I said:
with perms = rw------- root.root. It was fine (and still is) on cvs from

Stephen Gran wrote:
Yes, that is the problem.  This does however fix the problem of clamav
opening all it's descriptors (including the logfile) as root, breaking
permissions for anything else that needs to write to the logfile.

At least I got that bit right ;-)

Try starting it as the user it runs as, e.g.,

I tried that, although it's a little trickier since I run clamd supervised with daemontools. Anyhow, using the run script:

su -c '/usr/sbin/clamd -c /etc/clamav/clamd.conf 2>&1' - qscand

*And* turning off 'LogFile /dev/stderr' fixed it for now, _and_ it's still logging correctly. Go figure :-)

Er, Matt Fretwell said:
Unless I am very much mistaken, the perms on stderr should be 666.

Stephen Gran then said:
I doubt that - 0600 is much more reasonable.  Why would you want your

Exactly, and certainly on Debian it defaults to 600, which is sensible really.



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