Re: Confusion on Clojure 1.0, compatible clojure-contrib, git-hub, svn, ...

2009-07-14 Thread Michael Wood

2009/7/13 Cosmin Stejerean :
> On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 2:59 PM, Laurent PETIT 
> wrote:
>> I think there could be a way to make both parts happy : rather than
>> just adding the info that it is an old repo in some README file in the
>> root directory of the svn repo, committing also an svn delete command
>> on all the contents of trunk could help clarify this : by default,
>> users checking (or updating !) trunk would have an empty working copy
>> as a result (and also just the informative README file).
>> But tags would still be there, and also the entire repository history,
>> as a svn delete is just deleting files in the commited revision, not
>> deleting the history (one could retrieve a working copy by just
>> emitting svn up -r N-1  where N would be the "deletion" commit.
> +1 on a comitting a delete of everything and adding a README file saying the
> repo has moved. We've had plenty of confusion when switching from SF with
> people running old code, and now that there are 2 repos around that are no
> longer maintained I suspect the confusion will only increase.


Michael Wood 

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Re: Why this macro fails??

2009-07-14 Thread Michael Wood

2009/7/14 Stephen C. Gilardi :
> On Jul 13, 2009, at 10:26 PM, wrote:
>> user=> (try (Integer/parseInt "x") (catch Exception _ 0))
>> 0
>> user=> (defmacro parse-int [a default] `(try (Integer/parseInt ~a)
>> (catch Except
>> ion _ ~default)))
>> #'user/parse-int
>> user=> (parse-int "x" 0)
>> java.lang.Exception: Can't bind qualified name:user/_ (NO_SOURCE_FILE:
>> 0)
> You've introduced the name _ to hold the ignored exception. Non-local names
> are "resolved" to symbols that include a namespace part: they're interpreted
> as references to vars rather than as locals.
> To introduce a local name, you need to use gensym to generate a unique
> symbol to name the local. Alternatively, you cause the "# suffix" syntax to
> request an "auto-gensym".
> This works:
>  user=> (defmacro parse-int [a default]
>  `(try (Integer/parseInt ~a)
>  (catch Exception _# ~default)))
>  #'user/parse-int
>  user=> (parse-int "123" 4)
>  123
>  user=> (parse-int "x" 4)
>  4
>  user=> (macroexpand '(parse-int "123" 4))
>  (try (Integer/parseInt "123")
>  (catch java.lang.Exception ___108__auto__ 4))
>  user=>

But, of course, there's no need for a macro here:

user=> (defn parse-int [a default]
  (try (Integer/parseInt a)
(catch Exception _ default)))
user=> (parse-int "x" 0)

Michael Wood 

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Re: Clojure 1.0.0 has been uploaded to Maven Central - Finally

2009-07-14 Thread Meikel Brandmeyer


Am 13.07.2009 um 19:12 schrieb Stefan Hübner:

just a quick update on the Maven bundle: it has finally been uploaded
and is available for your Maven based projects as
org.clojure:clojure:1.0.0:jar (groupId, artifactId, version, type).

This means that it is also avalaible for Ivy users.
So I will remove the clojure artifacts from the

Note: you don't have to change anything! The
organisation and the module names are the same
as well as the revision. I will simply remove the
mapping to the repo from the ivysettings.xml
file. So the transition should be smooth without
any change on your side.


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: Why do Enlive template functions return a seq instead of a str?

2009-07-14 Thread Christophe Grand
On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 11:26 AM, Robert Campbell  wrote:

> I need the _exact_ functionality of the "sniptest" function (which
> appears to have been removed) in production code.

sniptest lives now in
I may have been over-zealous when I moved test-related functions into
separate files.

> I am trying to
> create a decorator in compojure that will accept a response body and
> modify the styling in various ways. I can just use the old sniptest
> definition:
> (apply str (emit* ((transformation [:h1] (content "hey")) (html-src
> (:body response)
> but is there a better way? I'm also not sure what emit* does exactly.

emit* serialize one or several trees to a seq of strings.


Professional: (fr)
On Clojure: (en)

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Re: Problem with running clojure on java.

2009-07-14 Thread mmwaikar

Arghhh...this was causing me a lot of pain. Thanks for the reply.

On Jul 13, 11:54 pm, Richard Newman  wrote:
> Manoj,
> require is for Clojure libraries only.
> You probably want import:
> but note that you don't need to *load* Java libraries per se, so long  
> as they're in the classpath: import simply makes the names available  
> in the current namespace.
> You can see this for yourself:
> $ java -jar /opt/clojure/clojure.jar
> Clojure 1.1.0-alpha-SNAPSHOT
> user=> (ancestors java.util.Calendar)
> #{java.lang.Object java.lang.Cloneable java.lang.Comparable  
> user=> (import 'java.util.Calendar)
> java.util.Calendar
> user=> (= Calendar java.util.Calendar)
> true
> No loading necessary; indeed, no classpath fiddling for Calendar,  
> which is a standard Java class.
> -R
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clojure.test - Test fixtures and ordering

2009-07-14 Thread Matt Revelle

Hi group,

I recently noticed that fixtures were not being called for some tests  
in my code and it turns out (thanks, Chouser) the use of test-ns-hook  
is incompatible with fixtures.  This isn't necessarily undesirable  
behavior, but it raises an issue: does anyone want high-level support  
for grouping and ordering tests while using fixtures to setup and tear  
down test resources?

Currently, if one wishes to specify which tests are called while using  
fixtures, a test-ns-hook function needs to be implemented that  
directly calls fixtures with the appropriate tests as arguments.

The test namespace that brought the issue to my attention can be found  

In this example, the test-ns-hook would become:


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Re: Clojure 1.0.0 has been uploaded to Maven Central - Finally

2009-07-14 Thread AlamedaMike

Stefan, Meikel,

Thanks much for this. It looks very interesting.

Forgive a newb question but I just downloaded Maven for the first time
30 minutes ago. I read the "Maven in 5 minutes" doc, and executed:

mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=org.clojure  -DartifactId=clojure

followed by:

mvn package

All the tests passed. I then ran:

java -cp clojure-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar  org.clojure.App

and got "Hello World" as the output.

My expectation is that one of the first two commands would go to a
central repository and download a POM file based on the id parameter,
which would in turn supply the data necessary to download the other
dependencies necessary to build a complete set of clojure files.
However, I'm just getting the 2,092 byte clojure jar file. What am I

Thanks in advance for any help.
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Re: Can anyone help getting Enclojure to work?

2009-07-14 Thread AlamedaMike


There is a Google group for Enclojure at:

You might try there, as they have discussed similar issues recently.

On Jul 13, 6:49 pm, bruceq  wrote:
> I am having problems getting Enclojure to work properly on Netbeans
> 6.7 and also trying 6.5
> Project REPL seems to work fine.
> Most commands such as evaluate expression throw like this.
> java.lang.NullPointerException
>         at org.enclojure.ide.navigator.token_nav
> $get_namespace_node__408.invoke(token_nav.clj:171)
>         at org.enclojure.ide.nb.actions.action_handler
> $load_file_action__1401.invoke(action_handler.clj:73)
>         at clojure.lang.Var.invoke(
>         at org.enclojure.ide.nb.actions.LoadFile.performAction(
> 41)
>         at org.openide.util.actions.NodeAction$DelegateAction$
> (
>         at org.netbeans.modules.openide.util.ActionsBridge.doPerformAction
> (
> Thanks for any help,
> Bruce Q Hammond
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Re: Clojure 1.0.0 has been uploaded to Maven Central - Finally

2009-07-14 Thread Jason Sankey

Hi there,

AlamedaMike wrote:
> Stefan, Meikel,
> Thanks much for this. It looks very interesting.
> Forgive a newb question but I just downloaded Maven for the first time
> 30 minutes ago. I read the "Maven in 5 minutes" doc, and executed:
> mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=org.clojure  -DartifactId=clojure

This step doesn't actually specify that you are creating a Clojure 
project.  The groupId and artifactId here are names used in the project 
you are creating (typically they would be your own package namespace and 
the name of your project respectively).  As you have not specified the 
type of archetype, Maven has used the default 
"maven-archetype-quickstart", which creates a trivial Java project.  I'm 
not aware of any archetype for creating a Clojure project.

> followed by:
> mvn package
> All the tests passed. I then ran:
> java -cp clojure-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar  org.clojure.App
> and got "Hello World" as the output.
> My expectation is that one of the first two commands would go to a
> central repository and download a POM file based on the id parameter,
> which would in turn supply the data necessary to download the other
> dependencies necessary to build a complete set of clojure files.
> However, I'm just getting the 2,092 byte clojure jar file. What am I
> missing?

The clojure.jar file you have built here contains the trivial "Hello, 
World" Maven quickstart Java application.  It does not relate to Clojure 
at all, that is just the name you have given it.

Out of the box, Maven actually has no support for Clojure.  However, at 
this point, where you are just starting out with Maven (and when you 
might not actually need to explicitly compile your Clojure), it might be 
better to just leverage the dependency management by using the Maven Ant 
tasks from an Ant build, or use Ivy+Ant to grab the dependencies from 
the Maven repository.  That is, just use Maven or Ivy to grab the latest 
Clojure jar files and use the default on the fly compilation for your 
Clojure code.

If you do need to compile your Clojure code ahead-of-time (AOT), you 
will need a Maven plugin like:

I've not used this plugin but it appears to be in the early stages. 
There is also:

which appears to use the Maven antrun plugin to call the Clojure 
compiler, rather than implementing a full-blown Maven plugin.

Hope that helps,

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Re: clojure.test - Test fixtures and ordering

2009-07-14 Thread Stuart Sierra

On Jul 14, 9:41 am, Matt Revelle  wrote:
> I recently noticed that fixtures were not being called for some tests  
> in my code and it turns out (thanks, Chouser) the use of test-ns-hook  
> is incompatible with fixtures.  This isn't necessarily undesirable  
> behavior, but it raises an issue: does anyone want high-level support  
> for grouping and ordering tests while using fixtures to setup and tear  
> down test resources?

Hi Matt,
You're right; it doesn't work.  Fixtures were added later, long after
test-ns-hook, and I never used them together.

Something I've been meaning to do is replace "test-ns-hook" with
metadata on the namespace.  But that still won't solve the fixture

Namespace-wide fixtures ("once-fixtures") are easy -- they should just
run around the top-level test function.  That's something I can fix,
and it will be sufficient for your example.

But per-test fixtures ("each-fixtures") present a problem.  If the
fixtures are run around every test function, then they will be called
multiple times when test functions are nested.  Should they be called
just around the top-level test functions, or just around the bottom-
level test functions?  And how do you determine where the "bottom" of
the test function hierarchy is?

I don't know the answers to these questions.  So for now, my solution
is: if you want to compose tests by calling them as functions, then
you should implement your own fixtures using macros, like this:

(defmacro with-db [& body]
  `(... set-up ...
... tear-down ...)))

(deftest foo
  (with-db ...))

That way you can decide exactly where the fixture should be run.  This
is how I used to do fixtures before implementing them in the testing

-Stuart Sierra
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Re: Clojure 1.0.0 has been uploaded to Maven Central - Finally

2009-07-14 Thread Daniel E. Renfer

On Tue, 2009-07-14 at 06:58 -0700, AlamedaMike wrote: 
> Stefan, Meikel,
> Thanks much for this. It looks very interesting.
> Forgive a newb question but I just downloaded Maven for the first time
> 30 minutes ago. I read the "Maven in 5 minutes" doc, and executed:
> mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=org.clojure  -DartifactId=clojure
> followed by:
> mvn package
> All the tests passed. I then ran:
> java -cp clojure-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar  org.clojure.App
> and got "Hello World" as the output.
> My expectation is that one of the first two commands would go to a
> central repository and download a POM file based on the id parameter,
> which would in turn supply the data necessary to download the other
> dependencies necessary to build a complete set of clojure files.
> However, I'm just getting the 2,092 byte clojure jar file. What am I
> missing?
> Thanks in advance for any help.

As far as I'm aware, there is no archetype for Clojure projects just
yet. I tried making one, but my maven-fu is not quite up to snuff yet.

So, unless/until someone creates one and lets us know about it, you have
to set up the initial layout of the project manually.

What clojure being in the repository means is we can now specify a
dependency on clojure 1.0 and have maven automatically download it for
us. You will still have to install:install-file on clojure-contrib
yourself or find a repository that is hosting a version for you, but you
will only have to do that once per machine and that will be shared
amongst your projects.

I believe what you were doing was creating a new stub java project which
was overwriting (in your local repository) the clojure dependency. You
will want to replace the groupId and artifactId with your own namespace
and project name respectively, and then insert into the dependencies
section this:


You also might want to look into the clojure-maven-plugin[1] if you are
planning on doing AOT compilation of your clojure projects.

[1]: git://

Daniel E. Renfer

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Clojure Session Questions

2009-07-14 Thread Howard Lewis Ship

Seems like every time I do a Clojure talk I get questions I can't
answer.  I did an informal session last night for Portland's
Functional Programming Study Group.

Two questions came up:

First, a Haskell coder made the broad claim that other attempts at STM
did not use MVCC because it was "too slow". I responded to the effect
that Clojure HashMap's are really fast and fast to mutate (he
countered with Haskell being able to modify an unmodifiable map in
place if there's only one reference to it).  I also emphasized that
Rich is very concerned with performance and that if Clojure STM would
be implemented some other way if MVCC wasn't fast enough.

In retrospect, the right answer may have been more to the effect that
Clojure STM limits the number of mutable "slots" (the refs) to keep it
efficient.  What's the correct response here?

Secondly, I told the story about the big simulation on the Azul, and
the 20 gig of GC/sec, etc. So if you've coded your simulation really
well, do 600 cores give you a 600x speedup over a single core?  (Of
course not). Given that 10% of the cores are doing GC, how much
benefit to you get from spreading across multiple cores?  And how much
better (or worse) is Clojure at this than a typical, non-naive, Java

Howard M. Lewis Ship

Creator of Apache Tapestry
Director of Open Source Technology at Formos

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2009-07-14 Thread Justin Johnson

I've been thinking about creating something like Clojure Box for Windows Vim
users, using Meikel's wonderful VimClojure.  The first question is, does
anyone think this would be worth while?

Assuming the answer is yes...

I'm trying to decide if it makes sense to pack everything into a single
installer, or if I should assume Vim is already installed.  Here are the
options I've been considering.

1. Install Clojure, Clojure Contrib, Vim, and VimClojure all under the
single umbrella of VimClojureBox.  They would all exist in C:\Program
Files\VimClojureBox.  All jars would be installed to C:\Program
Files\VimClojureBox\jars.  clj.bat and ng-server.bat would be installed to
C:\Program Files\VimClojureBox\bin.  Vim would be installed to C:\Program
Files\VimClojureBox\vim.  The VimClojure plugin and _vimrc file would be
installed in the global location as opposed to the user's home directory.
Start > VimClojureBox would have entries for starting up Vim, Clojure REPL
(clj.bat) and Nailgun Server (ng-server.bat).  Context menus for editing in
Vim would be added as well.

2. Require that Vim is already installed.  Install Clojure, Clojure Contrib,
VimClojure .jar and .bat files to same locations as above.  Install
VimClojure plugin and _vimrc file either to the Vim installation global
location or to the user's home directory, gracefully handling existing
_vimrc and vimfiles.  Start > VimClojureBox entries for starting up Clojure
REPL and Nailgun Server.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this?  Any suggestions?


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Re: Clojure 1.0.0 has been uploaded to Maven Central - Finally

2009-07-14 Thread AlamedaMike

Jason, Daniel,

Thanks for the input. Most helpful.

I used the POM at
and was able to build and test clojure and clojure-contrib from the
sources there. He also has some good documentation. Recommended.

I was hoping not to have to dig to deeply into Maven now, but it looks
like I'll have to bite the bullet.

Thanks again.

On Jul 14, 9:15 am, "Daniel E. Renfer"  wrote:
> On Tue, 2009-07-14 at 06:58 -0700, AlamedaMike wrote:
> > Stefan, Meikel,
> > Thanks much for this. It looks very interesting.
> > Forgive a newb question but I just downloaded Maven for the first time
> > 30 minutes ago. I read the "Maven in 5 minutes" doc, and executed:
> > mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=org.clojure  -DartifactId=clojure
> > followed by:
> > mvn package
> > All the tests passed. I then ran:
> > java -cp clojure-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar  org.clojure.App
> > and got "Hello World" as the output.
> > My expectation is that one of the first two commands would go to a
> > central repository and download a POM file based on the id parameter,
> > which would in turn supply the data necessary to download the other
> > dependencies necessary to build a complete set of clojure files.
> > However, I'm just getting the 2,092 byte clojure jar file. What am I
> > missing?
> > Thanks in advance for any help.
> As far as I'm aware, there is no archetype for Clojure projects just
> yet. I tried making one, but my maven-fu is not quite up to snuff yet.
> So, unless/until someone creates one and lets us know about it, you have
> to set up the initial layout of the project manually.
> What clojure being in the repository means is we can now specify a
> dependency on clojure 1.0 and have maven automatically download it for
> us. You will still have to install:install-file on clojure-contrib
> yourself or find a repository that is hosting a version for you, but you
> will only have to do that once per machine and that will be shared
> amongst your projects.
> I believe what you were doing was creating a new stub java project which
> was overwriting (in your local repository) the clojure dependency. You
> will want to replace the groupId and artifactId with your own namespace
> and project name respectively, and then insert into the dependencies
> section this:
>   org.clojure
>   clojure
>   1.0.0
> You also might want to look into the clojure-maven-plugin[1] if you are
> planning on doing AOT compilation of your clojure projects.
> [1]: git://
> Daniel E. Renfer
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Re: VimClojureBox

2009-07-14 Thread Meikel Brandmeyer

Hi Justin,

Am 14.07.2009 um 18:25 schrieb Justin Johnson:

Does anyone have any thoughts on this?  Any suggestions?

A request for such a "VimClojureBox" came up several times.
In fact I set up a "ClojureBall" on bitbucket, but never came far.

For your options: maybe number 2?

That would allow, that a Windows Installer, a Mac Installer
and some unix thing, could be put into the same project
(VimClojure itself?). That would take away a lot of required
syncronisation: Vim upstream, VC upstream, ...

What do you think?


PS: You are invited to bring such discussions also to
the vimclojure google group if they are specific for
VimClojure. General questions can (and should) still
be discussed here, of course.

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: clojure.test - Test fixtures and ordering

2009-07-14 Thread Jarkko Oranen

On Jul 14, 6:58 pm, Stuart Sierra  wrote:
> Namespace-wide fixtures ("once-fixtures") are easy -- they should just
> run around the top-level test function.  That's something I can fix,
> and it will be sufficient for your example.
> But per-test fixtures ("each-fixtures") present a problem.  If the
> fixtures are run around every test function, then they will be called
> multiple times when test functions are nested.  Should they be called
> just around the top-level test functions, or just around the bottom-
> level test functions?  And how do you determine where the "bottom" of
> the test function hierarchy is?

I don't think ns-test-hook should really care about this. Perhaps it
would be best to consider test-ns-hook a low-level construct that can
do whatever it wants with the defined tests and fixtures, and provide
some other means for specifying which tests will be run.

Alternatively (or additionally), provide a facility for tagging tests
and defining fixtures that are run around tests with a specific tag.
Then, you could simply use a tag that has no fixtures defined:

; no explicit tag implies "each"?
(deftest test1 ...)
(deftest test2 ...)

(deftest testgroup {:fixtures 'no-fixtures}

To get the fixtures called, though, deftest probably needs to return
something like:
(def testname
  (fn [] (execute-test test-info-map; we should have the map at
this point so we can form a closure, right?
(fn [] (actual-test-content-here)))

where execute-test would by default be bound to a function that runs
whatever fixtures the test has. A custom test-ns-hook could rebind
execute-test at will.

This could all be done with fixture macros manually too of course, but
wrapping functions are probably somewhat easier to write.


PS. For whatever reason, this stuff makes me think of monads. :)

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Re: Clojure Session Questions

2009-07-14 Thread Rich Hickey

On Jul 14, 12:24 pm, Howard Lewis Ship  wrote:
> Seems like every time I do a Clojure talk I get questions I can't
> answer.  I did an informal session last night for Portland's
> Functional Programming Study Group.
> Two questions came up:
> First, a Haskell coder made the broad claim that other attempts at STM
> did not use MVCC because it was "too slow". I responded to the effect
> that Clojure HashMap's are really fast and fast to mutate (he
> countered with Haskell being able to modify an unmodifiable map in
> place if there's only one reference to it).  I also emphasized that
> Rich is very concerned with performance and that if Clojure STM would
> be implemented some other way if MVCC wasn't fast enough.
> In retrospect, the right answer may have been more to the effect that
> Clojure STM limits the number of mutable "slots" (the refs) to keep it
> efficient.  What's the correct response here?

The correct response is that most general statements about STM are not
very useful. There are tremendous variations in approach and
implementation details etc. Clojure's STM does no read tracking, and
no transaction tracking. Clojure's MVCC history is adaptive. Were all
these true for the others?

Clojure does encourage placing immutable values in refs, and thus uses
a coarser granularity than STMs that wrap every field access. Nothing
about this in in conflict with how you might use an STM in Haskell
btw, but is pretty different from most other STMs you'll see for Java,
i.e. that let you continue to mutate subfields of objects. In those
STMs there is no way to see a consistent object value except inside a
transaction and through the STM layer. In Clojure, objects are always
values and refs are just time-management tools. Ditto coarse-grained
use of STM in Haskell. Really, the bigger contrast is between FP+STM
and OO+STM.

I'm extremely skeptical of "modify an unmodifiable map in place if
there's only one reference to it" working well at all in a true
multithreaded context with any potential persistent use. Normal
Haskell data structures used shared structure just like Clojure's and
provide the same benefits, both inside and out of STM.

You'll note I am not criticizing Haskell's STM - it is a very nice
design and a good fit for Haskell. Anyone who's happy with Haskell
should stick with it. Haskell and Clojure users should just be happy
they have STMs and persistent data structures at hand.

> Secondly, I told the story about the big simulation on the Azul, and
> the 20 gig of GC/sec, etc. So if you've coded your simulation really
> well, do 600 cores give you a 600x speedup over a single core?  (Of
> course not). Given that 10% of the cores are doing GC, how much
> benefit to you get from spreading across multiple cores?  And how much
> better (or worse) is Clojure at this than a typical, non-naive, Java
> approach?

There are few general answers to such questions that hold across
anything other than a single scenario. Every application has differing
degrees of transaction footprint overlap, and transaction durations.
Applications with minimal conflicts will get the most benefit from
multicore, applications with a lot of overlap will get the least. This
is true no matter what conflict avoidance strategy you use (locks,
STM, actors). Share less and mutate less, scale more. People also need
to be cognizant of the difference between using multicore for
parallelization (get one job done faster), and for concurrency (get
more jobs done). Both ants demos are designed to demonstrate how to do
something potentially hard (many jobs, with arbitrarily overlapping
resource usage), correctly and easily.

There are higher constant-factor costs for accessing an STM-managed
reference than a field, so a single lock covering a lot of field
accesses has a better per field overhead story. Clojure sits in a good
spot with its coarser granularity - you only pay once to pull the
whole immutable object out of the ref, then you can have at it without
any STM code in the path.

Everyone who is genuinely interested in STM should try one on their
own problems and provide feedback. These theoretical discussions are
just that, theoretical. I could argue all day about why I think MVCC
STM with adaptive history, plus immutable persistent data structures,
used in a coarse-grained manner, is a good approach. Instead, I built
it, and everyone can try it.


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Clojure emacs formatting of letfn

2009-07-14 Thread Mark Engelberg

I'm using Clojure Box on Windows, corresponding to version 1.0.

I'm unhappy with the way it formats the letfn special form.  It
doesn't seem to know that this form is used for defining functions, so
the formatting doesn't look anything at all like a function
definition.  Any suggestions on how to add more sane indenting for
this form?


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Re: surprising behaviour with do, ns and def

2009-07-14 Thread Chris Kent

Hi Stuart

Thanks for the explanation, that makes sense and I very much doubt I'd
have figured that out by myself without a lot of head scratching.  And
you were right about the intern function, that does exactly what I was
looking for.


On Jul 14, 3:04 am, Stuart Sierra  wrote:
> On Jul 13, 3:58 pm, Chris Kent  wrote:
> > user=> (ns a) (def foo "foo")
> > a=> #'a/foo
> > a=>
> > If the same code is executed inside a do form the var is defined in
> > the original namespace.  I thought that the do should make no
> > difference.  Is this the intended behaviour?
> > user=> (do (ns a) (def foo "foo"))
> > #'user/foo
> > a=>
> Hi Chris,
> This involves some subtle details of how the Clojure Reader works, but
> I'll try to explain what's going on.
> In your first example, the Reader reads the (ns...) form first, then
> evaluates it, which sets the current namespace to "a".  Then the
> Reader reads the (def...) form, while it is in namespace "a".  So, to
> emphasize, we are in namespace "a" when the (def...) form is READ.
> In your second example, the Reader reads the entire (do...) form
> before anything gets evaluated.  At that time, we are still in the
> "user" namespace.  So the (def...) form gets READ in namespace "user".
> The crux is this: (def...) is a special form, so the usual rules don't
> apply.  In this case, what matters is when the (def...) form gets
> READ, not when it gets evaluated.  To get the behavior you expect, try
> the "intern" function.
> -Stuart Sierra
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Re: ANN: FnParse, a functional parsing library

2009-07-14 Thread ronen

Looks quite nice, can you tell how it compares (performance wise) to
other parsing libraries?

On Jul 6, 3:55 am, Wilson MacGyver  wrote:
> Thanks for the tip on looking at clojure.contrib. I keep forgetting to  
> check there.
> On Jul 5, 2009, at 4:20 PM, samppi  wrote:
> > If you need a JSON parser, there's already a good one included with
> > clojure.contrib. The one with the FnParse library is just a sample to
> > show how it works. But please feel free to use it however it can be
> > useful to you. :)
> > On Jul 4, 1:45 pm, Wilson MacGyver  wrote:
> >> Very timely, I need to parse a bunch on JSON files on Monday :) good
> >> work
> >> Sent from my iPhone
> >> On Jul 4, 2009, at 3:16 PM, samppi  wrote:
> >>> I'm pleased to announce FnParse, a monadic functional parsing  
> >>> library
> >>> for Clojure, half a year in the making. I started on FnParse in
> >>> December as my first Clojure project, and now it has matured to
> >>> something that I believe is very and immediately useful. Currently,
> >>> I'm writing a YAML parser using FnParse.
> >>> With FnParse, you can easily parse a string or any sequence of  
> >>> tokens
> >>> into native data structures. FnParse is based on the concept of the
> >>> rule, a self-contained function that accepts a state data structure,
> >>> containing a sequence of tokens, and either consumes some tokens--
> >>> turning them into new data--or fails. Rules correspond nicely to  
> >>> EBNF
> >>> productions and productions in other sort of grammars. FnParse
> >>> provides common rules, functions that create new rules, and  
> >>> functions
> >>> that facilitate using rules.
> >>> A sample JSON parser is at
> >>> fnparse/sample-json-parser
> >>> .
> >>> Online documentation is available at:
> >>> choi/fnparse
> >>> .
> >>> The source is at:
> >>> If you are confused about anything or find any bugs, please create  
> >>> an
> >>> issue on GitHub ( or  
> >>> send
> >>> me a message on GitHub.
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easiest JMX API ever, in Clojure...

2009-07-14 Thread Stuart Halloway

...wants your   help to be born! :-)

There is a branch in clojure-contrib that includes work so far: 
. I want feedback on ease of use, most important features to add next,  
code quality, you name it.

Here's a teaser:

   (require '[clojure.contrib.jmx :as jmx])

What beans do I have?

   (jmx/mbean-names "*:*")
   -> # (:Verbose :ObjectPendingFinalizationCount
:HeapMemoryUsage :NonHeapMemoryUsage)

What is the value of an attribute?

   (jmx/read "java.lang:type=Memory" :ObjectPendingFinalizationCount)
   -> 0

Can't I just have *all* the attributes in a Clojure map?

   (jmx/mbean "java.lang:type=Memory")
   -> {:NonHeapMemoryUsage
{:used 16674024, :max 138412032, :init 24317952, :committed  
{:used 18619064, :max 85393408, :init 0, :committed 83230720},
   :ObjectPendingFinalizationCount 0,
   :Verbose false}

Can I find and invoke an operation?

   (jmx/operation-names "java.lang:type=Memory")
   -> (:gc)
   (jmx/invoke "java.lang:type=Memory" :gc)
   -> nil

What about some other process? Just run *any* of the above code
   inside the with-connection form:

   (jmx/with-connection {:host "localhost", :port 3000}
 (jmx/mbean "java.lang:type=Memory"))
   -> {:ObjectPendingFinalizationCount 0,
   :HeapMemoryUsage ... etc.}

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Re: binding issue

2009-07-14 Thread bgray

Ok, so *if* this is intended behavior, what have people been doing to
bind variables dependant on other bindings?  I can't be the first to
run into this.


On Jul 12, 12:05 am, Tom Faulhaber  wrote:
> Looking at the clojure docs, it doesn't appear to be defined whether
> binding is a parallel (all vars are computed based on the initial
> state) or sequential (vars are computed using the new values for vars
> used in the same binding vector). A quick test shows that it appears
> to be parallel:
> (binding [a 1 b a] [a b]) => [1 nil]
> Reviewing the implementation in clojure.contrib makes it seem that is
> indeed true. It looks like all of the new values for the binding forms
> are computed before the pairs are added to a hash that is sent to
> pushThreadBindings.
> Whether this is the desired behavior is another question entirely.
> In any case, the fact that it is not documented seems like a bug,
> especially since this behavior is different from let (as you point
> out).
> Tom
> On Jul 11, 9:01 pm, bgray  wrote:
> > Is this behavior expected from binding?
> > user=> (def a nil)
> > #'user/a
> > user=> (def b nil)
> > #'user/b
> > user=> (binding [a 1 b (+ a 1)] a)
> > java.lang.NullPointerException (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
> > user=> (binding [a 1 b (+ a 1)] b)
> > java.lang.NullPointerException (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
> > user=> (let [a 1 b (+ a 1)] a)
> > 1
> > user=> (let [a 1 b (+ a 1)] b)
> > 2
> > Thanks,
> > Brandon- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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Re: easiest JMX API ever, in Clojure...

2009-07-14 Thread Howard Lewis Ship

Looks very nice; what are you planning to use JMX for?

On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 11:23 AM, Stuart
Halloway wrote:
> ...wants your   help to be born! :-)
> There is a branch in clojure-contrib that includes work so far: 
> . I want feedback on ease of use, most important features to add next,
> code quality, you name it.
> Here's a teaser:
> -
> Usage
>   (require '[clojure.contrib.jmx :as jmx])
> -
> What beans do I have?
>   (jmx/mbean-names "*:*")
>   -> #                 java.lang:type=Memory, ...]
> -
> What attributes does a bean have?
>    (jmx/attribute-names "java.lang:type=Memory")
>    -> (:Verbose :ObjectPendingFinalizationCount
>        :HeapMemoryUsage :NonHeapMemoryUsage)
> -
> What is the value of an attribute?
>   (jmx/read "java.lang:type=Memory" :ObjectPendingFinalizationCount)
>   -> 0
> -
> Can't I just have *all* the attributes in a Clojure map?
>   (jmx/mbean "java.lang:type=Memory")
>   -> {:NonHeapMemoryUsage
>        {:used 16674024, :max 138412032, :init 24317952, :committed
> 24317952},
>       :HeapMemoryUsage
>        {:used 18619064, :max 85393408, :init 0, :committed 83230720},
>       :ObjectPendingFinalizationCount 0,
>       :Verbose false}
> -
> Can I find and invoke an operation?
>   (jmx/operation-names "java.lang:type=Memory")
>   -> (:gc)
>   (jmx/invoke "java.lang:type=Memory" :gc)
>   -> nil
> -
> What about some other process? Just run *any* of the above code
>   inside the with-connection form:
>   (jmx/with-connection {:host "localhost", :port 3000}
>     (jmx/mbean "java.lang:type=Memory"))
>   -> {:ObjectPendingFinalizationCount 0,
>       :HeapMemoryUsage ... etc.}
> >

Howard M. Lewis Ship

Creator of Apache Tapestry
Director of Open Source Technology at Formos

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another binding issue?

2009-07-14 Thread bgray

I'm not sure if this is a binding issue or not.

user=> (def a 1)
user=> (binding [a 3] (filter #(= % a) '(1 2 3)))

In this case, I was expecting a list with 3 in it.

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Re: another binding issue?

2009-07-14 Thread Jarkko Oranen

On Jul 14, 10:04 pm, bgray  wrote:
> I'm not sure if this is a binding issue or not.
> user=> (def a 1)
> #'user/a
> user=> (binding [a 3] (filter #(= % a) '(1 2 3)))
> (1)
> user=>
> In this case, I was expecting a list with 3 in it.

This is a common gotcha. It's actually a laziness issue: the seq
produced by filter is realised only after it exits the binding scope,
thus producing '(1). You need to use "doall" to force the seq if you
want the binding to apply.


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Re: another binding issue?

2009-07-14 Thread Chouser

On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 3:04 PM, bgray wrote:
> I'm not sure if this is a binding issue or not.
> user=> (def a 1)
> #'user/a
> user=> (binding [a 3] (filter #(= % a) '(1 2 3)))
> (1)
> user=>
> In this case, I was expecting a list with 3 in it.

filter is lazy, and your lazy seq is "leaking" out of the
binding dynamic scope.  You must be careful with 'binding'
in the presence of delayed evaluation and threads.  This
includes lazy-seqs, delays, futures, agents, and really
closures in general.

To get your expected result, simply force the seq to be
realized before you return it, such as with doall, or put it
into a non-lazy collection, such as with vec.

user=> (binding [a 3] (doall (filter #(= % a) '(1 2 3


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Re: another binding issue?

2009-07-14 Thread bgray

That makes sense.  Thanks for the quick help!

On Jul 14, 2:40 pm, Chouser  wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 3:04 PM, bgray wrote:
> > I'm not sure if this is a binding issue or not.
> > user=> (def a 1)
> > #'user/a
> > user=> (binding [a 3] (filter #(= % a) '(1 2 3)))
> > (1)
> > user=>
> > In this case, I was expecting a list with 3 in it.
> filter is lazy, and your lazy seq is "leaking" out of the
> binding dynamic scope.  You must be careful with 'binding'
> in the presence of delayed evaluation and threads.  This
> includes lazy-seqs, delays, futures, agents, and really
> closures in general.
> To get your expected result, simply force the seq to be
> realized before you return it, such as with doall, or put it
> into a non-lazy collection, such as with vec.
> user=> (binding [a 3] (doall (filter #(= % a) '(1 2 3
> (3)
> --Chouser
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Re: another binding issue?

2009-07-14 Thread Mark Engelberg

On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 12:40 PM, Jarkko Oranen wrote:
> This is a common gotcha. It's actually a laziness issue: the seq
> produced by filter is realised only after it exits the binding scope,
> thus producing '(1). You need to use "doall" to force the seq if you
> want the binding to apply.

Yeah, but more and more I'm finding that with complex code, it can be
rather difficult to identify the parts that are lazy and the parts
that aren't.  Which makes using binding rather risky.  I've started to
refactor most of my code to avoid dynamic binding, because I'm tired
of getting burned by this gotcha.  Which is a shame.

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Re: another binding issue?

2009-07-14 Thread Aaron Cohen
I'm a little unclear on why this happens still.
#(= % a) is a closure, correct?  My understanding is that this should
capture the environment when it is defined.  Why does "the environment" not
include the current bindings?

-- Aaron

On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 4:03 PM, Mark Engelberg wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 12:40 PM, Jarkko Oranen wrote:
> > This is a common gotcha. It's actually a laziness issue: the seq
> > produced by filter is realised only after it exits the binding scope,
> > thus producing '(1). You need to use "doall" to force the seq if you
> > want the binding to apply.
> Yeah, but more and more I'm finding that with complex code, it can be
> rather difficult to identify the parts that are lazy and the parts
> that aren't.  Which makes using binding rather risky.  I've started to
> refactor most of my code to avoid dynamic binding, because I'm tired
> of getting burned by this gotcha.  Which is a shame.
> >

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Re: another binding issue?

2009-07-14 Thread Kevin Downey

closures capture lexical scope, binding creates dynamic scope. lexical
scope is where a closure is defined, dynamic is when it is called.

because filter is lazy, the closure is called outside the dynamic
scope created by binding

On Jul 14, 1:07 pm, Aaron Cohen  wrote:
> I'm a little unclear on why this happens still.
> #(= % a) is a closure, correct?  My understanding is that this should
> capture the environment when it is defined.  Why does "the environment" not
> include the current bindings?
> -- Aaron
> On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 4:03 PM, Mark Engelberg 
> wrote:
> > On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 12:40 PM, Jarkko Oranen wrote:
> > > This is a common gotcha. It's actually a laziness issue: the seq
> > > produced by filter is realised only after it exits the binding scope,
> > > thus producing '(1). You need to use "doall" to force the seq if you
> > > want the binding to apply.
> > Yeah, but more and more I'm finding that with complex code, it can be
> > rather difficult to identify the parts that are lazy and the parts
> > that aren't.  Which makes using binding rather risky.  I've started to
> > refactor most of my code to avoid dynamic binding, because I'm tired
> > of getting burned by this gotcha.  Which is a shame.
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Re: easiest JMX API ever, in Clojure...

2009-07-14 Thread Michael Wood

2009/7/14 Stuart Halloway :
> ...wants your   help to be born! :-)
> There is a branch in clojure-contrib that includes work so far: 
> . I want feedback on ease of use, most important features to add next,
> code quality, you name it.
> Here's a teaser:

I like it :)

It doesn't seem to work with Clojure 1.0:

user=> (require '[clojure.contrib.jmx :as jmx]) Could not locate
clojure/stacktrace__init.class or clojure/stacktrace.clj on classpath:

But seems to work fine in the latest snapshot (at least for the local stuff).

I've never tried this sort of thing before, but I'm trying to connect
to a JBoss instance with it and not having much luck.  I think I need
to authenticate somehow, but I have no idea how to do that.  Normally
you look at these settings through a web interface, so I'm not quite
sure what's necessary to bypass the web interface.

Thanks :)

Michael Wood 

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Re: binding issue

2009-07-14 Thread Stuart Sierra

On Jul 14, 3:01 pm, bgray  wrote:
> Ok, so *if* this is intended behavior, what have people been doing to
> bind variables dependant on other bindings?  I can't be the first to
> run into this.

Just nest multiple binding forms:
(binding [a ...]
  (binding [b ...]

Not pretty, but it does what you want.  Alternately, use "let" to set
up values sequentially, then bind them all at once.

(let [a ..., b ...]
  (binding [*a* a, *b* b] ...))

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Re: binding issue

2009-07-14 Thread Meikel Brandmeyer


Am 14.07.2009 um 21:01 schrieb bgray:

Ok, so *if* this is intended behavior, what have people been doing to
bind variables dependant on other bindings?  I can't be the first to
run into this.

I haven't run into this, but there are two obvious approaches:

(let [new-a (compute n e w a)]
  (binding [a new-a
b (inc new-a)]
[a b]))

(binding [a (comput n e w a)]
  (binding [b (inc a)]
[a b]))

I'm not sure it's intended, though. Consistency between
the let-like forms and binding would be nice.


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: clojure.test - Test fixtures and ordering

2009-07-14 Thread Stuart Sierra

On Jul 14, 1:23 pm, Jarkko Oranen  wrote:
> Perhaps it
> would be best to consider test-ns-hook a low-level construct that can
> do whatever it wants with the defined tests and fixtures, and provide
> some other means for specifying which tests will be run.

Yes, I'm leaning this way too.  If you want to control the order in
which tests run, you should also control when set-up / tear-down
occurs, and not use the fixture mechanism at all.  For example:

(defn test-ns-hook
  ... global set-up ...
  ... global tear-down ...)

(deftest test-group-one
  ... set-up specific to group one ...

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Clojure Workshop in London next Monday

2009-07-14 Thread Alex Scordellis

Next Monday evening we're hosting a Clojure Workshop at the
ThoughtWorks offices in central London.

This will be an introductory workshop where I hope that we'll all
start to learn Clojure together. I'll present a quick introduction to
what's interesting and different about Clojure, then we'll run a
coding dojo to explore the language by implementing a simple program

I'm aiming this event primarily at those who've started dabbling with
Clojure or are interested in getting started. You won't need any
previous experience with Clojure or any Lisp to get involved, but more
experienced hands will be very welcome to guide us through the
learning experience.

All the info, including sign up link, here

Hope to see some of you there,


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Accessing dynamic and lexical bindings

2009-07-14 Thread Tim Snyder

I'm trying to determine if there is a way to gain access to the
dynamic and lexical bindings tables at both run-time and compile-
time.  In general this seems like a bad idea, but I'd like to be able
to modify the evaluation environment while performing compile-time
partial evaluation.  Last night I played around with clojure.lang.Var/
find and clojure.lang.Namespace.getMappings which appeared to let me
access the dynamic scope.  I went further, digging into the .java code
and found the static field clojure.lang.Compiler/LOCAL_ENV, which if
accessed during macro expansion time contains the lexical bindings.  I
know from experimenting that an exception is thrown if you attempt to
evaluate a lexical variable during compilation time (makes sense):

(let [x 5] (clojure.contrib.macros/const x))

doesn't work (which makes sense since 5 could be anything).

So, is there a way to access the dynamic and lexical bindings
directly, at compile time or run time?  If not, are there any
shortcuts around implementing my own tables and performing

-- Tim

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Re: VimClojureBox

2009-07-14 Thread Justin Johnson
> For your options: maybe number 2?
> That would allow, that a Windows Installer, a Mac Installer
> and some unix thing, could be put into the same project
> (VimClojure itself?). That would take away a lot of required
> syncronisation: Vim upstream, VC upstream, ...
> What do you think?

That sounds reasonable to me.  I would only be able to work on the Windows
installer but I'd be willing to collaborate with others to incorporate other
installers into the project.

I have setup as a place holder
for the project.

> Sincerely
> Meikel
> PS: You are invited to bring such discussions also to
> the vimclojure google group if they are specific for
> VimClojure. General questions can (and should) still
> be discussed here, of course.

I didn't notice there was a vimclojure group defined.  I've joined it now
and will carry on the conversation there.


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Re: another binding issue?

2009-07-14 Thread Mark Engelberg

It almost seems like what you want is for lazy data structures to
close over the dynamic vars that have been modified from their root
bindings at the time the lazy data structure is created.  Seems like
coming up with well-defined semantics for this would be an interesting
research problem, and if done properly, could end up matching people's
intuition and being a lot more useful than the current awkwardness of
the way that vars and laziness interact.

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Re: ANN: FnParse, a functional parsing library

2009-07-14 Thread samppi

I haven't compared it directly to any other parsing libraries, but I'd
surmise that it'll be slower than more optimized libraries, especially
Java ones.

Currently, the optimizations that the library has is that it lazily
evaluates both rules (in the conc and alt forms) and token sequences.
At this moment, I'm also working on a memoization rule maker, which
hopefully would make parsers work in polynomial time.

On Jul 14, 11:21 am, ronen  wrote:
> Looks quite nice, can you tell how it compares (performance wise) to
> other parsing libraries?
> On Jul 6, 3:55 am, Wilson MacGyver  wrote:
> > Thanks for the tip on looking at clojure.contrib. I keep forgetting to
> > check there.
> > On Jul 5, 2009, at 4:20 PM, samppi  wrote:
> > > If you need a JSON parser, there's already a good one included with
> > > clojure.contrib. The one with the FnParse library is just a sample to
> > > show how it works. But please feel free to use it however it can be
> > > useful to you. :)
> > > On Jul 4, 1:45 pm, Wilson MacGyver  wrote:
> > >> Very timely, I need to parse a bunch on JSON files on Monday :) good
> > >> work
> > >> Sent from my iPhone
> > >> On Jul 4, 2009, at 3:16 PM, samppi  wrote:
> > >>> I'm pleased to announce FnParse, a monadic functional parsing
> > >>> library
> > >>> for Clojure, half a year in the making. I started on FnParse in
> > >>> December as my first Clojure project, and now it has matured to
> > >>> something that I believe is very and immediately useful. Currently,
> > >>> I'm writing a YAML parser using FnParse.
> > >>> With FnParse, you can easily parse a string or any sequence of
> > >>> tokens
> > >>> into native data structures. FnParse is based on the concept of the
> > >>> rule, a self-contained function that accepts a state data structure,
> > >>> containing a sequence of tokens, and either consumes some tokens--
> > >>> turning them into new data--or fails. Rules correspond nicely to
> > >>> EBNF
> > >>> productions and productions in other sort of grammars. FnParse
> > >>> provides common rules, functions that create new rules, and
> > >>> functions
> > >>> that facilitate using rules.
> > >>> A sample JSON parser is at
> > >>> fnparse/sample-json-parser
> > >>> .
> > >>> Online documentation is available at:
> > >>> choi/fnparse
> > >>> .
> > >>> The source is at:
> > >>> If you are confused about anything or find any bugs, please create
> > >>> an
> > >>> issue on GitHub ( or
> > >>> send
> > >>> me a message on GitHub.
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Re: another binding issue?

2009-07-14 Thread Kevin Downey

this is how you do it:

user=> (def a 0)
user=> (binding [a 1] (map #(+ % a) (range 5)))
(0 1 2 3 4)
user=> (binding [a 1] (let [a a] (map #(+ a %) (range 5
(1 2 3 4 5)

you capture the dynamic scope in the lexical scope so the closure can
close over it.

dunno how applicable this is to more complex uses of binding

On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 6:09 PM, Mark Engelberg wrote:
> It almost seems like what you want is for lazy data structures to
> close over the dynamic vars that have been modified from their root
> bindings at the time the lazy data structure is created.  Seems like
> coming up with well-defined semantics for this would be an interesting
> research problem, and if done properly, could end up matching people's
> intuition and being a lot more useful than the current awkwardness of
> the way that vars and laziness interact.
> >

And what is good, Phaedrus,
And what is not good—
Need we ask anyone to tell us these things?

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Re: Clojure emacs formatting of letfn

2009-07-14 Thread Phil Hagelberg

Mark Engelberg  writes:

> I'm unhappy with the way it formats the letfn special form.  It
> doesn't seem to know that this form is used for defining functions, so
> the formatting doesn't look anything at all like a function
> definition.  Any suggestions on how to add more sane indenting for
> this form?

I haven't used letfn; could you give an example of how it's formatted
and how you think it should be formatted?


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Re: Clojure emacs formatting of letfn

2009-07-14 Thread Mark Engelberg

On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 7:15 PM, Phil Hagelberg wrote:
> I haven't used letfn; could you give an example of how it's formatted
> and how you think it should be formatted?
> -Phil

This is a total nonsense function, just to show formatting (will it
even show up in googlegroups with the proper formatting?):

(defn test-letfn [n]
  [(function1 [a b]
  (+ (function2 a) sqr-n))
   (function2 [a]
  (* 2 3))]
(function1 8 10)))

The bracket under the letfn is indented a couple spaces more than I'd
probably prefer, but that's not really what bothers me.  The bodies of
the functions are indented WAY too much.

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Re: Clojure emacs formatting of letfn

2009-07-14 Thread Phil Hagelberg

Mark Engelberg  writes:

> This is a total nonsense function, just to show formatting (will it
> even show up in googlegroups with the proper formatting?):
> (defn test-letfn [n]
>   (letfn
>   [(function1 [a b]
>   (+ (function2 a) sqr-n))
>(function2 [a]
>   (* 2 3))]
> (function1 8 10)))
> The bracket under the letfn is indented a couple spaces more than I'd
> probably prefer, but that's not really what bothers me.  The bodies of
> the functions are indented WAY too much.

I see. The way I usually see let-forms is having the argument list start
on the same line as the "let" itself, which would look like:

> (defn test-letfn [n]
>   (letfn [(function1 [a b]
>  (+ (function2 a) sqr-n))
>   (function2 [a]
>  (* 2 3))]
>(function1 8 10)))

The problem with the function bodies is that the fact that "function1"
starts a new function is impossible to determine without looking at the
greater context, that being the fact that it's within the binding vector
of a letfn. I'm sure it's possible to solve this, but it's rather beyond

It's unclear (to me at least) what letfn offers you over regular let,
since functions are just values anyway:

> (let [f2 (fn [a]
>(* 2 3))
>   f1 (fn [a b]
>(+ (f2 a) 99))]
> (f1 8 10))

Sure this is a contrived example, but the indentation works fine here
since it knows that "fn" means function. Is the only advantage the fact
that you can put f1 before f2?


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Re: Clojure emacs formatting of letfn

2009-07-14 Thread Richard Newman

> The bracket under the letfn is indented a couple spaces more than I'd
> probably prefer, but that's not really what bothers me.  The bodies of
> the functions are indented WAY too much.

Incidentally, VimClojure gets the second part wrong, too (though it  
gets the first correct).

Indenting 4 additional spaces on every line to try to trick Google  
Groups, the output is:

 (defn test-letfn [n]
 [(function1 [a b]
 (+ (function2 a) sqr-n))
  (function2 [a]
 (* 2 3))]
 (function1 8 10)))

I think it should be

 (defn test-letfn [n]
 [(function1 [a b]
(+ (function2 a) sqr-n))
  (function2 [a]
(* 2 3))]
 (function1 8 10)))

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Re: Clojure emacs formatting of letfn

2009-07-14 Thread Richard Newman

> It's unclear (to me at least) what letfn offers you over regular let,
> since functions are just values anyway:

let has sequential binding; letfn makes the names of each function  
available in all of them. This allows for mutual recursion, amongst  
other things. (Presumably there are some compiler tricks available in  
the future, too -- the compiler knows about arglists, return types,  
that these are functions, etc. etc.)

letfn is equivalent to Common Lisp's LABELS. Binding function objects  
to names in let is equivalent to nested FLETs.

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Re: Clojure emacs formatting of letfn

2009-07-14 Thread Mark Engelberg

On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 7:46 PM, Phil Hagelberg wrote:
> I see. The way I usually see let-forms is having the argument list start
> on the same line as the "let" itself, which would look like:
>> (defn test-letfn [n]
>>   (letfn [(function1 [a b]
>>                      (+ (function2 a) sqr-n))
>>           (function2 [a]
>>                      (* 2 3))]
>>    (function1 8 10)))

When the function bodies are complex, you really want them to start
off as far to the left as possible, which is why I would start the
left bracket on the next line.  Also, it allows you to put in comment
lines explaining what the function does -- another important thing for
complex functions..

> It's unclear (to me at least) what letfn offers you over regular let,
> since functions are just values anyway:

In my silly example, nothing.  But if the functions are mutually
recursive, you can't do that with let.

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Re: VimClojureBox

2009-07-14 Thread e
i vote for zero config, option 1.

On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 12:25 PM, Justin Johnson wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been thinking about creating something like Clojure Box for Windows
> Vim users, using Meikel's wonderful VimClojure.  The first question is, does
> anyone think this would be worth while?
> Assuming the answer is yes...
> I'm trying to decide if it makes sense to pack everything into a single
> installer, or if I should assume Vim is already installed.  Here are the
> options I've been considering.
> 1. Install Clojure, Clojure Contrib, Vim, and VimClojure all under the
> single umbrella of VimClojureBox.  They would all exist in C:\Program
> Files\VimClojureBox.  All jars would be installed to C:\Program
> Files\VimClojureBox\jars.  clj.bat and ng-server.bat would be installed to
> C:\Program Files\VimClojureBox\bin.  Vim would be installed to C:\Program
> Files\VimClojureBox\vim.  The VimClojure plugin and _vimrc file would be
> installed in the global location as opposed to the user's home directory.
> Start > VimClojureBox would have entries for starting up Vim, Clojure REPL
> (clj.bat) and Nailgun Server (ng-server.bat).  Context menus for editing in
> Vim would be added as well.
> 2. Require that Vim is already installed.  Install Clojure, Clojure
> Contrib, VimClojure .jar and .bat files to same locations as above.  Install
> VimClojure plugin and _vimrc file either to the Vim installation global
> location or to the user's home directory, gracefully handling existing
> _vimrc and vimfiles.  Start > VimClojureBox entries for starting up Clojure
> REPL and Nailgun Server.
> Does anyone have any thoughts on this?  Any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Justin
> >

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Re: Clojure 1.0.0 has been uploaded to Maven Central - Finally

2009-07-14 Thread Mark Derricutt
It shouldn't be hard to create a clojure archetype actually, now that
clojures in the main repo, if I get a compiled version of my
clojure-maven-plugin in a public repository somewhere I could easily make an
archetype that combines the two, with a ready to run clojure project.

I think I have a new weekend project ;-)


On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 2:47 AM, Jason Sankey  wrote:

> "maven-archetype-quickstart", which creates a trivial Java project.  I'm
> not aware of any archetype for creating a Clojure project.

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