Re: slackpocalypse?

2017-05-19 Thread 'Lee Spector' via Clojure

FWIW my research group used Slack for a while, but we switched to Discourse 
close to two years ago and have been quite happy with it 
(, although only a tiny subset is publicly 

We're a much smaller community, with different needs, but still, I can attest 
to Discourse being nice in several ways. Among other things, it seems to 
encourage more deliberative interactions than I generally see on Slack, with a 
better mix of rapid communication with longer-term documentation. 


> On May 19, 2017, at 1:01 PM, Mars0i  wrote:
> I have no opinion, but fwiw the OCaml folks began experimenting with 
> Discourse about a week ago:
> This isn't really an IRC/Slack style platform, afaics, but the discussions 
> that led up to it included concern about Slack's message limit.  (These 
> discussions can be found on the Google OCaml Aggregation list starting last 
> summer.)

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Re: Clojure as a first programming language?

2016-12-04 Thread 'Lee Spector' via Clojure
> On Dec 4, 2016, at 7:17 PM, Nathan Smutz  wrote:
> I've heard there have been some attempts at error-mesaage translators.  Does 
> anyone have a recommendation?

Colin Fleming has done some nice work on this in Cursive. 

He gave a talk on it at Clojure Conj 2015:

> If you're new to tooling, and want to try Clojure right away, I strongly 
> recomend Oakes' Nightcode.  [...] beginner-friendly parenthesis management 
> [...]

Nightcode used to be my recommendation for total newbies, and I used it in my 
courses to teach beginners. But in the current versions of Nightcode, parinfer 
is always on, which in my opinionated opinion is the antithesis of 
beginner-friendly parenthesis management. It is wonderfully clever and some 
people love it, but in my experience it's not at all beginner-friendly to 
interfere with the student's existing typing skills and expectations in the way 
that paredit does, or especially in the way that parinfer does.

I spend a fair bit of time evaluating and re-evaluating clojure environment 
options for new programmers. There are a bunch of really great tools out there, 
but from my perspective none of them currently quite nails all of the 
requirements in this area. FWIW my currently favored approach is to use a 
modified version of Gorilla REPL: But I am 
always on the hunt for better alternatives, and I am currently planning to 
revisit Proto REPL (in Atom), following a nice talk on it by Jason Gilman at 
Clojure Conj 2016:


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