Re: [Clamav-users] new clamav user - comparison to amavisd with uvscan

2004-03-25 Thread Joe Maimon

Standard database path screwup.

Joe Maimon wrote:

Hello All,

I am new here, I hope this hasnt been hashed to death already.

I recently installed clamav into a production email system, using 

This system had been operating with amavisd and uvscan (nai's command 
line scanner) for years.
Now email is scanned twice, first by clamav-milter and then by 

After I noticed in my maillog that some viruses were still being 
caught by amavis, I turned on quarantining. I have collected a number 
of these email's already.

I have figured out how to manually extract the mime attachment and 
scan it manually with uvscan. The one I worked on scanned positive as 
netsky. clamscan did not catch it. (clamscan --mbox presumably does 
not need any extracting)

I do not know that this isnot some damaged virus.(not about to test it 
on my windows machines)

Is there any value in automating the mime extracting of the 
quarantined email to find out why clam misses those?
Does anyone want these email messages for dissection?

Any recommendations on my next step? I would prefer to not have to pay 
the performance penalty of a scanner twice.


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This SF.Net email is sponsored by: IBM Linux Tutorials
Free Linux tutorial presented by Daniel Robbins, President and CEO of
GenToo technologies. Learn everything from fundamentals to system
Clamav-users mailing list

[Clamav-users] new clamav user - comparison to amavisd with uvscan

2004-03-25 Thread Joe Maimon
Hello All,

I am new here, I hope this hasnt been hashed to death already.

I recently installed clamav into a production email system, using 

This system had been operating with amavisd and uvscan (nai's command 
line scanner) for years.
Now email is scanned twice, first by clamav-milter and then by 

After I noticed in my maillog that some viruses were still being caught 
by amavis, I turned on quarantining. I have collected a number of these 
email's already.

I have figured out how to manually extract the mime attachment and scan 
it manually with uvscan. The one I worked on scanned positive as netsky. 
clamscan did not catch it. (clamscan --mbox presumably does not need any 

I do not know that this isnot some damaged virus.(not about to test it 
on my windows machines)

Is there any value in automating the mime extracting of the quarantined 
email to find out why clam misses those?
Does anyone want these email messages for dissection?

Any recommendations on my next step? I would prefer to not have to pay 
the performance penalty of a scanner twice.


This SF.Net email is sponsored by: IBM Linux Tutorials
Free Linux tutorial presented by Daniel Robbins, President and CEO of
GenToo technologies. Learn everything from fundamentals to system
Clamav-users mailing list