Re: A question @Mark Wilaard (and other developer)

2006-09-07 Thread theUser BL
Now I have a little bit time, to reply to your comment (I will also write 
this reply in the forum at ).

Yeah thanks. Please also include my other replies if you see fit.


I think three different OpenSource implementations would be the worst case 
scenario, if Sun makes its Java OpenSource.
Ans I also think, that Suns sees so like I. And I think they want to make 
it OpenSource, to have _not_ three different implementations.

I disagree. Actually there are already quite a couple of (proprietary) 
implementations of the Java platform which is also fine for Sun, so why 
would it be bad for Java to have a couple more?

The diffrent proprietary implementations are based on Suns Java. So it is 
unlikly that they are more different to Suns Java, then having a completly 
new and different implementation.
Or to show it with browsers: Safari is also a proprietary browser based on 
KHTML. But it is more compatible to Konquerer then to other browsers.

Well, first thing is, the technical POV is not the only one important to 
some parties. For example, if Sun would decide to choose to license under 
GPL, that would be a problem for a reason for some parties to use Classpath 
or Harmony. Then there are already a couple of VMs that are written to use 
GNU Classpath and it is probably not trivial to port them to use Sun's 
class libraries. Then I'm sure there are even some interesting parts in GNU 
Classpath. I'm thinking about the Gnome/Cairo peers that fit better with 
common Linux platforms than the Motif based peers that Sun has.

A different you only feel if you use AWT. But if you use Swing there isn't 
much different, which peers are used.

I am not sure about GNU Crypto but my feeling is that we cover some areas 
that are not covered by Sun there (and vice versa of course).

In this case a merger would be better, I think.

In the future there could also be interesting cooperation, I am think about 
the AWT/Swing area here, where GNU Classpath could possibly focus on 
specialized peers and Swing LFs for Gnome and KDE, while Sun focuses more 
on the core or something similar. Likewise for other areas too, where 
Classpath and/or Harmony could work one implementing the glue to specific 
platforms that Sun doesn't want to care about etc etc.

Hmmm... but I still think, it would be better to use Suns Java then for 
other platforms.
There is a difference, if you have one program and port it to different 
platforms or if you use a complete new written version
For example there existing NeoOffice, which is a fork of But 
they are functional the same. But KOffice and are 
_completely_ different.
One of the reasons is, that and NeoOffice have the most parts 
the same code.

A good comparision of the different Java-implementations would be the 
situation with the different Browsers. All Internet-Browsers want to show 
the internet-sides. So all takes the same resources and wants to do the 
same with it.

I also don't think that it's a good idea to have only one browser. I am 
quite happy that there are a couple of them and that everybody can pick 
whatever he likes best. I think it's good to have IE, Mozilla, Opera, 
Konqueror etc all around. The browser situation actually is a good example 
why having several implementations is a good thing. Think when IE had a 
marketshare of 95%. This is (arguably was) a time of stagnation, 
Webdesigners forced to use ugly hacks to make their pages load etc. Having 
more then one implementation in the market produces an interesting 
competition and somewhat forces everybody involved to write code that is 

The direction, which new features browser have to implement, makes the W3C. 
Since over five years, the W3C have decided, that SVG-files can be shown in 
browsers. And how SVG files can be interact with JavaScript andf HTML.
Firefox have implemented SVG. Would Firefox the only browser, then there 
would already a lot of SVG-pictures on some sides existing. But now we must 
wait until the last browser also supports SVG.

It is also to mention, that SVG isn't fast to implement. And SVG-viewer and 
-editors are also different then browser-implementations. So there existing 
SVG-files, which you can see in Inkscape, but not with Apache Batik. Or with 
Batik, but not with Firefox. Or with Firefox, but not in KDE (KSVG). Or with 
KDE and not with GNOME (libsvg or librsvg). Or with GNOME, but not with 

So, if other browsers are also implementing SVG, there would be SVG-files, 
which you then also only on one of the browsers can see, but not on the 
other one.

And imaging, then the JCP decide, that SVG will be part of Java.
The Harmony people can make use of its Batik. Sun have in its 
Java-implementation already Apache-code, so for Suns implementation it would 
also no make problems. But Batik is neither under the GNU Classpath 

Re: A question @Mark Wilaard (and other developer)

2006-09-07 Thread Tom Tromey
 I think three different OpenSource implementations would be the
 worst case scenario, if Sun makes its Java OpenSource.

FWIW, I tend to agree overall.  Our experience merging libgcj with
classpath was that the merge improved both -- sometimes the libgcj
code was better, sometimes the classpath code was better.

Parts of the class libraries are platform dependent or worth replacing
depending on the VM or can have different implementations with
different properties.  But, most of the libraries are not like this.

In these cases I think the most desirable result is a single

And, there's nothing forcing an all-or-nothing approach; we can do as
much or as little makes sense.

That said, the details matter; cf the harmony situation.

If Sun's terms are acceptable I would consider petitioning the FSF to
let us freely merge code back and forth.  Whether this will be the
case, and whether Sun would be interested in the kind of disruption
that this might entail, remains to be seen.


Re: A question @Mark Wilaard (and other developer)

2006-09-06 Thread Chris Burdess

theUser BL wrote:
And in which part is the GNU Classpath implementation better then  
Suns implementation? (from the technical point of view, not from  
the license side) ?

You might like to look at  
which shows the XML SAX API conformance status of the GNU  
implementation versus Xerces (the parser redistributed by Sun).

Until today GNU Classpath makes sence, because it is an OpenSource  
Java-implementation and Suns Java isn't OpenSource.
And it is not only a Java-implementation it is in parts a rewrite  
of Suns Java. As i know, there is nowhere defined in any book how  
the ocean-theme looks like. Only the old metal theme is defined at
So in parts GNU Classpath is not only a implementation of what the  
JCP defines, its a rewrite of that, what Suns have done.

Yes. This vexes me greatly, when there is pressure from the community  
to reproduce a bug-for-bug compatible class library, i.e. that we  
should try to code to match Sun's implementation instead of coding a  
good, bug-free implementation of the specification. But, as you point  
out, in many cases the specification is vague or nonexistent, and  
people just want it to work and don't care about specs.

But until Sun makes its Java implementation OpenSource, then the  
situation is different.

No, I don't think so.

So I think, that - if Sun makes its Java OpenSource - it would be a  
bad thing, if then GNU Classpath and Apache Harmony still exists.

So, given that NetBSD exists, is it a bad thing that Linux and  
OpenSolaris and the Hurd exist? After all it was around long before  
these upstarts. Surely we should all be working on the One True  
Operating System™?

犬 Chris Burdess
  They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little safety
  deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: A question @Mark Wilaard (and other developer)

2006-09-06 Thread Audrius Meskauskas

Chris Burdess wrote:
Yes. This vexes me greatly, when there is pressure from the community 
to reproduce a bug-for-bug compatible class library, i.e. that we 
should try to code to match Sun's implementation instead of coding a 
good, bug-free implementation of the specification. But, as you point 
out, in many cases the specification is vague or nonexistent, and 
people just want it to work and don't care about specs.
For sure. I have the detailed tests for both our HTML parser and our 
CORBA implementations. Only part of these tests is committed to Mauve, 
as the remainder fails tragically with Sun's distribution and is not 
very desired there. These tests, however, are checking things that MUST 
work following the official OMG and W3C specifications, and in the case 
of CORBA they are not invented and written by me alone. I still silently 
check for regressions against them, despite if somebody else would start 
actively breaking such functionality, it would be difficult to argue.

Under circumstances when near any Sun's bug is a desired behavior, the 
question in which part Classpath implementation is better may look 
just inappropriate.  I really hope that after open sourcing Sun's java 
under acceptable license and with several implementations in competition 
such bugs may finally loose the undeserved status of the unofficial 


Re: A question @Mark Wilaard (and other developer)

2006-09-05 Thread theUser BL

Hi Roman.
Now I have a little bit time, to reply to your comment (I will also write 
this reply in the forum at ).

What I'd find best for Java is something like we have in the BSD world. 
Friendly competing communities, with code flowing freely in all directions. 
Something similar would be healthy for Java too, having 3 implementations 
in friendly competetion with code flowing between them as it fits.

I think three different OpenSource implementations would be the worst case 
scenario, if Sun makes its Java OpenSource.
Ans I also think, that Suns sees so like I. And I think they want to make it 
OpenSource, to have _not_ three different implementations.

I'd really like to see Sun, Harmony and Classpath developing and improving 
Java, all in their own ways and using their own methods.

And in which part is the GNU Classpath implementation better then Suns 
implementation? (from the technical point of view, not from the license 
side) ?

Of course, when GNU, Sun and Apache can get together to work on one 
implementation, that would be great, but very very unlikely. Just as 
unlikely as a Gnome-KDE merger, or a Linux/*BSD/Hurd merger, etc.

You can not compare the GNOME/KDE situation or the 
Linux/*BSD/HURD/OpenSolaris situation with the Java situation. It is 
completely different.

To want a GNOME/KDE merger is like wanting a Java/.NET merger.

The difference is, that a GNOME/KDE merker and a Java-implementations-merger 
is, that there existing only _one_ GNOME and _one_ KDE. And the programs 
written for GNOME and KDE is so only written for this one and only 
implementation. You can not parts of GNOME programs running with KDE-libs 
and the other way around.

A good comparision of the different Java-implementations would be the 
situation with the different Browsers. All Internet-Browsers want to show 
the internet-sides. So all takes the same resources and wants to do the same 
with it.

So lets look at the Browser-situation:

Ten years ago I tried to create my first homepage.
At first it was something simple. Using bbold/b, iitalic/i and other 
commands like br.
Then there comes frames, textfields and so on. But how more complex it is, 
how more differes that what the InternetExmplorer show and that what 
Netscape show.

Then there comes some gimmiks in Javascript.
Here are for example some sides with Javascript programs for the homepage:

Sorry, that I have find at the moment only this two sides. But today it 
isn't any more so much used like for some years and so there don't existing 
no longer so much sides about it.

What you see on this side is, that there is code where stand after it for 
all browsers, some code where stand only IE and some code where stand 
only Netscape.

On other sides about JavaScript, there stands how to find out, which browser 
is used and writes then with if-else commands, for every browser own code, 
so that at the result, the side was shown with both browsers similar.

Important is, that Netscape shows the side on all operating systems 
likewise. Only the IE looks different.

It is still today so, that different browsers show the sides different. In 
particular if they the homepages using Javascript or other things, which 
makes the sides a little bit more complex.

Additional we have today four different browser-rendering engines: IE, Gecko 
(Firefox, MozillaSuite/SeaMonkey, ...), KHTML (Konquerer, Safari, ...) and 

And it is not so, that only Microsoft with its IE going its own way. The 
other three browsers show also all the sides different. But the browsers 
itself showing the side on all operating systems identical. Firefox/Linux 
shows it like Firefox/Windows. Opera/Windows like Opera/Linux.

The webdesigner used and use the least lowest common denominator, so that 
all internet-sides are looking equal on all browsers. And I have heard, that 
webdisigner having all browsers installed on its system.

Today JavaScript is mentiond in association with Web 2.0 and so.
Mostly things are today written on server-side, so that the clients become 
only for the browsers easy-to-understand-sides.

Now have a look at the current situation of Java (only looking at Suns 
Java consists of a little platform-dependent part including the JVM, AWT, 
etc and a big platformindependent part including Swing, Java2D and so.

There existing programs which which run on Java 1.1, but no longer since 
Java 1.2. But the downward compatibility have also been in the last years 

The Java-developer can writes its code for Java 5 and it is very likely that 
it runs also on any other platform with Java 5.
They only must now install also Java 6 beta to look if its program running 
still on the new Java. If not, then sending a bug-report to Sun or changing 
the own program.

Until today GNU 

Re: A question @Mark Wilaard (and other developer)

2006-09-05 Thread Roman Kennke

Hi Patrick,

Now I have a little bit time, to reply to your comment (I will also 
write this reply in the forum at ).

Yeah thanks. Please also include my other replies if you see fit.

What I'd find best for Java is something like we have in the BSD 
world. Friendly competing communities, with code flowing freely in all 
directions. Something similar would be healthy for Java too, having 3 
implementations in friendly competetion with code flowing between them 
as it fits.

I think three different OpenSource implementations would be the worst 
case scenario, if Sun makes its Java OpenSource.
Ans I also think, that Suns sees so like I. And I think they want to 
make it OpenSource, to have _not_ three different implementations.

I disagree. Actually there are already quite a couple of (proprietary) 
implementations of the Java platform which is also fine for Sun, so why 
would it be bad for Java to have a couple more?

I'd really like to see Sun, Harmony and Classpath developing and 
improving Java, all in their own ways and using their own methods.

And in which part is the GNU Classpath implementation better then Suns 
implementation? (from the technical point of view, not from the license 
side) ?

Well, first thing is, the technical POV is not the only one important to 
some parties. For example, if Sun would decide to choose to license 
under GPL, that would be a problem for a reason for some parties to use 
Classpath or Harmony. Then there are already a couple of VMs that are 
written to use GNU Classpath and it is probably not trivial to port them 
to use Sun's class libraries. Then I'm sure there are even some 
interesting parts in GNU Classpath. I'm thinking about the Gnome/Cairo 
peers that fit better with common Linux platforms than the Motif based 
peers that Sun has. I am not sure about GNU Crypto but my feeling is 
that we cover some areas that are not covered by Sun there (and vice 
versa of course). In the future there could also be interesting 
cooperation, I am think about the AWT/Swing area here, where GNU 
Classpath could possibly focus on specialized peers and Swing LFs for 
Gnome and KDE, while Sun focuses more on the core or something similar. 
Likewise for other areas too, where Classpath and/or Harmony could work 
one implementing the glue to specific platforms that Sun doesn't want to 
care about etc etc.

Of course, when GNU, Sun and Apache can get together to work on one 
implementation, that would be great, but very very unlikely. Just as 
unlikely as a Gnome-KDE merger, or a Linux/*BSD/Hurd merger, etc.

You can not compare the GNOME/KDE situation or the 
Linux/*BSD/HURD/OpenSolaris situation with the Java situation. It is 
completely different.

To want a GNOME/KDE merger is like wanting a Java/.NET merger.

Ok agreed. But the comparison still holds for the different BSDs, which 
are all BSD kernels/OSes with different focus.

A good comparision of the different Java-implementations would be the 
situation with the different Browsers. All Internet-Browsers want to 
show the internet-sides. So all takes the same resources and wants to do 
the same with it.

I also don't think that it's a good idea to have only one browser. I am 
quite happy that there are a couple of them and that everybody can pick 
whatever he likes best. I think it's good to have IE, Mozilla, Opera, 
Konqueror etc all around. The browser situation actually is a good 
example why having several implementations is a good thing. Think when 
IE had a marketshare of 95%. This is (arguably was) a time of 
stagnation, Webdesigners forced to use ugly hacks to make their pages 
load etc. Having more then one implementation in the market produces an 
interesting competition and somewhat forces everybody involved to write 
code that is portable.

The very same thing holds true for Java and actually we already see the 
bad effects of the dominance of the Sun implementation, which is that 
many developers write their code against undocumented API, against Sun 
specific bugs etc etc. That wouldn't be possible when we had several 
implementations sharing the market equally.

I thinnk what you and Sun (and many other devlopers) actually care about 
is not having several implementations of the platform (which we already 
have, even outside of the Sun/GNU/Apache world), but the problem of 
keeping them together and most importantly _compatible_. That means that 
a program written against one implementation should run on other 
implementations too. (given that the program doesn't use non-public API 
and doesn't make use of bugs/special behaviour of one impl). In order to 
avoid that, Sun would need to make the TCK more open. I think this has 
already been said and I don't felt the need to repeat this. So what I 
think would be helpful for Java, Sun, and the GNU and Apache community 
is 1) a sane license to allow cooperation and code exchange and 2) 

Re: A question @Mark Wilaard (and other developer)

2006-09-05 Thread Audrius Meskauskas
And in which part is the GNU Classpath implementation better then Suns 
implementation? (from the technical point of view, not from the license 
side) ?

Grab the CORBA COST testing suite from SourceForge and try on Sun's 
implementation. This mean alone helps against this kind of pride 
tremendously. And why do you think it is difficult for us to write more 
comprehensive documentation than the plain whitespace, like in your 
org.omg.CORBA_2_3 javadoc?  Well, there are talks to drop OMG classes 
entirely as not very useful, but as long as they are present, our 
version is at least normally documented...


Re: A question @Mark Wilaard (and other developer)

2006-09-05 Thread Mario Torre
Il giorno mar, 05/09/2006 alle 18.46 +, theUser BL ha scritto:

 I think three different OpenSource implementations would be the worst case 
 scenario, if Sun makes its Java OpenSource.
 Ans I also think, that Suns sees so like I. And I think they want to make it 
 OpenSource, to have _not_ three different implementations.


My own opinions follow.

The different implementation would not be that bad, as they help to
remove fictitious barriers. There are examples in which we have to
follow bugs in the RI otherwise we would have not the same behaviour
(it's a bug or a feature, then?).

We would eventually focus on other things, as well. Gcj does native
compilation of java code. Cacao would be a good candidate to fit into
the small devices market (think about Nokia or Motorola, we would
finally have Java on the 770, for example).

This is not that bad, after all. Why we are not done that already?
Because with Sun Java (we talk about an implementation, here) being Open
Source, the whole game would now be official.

Why Sun want to Open Source Java with a GPL compatible (at least, a
community compatible) license? Just look at .Net and Mono. With m$
windoze that is a complete application server (!) for .Net. What is the
point to have Java, then? It would became just another technology in
few years...

We could give it a better integration in our environments, which is
where real and serious development is done (i.e. server market,
distributed applications, grid computing, it wasn't the net the
computer?). We could integrate it and make it a standard...  

 And in which part is the GNU Classpath implementation better then Suns 
 implementation? (from the technical point of view, not from the license 
 side) ?

From a technical point of view? Roman replied to that already, just take
a look at our Gnome/Cairo integration, or give a try to my preferences
backend, just to say what we are doing in the desktop area.

I would not call this better then Sun, but sure is what it was needed
and never come.

 You can not compare the GNOME/KDE situation or the 
 Linux/*BSD/HURD/OpenSolaris situation with the Java situation. It is 
 completely different.
 To want a GNOME/KDE merger is like wanting a Java/.NET merger.

We have this. In the desktop area it is called freedesktop. This is what
allows me to use kopete, k3b and amarok under gnome. This allow me to
use services like dbus.

In the Linux/*BSD/HURD/OpenSolaris is a set of specifications, like
Posix (just to make a name out of the heap, I'm a old school boy).

In the .Net/Java world there is project Tango (the official project)
or IKVM (more or less, run Java on top of .Net).

 So lets look at the Browser-situation:


Just to make it short, this is what a standard is made for. All the
problems with the web are when you don't follow the standards, i.e. when
you don't run you site under tidy.

 Until today GNU Classpath makes sence, because it is an OpenSource 
 Java-implementation and Suns Java isn't OpenSource.

Remember that we are talking about _one_ implementation.

 So in parts GNU Classpath is not only a implementation of what the JCP 
 defines, its a rewrite of that, what Suns have done.

To be compatible. So where is the fear about having different

IBM java and BEA java are also based on Sun Java code, to be compatible.
In what we would be different?

 But until Sun makes its Java implementation OpenSource, then the situation 
 is different.
 The advantage of GNU Classpath over Suns Java is the license. After Suns 
 Java is OpenSource, this advantage no longer exists.

The advantage of [Free JVM] + Classpath over Sun Java is that Classpath
is designed from the ground up to be part of a free os, but can be
ported easily to virtual everything.

 An additional problem would be that, what already with the browsers exists. 
 Developer would try its programs not only on Suns implementation, they also 
 must try it with GNU Classpath and Apache Harmony  ---  write once, test 

Ok, so why care about writing programs in java that need to be run on
OSX, Linux and Windows? With different laf? Why care of writing in java
at all, if the 90% pc of the planet use Windows that has already .Net
and VB?

Are you trying to say that you never write a program in java and test it
on different platform _and_ java implementations (I usually test it at
_least_ under java 1.4.2 and 1.5, and even, sure, Classpath, unless I
need special features like generics, of course)?

Said that, I think that the very first thing we will do will be port, to
Sun Java, freetype and the gtk peer, to free it even more. Do you think
this is a bad thing?

 It isn't enough, that the JCP exists and defindes how Java have to look 
 like. For the web existing also the W3C and the browser-engines are all 
 Until a special point all three Java-implementations will be equal. But 
 especially if new things would be implemented, it would inhibits the 

Re: A question @Mark Wilaard (and other developer)

2006-09-04 Thread Mark Wielaard
Hi Patrick,

On Sun, 2006-09-03 at 13:11 +, theUser BL wrote:
 Have a look at
 there I have written a qustion at Mark and other developers.
 It would be nice and I would be happy, if you answer it.

Seems you need to have to register for some sort of account on that site
to post there, but feel free to quote or redistribute my response if you

I cannot possibly hope to speak for all GNU Classpath developers since
there are just too many and GNU Classpath is really a community of
communities, lots of individuals, organizations and  projects working
together for various reasons. But I think you are right that we are
pretty flexible and accommodating. The common theme in the last 8 years
has been cooperation and respect for each others work. This also extends
to licenses, anything upward compatible with the GPL seems fine with the
community. So you are also right that either the GNU Classpath license,
GPL plus some exception, GPLv2 or v3, LGPL, BSD or MIT/X would all
encourage cooperation between groups. Non-GPL compatible licenses seem
to fragment the community and nobody wants to see an incompatible,
proprietary fork of java.

Sun has in the past chosen to use and create licenses like SISSL and
CDDL, which some say are explicitly designed to be GPL-incompatible so
as to not work together with the larger GNU/Linux community. Lets hope
they are sincere in wanting to work with the existing communities. As
soon as there is code available under a friendly license I am sure we
will see some sort of cooperation between the communities. But no code
is available atm, no license has been chosen and it isn't clear whether
Sun needs or wants help from the community with code that we can provide
for them to create a large free software platform together.



Re: A question @Mark Wilaard (and other developer)

2006-09-04 Thread Roman Kennke

Hi Patrick.

On Sun, 2006-09-03 at 13:11 +, theUser BL wrote:

Have a look at
there I have written a qustion at Mark and other developers.

IMO, it is not necessary and feasible to have The One OSS/F Java 
implementation. That's not how the Free Software model has worked in the 
past and I see no reason why it would in the future and for Java. Just 
look at the kernels, desktops, editors, etc etc, where there's always 
the question 'why not pull forces together and work on The One 
implementation'. Easy answer, there's lots of different people and 
groups involved in free software development with different goals and 
requirements, different development models, different ideals etc etc. 
And really, I think the world would not be any better with only one 
implementation of them all. AFAICS, it's apparent the having more than 
one implementation is better in most cases.

What I'd find best for Java is something like we have in the BSD world. 
Friendly competing communities, with code flowing freely in all 
directions. Something similar would be healthy for Java too, having 3 
implementations in friendly competetion with code flowing between them 
as it fits. Of course, the basic requirements for this is that all 3 
licenses allow such a scenario. It would be sad if there's only 1 or 2 
of the implementations 'inside' and the other(s) 'outside' of the Java 
community. I'd really like to see Sun, Harmony and Classpath developing 
and improving Java, all in their own ways and using their own methods. 
This could allow one party to focus on their stuff and include other 
pieces from other parties.

Of course, when GNU, Sun and Apache can get together to work on one 
implementation, that would be great, but very very unlikely. Just as 
unlikely as a Gnome-KDE merger, or a Linux/*BSD/Hurd merger, etc.

Cheers, Roman

Re: A question @Mark Wilaard (and other developer)

2006-09-04 Thread theUser BL

Seems you need to have to register for some sort of account on that site
to post there, but feel free to quote or redistribute my response if you

Yes. I have now posted also your answer in this forum (and this reply).

Sun has in the past chosen to use and create licenses like SISSL and
CDDL, which some say are explicitly designed to be GPL-incompatible so
as to not work together with the larger GNU/Linux community. Lets hope
they are sincere in wanting to work with the existing communities. As
soon as there is code available under a friendly license I am sure we
will see some sort of cooperation between the communities. But no code
is available atm, no license has been chosen and it isn't clear whether
Sun needs or wants help from the community with code that we can provide
for them to create a large free software platform together.

You are right, at the moment there is no JDK-source published by Sun.
But that is also the reason, why I write posts like this.

stands, that Sun published the first code in the next month. And when they 
publish the code, they have decided, which license they want to use (at 
fiirst only for javac and the hotspot-compiler).

Its the decision of Sun, how the license of its Java look like. But at the 
moment it seems, that they want to bring all OpenSource Java communities 

I fear, that Sun published in the next month the first codes under a 
license, for which they are have decided itself. And later GNU Classpath 
people or Apache Harmony people say: Bad license-decision. It have been 
more a license like ..., but the code under this license, we will never use 
and never work on.

All things have its time. And the time where the license of Suns Java will 
be decided is _before_ it will be published.

And thanks for the answer.
David Gilbert have also answered in the forum.
I hope your comments helps Sun to find the right license.


Re: A question @Mark Wilaard (and other developer)

2006-09-04 Thread fchoong
Interesting quote about the CDDL from /.:
Not to worry. Firefox is available under GPL. MPL was never widely used
outside of Mozilla, and that chiefly in the period before Mozilla was
widely used. At that, it's a better license than the CDDL. The CDDL
specificly allows distribution of binaries that depend on proprietary
licenses of various forms. One of the forms would make the source code
visible, and not clearly warn users that it was dependant on having
licensed certain software patents...i.e., that the end-users were liable
if they didn't properly license the patents required to use the software,
and the company could know about it and not warn you.

The MPL protected against that. The CDDL removed that protection. So, I
ask myself, *why* would Sun make such a change? (I asked Sun, too. They
never responded...which doesn't prove anything.)

So maybe Sun can take this opportunity to address Software Patents
surrounding Java?
   David Fu.

 Hi Patrick,

 On Sun, 2006-09-03 at 13:11 +, theUser BL wrote:
 Have a look at
 there I have written a qustion at Mark and other developers.

 It would be nice and I would be happy, if you answer it.

 Seems you need to have to register for some sort of account on that site
 to post there, but feel free to quote or redistribute my response if you

 I cannot possibly hope to speak for all GNU Classpath developers since
 there are just too many and GNU Classpath is really a community of
 communities, lots of individuals, organizations and  projects working
 together for various reasons. But I think you are right that we are
 pretty flexible and accommodating. The common theme in the last 8 years
 has been cooperation and respect for each others work. This also extends
 to licenses, anything upward compatible with the GPL seems fine with the
 community. So you are also right that either the GNU Classpath license,
 GPL plus some exception, GPLv2 or v3, LGPL, BSD or MIT/X would all
 encourage cooperation between groups. Non-GPL compatible licenses seem
 to fragment the community and nobody wants to see an incompatible,
 proprietary fork of java.

 Sun has in the past chosen to use and create licenses like SISSL and
 CDDL, which some say are explicitly designed to be GPL-incompatible so
 as to not work together with the larger GNU/Linux community. Lets hope
 they are sincere in wanting to work with the existing communities. As
 soon as there is code available under a friendly license I am sure we
 will see some sort of cooperation between the communities. But no code
 is available atm, no license has been chosen and it isn't clear whether
 Sun needs or wants help from the community with code that we can provide
 for them to create a large free software platform together.

