sircam
>   1 W97M.Marker.C.2
>   1 Trojan.Downloader.Small-165
>   330556

>You can guess our monthly stats.
>We have more than 4 million mails daily, 150 clamav-milter and 26 clamd
>threads concurrently per server on peak hour.


>Samuel Benzaquen

>From Ian Lewis:

That is very interesting information Samuel. I shall be interested to compare
it to my own data.

We quarantine our emails just in case there are any which are genuine but
holding viruses. Not very likely but you never know.

Do I understand from what you say that having identified 4 million viruses
you reject them and they go 'back' to the often spoofed sender, still capable
of causing trouble?

Best wishes,

Ian Lewis

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.803 / Virus Database: 546 - Release Date: 30/11/2004