Re: mauve results posted nightly

2002-11-16 Thread Stuart Ballard
Mark Wielaard wrote:


Oh, so you can run japize with kissme+classpath? (japize doesn't use 
reflection at all any more, and I think mostly even avoids the 
situations where jode would use it as a fallback...)

I just tried that and it seems to run with Kissme.
But gij gave the following exception:

(exception snipped since you seem to have a good handle on figuring that 
one out...)

That's great news: I'll add to the readme in the next version that 
Kissme is able to run Japize in at least a limited way (ie not over the 
whole API).

The only cotcha with compiling is the referencee to
org.omg.CORBA.BAD_OPERATION in JapiSerialize which seems to be save to
comment out.

In fact it's safe to comment out the whole of JapiSerialize: it's 
entirely independent from the rest of Japitools and in fact written by a 
different person :). Of course, ideally you want to be able to *use* 
serialize as well as japize, and you'll need to compile it for that :)

Compiling with gcj to a native executable failed since the jode jar
references some javax.swing classes. Will try to get the sources of jode
later to see if they can be stripped out easily since they don't seem to
be used during runtime anyway.

I know of no reason that shouldn't be possible. I've been intending to 
try to strip down jode to only the subset I need anyway: I only use the 
jode.bytecode package directly as far as I can remember, so 
jode.bytecode plus its dependencies should be all that's needed.

Kissme did throw a OutOfMemoryError when trying all the java. packages.
But taking a smaller subset seems to work fine. Do you have a japize
example classes/arguments/output file to which I can compare my results?

An OutOfMemoryError might indicate a problem in weak references, since 
Jode apparently relies on them to release classes (it has no explicit 
way to completely unload a class). Alternatively it might indicate a 
memory leak in GZipOutputStream - you could rule that out by specifying 
the unzip option. Those are, of course, just the first things that 
come to mind - it could be something entirely different.

You can find a whole bunch of example japi files in The most 
interesting/useful for comparison is probably classpath.japi.gz which is 
the nightly one I download from Brian.

The only one I know for sure how to generate is jdk11.japi.gz which is 
generated by:
$ japize as jdk11 packages /path/to/ +java -java.awt.peer 
(that's all one line, of course).

The other jdkxx.japi.gz files there are ones I've accumulated over time 
and updated to the latest file format version using japifix. They should 
be identical to what you'd get if you run japize with appropriate 
arguments against the JDK, but I can't tell you what those arguments 
are, except for 1.1. To be absolutely sure you're getting the right 
results, your best bet is to compare against using the JDK to run the 
same thing...

Brian, what are the arguments you're giving Japize to generate the 
nightly classpath.japi.gz file, and to generate the jdkxx.japi.gz files?

Stuart Ballard, Programmer
NetReach - Internet Solutions
(215) 283-2300, ext. 126

Classpath mailing list

Re: mauve results posted nightly

2002-11-16 Thread Stuart Ballard
Mark Wielaard wrote:


It is also very fast compared with Kissme.
Kissme took 1 minute and 50 seconds for only the java.util package and
subpackages. gij took just 25 seconds for ALL java.* and subpackages!
This is with the gij interpreter, I really want to see this when I can
compile from source with -O2 :)

Sounds like an argument in favor of, or against, native ;) 
Or does this performance difference apply regardless of compression?

The uncompressed results of the kissme and gij version are completely
the same. But the compressed file that kissme produces seems to contain
a lot of trailing garbage (gunzip complains about it but still manages
to uncompress it). I haven't looked into this yet.

Presumably a bug.

(where INTERPRETER == gij || Sun j2sdk 1.4 java)
produced almost identical files but there were a few small differences.
I also haven't looked into this yet. (diff attached)
But this is probably one of the runtimes picking up a constant from its
own runtime library and not from the GNU Classpath file.

See below for my comments...

 java.lang,Double!#MAX_VALUE Pcsf D:1.7976931348623157E308
-java.lang,Double!#MIN_VALUE Pcsf D:5.0E-324
+java.lang,Double!#MIN_VALUE Pcsf D:4.9E-324
 java.lang,Double!#NEGATIVE_INFINITY Pcsf D:-Infinity

 java.lang,Float!#MAX_VALUE Pcsf F:3.4028235E38
-java.lang,Float!#MIN_VALUE Pcsf F:1.4012985E-45
+java.lang,Float!#MIN_VALUE Pcsf F:1.4E-45
 java.lang,Float!#NEGATIVE_INFINITY Pcsf F:-Infinity

These look like they could well be floating-point output bugs. Sun has a 
very complex and highly specified algorithm for exactly what significant 
figures should be printed for any given floating point number: it's 
entirely possible that Classpath doesn't implement that algorithm 
perfectly. (I think I commented in the source code that this also tests 
toString() on floating point numbers or something to that effect).,Signer!getPrivateKey() Pcin Ljava/security/PrivateKey;,Signer!getPublicKey() Pcin Ljava/security/PublicKey;,Signer!getPublicKey() Pcin Ljava/security/PublicKey;*,Signer!getScope() Pcif Ljava/security/IdentityScope;,Signer!toString() Pcin Ljava/lang/String;*,Signer!toString(Z) Pcin Ljava/lang/String;,Signer!toString(Z) Pcin Ljava/lang/String;*,Signer!wait() Pcif V*java.lang.InterruptedException

These are more interesting as they boil down to the question of is 
KeyManagementException a subclass of RuntimeException?. If it is, it 
should be excluded from the throws clause; if not, it should be 
included. I'm curious as to why jode is giving different results 
depending on which JVM is running it...


Stuart Ballard, Programmer
NetReach - Internet Solutions
(215) 283-2300, ext. 126

Classpath mailing list

Re: build failure

2002-11-16 Thread Brian Jones
Brian Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I just changed the scripts to use jikes, was apparently using gcj 3.2
 before which doesn't report any error.

And there is a reason why I didn't use jikes to begin with... japize
barfs (jode actually) in java.applet with an

Processing package java.applet,:=Exception in thread main 
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 38
at jode.bytecode.MethodInfo.readAttribute(
at jode.bytecode.BinaryInfo.readAttributes(
at jode.bytecode.ClassInfo.loadInfo(
at jode.bytecode.FieldInfo.getConstant(
at net.wuffies.japi.JodeField.init(
at net.wuffies.japi.JodeClass.addFields(
at net.wuffies.japi.JodeClass.addFields(
at net.wuffies.japi.JodeClass.addFields(
at net.wuffies.japi.JodeClass.getFields(
at net.wuffies.japi.Japize.japizeClass(
at net.wuffies.japi.Japize.processPackage(
at net.wuffies.japi.Japize.processPackage(
at net.wuffies.japi.Japize.processRootSet(
at net.wuffies.japi.Japize.doJapize(
at net.wuffies.japi.Japize.main(


Classpath mailing list

Re: build failure

2002-11-16 Thread Eric Blake
It's probably the same bug in Jode as is causing problems with jdk1.4 
class files.  I wonder what jikes is doing that Jode can't handle...

Brian Jones wrote:
And there is a reason why I didn't use jikes to begin with... japize
barfs (jode actually) in java.applet with an

Processing package java.applet,:=Exception in thread main java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 38
This signature intentionally left boring.

  BYU student, free software programmer

Classpath mailing list

Re: Synchronization in java.util.Collections

2002-11-16 Thread Eric Blake
Dalibor Topic wrote:


I've looked over Classpath's implementation of
synchronized* methods in java.util.Collections, and I
don't understand why the synchronized wrapper classes
sync on their own specific mutex field instead of
syncing on themselves?

i.e. why not have all the wrapper methods synchronized
and drop the mutex field? That's how kaffe does it.

They sync on the specified mutex so iterators (which are different 
instances) can sync on the same mutex.  It is also essential for 
correctly implementing things like Map.subMap(), where the sub-map must 
synchronize on the original map.

This signature intentionally left boring.

  BYU student, free software programmer

Classpath mailing list

Re: package private static equals and hash methods in java.util

2002-11-16 Thread Eric Blake
Dalibor Topic wrote:


a couple of classes in java.util have the same
implementation of a static final equals and hashCode
method taking two arguments. 

What is the reason why not all the calls are delegated
to a single implementation, say
AbstractCollection.equals/hashCode instead of
duplicating the code ?

Because I was lazy - using inheritance, I could just type equals(a, b), 
instead of the full Collections.equals(a, b) if the helper methods lived 
in a single file.  Feel free to change that if you want.

This signature intentionally left boring.

  BYU student, free software programmer

Classpath mailing list

Re: build failure

2002-11-16 Thread Mark Wielaard

On Sat, 2002-11-16 at 15:46, Brian Jones wrote:
 Brian Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  I just changed the scripts to use jikes, was apparently using gcj 3.2
  before which doesn't report any error.
 And there is a reason why I didn't use jikes to begin with... japize
 barfs (jode actually) in java.applet with an

Thanks. Great datapoint. When I recompile Classpath with gcj
(3.2) then Kissme run japi is able to process nicely. But this
is strange since it does not explain why running with gij does not give
this exception when Classpath is compiled with jikes.

I still cannot process everything with Kissme since I am unable to set
the heap size with --heap (it will crash).



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