
I am running clam version 0.91.2 in  CentOS 5 .  For the past 24 hours,
I am getting tons of errors of this message

Tue Oct  2 10:08:17 2007 -> ERROR: accept() failed: à óÿ¿^?
Tue Oct  2 10:08:17 2007 -> ERROR: ScanStream 31440: accept() failed.
Tue Oct  2 10:08:17 2007 -> ERROR: ScanStream 31313: accept() failed.
Tue Oct  2 10:08:17 2007 -> ERROR: ScanStream 35495: accept() failed.
Tue Oct  2 10:08:18 2007 -> ERROR: ScanStream 35858: accept() failed.
Tue Oct  2 10:08:18 2007 -> ERROR: ScanStream 35191: accept() failed.
Tue Oct  2 10:08:19 2007 -> ERROR: ScanStream 33460: accept() failed.
Tue Oct  2 10:08:19 2007 -> ERROR: ScanStream 33550: accept() failed.
Tue Oct  2 10:08:19 2007 -> ERROR: ScanStream 30460: accept() failed.

There is enough processing power and disk space (under /tmp) for clam to
process. It is processing tons of emails , but failing for few giving
out the above error.  These errors are sometimes abruptly kill my clamav

Any ideas what could be the problem

Many Thanks


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