Docstrings and metadata on protocol method signatures

2018-07-09 Thread baptiste . fontaine

I tried adding :doc and :added metadata on a protocol method signature but 
found it hard to do:

;; defn-like, docstring then metadata map -> nope
(defprotocol P (foo "mydoc" {:added "1.0"} [_]))
; => CompilerException java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Parameter 
declaration missing, compiling:(/tmp/form-init3901889500037802283.clj:1:1)

;; defn-like, docstring in the metadata map -> nope

(defprotocol P (foo {:doc "mydoc" :added "1.0"} [_]))

; => CompilerException java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Parameter 
declaration missing, compiling:(/tmp/form-init3901889500037802283.clj:1:1)

;; Maybe after the arguments? -> ok for the doc
(defprotocol P (foo [_] "mydoc"))
(select-keys (meta #'foo) [:doc :added])
; => {:doc "mydoc"}

;; Let's add the :added bit -> nope
(defprotocol P (foo [_] "mydoc" {:added "1.0"}))
(select-keys (meta #'foo) [:doc :added])
; => {:doc "mydoc"}

;; Maybe both in the same map? -> nope
(defprotocol P (foo [_] {:doc "mydoc" :added "1.0"}))
(select-keys (meta #'foo) [:doc :added])
; => {:doc {:doc "mydoc" :added "1.0"}}

;; Not really. ^{} -style? -> nope
(defprotocol P (^{:doc "mydoc" :added "1.0"} foo [_]))
(select-keys (meta #'foo) [:doc :added])
; => {:doc nil :added "1.0"}

;; ^{} + after the args -> yeah!
(defprotocol P (^{:added "1.0"} foo [_] "mydoc"))
(select-keys (meta #'foo) [:doc :added])
; => {:doc "mydoc" :added "1.0"}

Is there a reason for this? I’m quite surprised using ^{:doc "..."} doesn’t 


-- Baptiste Fontaine

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[?] How to alias the ClojureScript namespaces in macros

2018-07-09 Thread Philos Kim
Refer to!topic/clojurescript/oP4qFdPRm2Q 

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[TIP] How to alias the ClojureScript namespaces in macros

2018-07-09 Thread Philos Kim
Refer to!topic/clojurescript/oP4qFdPRm2Q

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Complete Web Development Setup Using Clojure CLI Tools

2018-07-09 Thread Gary Johnson
Howdy Clojurians,

I recently started developing a new Clojure+Clojurescript web application, 
and I wanted to see if I could set up my development environment using just 
the Clojure CLI tools. After a good deal of digging around through 
tutorials on a number of different websites and a fair amount of 
experimenting, I've managed to create a very simple (IMHO) configuration 
that provides me with both development and production mode CLJS->JS 
compilation, development and production mode ring handlers, and the always 
delightful FIgwheel development environment all from just the simple 
"clojure" command. Since I haven't seen this before, I thought I'd share it 
with all of you in case it helps someone else out there who doesn't need 
(or want) all of leiningen or boot to develop a simple web app.

Here goes:

Step 1: Create your project structure like so:

├── cljsbuild.edn
├── deps.edn
├── figwheel.edn
├── resources
│   └── public
│   ├── cljs
│   ├── css
│   │ ├── style.css
│   ├── images
│   └── js
├── src
│   ├── clj
│   │   └── my_project
│   │   ├── handler.clj
│   │   ├── server.clj
│   │   ├── views.clj
│   └── cljs
│   └── my_project
│   ├── client.cljs

Step 2: Make the deps.edn file (replace :deps and my-project.server 
namespace as necessary for your project)

{:paths ["src/clj" "resources"]

 :deps {org.clojure/clojure   {:mvn/version "1.9.0"}
org.clojure/clojurescript {:mvn/version "1.10.312"}
ring  {:mvn/version "1.7.0-RC1"}
ring/ring-defaults{:mvn/version "0.3.2"}
prone {:mvn/version "1.6.0"}
compojure {:mvn/version "1.6.1"}
hiccup{:mvn/version "1.0.5"}
reagent   {:mvn/version "0.8.1"}}

 :aliases {:run{:main-opts ["-m" "my-project.server"]}
   :cljsbuild  {:extra-paths ["src/cljs"]
:main-opts ["-m" "cljs.main" "-co" "cljsbuild.edn" 
   :figwheel   {:extra-deps {org.clojure/tools.nrepl {:mvn/version 
 cider/cider-nrepl   {:mvn/version 
 com.cemerick/piggieback {:mvn/version 
:main-opts ["-e" 

Step 3: Make the cljsbuild.edn file (replace :main for your project)

{:main  "my-project.client"
 :output-to "resources/public/cljs/app.js"
 :optimizations :advanced
 :pretty-print  false}

Step 4: Make the figwheel.edn file (replace :ring-handler, :on-jsload, and 
:main for your project)

{:nrepl-port   7000
 :nrepl-middleware ["cider.nrepl/cider-middleware"
 :server-port  3000
 :ring-handler my-project.handler/development-app
 :http-server-root "public"
 :css-dirs ["resources/public/css"]
 :builds [{:id   "dev"
   :source-paths ["src/cljs"]
   :figwheel {:on-jsload "my-project.client/mount-root"}
   :compiler {:main  "my-project.client"
  :output-to "resources/public/cljs/app.js"
  :optimizations :none
  :pretty-print  true}}]}

Step 5: Write server.clj

(ns my-project.server
  (:require [ring.adapter.jetty :refer [run-jetty]]
[my-project.handler :refer [development-app production-app]])

(defonce server (atom nil))

(defn start-server! [& [port mode]]
  (reset! server
   (case mode
 "dev"  #'development-app
 "prod" #'production-app
   {:port (if port (Integer/parseInt port) 3000)
:join? false})))

(defn stop-server! []
  (when @server
(.stop @server)
(reset! server nil)))

(def -main start-server!)

Step 6: Write handler.clj

(ns my-project.handler
  (:require [ring.middleware.defaults :refer [wrap-defaults site-defaults]]
[ring.middleware.reload :refer [wrap-reload]]
[prone.middleware :refer [wrap-exceptions]]
[compojure.core :refer [defroutes GET]]
[compojure.route :refer [not-found]]
[my-project.views :refer [render-page]]))

(defroutes routes
  (GET "/" [] (render-page))
  (not-found "Not Found"))

(def development-app (wrap-reload
   (wrap-defaults #'routes site-defaults

(def production-app (wrap-defaults #'routes site-defaults))

Step 7:

Re: Complete Web Development Setup Using Clojure CLI Tools

2018-07-09 Thread Gary Johnson
Hi again, folks. Just to make it easier for everyone to use this template 
right away, I put all these files into a public git repository on Gitlab. 
Here's the URL:

Happy hacking!

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Re: What is the minimal Emacs config for practical Clojure development?

2018-07-09 Thread Sonny To
Not sure what you mean by minimum but here's instruction on setting up a 
dev environment that works for me

my emacs init.el is at 

On Monday, July 2, 2018 at 6:41:23 AM UTC+3, Austin Haas wrote:
> I don't want to use a package manager with Emacs.
> Should I launch a REPL outside of Emacs, then connect to it? Using the CLI 
> tools (i.e., from the command line: clojure -J-Dclojure.server.repl="{:port 
>  :accept clojure.core.server/repl}")?
> Can I launch a REPL from within Emacs?
> I've been using inf-clojure and clojure-mode with the following elisp in 
> my .emacs:
> (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/site-lisp/third-party/clojure-mode/")
> (require 'clojure-mode)
> (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/site-lisp/third-party/inf-clojure/")
> (load-file "~/.emacs.d/site-lisp/third-party/inf-clojure/inf-clojure.el")
> (add-hook 'clojure-mode-hook #'inf-clojure-minor-mode)
> (setf inf-clojure-lein-cmd "lein run -m clojure.main")
> and C-c C-z to start a REPL, but I get noise in the REPL, including 
> repeated prompts, and (seemingly) random linebreaks in large output.
> What's the state of the art for a simple, practical Emacs setup for 
> Clojure?

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Re: group rows on basis of value in a column in CSV with clojure

2018-07-09 Thread Christopher Small
You may want to take a look at my library semantic-csv, which lets you cast 
rows as maps instead of vectors, so that you can group-by a column name 
instead of a positional index.

On Saturday, July 7, 2018 at 11:07:50 PM UTC-7, Varun J.P wrote:
> Hi All, 
> Thanks for the tip to use (group-by last …)
> It was working fine until my csv file got updated. Now i am not sure abt 
> the number of columns in my csv. It could change in every row, but I still 
> need to group it with Heading 3 itself. 
> Example of my updated CSV is as below
> Heading1 Heading 2 Heading 3 Heading 4 Heading 5
>> abc 123 Value1 newValue 
>> def 234 Value1 anotherValue oneMoreValue
>> ghi dfgew Value1 aValue 
>> jkl 456 Value5 
>> pqr 567 Value5 
>> stu 678 value3 
>> vwx sdf value4 
>> yza 900 value4 
> Now i cant use (group-by last ...) instead i tried using  
> (group-by (nth (nth testvector 0) 2) testvector) where testvector is a 
> vector of vector but is throwing an error 
>> "ClassCastException java.lang.String cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn  
>> clojure.core/group-by/fn--7011 
>> (core.clj:6870)" 
> Can someone suggest a different approch 
> On Tuesday, July 3, 2018 at 10:42:08 PM UTC+5:30, Philipp Neumann wrote:
>> Hi.
>> This is a job for (group-by last ...)
>> Regards
>> Varun J.P  schrieb am Di., 3. Juli 2018, 19:05:
>>> My CSV file is something like the attached file which could have 'n' 
>>> number of line. I need to group by the values in the last column. 
>>> Current I believe the below code will return me a vector of vector. 
>>> (defn read-csv-file
>>>  [path]
>>>  (try
>>>(with-open [input-file (io/reader path)]
>>>  (let [a_list (doall (map (comp first clojure-csv.core/parse-csv) (
>>> line-seq input-file)))]
>>>(rest (into [] a_list
>>>(catch Exception exception (throw exception
>>> i need to iterate through this vector of vector and create a new vector 
>>> of vector containing only elements of the first group, then in next 
>>> iteration i need the second set and so on. 
>>> Example CSV 
 Heading1 Heading 2 Heading 3 
 abc 123 Value1 
 def 234 Value1 
 ghi dfgew Value1 
 jkl 456 Value5 
 pqr 567 Value5 
 stu 678 value3 
 vwx sdf value4 
 yza 900 value4 
>>> so when this CSV is parsed i will have something like 
>>> [
>>> [abc 123 Value1]
>>> [def 234 Value1]
>>> [ghi dfgew Value1]
>>> [jkl 456 Value5]
>>> [pqr 567 Value5]
>>> [stu 678 value3]
>>> [vwx sdf value4]
>>> [yza 900 value4]]
>>> So when i iterate through this i need to group the vector of vector by 
>>> the last column 
>>> so my first iteration output should be something like 
>>> [
>>> [abc 123 Value1]
>>> [def 234 Value1]
>>> [ghi dfgew Value1]]
>>> 2nd iteration should be 
>>> [
>>> [jkl 456 Value5]
>>> [pqr 567 Value5]]
>>> 3rd should be 
>>> [
>>> [stu 678 value3]] 
>>> and so on.
>>> How would i achieve this in clojure. is there any build in csv parsing 
>>> function
>>> Regards 
>>> JP
>>> -- 
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