Re: *print-dup* and subvec

2011-03-18 Thread Carson
Thanks Stuart.  Is that a bug that will be fixed in 1.3?  I was under the 
impression that we can rely on print-dup for serialization.  Am I wrong 
about that?


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*print-dup* and subvec

2011-03-17 Thread Carson
In Clojure 1.2, I tried this:

(binding [*print-dup* true]
(print-str (subvec [1 2 3] 1

But I get a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No matching method found: 

I had something else print-dup'ed out onto disk and when I read it back in 
it gave me that error.  I just search and replaced 
clojure.lang.APersistentVector$SubVector/create with vec in the file and 
then it was okay, I guess.

What's going on?


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Re: I'm doing something wrong with gen-class

2011-01-28 Thread Carson

Haven't tried this, but some ideas/questions in my mind:

Is it not better to use the (:gen-class :name ... :prefix ...) inside (ns) 
instead of having a separate (gen-class  ...)  outside (ns ...)?  Maybe it 
makes no difference? (dunno, but the documentation for ns suggests 

Where you have (reverse), you are calling a no-argument function named 
reverse, no?  I don't see such a function defn'ed.

Where you have :prefix rba-.  Should there be quotes around *rba-*?  Or 
does that not matter?

Sorry can't be of more help.


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Re: Creating standalone executable

2011-01-22 Thread Carson
I've given launch4j a try and it seems to 
work well for building Windows exe.  I use lein to build an uberjar and then 
use launch4j to make the exe.

Please let me know if you find something better though. :)



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Re: discussing Clojure with non-CS types

2010-11-25 Thread Carson
Curious if anyone has given Lush a try here?
It's essentially a lisp-like way to write C, with lots of integration
with libraries to do numerical computing, machine learning, etc.


On Nov 24, 5:47 pm, CuppoJava wrote:
 I must admit that even though I love Clojure and use it daily for many
 things, I don't like using it very much for my research (machine
 learning) which involves a lot of number crunching.

 The main reasons being:

 Numerical software involves a lot of array indexing, and loops, and
 not much else. Clojure's functional data structures are elegant, but
 are not quite fast enough for heavy numerical processing so I still
 need to use native arrays. And if all I'm using is native arrays, the
 java syntax for arrays is much easier on the eyes than a bunch of
 nested s-exps.

 The other reason is that Clojure emphasizes functional programming and
 discourages mutation. This is fine, as I believe well-written code is
 usually functional anyway. The problem is that bad code is usually
 easier to write in an imperative way than a functional way, and the
 ability to write bad code is important I think. It's usually a lot
 quicker to whip up a mutative hack than think through the problem and
 factor out components and be functional about the whole thing. And
 usually, in the very very early stages of programming something, when
 you don't clearly know what it is you're programming, it's nice to be
 able to whip out a quick and dirty mutative hack. And then make it
 nice and elegant and functional later on, but Clojure makes doing that
 difficult for me.


 On Nov 24, 3:12 pm, Mike Meyer mwm-keyword-googlegroups. wrote:
  On Wed, 24 Nov 2010 09:20:49 -0800 (PST)

  cej38 wrote:
   I am a physicist.  I have been using Clojure full time for the last
   year and a half.  The reasons that Rich (and most other Clojure
   evangelists) give for using Clojure, are all nice and good, but they
   point to what computer scientists think about.  If you want scientists
   and engineers to think about switching to Clojure, you need to talk to
   the concerns that they have.  Of course, there is some overlap.

  The thing is, I'm not sure it's the best choice for such people. At
  least, not yet. The LISP-like syntax means you have to explain the
  code if you publish it, a problem that some alternatives - which have
  most of your advantages - don't have. Look at Python, a descendant of
  ABC, which was designed for teaching/prototyping. It's been described
  as executable pseudo-code.

   Here are some reasons that I would give for using clojure:
   1. Most data analysis gets done by writing little programs that do
   certain tasks.  When writing in Fortran I more or less have to write a
   new program to do each task.  In clojure, I might have to write a new
   function, but I keep finding that functions that I wrote before, will
   help with these new problems.  Code re-use is much higher!  Less time

  I think this says more about your coding style than Clojure. I find
  that true in most of the languages I write in, but I structure
  programs to make it so.

   2. fewer number of parameters that need to be passed into
   subroutines.  When writing fortran/C programs, you not only need to
   pass in the data, but you also need to pass in parameters that
   describe the data.  In clojure, you usually only pass in the data.

  The same is true of Python, and most modern languages. Clojure's data
  structures - which make this possible - have been around in other
  languages for quite a while now.

   3. (related to 2) Everything is a function, thus, as long as the
   inputs and outputs are the same, you can change the internals at
   will.  This makes it super easy to try rewriting code to make it run

  The same is true of Python.

   4. Using the REPL you write fewer bugs.  In an imperative language you
   have to make a guess as to how a whole (possibly very long) subroutine
   should be written before writing it and then debug.  Using the REPL
   you start with the most basic steps of the subroutine, make sure those
   work, and then continue to build until you have something that works.

  This is also true of Python's REPL.

   5. ease of changing function calls to allow for extra stuff/
   functionality without breaking other stuff.  An example would be best
   here.  Suppose I had defined some function that worked for a specific
   (defn setzero [value]
    If value is less than 1.0E-8 setzero returns zero..
    (if (tolerance? value 1.0E-8) 0 value))

  The same is true of Python:

  def setzero(value):
      If value is less than 1.0E-8 setzero returns zero
     return 0 if tolerance_p(value, 1.0E-8) else value

   and later I decided that I would really like to use that same function
   again, but that 1.0E-8 won't work in this new case.  I can change

Re: Simple Neural Network DSL -- request for feedback

2010-11-14 Thread Carson
It might be interesting to add a Clojure frontend to Nengo.  Having
said that, Nengo is very opinionated in the sense that you have to
buy in to the kind of neural simulation Eliasmith is doing (and the
way he's doing it), which Eric may not be interested in doing.  There
are many other kinds of neural nets worthy of research besides
Eliasmith's NEF.  Still, it'd be cool to have a Clojure frontend to


On Nov 13, 4:09 pm, Ross Gayler wrote:
 You might also consider using your DSL as a frontend to the Nengo
 neural simulator (  Nengo (which is written in Java)
 has recently added a Python
 scripting interface (
 10.3389/neuro.11/007.2009/abstract).  Nengo has a lot to recommend it
 and is pretty mature, so you may save yourself a lot of effort under
 the covers - also the way Nengo conceptualises the neyworks might be
 useful feedback to your DSL design.


 On Nov 14, 5:18 am, Eric Schulte wrote:

  Hi Ross,

  #+begin_src clojure
    (let [n {:phi identity
             :accum (comp (partial reduce +) (partial map *))
             :weights [2 2 2]}]
      [(repeat 3 n) (repeat 5 n) (assoc n :weights (vec (repeat 5 1)))])

  would result in the following connection pattern



   However, for other NNs you may care about the topological organisation
   of the neurons in a 1-D, 2-D, or 3-D space in order to do things like
   connecting corresponding neurons in different layers or having the
   probability of a connection be a function of the separation of the
   neurons.  In this case, you might use a data structure representing
   the coordinates of each neuron as its key.

  Fully agreed, I'm partway through implementing what you've just
  described (at least as I understand it), in that the library now
  declares a new Graph data type which consists of a list of
  keys-Neural mappings as well as a directed edge set.  Using this new
  data type it is possible to construct, run and train arbitrarily
  connected graphs of Neural elements.  See the fourth example 

  Best -- Eric

   Ross- Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -

  Ross Gayler writes:
   On Nov 13, 9:12 am, Eric Schulte wrote:
   Albert Cardona writes:

Your neural network DSL looks great. One minor comment: why use lists
instead of sets? ...

   I used lists because I want to be able to specify a network in which (at
   least initially) all neurons in a hidden layer are identical e.g. the
   list example at

   You might want to consider maps.

  Currently I'm using maps to specify a single neuron, and I fear it would
  add complexity to have two different meanings for maps.

   For some NN models all you care about is that each neuron has a unique
   identity (in which case using an index value as a key is as good a
   solution as any).

  I'm currently using lists only for fully connected layers in a neural
  network, e.g. the following code

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Re: Simple Neural Network DSL -- request for feedback

2010-11-11 Thread Carson
Hi!  That looks interesting.  I'm curious how big a network are you
intending to experiment with?  (ie, # of layers, size of layers?).


On Nov 11, 8:17 am, Eric Schulte wrote:
 Hi Saul,

 Saul Hazledine writes:
  On Nov 10, 11:20 pm, Eric Schulte wrote:

  Inspired by cgrand's regexp example [1], I've implemented a simple DSL
  for specifying neural networks using Clojure data types.  

  This is really clear. The web page documentation is awesome.

 Great, Thanks, the web page is produced using Emacs Org-mode [1], the
 raw text source file is in the repository at [2]

  Construction of this simple language involved a number of choices as to
  where to place complexity (into the DSL or into user land), generally I
  erred on the side of leaving complexity out of the DSL resulting in
  potentially more complex usage, but in increased generality.  I'd love
  to hear any feedback on how this could be improved, simplified, or made
  more idiomatic.

  Its probably not a direction you want to go in, but when using a Lisp
  to specify the network architecture it opens up the possibility of
  using genetic programming to design a network to fit a particular
  problem. The map format doesn't fit this but, because you use
  protocols in the implementation, a list format for the DSL would allow
  genetic programming.

 Thanks for the paper link, I know GA has been used to design neural
 networks, but have not yet seen any specific examples (much less one in
 lisp and by Koza himself).  I have some experience using Clojure for
 evolutionary computation, and this is something I have been considering
 since the beginning of this NN implementation.  Now with this paper I
 have no excuse not to follow through on this impulse.

  Obviously though, their DSL is nowhere as clear and clean as yours.

 :) flattery, I doubt they had access to a lisp with protocols.

 Thanks -- Eric




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Re: Collapse some functions? (was Re: clojure.core function decision tree)

2010-11-10 Thread Carson
 rseq O(1), reverse O(n).
 peek O(1), last O(n).
 pop O(1), butlast O(n).
 get O(1), nth O(n).

I don't see that in the documentation...  If these functions aren't
collapsed, then it's better if at least (doc reverse) says something
about O(n) and see rseq.


On Nov 10, 8:16 am, Meikel Brandmeyer wrote:

 On 10 Nov., 17:09, Gary Poster wrote:

  I believe that the cost of having developers remember both rseq and reverse 
  (why can't reverse just DTRT if it is given a vector?), last and peek 
  (same), butlast and pop (same), and nth and get (same) is unnecessarily 

 Ehm. No.

 rseq O(1), reverse O(n).
 peek O(1), last O(n).
 pop O(1), butlast O(n).
 get O(1), nth O(n).

 (Where O(1) might sometimes mean O(log32 n))

 The different functions are there under different names, because they
 have different performance promises. Then peek is not equivalent to
 last. For lists it is equivalent to first.


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Re: Collapse some functions? (was Re: clojure.core function decision tree)

2010-11-10 Thread Carson
 But perhaps it should be more clear. What if there were some additional 
 structured fields for each doc entry, like performance guarantees and see 

That's a good idea.  I've found See Also sections useful in man
pages, for example.  And if performance guarantees are part of the
semantics of a function, then it's better for it to be documented in
the docstring to let people know without having to do complexity
analysis on the source.


On Nov 10, 10:40 am, Michael Gardner wrote:
 On Nov 10, 2010, at 11:36 AM, Carson wrote:

  rseq O(1), reverse O(n).
  peek O(1), last O(n).
  pop O(1), butlast O(n).
  get O(1), nth O(n).

  I don't see that in the documentation...  If these functions aren't
  collapsed, then it's better if at least (doc reverse) says something
  about O(n) and see rseq.

 The docstring for reverse does say not lazy, which implies at least O(n).

 But perhaps it should be more clear. What if there were some additional 
 structured fields for each doc entry, like performance guarantees and see 

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Re: Response

2010-07-18 Thread Carson
Hi Per,
woh, take it easy.  I don't claim to be an expert.  Thanks for showing
me that though.  It certainly didn't seem right at first, but I had
trouble figuring out the laziness in clojure, me being new to it.

Anyway, have a good weekend!

On Jul 17, 10:02 pm, Per Vognsen wrote:
 How about some common sense? The convolution algorithm everyone is
 discussing runs in O(n m) time. So your measured time would imply that
 a single of your computer's core is capable of 10 * 3,000,000^2 = 9 *
 10^14 FLOPS, or about one peta-FLOPS. That should have tipped you off
 you aren't actually measuring anything useful.

 Wrap your (convolve dxs dys) calls with (doall ...). And you will want
 to reduce the three million number to something much smaller, or
 you'll be waiting for a very long time.

 By the way, no-one actually uses this quadratic-time algorithm for
 very wide kernels. For that you use FFTs and pointwise multiplication
 (look up the convolution theorem), which yields an O(n log n)


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Re: A functional, efficient, convolution function. Is imperitive-style the answer?

2010-07-18 Thread Carson
I should add, oops, ignore what I wrote. :)



On Jul 17, 3:58 pm, Carson wrote:
 Hi, Try this:

 (defn stationary-convolve [n fs gs]
   (let [window-size (count fs)
         padding (repeat window-size 0)
         padded-gs (concat padding gs padding)
         new-center (+ n window-size)
         window-of-gs (subvec (vec padded-gs)
                              (- (inc new-center) window-size)
                              (inc new-center))
         reverse-window-fn (fn [i] (nth window-of-gs
                                                    (mod  (- -1 i) 
         reverse-window (map reverse-window-fn (range 0 window-size))]
     (reduce + (map * fs reverse-window

 (defn convolve [fs gs]
   (map #(stationary-convolve % fs gs)
        (range 0 (+ (count fs) (count gs)

 (let [xs (for [i (range 100)] (rand 100))
       ys (for [i (range 100)] (rand 100))]
   (time (dotimes [_ 3] (convolve xs ys

 Elapsed time: 2540.967482 msecs

 Seems to run pretty fast and seems to be the kind of convolution you

 Thanks for the interesting problem!


 On Jul 16, 12:57 pm, Isaac Hodes wrote:

  I posted this on StackOverflow yesterday, but to no avail: I don't
  think many people looked at it, or least I didn't get much feedback.

  I am trying to create a lazy/functional/efficient/Clojuresque function
  to carry out convolution on two lists/vectors of (ideally BigDecimals
  but that may be inefficient) doubles.

  It is turning out to be very difficult. I have four or five versions
  in my buffer right now, and none of them are acceptable. I've even
  tried a number of versions using into-array etc, e.g. mutables.

  Instead of posting a lot of links to pastie, I'm just copying the SO
  link here, where my code and the algorithms can be found.

  Right now, it seems as though this is something Clojure cannot do.
  David Nolen mentioned that the appropriate Java-interop functionality
  may come in Clojure 1.3, but aside from eschewing the functional style
  by using arrays, it seems as though there should be a better answer.
  (As an aside, where can I find out about 1.3?)

  I have a Python implementation to show how nicely it can be expressed
  in an imperitive language (though I suppose I dabbled in the
  functional style initializing my return array).

  Is it possible to do this, and do it well?

  Thank you so much, in advance.

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Re: A functional, efficient, convolution function. Is imperitive-style the answer?

2010-07-17 Thread Carson
Hi, Try this:

(defn stationary-convolve [n fs gs]
  (let [window-size (count fs)
padding (repeat window-size 0)
padded-gs (concat padding gs padding)
new-center (+ n window-size)
window-of-gs (subvec (vec padded-gs)
 (- (inc new-center) window-size)
 (inc new-center))
reverse-window-fn (fn [i] (nth window-of-gs
   (mod  (- -1 i) window-size)))
reverse-window (map reverse-window-fn (range 0 window-size))]
(reduce + (map * fs reverse-window

(defn convolve [fs gs]
  (map #(stationary-convolve % fs gs)
   (range 0 (+ (count fs) (count gs)

(let [xs (for [i (range 100)] (rand 100))
  ys (for [i (range 100)] (rand 100))]
  (time (dotimes [_ 3] (convolve xs ys

Elapsed time: 2540.967482 msecs

Seems to run pretty fast and seems to be the kind of convolution you

Thanks for the interesting problem!


On Jul 16, 12:57 pm, Isaac Hodes wrote:
 I posted this on StackOverflow yesterday, but to no avail: I don't
 think many people looked at it, or least I didn't get much feedback.

 I am trying to create a lazy/functional/efficient/Clojuresque function
 to carry out convolution on two lists/vectors of (ideally BigDecimals
 but that may be inefficient) doubles.

 It is turning out to be very difficult. I have four or five versions
 in my buffer right now, and none of them are acceptable. I've even
 tried a number of versions using into-array etc, e.g. mutables.

 Instead of posting a lot of links to pastie, I'm just copying the SO
 link here, where my code and the algorithms can be found.

 Right now, it seems as though this is something Clojure cannot do.
 David Nolen mentioned that the appropriate Java-interop functionality
 may come in Clojure 1.3, but aside from eschewing the functional style
 by using arrays, it seems as though there should be a better answer.
 (As an aside, where can I find out about 1.3?)

 I have a Python implementation to show how nicely it can be expressed
 in an imperitive language (though I suppose I dabbled in the
 functional style initializing my return array).

 Is it possible to do this, and do it well?

 Thank you so much, in advance.

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Re: Response

2010-07-17 Thread Carson
Hi David,
Would appreciate if you could try out my attempt at this [1] on your
machine.  My machine ain't as fast as yours apparently...



On Jul 17, 4:04 pm, David Nolen wrote:
 (defn ^{:static true} convolve ^doubles [^doubles xs ^doubles is]
   (let [xlen (count xs)
         ilen (count is)
         ys   (double-array (dec (+ xlen ilen)))]
     (dotimes [p xlen]
       (dotimes [q ilen]
         (let [n (+ p q), x (aget xs p), i (aget is q), y (aget ys n)]
           (aset ys n (+ (* x i) y)

 I don't think this is so bad and it can do a million points in ~400ms on my
 machine. 100,000 points in ~25ms. I don't consider this dropping to the Java
 level at all.

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Re: Response

2010-07-17 Thread Carson
Have you taken a look at my attempt at a solution (on the other/
original thread)?

I don't know if it can be called idiomatic, but it looks functional to
me, doesn't use any type hints or mutable arrays, and it seems pretty
fast.  Convolves two 100 size vectors in roughly ~600 ms I


On Jul 17, 5:44 pm, Frederick Polgardy wrote:
 This example is beside the point of the original question. It uses mutable 
 arrays. It's very much dropping to the Java level. Am I missing something?


 Science answers questions; philosophy questions answers.

 On Jul 17, 2010, at 6:04 PM, David Nolen wrote:

  (defn ^{:static true} convolve ^doubles [^doubles xs ^doubles is]
    (let [xlen (count xs)
          ilen (count is)
          ys   (double-array (dec (+ xlen ilen)))]
      (dotimes [p xlen]
        (dotimes [q ilen]
          (let [n (+ p q), x (aget xs p), i (aget is q), y (aget ys n)]
            (aset ys n (+ (* x i) y)

  I don't think this is so bad and it can do a million points in ~400ms on my 
  machine. 100,000 points in ~25ms. I don't consider this dropping to the 
  Java level at all.

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Re: Response

2010-07-17 Thread Carson
I guess different people see things differently.  I actually didn't
understand the intent of the imperative version, even though it takes
less lines I guess.  There's quite a few things called convolution.
My naive implementation was functional and pretty fast.  Turns out it
can be even faster with just a little work (still functional):

(defn point-convolve [n ^doubles fs ^doubles gs]
  (let [window-size (alength fs)
padding (repeat window-size 0.0)
padded-gs (concat padding gs padding)
window-of-gs (double-array (subvec (vec padded-gs)
   (inc n)
   (inc (+ n window-size
reverse-window-fn (fn [i] (aget window-of-gs
(mod  (- -1 i) window-size)))
reverse-window (map reverse-window-fn (range window-size))]
(reduce + (map * fs reverse-window

(defn convolve [^doubles fs ^doubles gs]
  (map #(point-convolve % fs gs)
   (range (+ (alength fs) (alength gs)

(let [dxs (double-array (for [i (range 300)] (rand 100)))
  dys (double-array (for [i (range 300)] (rand 100)))]
  (time (dotimes [_ 10] (convolve dxs dys

Elapsed time: 0.506432 msecs

Have a good weekend,

On Jul 17, 6:13 pm, Frederick Polgardy wrote:
 I think it really doesn't get any clearer than this in terms of intent. While 
 I was adept at calculus-level math 20 years ago, I've forgotten the little I 
 knew of matrices. This is the first algorithm that has communicated by visual 
 inspection (to me) exactly what a convolution is.


 Science answers questions; philosophy questions answers.

 On Jul 17, 2010, at 3:43 PM, Isaac Hodes wrote:

  double convolve(double *xs, double *is, double *ys){
   int i,j;
   for(i=0; ilen(xs); i++){
     for(j=0; jlen(is); j++){
       ys[i+j] = ys[i+j] + (xs[i]*is[j]);
   return ys;

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Re: Response

2010-07-17 Thread Carson
Thanks David.

On Jul 17, 4:58 pm, David Nolen wrote:
 I tried this, it runs in about the same amount of time as it did for you.

 On Sat, Jul 17, 2010 at 7:17 PM, Carson wrote:
  Hi David,
  Would appreciate if you could try out my attempt at this [1] on your
  machine.  My machine ain't as fast as yours apparently...



  On Jul 17, 4:04 pm, David Nolen wrote:
   (defn ^{:static true} convolve ^doubles [^doubles xs ^doubles is]
     (let [xlen (count xs)
           ilen (count is)
           ys   (double-array (dec (+ xlen ilen)))]
       (dotimes [p xlen]
         (dotimes [q ilen]
           (let [n (+ p q), x (aget xs p), i (aget is q), y (aget ys n)]
             (aset ys n (+ (* x i) y)

   I don't think this is so bad and it can do a million points in ~400ms on
   machine. 100,000 points in ~25ms. I don't consider this dropping to the
   level at all.

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Re: Clojure-based scientific paper!

2010-07-14 Thread Carson

On Jul 13, 11:56 pm, bOR_ wrote:
 Hi all,

 My first paper with results based on a clojure-build agent-based model
 is in press! If you have academic access to the journal, you can peek
 at it here:, but
 otherwise it is also available on mendeley:

 A very old and experimental version of the code is still in the files
 directory of the newsgroup (eden.clj), but I'll make some time to
 clean up the current version and drop it in the files directory as

 Several other papers using clojure are in the works as well, and by
 now I'm making heavy use of Incanter for visualization. Thanks for
 making these wonderful tools! The paper quoted above still uses
 xmgrace and inkscape.

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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-20 Thread Carson
On Jun 19, 9:02 pm, Aaron Cohen wrote:
 On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 11:22 PM, Mike Meyer wrote:

  Rob Lachlan wrote:

 Actually, Mike, your two functions work just fine.  (Equal branch).
 Mind you I checked that out over two hours ago, so this information
 might be out of date.


 On Jun 19, 6:59 pm, Mike Meyer mwm-keyword-googlegroups.

  Ok, why does this work but the fact fail? Or does the fact example still 
  fail on that build?

  The fact that this requires explanation is a pretty good argument the fact 

  (defn fact [n]
   (loop [n n r 1]
    (if (zero? n)
      (recur (dec n) (* r n)

 (The quoting in this thread is getting out-of-hand, everyone please
 reply on the bottom)

 The difference between your examples and the fact examples is that

 (inc prim) - prim


 (* prim boxed) - boxed

 In the fact example, the type of n as an initializer in the loop
 statement is unknown at compile time and thus must be boxed. The fact
 that you need to know that, is very much what some people are arguing

 The choices are to do either:

 (loop [n n r (num 1)]


 (loop [n (long n) r 1]

Or this! (on the new equal branch)

user= (defn fact [n]
 (loop [n n r 1.0]
   (if (zero? n)
 (recur (dec n) (* r n)
user= (fact 5)
user= (fact 5N)

:)  Not sure I understand why completely since I don't entirely
understand the interaction of the Clojure code,, and, but it seems a double multiplied by anything returns a
double now.  A long will be returned by multiplication only if both
arguments are long, unless you ask for auto-promoting multiplication,
in which case it always returns a Number object. If one of the
arguments to multiplication is an Object and the other a long, it
returns a Number object --- I suppose because if the Object turns out
to be a Double rather than a Long, then it has to return a Double
rather than a Long object?

So it seems like it's not enough to see a literal and think it's
initializing the variable r to be a primitive, but you'd need to know
what kind of primitive it is (long or double?), and what effect it has
on the return value of the functions they are arguments to.  Eg, by
looking at, I figured to try making r double so to force
* to return double.

This is all in theory, of course.  Whether you think it matters day-
to-day is something else.  On that note, my own code works fine on the
new equal branch.

It does concern me a little bit that to really understand what a
function or loop/recur will do, it seems I'd have to know the kind of
primitive type that the variables are initialized to, or that the
functions I call might return...


PS: how come everyone is calling throw-on-overflow unsafe now?

 Either option will make (* r n) return a primitive or boxed value of
 the appropriate type. Both versions will overflow and throw an
 exception at (fact 21).

 To have a fact that works for large numbers you need:

 (defn fact [n]
  (loop [n n r (num 1)]
    (if-not (pos? n)
      (recur (dec n) (*' r n)

 Most of the versions posted so far were broken for negative n by the way.

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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Carson
Just tried out num branch and I really like how easy it is to be
fast!  However...


(defn fact [n] (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (fact (dec n)
(defn twice-fact [n] (fact (fact n)))
(defn bad-twice-fact [n] (fact (- n fact range last inc)))

user= (fact (fact 5))
java.lang.ArithmeticException: integer overflow (NO_SOURCE_FILE:3)
user= (fact (fact 5N))
user= (twice-fact 5)
java.lang.ArithmeticException: integer overflow (NO_SOURCE_FILE:5)
user= (twice-fact 5N)
user= (bad-twice-fact 5)
java.lang.ArithmeticException: integer overflow (NO_SOURCE_FILE:7)
user= (bad-twice-fact 5N)
java.lang.ArithmeticException: integer overflow (NO_SOURCE_FILE:8)

 Don't buy it. That's the whole point of BigInt contagion. If fact and foo
 are correctly written this will work.

BigInt contagion doesn't help if in some convoluted manner a BigInt's
value is used to construct a primitive sufficiently large that later
causes an overflow.

It'd sure be nice if I could just write ((safe bad-twice-fact) 5) and
get back a BigInt.  Maybe ((safe foo) x) can ensure all arguments and
return values of function foo are boxed, and recursively, ensures
boxing of arguments and return values for all functions called by foo,
etc.  Is that possible? Would that guarantee safety?


On Jun 17, 11:35 pm, David Nolen wrote:
 On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 2:10 AM, Mark Engelberg 

  Elaborating on Anthony's explanation, let's say you call (fact (foo n)).

 This imposes too high a burden on any programmer who cares about safety.

 Don't buy it. That's the whole point of BigInt contagion. If fact and foo
 are correctly written this will work.

 (defn fact [n]
   (if (zero? n) 1N (* n (fact (dec n)

 (defn foo [n]
   (inc n))

 (fact (foo 40))
 (fact (foo 40N))

 Both work.

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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Carson
On Jun 18, 2:44 am, Christophe Grand wrote:
 With contagious bigints (let's nick name them safeints and assume
 they are not BigInteger but something à la kawa) a single N on
 literals or having all your inputs going through a safeint conversion
 would trigger safe computations (unless you try to call a static
 primitive-hinted fn but the compiler would then bark).

I think the example
(defn bad-twice-fact [n] (fact (- n fact range last inc)))
shows it takes more than safeint conversion of arguments to the
surface function to trigger safe computations.  All functions called
by the surface function needs to have their arguments converted to
bigints too, and their return values probably, just in case.  Although
I'm not sure if even that's enough without auto-promotion (if I
understand auto-promotion correctly...).  But note the example doesn't
even use any type hints or explicit conversion to primitives (the
point is the conversion may occur as a legitimate side effect of doing
something else).

*Still*, I'm in favour of fast by default, with an *easy* way to make
things safe as an option.

 Of course a rogue fn can still internally convert to primitives and
 overflow but you can't do anything to protect you from that.

 As for mixing several numebr representations in a single collection, I
 think it's a problem of normalizing data but most of the time your are
 either in safeland or in fastland so your representations will be
 homogeneous (safehints or (boxed) primitives).

 A middleground may be to keep the semantics proposed by Rich but:
 * integer literals default to safeint (unless suffixed by L for long)
 * scientific notation and decimal literals default to double (unless
 suffixed by M or N)
 * implement a better bigint.


 European Clojure Training Session: Brussels, 23-25/6
 On Clojure:

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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Carson
On Jun 18, 4:22 am, Nicolas Oury wrote:
 On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 11:47 AM, Carson wrote:
  Don't buy it. That's the whole point of BigInt contagion. If fact and foo
   are correctly written this will work.

  BigInt contagion doesn't help if in some convoluted manner a BigInt's
  value is used to construct a primitive sufficiently large that later
  causes an overflow.

  I would like to see that in real examples. And not in something that tend

 to be mainly a program that crunch numbers.
 (I think a program about numbers could take a bit of complexity to handle
  If you write a program to that generates web page, you agree to have an
 html library and not have every structure in clojure is html.)

I agree!  Sorry I have no real examples, just my contrived example.
But note the example I used isn't *that* contrived, in the sense that
it doesn't use any type hints or explicit conversion to primitives to
cause an overflow on purpose. The point is that the overflow may occur
as a legitimate side effect of doing something else, whereas it
currently will not.

And *still*, I'm in favour of fast by default, with an *easy* way to
make things safe as an option. The key is to make the safe option

 On the other hand, programs that have few number computations - mainly to
 handle a few stats and indices - but that are spread in a lot of code
 (I think most program are like that) should benefit from good performance
 without annotating all the code.

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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Carson
On Jun 18, 5:45 am, David Nolen wrote:
 On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 6:47 AM, Carson wrote:
  (defn fact [n] (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (fact (dec n)
  (defn twice-fact [n] (fact (fact n)))
  (defn bad-twice-fact [n] (fact (- n fact range last inc)))

 Not only is it contrived, under the proposal, this implementation of fact is
 broken. It needs to be fixed to:

 (defn fact [n] (if (zero? n) 1N (* n (fact (dec n)

 With that change bad-twice-fact is not actually bad.

I appreciate what you're saying, and the example above is not broken.
Recall from here:

On Jun 17, 8:00 pm, Rich Hickey wrote:
 Certainly one could write a version of fact
 that hardwired bigints as you showed. But you need not - here's the
 original naive definition:

 (defn fact [n]
(if (zero? n) 1 (* n (fact (dec n)

 Such logic that doesn't specify one of the components (in this case,
 n) is still polymorphic, as are operations with mixed components. So
 the power is in the hands of the supplier of n:

 user= (fact 10)

 user= (fact 40)
 java.lang.ArithmeticException: integer overflow

 user= (fact 40N)

 I think you can always write code in this way, such that it will work
 with any of the numeric types, without dictating.

I believe the example (which I have tried on the num branch) shows
providing a BigInt argument does not always make things safe.  That is


 As Christophe Grand has mentioned one of the main things that is be
 complained about from the BigInt supporters *is already a problem* in
 Clojure. Nothing new to see here.

 Finally having actually tried out the new branches, this is a good change
 for me. I'd like to hear more from the BigInt crowd about whether getting
 their code to work with the new branches is actually causing problems.

 So far it just seems like talk.

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Re: Enhanced Primitive Support

2010-06-18 Thread Carson
On Jun 18, 6:11 am, Rich Hickey wrote:
 On Jun 18, 2010, at 6:47 AM, Carson wrote:
  Just tried out num branch and I really like how easy it is to be
  fast!  However...


  (defn fact [n] (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (fact (dec n)
  (defn twice-fact [n] (fact (fact n)))
  (defn bad-twice-fact [n] (fact (- n fact range last inc)))

  user= (fact (fact 5))
  java.lang.ArithmeticException: integer overflow (NO_SOURCE_FILE:3)
  user= (fact (fact 5N))
  user= (twice-fact 5)
  java.lang.ArithmeticException: integer overflow (NO_SOURCE_FILE:5)
  user= (twice-fact 5N)
  user= (bad-twice-fact 5)
  java.lang.ArithmeticException: integer overflow (NO_SOURCE_FILE:7)
  user= (bad-twice-fact 5N)
  java.lang.ArithmeticException: integer overflow (NO_SOURCE_FILE:8)

  Don't buy it. That's the whole point of BigInt contagion. If fact  
  and foo
  are correctly written this will work.

  BigInt contagion doesn't help if in some convoluted manner a BigInt's
  value is used to construct a primitive sufficiently large that later
  causes an overflow.

  It'd sure be nice if I could just write ((safe bad-twice-fact) 5) and
  get back a BigInt.  Maybe ((safe foo) x) can ensure all arguments and
  return values of function foo are boxed, and recursively, ensures
  boxing of arguments and return values for all functions called by foo,
  etc.  Is that possible? Would that guarantee safety?

 While range could be written differently, this is tantamount to saying  
 - if I use a bigint to lookup another number in some mapping, it might  
 not be a bigint. Yes, ok, but not a real issue.

 Note - I don't mean to single you out, as others are using the same  
 language, but I find this whole characterization of throw-on-overflow  
 being somehow 'unsafe' to be a bit specious.

 I want it to be perfectly clear to everyone, this is not a choice  
 between good math and bad math, i.e. C/Java style truncating/wrapping  
 of results. That will never be the default. Such silent truncation/
 wrap is truly unsafe, and often the proposed alternative. It was a  
 surprising result that optimizations of hot spot, combined with  
 pipelining and speculative execution on modern processors, makes the  
 overflow checking a very minor overhead above the raw operations, and,  
 in my mind, a third, new, viable and safe high-performance option.

 Is a program that might throw an exception unsafe? If so, no Java  
 program is safe.

 Is a vector that throws an exception when asked to store something at  
 an index out of range, rather than grow to accommodate it, unsafe?  
 This is in many ways similar - you are creating a result that doesn't  
 fit, and need to be using a bigger container.

 So, let's go easy on the hyperbole. The behavior might not be what you  
 desire, but it is not unsafe.


hmm...didn't see this earlier.
You're right, it's not unsafe, it's undesired behaviour.  My mistake
describing it that way.

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Re: Complex type in clojure

2010-06-16 Thread Carson
Thanks. It's always interesting to see different notations.

On Jun 15, 4:49 pm, Travis Hoffman wrote:
 We Electrical Engineers are quite annoying in this regard, but
 historically, there is much variation out there: Python uses j,
 MATLAB accepts i or j. Apache Commons allows the user to specify the
 specific character to use, but defaults to i I believe. Eventually,
 I would suggest this be a localizable field. Please see:


 On Jun 15, 4:22 pm, James Reeves wrote:

  On 15 June 2010 23:26, Carson wrote:

   Sorry I may have missed the reason for this earlier:  What's the
   reason for allowing both 'i' and 'j' to indicate the imaginary part?
   Is the intention to also later have 'k' to support quaternions?  Just
   curious.  Thanks.

  j is used by electrical engineers to represent the imaginary part of
  a complex number, because I has already been taken to mean
  electrical current. Presumably this is the reason.

  - James

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Re: Complex type in clojure

2010-06-15 Thread Carson
Sorry I may have missed the reason for this earlier:  What's the
reason for allowing both 'i' and 'j' to indicate the imaginary part?
Is the intention to also later have 'k' to support quaternions?  Just
curious.  Thanks.


On Jun 14, 10:12 am, Travis Hoffman
 I've almost completed a Complex (and Imaginary) basic type in a fork
 of clojure. It turns out that it was a bit more effort that I had
 originally indicated. I'll save the implementation details for the
 clojure-dev group, but here is a quick run-down of the interface,
 such as it is:

 1.) Added two classes: clojure.lang.Complex  clojure.lang.Imaginary
 (These do not extend Number)
 2.) Added and modified the core java code related to the basic
 mathematical operations to allow Complex and Imaginary to
 s(cr)eamlessly integrate with the existing Number types. You can +, -,
 *, / with the existing types.
 3.) Comparison operations are not implemented for Complex  Imaginary.
 Note: The exception reported is currently a ClassCastException, which
 is the default if you try to compare anything that isn't Comparable.

 user= ( foo bar)
 java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to
 java.lang.Number (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
 user= ( 3i 4i)
 java.lang.ClassCastException: clojure.lang.Imaginary cannot be cast to
 java.lang.Number (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)

 4.) Added pattern matching for parsing complex numbers in a very
 flexible way. You can use any Number type (even ratios!) as the
 imaginary and real parts of the Complex and Imaginary numbers. The
 formatting of a complex number is natural:
 3+4i, 4/5i, 2.12+2/3i, etc. and you can prepend 'i', 'I', 'j' or 'J'
 to indicate the imaginary part. As with properly formatted doubles and
 floats, there must be no whitespace between the numbers and the '+' or
 '-' sign. The '+' or '-' in the format of a complex is not an infixed
 operator! :-)
 5.) Results of the real and imaginary parts follow Clojure conventions
 for producing Ratios:

 user= (/ 6+6i 5)
 user= (/ 6+6i -5)
 user= (/ 6+6i 5i)
 user= (/ 6+6i -5i)

 This is mostly working, but is beta. There are a few known bugs:
 1.) Parsing of floats and doubles with sign included in the mantissa
 seems to be a bit off.
 2.) 44 tests fail when I run 'ant test'
 3.) I need to create tests for correctness of operations.

 Overall, I would estimate that I'm about 80% done with a error-free
 implementation, but the basic behavior of the Complex type works. I've
 put somewhere in the neighborhood of 60 hrs into it so far, so it's
 been a relatively small effort but I've had to touch some rather
 obtuse code.

 I'm a n00b with git (but experienced with cvs and svn); I'm still
 trying to figure out how to push my local git repository changes to
 the fork I created on github. Can anyone help me there?

 The fork on git-hub is:


 I created a branch locally complex_type, and have done git commit -a
 with my changes. I can't, however, seem to push my changes back to

 ~/Projects/HackingClojure/workspace/clojure git push
 fatal: remote error:
   You can't push to git://

 Using  the recommended doesn't help:

 ~/Projects/HackingClojure/workspace/clojure git push
 Permission denied (publickey).
 fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly



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Re: Why I have chosen not to employ clojure

2010-03-23 Thread Carson
Maybe it'd be helpful to draw up several of the most common use-cases
and target those with instructions.  There are programmers new to some
combination of Lisp/Clojure/Java either wanting to just get a taste of
Clojure, or wanting to get a IDE/text editor (of their choosing) going
to program in Clojure.  There are sysadmins new to some combination of
Lisp/Clojure/Java wanting either to deploy programs written in Clojure
on a server, or to maintain a development environment on a desktop for
someone else.  Etc.

It doesn't have to be so structured I guess, but even something like
this helps (eg, see the getting started section from
# Buildng Incanter applications with Leiningen and Clojars
# Building Clojure Web applications with Incanter, Compojure, and
# Setting up Clojure, Incanter, Emacs, Slime, Swank, and Paredit
# Starting an Incanter Swank server with Leiningen

My own experience with installing Clojure wasn't at all friendly.  I
was looking for an alternative to Matlab/Octave to learn (I'm a grad
student doing machine learning stuff).  Installing Octave is one-click
easy.  All I want is to write some code in emacs and run it.  Why is
it so hard to get Clojure, Incanter, Emacs, Slime, Swank, and Paredit
to work together?  And what are these class path stuff.  ;)  I was
persistent enough to tough out the hours (!) it took to figure out
which of all the various instructions didn't work, just to find
instructions that worked; otherwise I would've went on to Sage/SciPy/


On Mar 22, 6:31 pm, Lee Spector wrote:
 I agree with Sean on the near-orthogonality of sysadmin skills and the skills 
 needed to get a lot of Clojure as a language. I have precious few of the 
 former but not   of the latter. And just today I had a very capable undergrad 
 student with programming experience in a couple of languages (but not Java), 
 starting a project for which a lisp-like language would make the most sense, 
 say that although he saw that Clojure would be great he might just work in 
 DrScheme since he could easily download it and have a functional IDE. This 
 student can definitely deal with sexpr syntax, immutable data structures, 
 iteration through recursion, concurrency etc. I've seen him learn a new 
 language and complete a really incredible project in it within a couple of 
 weeks. But cageface's instructions will only get him a REPL, and not even get 
 him contrib, the classpath details to allow him to load files, or an editor 
 that can indent properly for the language and match parentheses. Some day he 
 should probably learn enough about Java and sysadmin stuff to deal with this, 
 but right now he just wants to dig into his project which doesn't have 
 anything to do with that stuff.

 Someone else mentioned that maybe part of the problem is that there are 
 several different simple ways to get started, and this may have been part 
 of my own problem. I installed one of the emacs clojure modes from the 
 getting started page (or maybe two?) and then later tried to install slime 
 and I think they fought with each other, with elpa saying something was 
 already installed and quitting. It wasn't obvious how to start over because I 
 didn't realize that things were in my .emacs and .emacs.d (if I recall 
 correctly). And after watching one of Lau's screencasts I realized I also had 
 to put copies of clojure.jar and clojure-contrib.jar in my .emacs.d, but that 
 was not obvious to me previously...


 On Mar 22, 2010, at 5:48 PM, Sean Devlin wrote:

  There are a ton of people who are ready for dabbling with Clojure but
  aren't ready for production systems.  You'd be surprised how linearly
  independent system administration skills and software development
  skills really are.  They aren't quite orthogonal, but it's amazingly

  On Mar 22, 5:36 pm, cageface wrote:
  I'll certainly agree that it should be as easy as possible to get
  started in Clojure, but I really don't think that the kind of people
  that can't use anything without a windows installer are going to get
  very far with Clojure in any case.

  I mean, if it's too much to install java, unzip a file and run:
  java -cp clojure.jar clojure.main

  As the getting_started page suggests, what are you going to do with
  sexpr syntax, immutable data structures, iteration through recursion,
  concurrency etc? Clojure might at some point mature into the kind of
  language that has something to offer for people that need a lot more
  hand holding but clearly it's a bit of a wild west environment at the

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Re: Why I have chosen not to employ clojure

2010-03-23 Thread Carson
I second Lee's thought -- my work as a grad student is AI research,
not application development.  I'm glad I discovered Incanter's package
(three lines of instructions [1]) that allows me to run a Swank server
that I can easily connect to from Emacs (and Slime from the Emacs end
can be easily installed thru Elpa).  The part about getting Swank/
Slime easily going achieves the threshold on the editor front.

[1] from
$ git clone git://
$ cd incanter
$ mvn install

then $ bin/clj to get a repl on the terminal or $ bin/swank to start
up a swank server.

For me, if it takes more than three lines on the terminal, it's just
too much. :)

So labrepl sounds interesting from what I read here (especially as it
includes Incanter?).  It'd be great if it also has Swank as part of it
so Emacs can connect to it (or does it already?).


On Mar 23, 11:53 am, Lee Spector wrote:
 I like where this is going but I would suggest that there's a significant 
 audience (including me and most of my students) in what we might call 
 category A.01: Want to explore and even do some real work, but not 
 necessarily work involving deploying apps, connecting to databases, working 
 with third party code, or anything else that requires a full-featured 
 production environment or project management system. A working REPL with 
 access to contrib and a classpath that allows load to work (all of which I 
 can get pretty painlessly with ClojureX) is *almost* enough, but the 0.01 
 extra that makes an enormous difference is an editor with the minimal 
 functionality of clojure-aware indentation and bracket matching.

 I'm intrigued by what I've read here about labrepl, but can someone tell me 
 if it's possible that the lein installation step will mess up my existing 
 setup in any way? Not knowing anything about lein, and having had a confusing 
 time creating my setup that now works (with ClojureX + slime), I don't want 
 to endanger it. This is part of the reason that I (and I presume others who 
 have expressed similar sentiments) really like the idea of a getting 
 started package for which the installation process is literally just 
 download and double click or maybe download, unzip, and double click. 
 (And if you don't like it, throw away what you downloaded and the rest of 
 your system will be unchanged.)

 For me the functionality threshold for such a package, which would not only 
 get me started but allow me to do serious work (AI research, not application 
 development) and teach using Clojure, is: a REPL, access to contrib, a 
 classpath that lets load find my source files, and a clojure-indenting, 
 bracket-matching editor. Anything else is gravy, but most of the existing 
 getting started setups fall short of my threshold at least on the editor 


 On Mar 23, 2010, at 11:30 AM, Stuart Halloway wrote:

  I think it is important to be clear about the difference between:

  (A) exploring Clojure (non trivially, including interesting Java libraries)

  (B) deploying Clojure into production.

  I nominate the labrepl ( as a solution 
  for (A). It already includes interesting libraries (e.g. compojure, 
  incanter), and it has instructions for working with different IDEs (which I 
  hope the community will improve upon).

  I don't think there is, or needs to be, a one-size-fits-all solution for 
  (B). That's what the Java ecosystem is for. Plus, beginners don't need (B).


  So perhaps it would be worthwhile to create, like jruby, a single zip/
  tgz file containing clojure, clojure-contrib, and a reasonable bin/clj
  file that will find at least the core clojure jar files on its own? I
  don't see how you're going to actually deploy any clojure apps, or
  connect to a database, or really use any third party code at all
  without understanding how java's classpath works but at least you can
  get a REPL going.

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