Clojure Plugin for Netbeans - Pre Alpha on Google Code

2008-12-24 Thread Ffailla

The Clojure Plugin for Netbeans NBM is now available on Google Code.
It can be downloaded at:

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Clojure Plugin for Netbeans Pre-Alpha Release-20090130

2009-01-30 Thread Ffailla

A new Clojure Plugin for Netbeans is available at  Some issues
addressed are:

- Enabled Windows support (only Windows XP has been tested)
- Project Support
   * Enabled Clojure Project Run/Debug functionality
   * Clojure Project Debugging support
- REPL Enhancements
   * REPLs can now be created per project
   * REPL std out and std err has been separated into tabs
- Code Completion Enhancements
   * invoke completion --> ctrl+space (also returns results from
hippie completion)
   * search through clojure namespaces/ java Classes --> search-string
   * get members for a java class --> Class + "/"
   * get clojure functions for a namespace-->  namespace + "/"
   * get clojure.core functions --> ctrl+space or search-string + ctrl
+ space
- Editor Enhancements
   * Lexer bug fixes related to string encoding (regular expression
support will be available in next release)
   * Editor Context Menu displays Clojure Actions
  = Re-Indent (format) code
  = Evaluate Current Expression
  = Load File into REPL
  = Toggle Comments
  = Select Top Clojure Form
  = Select Enclosing Clojure Form
  = Navigate to Start of Clojure Form
  = Navigate to End of Clojure Form
  = Change the REPL namespace to be the namespace defined in the

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Enclojure Plugin for Netbeans Release

2009-05-26 Thread Ffailla

This release has the minor changes listed below.

Clojure Plugin for Netbeans
* Using Clojure 1.0.0
* Removed com.infolace.format dependency

Enclojure Library
* org.enclojure.common.jar dependency removed from org.enclojure.repl

The plugin can be downloaded here:
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Difference between JVM and CLR when destructuring a lazy sequence

2012-11-15 Thread ffailla
I believe I have discovered differing behavior between the JVM and CLR 
implementations when running the following statement:

user> (let [foo (repeatedly (fn [] (let [r (rand)]
(println "in-repeat: " r)
 [f & rst] foo]
 (println "return: " f))

When run on the JVM with clojure 1.4.0, I get the following output:

in-repeat:  0.6929552277817549
in-repeat:  0.7005322422752974
return:  0.6929552277817549

When run on the CLR with clojure-clr 1.4.0, the random number will be 
printed from "in-repeat" infinitely, never to return.

Is this difference between the JVM and CLR implementations when 
destructuring a lazy sequence known?  

Also, why was the random number printed twice on the JVM side.  I haven't 
looked an the implementation, but I would guess this would be due to 
chunking the sequence. Thanks.

-Frank Failla 

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Re: Difference between JVM and CLR when destructuring a lazy sequence

2012-11-16 Thread ffailla
Thank you David for looking into this so quickly.  For now I am working 
around this by not destructuring, but I look forward to the patch.  Thanks.


On Thursday, November 15, 2012 7:41:39 PM UTC-5, dmiller wrote:
> The difference is that the JVM version is correct and the CLR 
> implementation has a bug.
> I'll fix it in the current branch and try to get a patched 1.4 out as soon 
> as I can.
> -- Above is all you really need to know, but I find myself forced to 
> continue. :) --
> This bug has sitting there from the first commit in the public repo. (That 
> would be early 2009.)  The line of code in question is testing for the 
> IList interface.  The line has a comment that the JVM implementation 
> changed from IList to RandomAccess, which has no equivalent in the CLR.  I 
> didn't know why the change was made, so I left it alone.  (The history is 
> lost, but I can place the JVM version change between Nov 08 and Feb 09.) 
> Four years later, I've just discovered the reason.  The bug only surfaces 
> in certain circumstances on infinite (lazy) sequences -- and specifically 
> it is triggered by destructuring.  LazySeq itself is not the problem -- 
> that's used everywhere.
> -David
> On Thursday, November 15, 2012 9:23:05 AM UTC-6, ffailla wrote:
>> I believe I have discovered differing behavior between the JVM and CLR 
>> implementations when running the following statement:
>> user> (let [foo (repeatedly (fn [] (let [r (rand)]
>> (println "in-repeat: " r)
>> r)))
>>  [f & rst] foo]
>>  (println "return: " f))
>> When run on the JVM with clojure 1.4.0, I get the following output:
>> in-repeat:  0.6929552277817549
>> in-repeat:  0.7005322422752974
>> return:  0.6929552277817549
>> nil
>> user> 
>> When run on the CLR with clojure-clr 1.4.0, the random number will be 
>> printed from "in-repeat" infinitely, never to return.
>> Is this difference between the JVM and CLR implementations when 
>> destructuring a lazy sequence known?  
>> Also, why was the random number printed twice on the JVM side.  I haven't 
>> looked an the implementation, but I would guess this would be due to 
>> chunking the sequence. Thanks.
>> -Frank Failla 

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Clojure CLR and System.Double Behavior

2012-11-29 Thread ffailla
I have discovered some odd behavior when type-hinting fns with 

user=> (defn bar [^System.Double d] d)
user=> (bar 1.2)
user=> (bar 1)

The same behavior occurs when extending double via extend-protocol or 

user=> (defprotocol FooProto (foo [_]))
user=> (extend-protocol FooProto System.Double (foo [d] d))
user=> (foo 1.2)

Any ideas?  Thanks.

-Frank Failla

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clojure.contrib.except's future?

2011-10-13 Thread ffailla
Does anyone now if clojure.contrib.except being ported to the new
contrib?  Thanks.

Frank Failla

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Re: Clojure Conj extracurricular activities spreadsheet

2011-10-28 Thread ffailla
Put me down for:



Frank Failla

On Oct 25, 12:11 pm, Fogus  wrote:
> All,
> We talked about the possibility of getting some ideas about
> extracurricular activities during the Conj days (and possibly training
> days).  I've created a spreadsheet at the link below to collect
> ideas.  It is not my intention to be the organizer of these
> activities.  Instead, if you have an idea then please be prepared to
> own it.  The matter of space for these activities would need to be
> worked out by Conj planners or activity organizers, but having a list
> would help that process.
> I've entered an example, feel free to add your own ideas. :-)
> This should be epic.

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