Re: Monorepos with separate artifacts?

2017-05-01 Thread David McNeil
We have used a monorepo to produce multiple artifacts with lein as 
described here:


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Re: [ANN] Clojure 1.7.0-beta2

2015-04-24 Thread David McNeil
I did a real quick test on one of our projects. I had to upgrade to the 
latest compojure (seems the old version used a version of instaparse that 
wouldn't compile) but after that it seemed to work and was noticably faster.


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Re: Coding Standard - ns usage

2012-11-11 Thread David McNeil
I have not heard from anyone that is out of
date, so I take that to mean that the following is still the standard:

   Be explicit and minimalist about dependencies on other packages.
(Prefer the :only option to use and require).


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Coding Standard - ns usage

2012-11-08 Thread David McNeil
I notice the following item at 

   Be explicit and minimalist about dependencies on other packages. 
(Prefer the :only option to use and require).

The page was last edited on Mar 29, 2011 and ns usage has been discussed a 
fair bit since then... this leads to the question: 

   Is the item quoted above still the standard for Clojure Libraries?


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Re: Build Issues with Eclipse

2012-10-29 Thread David McNeil
Does this thread address your need?!searchin/clojure/local$20repository$20/clojure/1Ne8RqiffVI/aGoCPWiiCakJ


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core.match - matching missing map values

2012-05-25 Thread David McNeil
I expected this to match, but it did not.

(clojure.core.match/match [{}]
[{:x (x :when nil?)}]
[match x])
;;= nil

Instead, I was able to make this work:

(clojure.core.match/match [{}]
[{:x (x :when #(= :clojure.core.match/not-found 
[match x])
;;= [match nil]

I am curious: is this by design?

-David McNeil

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core.match - variable length match patterns

2012-05-18 Thread David McNeil
From what I can see core.match does not support matching a variable length 
series of values. For example, in a vector, match a series of 0-to-N values 
of 1 followed by a value of 2. I am interested to know whether/how 
match patterns like this would fit into core.match.

Thank you.
-David McNeil

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Re: core.match - variable length match patterns

2012-05-18 Thread David McNeil
On Friday, May 18, 2012 9:59:40 AM UTC-5, David Nolen wrote:

 It sounds like you're describing searching for a pattern?

Yes, I think that sounds right. I am not sure how that fits into the 
core.match picture.

-David McNeil

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Re: Trickiness with protocols and extends (1.3.0)

2011-10-29 Thread David McNeil
A couple of more thoughts on this.

On Oct 28, 12:46 pm, Howard Lewis Ship wrote:
 (extend-type cascade.Asset
   (to-attribute-value-string [asset] (:client-url asset)))

The reason this is probably not what you really want is that the set
of types which satisfy the Asset protocol is a superset of the set of
types which satisfy the cascade.Asset interface. This is certainly not
immediately obvious, but one way to understand it is that if you
extend a built-in Java type to implement your protocol, it does not
change the underlying type to implement the protocol's interface.
Rather it provides machinery in the protocol itself that knows how to
use the built-in Java type to satisfy the protocol.

 I don't think it is useful to try and think of this as interface
 inheritance because it is not the same as interface inheritance in

I wasn't used to thinking of it as inheritance, but after thinking
about it more it seems like inheritance is a reasonable way to think
of it. Adapting protocol A to protocol B is like saying that all types
satisfying protocol B can also be used as if they satisfy protocol A
and furthermore there is a default implementation (that can be over-
ridden) of protocol A for them.


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Re: Trickiness with protocols and extends (1.3.0)

2011-10-28 Thread David McNeil

On Oct 28, 12:46 pm, Howard Lewis Ship wrote:
 (extend-type Asset
   (to-attribute-value-string [asset] (:client-url asset)))

As Alex mentioned we have an adapt-protocol macro [1] [2] that I
think will do what you want. It would be invoked as:

(adapt-protocol Asset
  (to-attribute-value-string [asset] (client-url asset)))

From your original code, I changed extend-type to adapt-protocol
and I fixed what I think is a type by changing :client-url to

There are different ways to think of what this does. One way is to
think of adapting one protocol to another. The adapt-protocol call
defines how to adapt an Asset object to an ToAttributeValueString

Another way is to think of layering the protocols. The
ToAttributeValueString protocol is layered on top of the Asset
protocol by defining how to satisfy the ToAttributeValueString
protocol in terms of the Asset protocol.

At a lower level what this adapt-protocol call means is: for any type
that implements Asset but does not already implement
ToAttributeValueString, add an implementation of Asset to that type
using the provided functions. This implementation will be added the
first time that an attempt is made to access the type via the
ToAttributeValueString protocol. It is useful to be able to define
this in one place rather than tracking down all of the types that
implement the Asset protocol and extending them to support the
ToAttributeValueString protocol.

I don't think it is useful to try and think of this as interface
inheritance because it is not the same as interface inheritance in

We are using this code in production to do exactly what you described.
The only real issue to be aware of is that once an adapter is
“installed” for a class subsequent calls to adapt-protocol do not
affect the class. This can cause pain at dev time when you are
changing the adapter code and want to dynamically redefine an adapter.
I talk about this issue and a way to address it at dev time in the
blog post [1].



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Re: metadata for records

2011-10-01 Thread David McNeil
Razvan Rotaru wrote:
 Is there a way to attach metadata to defrecord ?

Is this what you are looking for?

(defrecord MyRecord [a b])

(let [r (with-meta (MyRecord. 1 2) {:extra 100})]
  (meta r))
;;- {:extra 100}


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Revelytix hiring Clojure developers

2011-09-23 Thread David McNeil
Revelytix [1] is hiring Clojure developers for full-time, direct
employment in St. Louis, Missouri and Baltimore, Maryland USA. We are
a relatively small team of developers building semantic technology
based, data integration products. We understand that applicants may
not have deep Clojure or semantic technology experience, but this is a
great place to get it!

If you are interested, email a note and your resume to careers _at_


-David McNeil

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Re: Any ways to prevent protocol functions from being hardcoded in?

2011-07-01 Thread David McNeil
On Jun 30, 7:54 am, Stuart Sierra wrote:
 Recently the received wisdom has been: protocols are a low-level
 implementation detail. Actual APIs should be built with normal functions
 that call the protocol methods.

Stuart- I am a bit confused by this statement, and judging by this
thread others are as well. Any chance you could elaborate on the
received wisdom with respect to protocols and APIs?

Thank you.


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Clojure 1.3 - Embedding Java literal objects

2011-05-31 Thread David McNeil
I noticed the following behavior in Clojure 1.3 related to the new
object literal syntax [1]:

Clojure 1.3.0-master-SNAPSHOT
user= (defrecord Foo [a b])
user= (:a #user.Foo{:a 1 :b 2})
user= #java.awt.Point[10 20]
#Point java.awt.Point[x=10,y=20]
user= (.getX #java.awt.Point[10 20])
CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't embed object in
code, maybe print-dup not defined: java.awt.Point[x=10,y=20],

It seems that the Java literal object syntax can be embedded in larger
expressions for records but not for plain Java objects?

Truly, I don't know whether this was intended to work or not but I
thought I would mention it since I came across it.


[1] -

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Re: Idiomatic use of records vs. maps

2011-05-31 Thread David McNeil
A couple of aspects of records that I have found useful:

* they provide a type for dispatching. Rather than rooting around in
the map to find out what it is, a multi-method can dispatch directly
on the type of the object.
* having a central definition of the main keys contained in the
structure is sometimes nice for defining an apps data structures


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Re: partial vs anonymous function?

2011-04-16 Thread David McNeil
For those who duck it in the future, there is more discussion here:


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Re: eval'ing records

2011-04-16 Thread David McNeil
For those who duck it in the future, there is more discussion here:


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Re: def and ;dynamic

2011-04-15 Thread David McNeil
 Thank you for your solution, but can you explain why it works ?

As best I recall... in Clojure 1.3 vars are no longer dynamic by
default. In the short-term, to ease the pain of this change, Clojure
1.3 will automatically make vars with earmuffs (e.g. *foo*) into
dynamic variables. But it warns you so you can correct it and
explicitly identify them as dynamic if you need them to be.


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partial vs anonymous function?

2011-04-14 Thread David McNeil
I am puzzled by the results below. Can anyone explain the difference
in behavior?


(defn mapper [f stream]
  `(map ~f ~stream))

(eval (mapper #(+ 1 %) [10 11 12]))
;; - (11 12 13)

(eval (mapper (partial + 1) [10 11 12]))
;; - No matching ctor found for class clojure.core$partial...

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Re: partial vs anonymous function?

2011-04-14 Thread David McNeil
Mark - Thanks. I am able to permute it to make it work. However, I
cannot explain why the original code fails.


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eval'ing records

2011-04-14 Thread David McNeil
I have learned that instances of records do not eval to themselves.
This seems inconsistent to me. I am curious if this is intentional or
if it is a gap in the current record implementation in Clojure.


(defn eval-type [x]
  (class (eval x)))

;; instances of structural types evaluate to themselves

(eval-type {:a 100})
;; - clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap

(eval-type [100])
;; - clojure.lang.PersistentVector

;; instances of java objects evaluate to themselves

(eval-type hello)
;; - java.lang.String

(eval-type (java.util.Date.))
;; - java.util.Date

(eval-type (java.util.Locale. en US))
;; - java.util.Locale

;; but instances of records...

(defrecord Foo [a])

(eval-type (Foo. 100))
;; - clojure.lang.PersistentArrayMap

;; .. evaluate to maps not instances of the record class?

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Re: eval'ing records

2011-04-14 Thread David McNeil
 I remember reading about it in the Joy of Clojure. It may be fixed in the
 future versions of Clojure.

Ivan - Thanks for the response. I checked Joy of Clojure and I see a
reference at the top of page 191 to the fact that records cannot be
printed and then eval'd. I was aware of this, however the issue I
identified in this discussion is that record instances _themselves_ do
not eval to themselves. This is a bit different than printing them and
eval'ing them.


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Protocol functions higher order functions

2011-04-06 Thread David McNeil
The following code shows surprising behavior related to using protocol
functions in higher order functions. I sort of understand the reason
wrapped-x first fails is that calling extend-protocol in a sense
redefines the x protocol function. I can't decide if I think this is a
bug or just the way protocols work. I am curious what others think.


 (defprotocol Foo
(x [this arg]))

  (defn wrap [f]
(fn [ args]
  (apply f args)))

  (def wrapped-x (wrap x))

  (extend-protocol Foo
(x [this arg]
   (str this arg)))

  (wrapped-x hello joe)
  ;; - No implementation of method: :x of protocol: #'user/Foo found
for class: java.lang.String

  (def wrapped-x (wrap x))

  (wrapped-x hello joe)
  ;; - hellojoe

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Re: Protocol functions higher order functions

2011-04-06 Thread David McNeil
 I think not a bug. If you want indirection in your wrapper, you can ask for 
 it, e.g.:

  (defn wrap [f]
    (fn [ args]
      (apply @f args)))

  (def wrapped-x (wrap #'x))

Thank you!

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Re: Struct vs. Record: Now and Future

2011-01-28 Thread David McNeil
 While this serialization has been fine for most of my needs I have quite
 often wanted to be able to use *print-dup* since binary serialization
 seemed overkill in those cases.  Hopefully something like defrecord2
 gets added to clojure at some point to make dealing with records more

This is a snapshot of a defrecord2 implementation that I have been
using. Among other things it makes records print in an eval'able form.


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Re: Reading back record instances

2011-01-26 Thread David McNeil
I discuss one solution to this problem here:


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Re: disk-backed memoize?

2010-09-18 Thread David McNeil

Thanks for the link. That is helpful.

 Would JDBC suit your needs as a storage medium?

I suppose that would work, but I am thinking that an ehcache based
plugin for cache-dot-clj might be a good solution.


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Re: Protocol type hints - Java interface

2010-06-12 Thread David McNeil
David - Thanks for the tips on definterface and the new statics
feature. I will need to look into these because I am not familiar with
either. What is the difference between gen-interface and definterface?

-David McNeil

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Re: Destructuring namespace qualified map keys

2010-05-13 Thread David McNeil
 (let [{x :x/y} {:x/y 20}] x)

That will work. Thank you!

-David McNeil

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Cyclical refs fail on Clojure 1.2?

2010-05-11 Thread David McNeil
(def a (ref ()))

(def b (ref ()))

 (alter a conj b))

 (alter b conj a))

This last expression fails with an Evalutation aborted message on
Clojure 1.2.0-master-SNAPSHOT (it works on Clojure 1.1.0). Maybe I am
not using refs correctly, but I did not expect this to fail. Can
anyone explain this?

Thank you.
-David McNeil

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Re: Cyclical refs fail on Clojure 1.2?

2010-05-11 Thread David McNeil

Thanks for the tip. I was aware of the stack overflow issue you
described, but your comment motivated me to switch to using mvn
clojure:repl instead of mvn clojure:swank to test the code, and
this does appear to work (modulo the REPL printing issue).

Thank you.
-David McNeil

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ClojureQL - joining 3 tables

2010-05-04 Thread David McNeil
In ClojureQL I do not see how to join three or more tables using the
join function. Does anyone know if this is possible?

Thank you.
-David McNeil

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Defining a namespace inside a let

2010-04-27 Thread David McNeil
I am experimenting with clojure.test and I encountered the following
situation which I cannot explain.

This code:

(println (do
   (ns ns01
 (:use clojure.test))
   (deftest test1 nil)

Produces the expected result (note: it runs one test):

Testing ns01

Ran 1 tests containing 0 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.
{:type :summary, :test 1, :pass 0, :fail 0, :error 0}

However, if I do the exact same thing inside of a let:

(println (let []
 (ns ns02
   (:use clojure.test))
 (deftest test1 nil)

Then I get the unexpected result that no tests are executed:

Testing ns02

Ran 0 tests containing 0 assertions.
0 failures, 0 errors.
{:type :summary, :test 0, :pass 0, :fail 0, :error 0}

Seems there is something going on with namespaces that I do not
understand and I hope that somewhere here can explain it.

Thank you.
-David McNeil

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Re: Extending Java class in Clojure with multiple constructors

2010-04-19 Thread David McNeil
Stephan- Thank you, gen-class is what I needed.


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Extending Java class in Clojure with multiple constructors

2010-04-18 Thread David McNeil
When extending a Java class in Clojure, what is a clean way to support
multiple constructors in the base class? Below is a sample of how I
accomplished this. The key point is that the base class has two
constructors and to expose both of these in Clojure I needed to create
two proxies. I used a macro to avoid duplicating the proxy definition.
My question is: is there a better way to accomplish this, perhaps
using a mechanism other than proxy?

Thank you.
-David McNeil
package demo;

public class Person {
private int id = 0;
private String name;

public Person( int id ) { = id;

public Person( int id, String name ) { = id; = name;

public String toString() {
return Person id= + id +  name= + name;


(ns clojure-proxy.demo
  (:import (demo Person)))

(defmacro sub-person [ args]
   `(proxy [Person] [...@args]
  (toString [] (str overridden toString

(defn to-person
 (sub-person id))
  ([id name]
 (sub-person id name)))

(.toString (to-person 15 joe))

(.toString (to-person 20))

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