Re: Clojure Performance For Expensive Algorithms

2013-02-28 Thread Geo
I didn't know reduce could be short circuited! I assume from the code below 
this is done calling the function reduced? Is this in Clojure 1.5 only and 
is where is this documented?

On Wednesday, February 27, 2013 4:59:33 AM UTC-5, Christophe Grand wrote:

 On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 10:21 AM, Marko Topolnik 

 (defn blank? [s] (every? #(Character/isWhitespace %) s))

 Have you ever wondered about its performance? Here you go:

 user (time (dotimes [_ 1] (blank?  
 Elapsed time: 3887.578 msecs

 To give a more complete picture, this version

 (defn blank? [s] (every? #(Character/isWhitespace ^char %) s)) 

 is only six times slower than the expanded version, and keeping an eye on 
 reflection warnings is not such a drag. So, if it could be demonstrated 
 that in general the properly type-hinted, but otherwise idiomatic Clojure 
 is not more than 10 times slower than idiomatic Java, I'd consider that at 
 least a good starting point.

 Now that reduce can be short-circuited, redifining every?, some and al on 
 top of it would yield some interesting gains:

 (defn revery? [pred coll]
   (reduce (fn [t x]
 (if (pred x)
   (reduced false))) true coll))

 (defn rblank? [s] (revery? #(Character/isWhitespace ^char %) s))
 (defn blank? [s] (every? #(Character/isWhitespace ^char %) s)) 

 = (dotimes [_ 10]
  (time (dotimes [_ 10] (blank?
 Elapsed time: 515.371 msecs
 Elapsed time: 500.408 msecs
 Elapsed time: 507.646 msecs
 Elapsed time: 644.074 msecs
 Elapsed time: 529.717 msecs
 Elapsed time: 482.813 msecs
 Elapsed time: 557.563 msecs
 Elapsed time: 486.573 msecs
 Elapsed time: 493.636 msecs
 Elapsed time: 481.357 msecs
 = (dotimes [_ 10]
  (time (dotimes [_ 10] (rblank?  
 Elapsed time: 227.692 msecs
 Elapsed time: 99.937 msecs
 Elapsed time: 95.922 msecs
 Elapsed time: 91.193 msecs
 Elapsed time: 90.794 msecs
 Elapsed time: 94.765 msecs
 Elapsed time: 89.842 msecs
 Elapsed time: 120.551 msecs
 Elapsed time: 90.843 msecs
 Elapsed time: 93.523 msecs


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Re: Clojure Performance For Expensive Algorithms

2013-02-25 Thread Geo
This is pretty neat. Thanks!

Yeah the swapping of prev and curr seems to be a stumbling block.

On Sunday, February 24, 2013 6:08:39 PM UTC-5, Aria Haghighi wrote:

 I have a solution (gist here, key 
 bits pasted below). It's pretty short (15 lines) and readable (I think) and 
 only 50% slower than the Java version on my machine (averaging over 25 runs 
 of your benchmark function). 

 Generally, I've found it's really easy when you just translate Java code 
 like this into Clojure, the Clojure will read worse than the original Java; 
 to boot it will also be  slower! And not to be insulting, but I think the 
 other Clojure solutions I saw in this thread seem to have this property. 
 You usually have to pull out some abstraction in order to regain on the 
 readability and concentrate on performance there. Here, I think it's a 
 macro you'll probably use all over the place, arr-max, which will find the 
 largest value of an expression looping over an array's index and values. 
 Then lcs is just nested uses of arr-max that I think is pretty reasonable. 
 The thing which clutters the remaining code are the prev/cur swapping which 
 I don't have a slick way of handling.   

 (defmacro arr-max 
   return maximum value of `expr` over the indices
and values of array `arr`, where `idx-symb` and `val-symb`
are bound to index and values of `arr`
   [arr idx-symb val-symb expr]
   `(let [arr# ~arr
  n# (alength arr#)]
  (loop [~idx-symb 0 max-val# java.lang.Long/MIN_VALUE]
(if (= ~idx-symb n#)
  (let [~val-symb (aget arr# ~idx-symb)
val# ~expr]
(recur (inc ~idx-symb)
   (if ( val# max-val#)
 val# max-val#)))
 (defn lcs [^objects a1 ^objects a2]
   (let [prev-ref (atom (long-array (inc (alength a2
 cur-ref (atom (long-array (inc (alength a2]
 (arr-max a1 i v1
(let [^longs prev @prev-ref
  ^longs cur @cur-ref
  max-len (arr-max a2 j v2
  (let [match-len (if (.equals v1 v2)
(inc (aget prev j))
(aset cur (inc j) match-len)
  (reset! prev-ref cur)
  (reset! cur-ref prev)
  (long max-len)

 On Sunday, February 24, 2013 12:45:18 PM UTC-8, Marko Topolnik wrote:

 On Sunday, February 24, 2013 9:15:45 PM UTC+1, puzzler wrote:

 As I mentioned before, I'm generally happy with Clojure's performance, 
 but the few times I've had performance problems, I ended up rewriting the 
 code at least three different ways in order to try to find the magic 
 combination that would boost performance. 

 Lately I've leaned towards going full monty the first time out: stop 
 guessing and optimize everything past the entry point to the critical 
 section. It sounds like more work up front, but in the end it's the smart 
 approach that results in more total effort.

 Fortunately, dropping down to Java is relatively painless.  But I still 
 wonder whether there might be some benefit to having a low-level DSL 
 within Clojure, a mode that lets you choose to write your code in a way 
 where the semantics are closer to the underlying platform.

 Just one feature would make a huge difference: reassignable locals.

 I haven't used Clojurescript much, but I get the impression that 
 Clojurescript is already a step in that direction, with a simpler story 
 regarding how mutation, arrays, and primitives are translated to the 
 underlying platform, arguably making it easier to get good performance when 
 you need it.

 The gap between Clojure and JavaScript is far less than Java because both 
 are dynamic. I think that plays a big part in why ClojureScript can be more 

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Re: Clojure Performance For Expensive Algorithms

2013-02-24 Thread Geo
Well I'll just say that my opinion on this matter is not well formed at the 
moment since this is the first time I have encountered this issue. For now 
I've stuck with the Java algorithm so I can move on with my project, but I 
do plan to revisit this at some point. In fact, it may be important for my 
project to keep it all Clojure.

At the moment I don't find the Clojure solution simple, but again this may 
simply be to lack of exposure. Have you written a lot of performance 
optimized Clojure?

On Sunday, February 24, 2013 8:50:01 AM UTC-5, bernardH wrote:

 On Thursday, February 21, 2013 10:27:11 PM UTC+1, Geo wrote:

 Man, this is exactly how I feel after all this tinkering! It was great 
 for learning Clojure a bit more in depth, but in the end I am going to 
 stick with the Java solution. Especially since it's so easy to mix Java and 
 Clojure in the same project! I just specify :java-source-paths [src/java] 
 in my project.clj and I just call that one method when I need it and the 
 rest of the project is in Clojure. I think when performance if critical 
 idiomatic Clojure is to just drop down to Java :) 

 Christophe's second function actually achieves Java speed or very close 
 (within 5-10%), but it's ugly and there's a bit more to my algorithm which 
 would make it even uglier if I were to go that route.

 There would be no point in me to argue with you whether Chrispohe's 
 version really is ugly or not for you, but I'd like to rephrase it as 
 hard on the eye. Because I find this performance oriented Clojure vs 
 Java fits quiet well in the easy vs simple mindeset.[*]. Adding Java 
 code in a Clojure project is certainly easy if you happen to already know 
 the language, while no amount of prior experience in idiomatic Clojure will 
 help you in writing perfomance oriented Clojure as it can be a completely 
 new idiom. But I do believe that the resulting code (as a whole, not just 
 the small performance critical bit of code) is simpler with two idioms in 
 one language than with two languages.

 FWIW, I, for one, am really glad that Clojure allows us to select 
 precisely which nice tools we want (have to) throw away (persistent data 
 structures, dynamic typing, synchronized) when the need arises. Reminds me 
 of the don't pay for what you don't use motto of C++ except done right 
 (i.e. the other way around, because you don't want to pay wrt simplicity 
 rather than performance, cf. premature optimization…)




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Re: Clojure Performance For Expensive Algorithms

2013-02-23 Thread Geo
Just wanted to say I am getting a lot out of this discussion.

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Re: Clojure Performance For Expensive Algorithms

2013-02-23 Thread Geo
It is in fact the longest common substring problem, but applied to words in 
a text rather than characters in a string, hence the algorithm operates on 
arrays of strings. I am aware of the O(M+N) algorithm, but it involves 
suffix trees with which I am unfamiliar and don't want to spend the time 
investigating right now. The DP solution works today and I want to focus on 
other parts of the project :) 

Also the size of the alphabet in this case is the set of all words in a 
particular language, most commonly English. I am not sure what the 
implications of that are for the performance of the suffix tree algo.

On Saturday, February 23, 2013 7:54:01 PM UTC-5, Leif wrote:

 This may be slightly off topic, but your longest contiguous common 
 subsequence problem sounds like the longest common substring problem. 
  Your code uses the dynamic programming solution, which is O(M*N), but 
 there are O(M+N) algorithms that might be faster depending on the length 
 and alphabet of your input sequences.

 On Monday, February 18, 2013 11:16:51 PM UTC-5, Geo wrote:


 I am cross-posting my Clojure question from StackOverflow.  I am trying 
 to get an algorithm in Clojure to match Java speed and managed to get the 
 performance to within one order of magnitude and wondering if more is 
 possible. The full question is here:

 Thank you.

On Monday, February 18, 2013 11:16:51 PM UTC-5, Geo wrote:


 I am cross-posting my Clojure question from StackOverflow.  I am trying to 
 get an algorithm in Clojure to match Java speed and managed to get the 
 performance to within one order of magnitude and wondering if more is 
 possible. The full question is here:

 Thank you.

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Re: Clojure Performance For Expensive Algorithms

2013-02-21 Thread Geo
Man, this is exactly how I feel after all this tinkering! It was great for 
learning Clojure a bit more in depth, but in the end I am going to stick 
with the Java solution. Especially since it's so easy to mix Java and 
Clojure in the same project! I just specify :java-source-paths [src/java] 
in my project.clj and I just call that one method when I need it and the 
rest of the project is in Clojure. I think when performance if critical 
idiomatic Clojure is to just drop down to Java :) 

Christophe's second function actually achieves Java speed or very close 
(within 5-10%), but it's ugly and there's a bit more to my algorithm which 
would make it even uglier if I were to go that route.

On Thursday, February 21, 2013 4:55:13 AM UTC-5, Marko Topolnik wrote:

 Whatever the final performance achieved, the fact remains that the 
 original Java code was much cleaner, simpler, and more comprehensible than 
 the big ball of mud the performant Clojure version is turning into.

 I have my own piece of performance-critical code that I used to maintain 
 and improve over a timespan of many months. I finally gave in and recoded 
 the thing in Java. It took only a couple of hours and the result was nice, 
 clean, idiomatic Java code, with completely predictable performance 
 characteristics, as opposed to the Clojure version where it took many hours 
 of staring at ridiculuously counterintuitive stacktraces in VisualVM to 
 find what to optimize and how. The amount of code is about the same at 
 either end.

 On Thursday, February 21, 2013 10:41:55 AM UTC+1, Christophe Grand wrote:

 I updated my answer on SO, with a deftype-based one that gives me an 
 additional 30% boost.  

 On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 6:38 PM, Geo wrote:

 What about the call to .equals?

 On Tuesday, February 19, 2013 12:20:28 PM UTC-5, Marko Topolnik wrote:

 The difference between String[] and Object[] is that a member of the 
 former doesn't need a checked cast to String, but the latter does need 
 In the code under consideration, however, nothing specific to String is 
 used, so even in the Java code you can freely replace String[] with 
 Object[] and everything still works.

 If, on the other hand, you needed to invoke say *substring*, you'd see 
 a small penalty due to the checked cast operation.

 On Tuesday, February 19, 2013 5:52:31 PM UTC+1, Andy Fingerhut wrote:

 ^objects is a Clojure synonym for ^[Ljava.lang.Object;.  Note that 
 there are such synonyms for only a few Java types, not everything, e.g. 
 there is no ^strings.

 What you are hinting is that a1 and a2 are Java arrays of objects.  I 
 think this might speed up (aget a1 i) expressions, since it is known that 
 a1 is an array of objects, but I'm not sure about that.  I believe under 
 the hood in the JVM all arrays of Objects are treated the same, 
 of whether those Objects are String, Integer, java.awt.Color, etc.


 On Feb 19, 2013, at 8:46 AM, Geo wrote:

 One thing I don't get is that switching the type hints from 

 [#^[Ljava.lang.String; a1 #^[Ljava.lang.String; a2]

 to [^objects a1 ^objects a2] didn't seem to have any negative impact 
 on performance. Can anyone explain why hinting ^objects is just as good 
 specifying that it's an array of Strings? What are you hinting with 
 ^objects that Clojure doesn't already know?

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Re: Clojure Performance For Expensive Algorithms

2013-02-19 Thread Geo
Thanks. The unchecked math didn't make any difference. But after I 
switching to aset I did indeed get to within 4x of Java. Then at the 
suggestion of Christophe Grand on StackOverflow I switched to .equals 
instead of = and that got me to ~133% of Java performance. Very close!

On Tuesday, February 19, 2013 2:16:28 AM UTC-5, Andy Fingerhut wrote:

 This won't get you all of the way to Java speeds, or at least it didn't 
 for me, but try these things: 


 (set! *warn-on-reflection* true) 
 (set! *unchecked-math* true) 

 The first won't speed anything up, but it will warn you about some things 
 that are slow. 

 The second will use unchecked match wherever it can, meaning primitive 
 operations on arithmetic values like longs, that will silently wrap instead 
 of checking for overflow.  Java doesn't check for overflow in primitive 
 operations, either. 

 Also use aset instead of aset-int.  I don't know why, but the aset-* 
 operations are typically slower than aset, as long as the type hints on the 
 aset arguments are good enough. 

 I got within 4x Java speed with those changes. 


 On Feb 18, 2013, at 8:16 PM, Geo wrote: 

  I am cross-posting my Clojure question from StackOverflow.  I am trying 
 to get an algorithm in Clojure to match Java speed and managed to get the 
 performance to within one order of magnitude and wondering if more is 
 possible. The full question is here:
  Thank you. 

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Re: Clojure Performance For Expensive Algorithms

2013-02-19 Thread Geo
Using long-array instead of int-array seems to produce a very slight but 
noticeable improvement. (~2.1 sec - ~1.8 sec) = 1.16x improvement

One other thing is that loop seems to return boxed primitives, so by 
wrapping the inner loop with (long ) I got another slight performance gain. 
(~2.5 sec - ~2.0 sec) = ~1.25x improvement

On Tuesday, February 19, 2013 4:16:24 AM UTC-5, puzzler wrote:

 Another idea: try using arrays of longs, rather than ints, since that is 
 what Clojure prefers.

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Re: Clojure Performance For Expensive Algorithms

2013-02-19 Thread Geo
One thing I don't get is that switching the type hints from 

[#^[Ljava.lang.String; a1 #^[Ljava.lang.String; a2]

to [^objects a1 ^objects a2] didn't seem to have any negative impact on 
performance. Can anyone explain why hinting ^objects is just as good as 
specifying that it's an array of Strings? What are you hinting with 
^objects that Clojure doesn't already know?

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Re: Clojure Performance For Expensive Algorithms

2013-02-19 Thread Geo
Note that I'm not very confident that using long-array instead of int-array 
is a true improvement vs. just noise.

On Tuesday, February 19, 2013 11:46:21 AM UTC-5, Geo wrote:

 Using long-array instead of int-array seems to produce a very slight but 
 noticeable improvement. (~2.1 sec - ~1.8 sec) = 1.16x improvement

 One other thing is that loop seems to return boxed primitives, so by 
 wrapping the inner loop with (long ) I got another slight performance gain. 
 (~2.5 sec - ~2.0 sec) = ~1.25x improvement

 On Tuesday, February 19, 2013 4:16:24 AM UTC-5, puzzler wrote:

 Another idea: try using arrays of longs, rather than ints, since that is 
 what Clojure prefers.

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Re: Clojure Performance For Expensive Algorithms

2013-02-19 Thread Geo
What about the call to .equals?

On Tuesday, February 19, 2013 12:20:28 PM UTC-5, Marko Topolnik wrote:

 The difference between String[] and Object[] is that a member of the 
 former doesn't need a checked cast to String, but the latter does need one. 
 In the code under consideration, however, nothing specific to String is 
 used, so even in the Java code you can freely replace String[] with 
 Object[] and everything still works.

 If, on the other hand, you needed to invoke say *substring*, you'd see a 
 small penalty due to the checked cast operation.

 On Tuesday, February 19, 2013 5:52:31 PM UTC+1, Andy Fingerhut wrote:

 ^objects is a Clojure synonym for ^[Ljava.lang.Object;.  Note that 
 there are such synonyms for only a few Java types, not everything, e.g. 
 there is no ^strings.

 What you are hinting is that a1 and a2 are Java arrays of objects.  I 
 think this might speed up (aget a1 i) expressions, since it is known that 
 a1 is an array of objects, but I'm not sure about that.  I believe under 
 the hood in the JVM all arrays of Objects are treated the same, regardless 
 of whether those Objects are String, Integer, java.awt.Color, etc.


 On Feb 19, 2013, at 8:46 AM, Geo wrote:

 One thing I don't get is that switching the type hints from 

 [#^[Ljava.lang.String; a1 #^[Ljava.lang.String; a2]

 to [^objects a1 ^objects a2] didn't seem to have any negative impact on 
 performance. Can anyone explain why hinting ^objects is just as good as 
 specifying that it's an array of Strings? What are you hinting with 
 ^objects that Clojure doesn't already know?

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Re: Clojure Performance For Expensive Algorithms

2013-02-19 Thread Geo
Cool. Thanks for the explanation.

On Tuesday, February 19, 2013 12:47:05 PM UTC-5, Marko Topolnik wrote:

 Naturally, it's Object#equals. String's override of equals gets involved 
 without the checked downcast.

 On Tuesday, February 19, 2013 6:38:07 PM UTC+1, Geo wrote:

 What about the call to .equals?

 On Tuesday, February 19, 2013 12:20:28 PM UTC-5, Marko Topolnik wrote:

 The difference between String[] and Object[] is that a member of the 
 former doesn't need a checked cast to String, but the latter does need one. 
 In the code under consideration, however, nothing specific to String is 
 used, so even in the Java code you can freely replace String[] with 
 Object[] and everything still works.

 If, on the other hand, you needed to invoke say *substring*, you'd see 
 a small penalty due to the checked cast operation.

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Clojure Performance For Expensive Algorithms

2013-02-18 Thread Geo

I am cross-posting my Clojure question from StackOverflow.  I am trying to 
get an algorithm in Clojure to match Java speed and managed to get the 
performance to within one order of magnitude and wondering if more is 
possible. The full question is here:

Thank you.

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Clojure count and get functions much faster on strings than direct interop with .length and .charAt

2013-02-17 Thread Geo
I am writing an expensive algorithms in Clojure and while trying to 
optimize the code I discovered something that puzzled me. Clojure count and 
get functions are much faster on strings than direct interop with .length 
and .charAt. On my machine I get the following:

(def sss (apply str (repeat 1000 \a)))

I execute each of the following tests a few times:

(time (dotimes [_ 1000] (count sss)))
Elapsed time: 0.56 msecs
Elapsed time: 0.539 msecs
Elapsed time: 0.551 msecs
Elapsed time: 0.453 msecs
Elapsed time: 0.612 msecs

(time (dotimes [_ 1000] (.length sss)))
Elapsed time: 170.819 msecs
Elapsed time: 114.892 msecs
Elapsed time: 10.111 msecs
Elapsed time: 32.106 msecs
Elapsed time: 10.803 msecs

Even after something under the hood warms up (feel free to enlighten me :). 
.length is still significantly slower.

(time (dotimes [_ 1000] (get sss (rand-int 1000
Elapsed time: 4.651 msecs
Elapsed time: 3.699 msecs
Elapsed time: 3.672 msecs
Elapsed time: 4.561 msecs
Elapsed time: 3.742 msecs

(time (dotimes [_ 1000] (.charAt sss (rand-int 1000
Elapsed time: 13.211 msecs
Elapsed time: 14.874 msecs
Elapsed time: 32.044 msecs
Elapsed time: 13.849 msecs
Elapsed time: 39.493 msecs

.charAt is also significantly slower than get.

By replacing .length with count and .charAt with get I was able to reduce 
the running time of my algo by orders of magnitude.

These results are surprising and puzzling. You'd think direct interop with 
Java would be the faster. Can anyone venture a guess or explain what's 
going on here?

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Re: Clojure count and get functions much faster on strings than direct interop with .length and .charAt

2013-02-17 Thread Geo
Thank you!

Adding type hints solves the problem. The interop now slightly outperforms 
Clojure's get and count.

So how come Clojure's get and count don't incur the reflection penalty?

On Sunday, February 17, 2013 9:17:55 AM UTC-5, Geo wrote:

 I am writing an expensive algorithms in Clojure and while trying to 
 optimize the code I discovered something that puzzled me. Clojure count and 
 get functions are much faster on strings than direct interop with .length 
 and .charAt. On my machine I get the following:

 (def sss (apply str (repeat 1000 \a)))

 I execute each of the following tests a few times:

 (time (dotimes [_ 1000] (count sss)))
 Elapsed time: 0.56 msecs
 Elapsed time: 0.539 msecs
 Elapsed time: 0.551 msecs
 Elapsed time: 0.453 msecs
 Elapsed time: 0.612 msecs

 (time (dotimes [_ 1000] (.length sss)))
 Elapsed time: 170.819 msecs
 Elapsed time: 114.892 msecs
 Elapsed time: 10.111 msecs
 Elapsed time: 32.106 msecs
 Elapsed time: 10.803 msecs

 Even after something under the hood warms up (feel free to enlighten me 
 :). .length is still significantly slower.

 (time (dotimes [_ 1000] (get sss (rand-int 1000
 Elapsed time: 4.651 msecs
 Elapsed time: 3.699 msecs
 Elapsed time: 3.672 msecs
 Elapsed time: 4.561 msecs
 Elapsed time: 3.742 msecs

 (time (dotimes [_ 1000] (.charAt sss (rand-int 1000
 Elapsed time: 13.211 msecs
 Elapsed time: 14.874 msecs
 Elapsed time: 32.044 msecs
 Elapsed time: 13.849 msecs
 Elapsed time: 39.493 msecs

 .charAt is also significantly slower than get.

 By replacing .length with count and .charAt with get I was able to reduce 
 the running time of my algo by orders of magnitude.

 These results are surprising and puzzling. You'd think direct interop with 
 Java would be the faster. Can anyone venture a guess or explain what's 
 going on here?

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Re: Clojure count and get functions much faster on strings than direct interop with .length and .charAt

2013-02-17 Thread Geo
Clojure is full of pleasant surprises :)

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Re: Lazy sequences to replace looping?

2012-09-13 Thread Geo

I investigated it, which led to another related question as to whether lazy 
seqs are always chunked (it appears not!). I posted this on stack overflow 

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Lazy sequences to replace looping?

2012-09-12 Thread Geo

I am just getting started with Clojure and I had a question. I have to 
following code:

(get-rss-entry (get-rss-feeds h-res) url)

The call to get-rss-feeds returns a lazy sequence of URLs of feeds that I 
need to examine. 

The call to get-rss-entry looks for a particular entry (whose :link field 
matches the second argument of get-rss-entry). It examines, one-by-one, the 
lazy sequence returned by get-rss-feeds. Evaluate each item requires an 
http request across the network to fetch a new rss feed. Therefore, to 
minimize the number of http requests it's important to examine the 
sequence one-by-one and stop as soon as there is a match.

Here is the code:
(defn get-rss-entry
  [feeds url]
  (first (drop-while empty? (map #(entry-with-url % url) feeds

entry-with-url returns a lazy sequence of matches or an empty sequence if 
there is no match.

First, I want to make sure I understood lazy evaluation correctly and that 
I did this right. I tested this and it seems to work correctly. 

Second, not sure if I am solving this problem idiomatically. In Java, for 
example, this would likely be solved with a loop examining some data 
structure. At first I did it with a loop/recur but that didn't seem like 
the right way to do it. Also I saw somewhere that looping in considered low 
level in Clojure or something to that effect. I would appreciate your 

Thanks for your help.

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