Clojure Signal Processing

2012-11-09 Thread Stephen Olsen

Hey all,

I've been thinking about and wanting to do some music transcription 
projects recently (inferring musical notes from audio) and what the best 
way to write systems like this is clojure would be. There are java 
libraries and things like fftw that can handle the *hard* parts like 
computing fourier transformations. These libraries are not necessarily easy 
to use idiomatically from clojure or easily composable though. I'm also 
having a hard time seeing the best way to wire up different components so 
that a stream of audio can flow between them.

What I think I want is a toolkit for creating signal processing graphs in 
idiomatic clojure. It seems like the main abstractions that I'd want would 
be similar to what storm uses for data processing; stream sources, bolts 
and topologies to show how they connect. That way one could code up some 
pieces, use common built in bolts to get things like frequency information, 
declare how the pieces fit together and then run the system in a variety of 
different ways.

I'd also like the library to be built on a set of protocols so the 
processing graphs can be run in a variety of settings. In process in an 
async manner (something similar to the way lamina works), paralyzed across 
many machines with storm or even in the web browser leveraging the new 
html5 audio data apis.

I plan to build this library and what I'm looking for is some feedback and 
guidance before I begin. I'd especially love to hear from anyone that is 
working on these kinds of systems in clojure.

A Couple of the main questions I have before I can begin are these.

1) Are streams, bolts and topologies the right level of abstraction for 
building systems like this? They will need to be a little more complicated 
than the way storm does things I think. Different bolts will need to 
operate on different length intervals of the signal. (an fft bolt will need 
one bin size but then later down stream a pitch tracking bolt will need 
different interval sizes) I guess giving bolts a buffer size would be 
necessary and every time that buffer is filled the analysis function would 
be called.

2) What is the best way to implement asynchronous streaming binary data in 

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Re: Partitioning a list when the result of a predicate becomes a certain value.

2012-05-11 Thread Stephen Olsen
I think you'd just have to do it manually with a reduce

Something like this should work.

(defn foldfn [i n]
  (let [result (first i)
current (second i)]
(if (re-matches #"^(\w)\1.*" n)
  (if (= [] current)
[result [n]]
[(conj result current) [n]])
  [result (conj current n)])))

(defn partition-lst
  (let [reduced (reduce foldfn [[][]] lst)
result (first reduced)
current (second reduced)]
(if (= current [])
  (conj result current

Stephen Olsen
Sent with Sparrow (

On Thursday, May 10, 2012 at 4:11 PM, Ant wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am battering my head against the following problem which I'm sure is
> straightforward if only I knew how. I want to partition the following
> list:
> '("aa123" "x" "y" "z" "bb123" "ccq23" "3" "yg")
> into the following:
> (("aa123" "x" "y" "z") ("bb123") ("ccq23" "3" "yg"))
> The predicate is:
> #(re-matches #"^(\w)\1.*" %)
> partition-by doesn't work, since it splits the sequence when the
> result of applying the predicate changes. I want to partition when the
> predicate becomes a particular value.
> Any clues on how to accomplish this would be gratefully received!
> Thanks,
> Anthony.
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