Assuming you use recent clamav version (preferable devel), compile clamav with default settings for clamav user, and your database directory is /usr/local/share/clamav, try

chown -R clamav /usr/local/share/clamav

Newer versions of freshclam will automatically switch to clamav user, or the user specified in freshclam.conf even if you run is at root.

Fajar Nugraha

Payal Rathod wrote:

On one machine where I had forgotten to update the database for 2
months, I am getting and error,

# freshclam
Current working dir is /usr/local/share/clamav
Checking for a new database - started at Fri Jan  9 08:30:45 2004
Connected to
Reading md5 sum (viruses.md5): OK
Reading md5 sum (viruses2.md5): OK
ERROR: Can't open new file ./36eb2f105cde6e69 to write
open: Permission denied
ERROR: Can't download viruses.db from
Checking for a new database - started at Fri Jan  9 08:30:46 2004
Connected to
Reading md5 sum (viruses.md5): OK
Reading md5 sum (viruses2.md5): OK
ERROR: Can't open new file ./57663653efc556b7 to write
open: Permission denied
ERROR: Can't download viruses.db from
Checking for a new database - started at Fri Jan  9 08:30:47 2004
Connected to
Reading md5 sum (viruses.md5):

What is the cause and solution of this?

With warm regards,

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