Il giorno gio, 29/04/2010 alle 22.06 -0300, Marcos Roriz ha scritto:
> Sorry for the last post, I hit enter unintentionally.
> Guys, I tried building yersteday classpath cvs and after some problems
> I got it to work :)

Parabens Marcos, é muito bom!

This means you got the first HelloWorld running? :)

> First I'll tell what I had to do to get eclipse to get out of the red
> state in errors. I copied these two files (which the wiki refers)
> to .java:
>       * classpath/gnu/classpath/
>       * classpath/gnu/java/security/
> Because the build uses the .in to configure, don' t move them (yes I
> did that :'[). Also add the jaxme jar (usually on /usr/share/java) to
> the build path (I thought that I needed antlr, am I missing something
> here?) and we go down to two errors I think, which are basically
> incompatibility with my version of jaxme.

Oh, bad eclipse... I don't use it since ages, so I can't really help
much here, but I remember this specific error. It should go away once
you do a full build from command line, because those files are generated
during the configure process (just refresh the project).

> About the build problems:
> Here's the first problem, it complains about the following errors
> (Error 1) which can be fixed with Giuseppe Scrivano patch. I wonder
> why the thread isn't showing on classpath-patch mailing list.

Mmm, we should probably get this patch in so. I'm not sure why we didn't
yet (well, perhaps nobody noticed it... :)

Pun: If you succeed in making us commit this patch, you basically
already pass the first task (revive GNU Classpath :P

> The second error is about building the web plugin. It seems that on
> ubuntu the mozilla headers are separated on two folders stable and
> unstable. The build only get the stable directory. So here we can
> upgrade to a newer version (which only have one directory) or compile
> our own xulrunner. I did an upgrade to a newer version (got lucid
> version), the error went away.

I'm not sure on that either. Andrew(s)? I think this is because of some
incompatibilities introduced by recent Firefox, if I'm not wrong, the
development of the plugin moved completely in the IcedTea project, if
that's the case, you may skip it (it's not needed for Escher anyway). If
you make it work, or you really have time for that and want to try it,
go for it, hacking is always fun, but keep in mind that is more
important to get the whole thing up and running first than having each
subsystem working properly (you need to fix GNU Classpath/Escher
integration now).

> I wonder if I can add this info on the wiki. What you guys think?

Sure, this would be great, please do it. I don't think we need to wait
your paperwork for the wiki, Mark? (please, also keep a copy of your
contributed diff for anything you do, even website/wiki changes).


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