(= (list {'a 42}) '({'a 42})) => false ???

2015-09-26 Thread Chris Cornelison
Anyone know why these evaluate differently and are not equal?

$lein repl
nREPL server started on port 56056 on host - 
REPL-y 0.3.5, nREPL 0.2.6
Clojure 1.6.0
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_31-b13
Docs: (doc function-name-here)
  (find-doc "part-of-name-here")
  Source: (source function-name-here)
 Javadoc: (javadoc java-object-or-class-here)
Exit: Control+D or (exit) or (quit)
 Results: Stored in vars *1, *2, *3, an exception in *e

user=> (list {'a 42})
({a 42})
user=> '({'a 42})
({(quote a) 42})
user=> (= (list {'a 42}) '({'a 42}))

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No recent activity for core.async?

2015-09-26 Thread Rafik NACCACHE
core.async didn't move since more than a year.

Is any new release coming soon? I actually use this library intensively,
and the fact it is staying alpha for more than a year starts giving me some
shivers :)

Thank you for any updates !!

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Re: No recent activity for core.async?

2015-09-26 Thread Gary Verhaegen
That question has been asked recently and the official answer was that a
new release is coming "soon". There was no promise that the next release
would get the project out of alpha, though.

On Saturday, 26 September 2015, Rafik NACCACHE 

> core.async didn't move since more than a year.
> Is any new release coming soon? I actually use this library intensively,
> and the fact it is staying alpha for more than a year starts giving me some
> shivers :)
> Thank you for any updates !!
> --
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Re: Lazy Sequence Results in Stack Overflow

2015-09-26 Thread Gary Verhaegen
Primes are hard, because you essentially need to track all previous primes.

Here's one way to think about what you're doing here. First, you
create a lazy sequence of infinite numbers from 3 and up. This is done
by building a cons cell with 3 as the head and (iterate inc 4) as the

Then you filter that. From now on, every time you want the next
element, you'll have to run two functons: inc and odd?, plus some
extra processing for iterate and filter which both build up an
intermediate lazy seq.

Then you call sieve, which yet again builds up a new lazy seq that
accumulates more functions on its tail: assoc-nth, drop-while and a
recursive call to sieve. And assoc-nth itself still wraps a bunch of
other functions on your tail.

Now, the crucial part here is that most of these functions never go
away: for each new element that you compute, you add additional
function calls to each subsequent element. So that getting the 5th
element requires more additional elements than getting the 4th.

In some way, you have chosen to encode your list of previous primes as
accumulated functions. By the 500th prime, you have some much
accumulated functions that your call stack itself blows the stack.

With your implementation, on my computer, I only get about 300:

(defn num-primes
  (try (doall prime-seq)
   (catch StackOverflowError e
 (count prime-seq

=> (time (num-primes primes))
"Elapsed time: 62385.706564 msecs"

A slightly more direct approach to the sieve (though arguably not a
true sieve), which has the same problem, in a more obvious way, would

(defn filter-primes
  (let [helper (fn helper [n]
 (lazy-seq (cons n (remove #(zero? (mod % n))
   (helper (inc n))]
(helper 2)))

=> (time (max-prime (filter-primes)))
"Elapsed time: 472.078328 msecs"

Two things to note:

* I've turned the sequence into a defn instead of a def. This makes it
possible to not hold onto the head. Since we get a stack overflow
around 300 integers here, this is no biggie, but it's a good practice
when defining potentially very long lazy seqs.
* It should be much more clear here that each prime is adding a call
to remove: whereas the 2 gets returned directly, the 3 has to go
through a mod 2 operation, then a remove function has to check that it
returned false. Similarly, the 5 will, in this very naive
implementation, need to check that it is not divisible by either 2, 3,
or 4, so we now have a "stack" of three remove functions to go

A closer implementation to yours would be:

(defn filter-primes2
  (let [sieve (fn [ls]
(let [p (first ls)]
(cons p (remove #(zero? (mod % p)) ls)]
(sieve (iterate inc 2

=> (time (num-primes (filter-primes2)))
"Elapsed time: 59021.93554 msecs"

However, storing "primes found so far" into a stack of functions is
not very efficient (in either memory or computation), and the sieve
only really shines when it's used on vectors of known length (because
then there's no division), not on lazy seqs of potentially infinite
length. Here's an attempt to combine the advantages of the sieve with
lazy seqs:

(defn array-sieve
  (let [sieve (fn [n]
(let [a (long-array n)]
  (loop [idx 0]
(when (< idx n)
  (aset-long a idx (+ 2 idx))
  (recur (inc idx
  (loop [idx 0]
(when (and (< idx n)
   (not= 0 (aget a idx)))
  (let [v (aget a idx)]
(loop [idx2 (+ idx v)]
  (when (< idx2 n)
(aset-long a idx2 0)
(recur (+ v idx2))
(when (< idx n)
  (recur (inc idx
  (vec (remove zero? a
generator (fn [[prev-idx known-primes prev-prime]]
(let [next-idx (inc prev-idx)
  known-primes (if (< next-idx (count known-primes))
 (loop [n (* 2 next-idx)]
   (let [k (sieve n)]
 (if (> (count k) next-idx)

(recur (* 2 n))
  next-prime (get known-primes next-idx)]
  [next-idx known-primes next-prime]))]
(->> [0 [2] 2]
 (iterate generator)
 (map last

=> (time (nth (array-sieve) (dec 10)))
"Elapsed time: 13454.668724 msecs"

(You can check e.g. here that this is correct:
https://primes.utm.edu/nthprime/index.php#nth; the dec is there
because this website counts from 1, and nth from 0)

This is of course much more complex, but it's also much 

Re: (= (list {'a 42}) '({'a 42})) => false ???

2015-09-26 Thread Lars Andersen
You can see it if you read:

user=> (read-string "(= (list {'a 42}) '({'a 42}))") 
;;=> (= (list {(quote a) 42}) (quote ({(quote a) 42})))

If you remove it:

user=> (= (list {'a 42}) '({a 42})) 
;;=> true

On Saturday, September 26, 2015 at 3:12:44 PM UTC+2, Chris Cornelison wrote:
> Anyone know why these evaluate differently and are not equal?
> $lein repl
> nREPL server started on port 56056 on host - nrepl://
> REPL-y 0.3.5, nREPL 0.2.6
> Clojure 1.6.0
> Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.8.0_31-b13
> Docs: (doc function-name-here)
>   (find-doc "part-of-name-here")
>   Source: (source function-name-here)
>  Javadoc: (javadoc java-object-or-class-here)
> Exit: Control+D or (exit) or (quit)
>  Results: Stored in vars *1, *2, *3, an exception in *e
> user=> (list {'a 42})
> ({a 42})
> user=> '({'a 42})
> ({(quote a) 42})
> user=> (= (list {'a 42}) '({'a 42}))
> false

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Re: core.typed and cider

2015-09-26 Thread Andrea Richiardi
I got a working version in my fork of emacs-live (if you happen to use it).
See here 

On Thursday, September 24, 2015 at 1:36:07 PM UTC-7, JvJ wrote:
> Hi,
> Maybe this topic has already been addressed, but if it has been, I 
> couldn't find it.
> When using cider, I tend to user C-c C-l a lot to reload my namespaces as 
> I'm writing them.
> Is there an easy way to incorporate type-checking into this process?  A 
> load-file-and-typecheck command?
> I've already tried just putting (t/check-ns) at the end of the file, but 
> this seems to cause stack overflows in some cases.
> Thanks 

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Re: core.typed and cider

2015-09-26 Thread Lars Andersen
It relies on kibit, eastwood and core.typed to provide warnings and errors. 
This means support for other dialects will be available when those projects 
add support.

On Saturday, September 26, 2015 at 12:19:03 AM UTC+2, JvJ wrote:
> Lars, thanks for telling me about squiggly-clojure.  It seems great.
> Do you know if there's a way to get it to work with cljc and/or cljs 
> files?  Currently, it only seems to work with clj files.
> On Thursday, 24 September 2015 13:36:07 UTC-7, JvJ wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Maybe this topic has already been addressed, but if it has been, I 
>> couldn't find it.
>> When using cider, I tend to user C-c C-l a lot to reload my namespaces as 
>> I'm writing them.
>> Is there an easy way to incorporate type-checking into this process?  A 
>> load-file-and-typecheck command?
>> I've already tried just putting (t/check-ns) at the end of the file, but 
>> this seems to cause stack overflows in some cases.
>> Thanks 

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suggestion for clojure.core.cache wiki

2015-09-26 Thread upgradingdave
Hi all, I used the clojure.core.cache for the first time last week and I 
think adding a note about the importance of ordering to the wiki page on 
"Composing" might help save some time for newbies like me in the future. 

I staged the suggested updates to the wiki page here: 


As I learn and use more clojure and contrib libraries I'd be happy to 
contribute back with updating documentation as much as is useful. 

What's the best way to get feedback and approval on a wiki page update like 
this? I think the wiki page is actually open for anyone to edit, but just 
wanted to check before making the edit.


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Re: Lazy Sequence Results in Stack Overflow

2015-09-26 Thread William la Forge
Why not turn this problem on its head? Have a vector of lists of prime 
factors for each i. March through this vector and for each prime factor in 
the current list, add that prime factor p to list i + p. And if i has no 
prime factors, then it is a prime itself and add it to the list at 2 * i.

So the only test for prime is if i has no prime factors as determined by 
propagating the prime factors forward, not through a mod function.

On Wednesday, September 23, 2015 at 8:14:39 PM UTC-4, Charles Reese wrote:
> I want to compute a lazy sequence of primes.
> Here is the interface:
> user=> (take 10 primes)
> (2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29)
> So far, so good.
> However, when I take 500 primes, this results in a stack overflow.
>   core.clj:  133  clojure.core/seq
>   core.clj: 2595  clojure.core/filter/fn
>   LazySeq.java:   40  clojure.lang.LazySeq/sval
>   LazySeq.java:   49  clojure.lang.LazySeq/seq
>RT.java:  484  clojure.lang.RT/seq
>   core.clj:  133  clojure.core/seq
>   core.clj: 2626  clojure.core/take/fn
>   LazySeq.java:   40  clojure.lang.LazySeq/sval
>   LazySeq.java:   49  clojure.lang.LazySeq/seq
>  Cons.java:   39  clojure.lang.Cons/next
>   LazySeq.java:   81  clojure.lang.LazySeq/next
>RT.java:  598  clojure.lang.RT/next
>   core.clj:   64  clojure.core/next
>   core.clj: 2856  clojure.core/dorun
>   core.clj: 2871  clojure.core/doall
>   core.clj: 2910  clojure.core/partition/fn
>   LazySeq.java:   40  clojure.lang.LazySeq/sval
>   LazySeq.java:   49  clojure.lang.LazySeq/seq
>RT.java:  484  clojure.lang.RT/seq
>   core.clj:  133  clojure.core/seq
>   core.clj: 2551  clojure.core/map/fn
>   LazySeq.java:   40  clojure.lang.LazySeq/sval
>   LazySeq.java:   49  clojure.lang.LazySeq/seq
>RT.java:  484  clojure.lang.RT/seq
>   core.clj:  133  clojure.core/seq
>   core.clj: 3973  clojure.core/interleave/fn
>   LazySeq.java:   40  clojure.lang.LazySeq/sval
> I'm wondering what is the problem here and, more generally, when working 
> with lazy sequences, how should I approach this class of error?
> Here is the code.
> (defn assoc-nth
>   "Returns a lazy seq of coll, replacing every nth element by val
>   Ex:
>   user=> (assoc-nth [3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10] 2 nil)
>   (3 nil 5 nil 7 nil 9 nil)
>   "
>   [coll n val]
>   (apply concat
>  (interleave
>   (map #(take (dec n) %) (partition n coll)) (repeat [val]
> (defn sieve
>   "Returns a lazy seq of primes by Eratosthenes' method
>   Ex:
>   user=> (take 4 (sieve (iterate inc 2)))
>   (2 3 5 7)
>   user=> (take 10 (sieve (iterate inc 2)))
>   (2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29)
>   "
>   [s]
>   (lazy-seq
>(if (seq s)
>  (cons (first s) (sieve
>   (drop-while nil? (assoc-nth (rest s) (first s) 
> nil
>  [])))
> (def primes
>   "Returns a lazy seq of primes
>   Ex:
>   user=> (take 10 primes)
>   (2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29)
>   "
>   (concat [2] (sieve (filter odd? (iterate inc 3)

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Re: Testing concurrency/async features with clojure.test

2015-09-26 Thread Moe Aboulkheir

Blocking at read time, within the test (via 

> If I have code in a go block or a future call, what is the best way to
> automate test coverage of that code?
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Testing concurrency/async features with clojure.test

2015-09-26 Thread Jonathon McKitrick
If I have code in a go block or a future call, what is the best way to 
automate test coverage of that code?

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