Re: Baltimore Functional Programming

2011-11-30 Thread
I'm also interested.  I just started to go to beehive occasionally and
I was recently discussing with someone how it would be nice to have a
FP group.  I live in Federal Hill.

On Nov 30, 11:09 am, Gary Trakhman wrote:
 Awesome, so it looks like there will be enough people to make this happen.
  I've been in touch with beehive about using their space.  I'm considering
 whether or not to use to organize everything, but I think for
 now I'll put together a simple wordpress/google-groups thing and follow-up
 with you guys.  Also, if anyone has any leads on a meeting space, I can
 offer a projector.

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Re: Erlang/OTP in clojure

2011-08-12 Thread

Glad you liked my posts on Riak.  I took a quick glance at your code
and it's amazing how much Clojure I've forgotten over the last year.
I need to read my Joy of Clojure :)

If you're looking for Erlang/OTP in Clojure land than I think an
easier path might be to look at Erjang [1].  AFAICT, it is a fairly
solid implementation of Erlang/OTP, is in active development, and has
some really smart devs behind it.



On Aug 12, 1:32 pm, Ole Rixmann wrote:
 Hi everyone,
 i just read this series of posts about riak 

 I liked it (because i did a lot Erlang recently) and wanted to have a
 similar thing in clojure.

 So i started, although i know i would need years to build such a
 system on my own, but a gen_server would be nice ;).

 Here is my first approach to a fsm:

 git repo:
 clojars: [org.clojars.owl/gen_fsm 0.1-BETA]

 If you are interested please tell me what to do better or
 contribute :-).


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Re: Clojure script in the classpath

2010-06-19 Thread
On Jun 18, 6:15 pm, Paul Moore wrote:
 I've just seen a couple of postings which, if I'm not mistaken, imply
 that it's possible to have a Clojure script in my classspath. Is that

Yes, you can have .clj files on your classpath.  In fact, you can
pretty much have anything on your classpath.  Checkout
.  This is what Clojure uses under the covers.

 Can anyone give me a complete example of how this works? (I probably
 need to get the file names and namespaces right, something I'm still
 struggling with - again the Java/JVM requirements for filenames that
 match classnames is a new concept for me).

Let's say I put my clojure.jar on the classpath, but only put the
clojure-contrib source files on the classpath and I want to use the
clojure.contrib.string/blank? function.  Here is a session at the
REPL.  Note that I used a custom script to start the REPL, it prints
out the Java executable and CLASSPATH env variable at the top.

rzeze...@chinaski.local [~] clojure
Clojure 1.2.0-master-SNAPSHOT
user= (clojure.contrib.string/blank? )
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: clojure.contrib.string
user= (load /clojure/contrib/string)
user= (clojure.contrib.string/blank? )

Notice the load function converted my string into a path to the .clj I
wanted.  The initial forward-slash means I want to lookup relative to
the classpath.  The lib I want has the namespace
clojure.contrib.string.  In this case simply convert the periods to
forward-slashes.  You don't specify the .clj extension because Clojure
will first try to load the lib via class file or source depending on
which is newer.  For example, if I tried to load the lib

user= (load /foo/bar) Could not locate foo/bar__init.class or
foo/bar.clj on classpath:  (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)

Now that I've shown you the load function I'm going to pull the rug
from underneath you and tell you not to use it to load your Clojure
libraries.  The idiomatic way to load a lib is via the require
function, which uses load under the covers.  Require allows you to
specify your lib in it's native Clojure tongue.

user= (require '[clojure.contrib.repl-utils :as ru])
user= (ru/show ClassLoader)
===  public abstract java.lang.ClassLoader  ===
[ 0] static getSystemClassLoader : ClassLoader ()
[ 1] static getSystemResource : URL (String)


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Re: classpath and require

2010-06-19 Thread

On Jun 18, 5:00 pm, Mohammad Khan wrote:
 C:\Projects.cljjava -cp
 c:\clojure-contrib\clojure-contrib.jar;c:\clojure\clojure.jar clojure.main
 Clojure 1.1.0-alpha-SNAPSHOT
 user= (require 'examples.introduction) Could not locate
 examples/introduction__init.class or examples/introduction.clj on
 classpath:  (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)

 C:\Projects.cljecho %CLASSPATH%
 C:\Projects.cljdir examples\introduction.clj
  Volume in drive C is xxx
  Volume Serial Number is -
  Directory of C:\Projects.clj\examples

 06/18/2010  04:52 PM                40 introduction.clj
                1 File(s)             40 bytes
                0 Dir(s)  xx,xxx,xxx bytes free


You're overriding your %CLASSPATH% variable with your -cp argument

Try starting your REPL with the following.

java -cp c:\clojure-contrib\clojure-contrib.jar;c:\clojure
\clojure.jar;C:\Projects.clj clojure.main


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Re: Basic toolset for non-Java programmer

2010-06-18 Thread
While not reflective of the entire community, here's my suggestions.

 - Build tools: There seem to be things like ant, maven, leiningen. How
 do they relate to each other? Is there an obvious best answer or
 should I be expecting to check them all out depending on my needs? In
 that case, are there any good comparisons around?

Honestly, for now, I would either go with Leiningen or Maven, with
Leiningen probably having the most gentle learning curve.  In the long
run, I don't think there is a clear best answer, yet.

 - Debuggers: Should I be assuming I use my IDE for debugging? What if
 I stick to a basic text editor to develop my code? Is there a good
 standalone debugger?

You can use standard Java debuggers with your Clojure app.  I won't
pretend to be well versed in the practice, but I've tried it a few
times with a few different debuggers with varying degrees of success.
If you like Emacs, my best experience was with this:  Note that this just uses
jdb under covers, jdb is java's bundled debugger.  It's primitive, but
it works.

 - Profilers: Same sort of question - do IDEs offer this, are there
 standalone tools?

You can start with the bundled profiler, jvisualvm.  I've used it a
couple of times to track down performance bottlenecks and I felt it
worked well.  You can also get a trial of YourKit, but I've read from
some that it's overpriced for what you get.

 - Testing: I've not really got to the documentation on Clojure's own
 testing tools, so maybe that's all I need, but are there testing
 frameworks I should look at, that sort of thing?

That should have everything you need to get started.

 - Deployment: For simple standalone utilities, am I looking at bat
 file wrappers (I'm on Windows mainly) to set classpath and the like?
 Given that there are some annoying limitations with bat files (nasty
 nesting behaviour, ugly console windows for GUI applications), are
 there any commonly used better solutions? For web applications, I
 gather that a servlet container (all that fancy J2EE stuff :-)) and
 something like compojure is a good place to start. For non-web
 long-running services, is it still reasonable to use an application
 server, or should I be looking at something to wrap a Clojure app up
 as a Windows service (something like Java Service Wrapper
 ( came up
 for me on a Google search)?

For a webapp built with Compojure you can build a WAR and deploy it on
any J2EE container.  Probably the most convenient model.  For a
standalone app you could build what we call an uberjar (a JAR with
all your dependencies) and write a small script to execute your main
entry point.  Once again, if you're an Emacs person you may want to
start up a swank server in your entry point to allow for remote
debugging and hot-patching.

I'm sure others will have much to add, but this should be a start.


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Re: Passing Arguments From Java to Clojure

2010-06-16 Thread
-- --
import clojure.lang.RT;
import clojure.lang.Var;
import clojure.lang.PersistentVector;

public class CallClojure {

static PersistentVector toVec(int[][] arr) {
PersistentVector pv = PersistentVector.EMPTY;
for (int[] a : arr) {
PersistentVector temp = PersistentVector.EMPTY;
for (int n : a) {
temp = temp.cons(n);
pv = pv.cons(temp);
return pv;

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Var gimmie_vec = RT.var(foo, gimmie-vec);
int[][] ar = {{1, 2}, {3, 4}, {5, 6}};
Object result = gimmie_vec.invoke(toVec(ar));

-- foo.clj --
(ns foo)

(defn gimmie-vec [v]
  (println class: (class v))
  (println v: v))

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bit-and reflection warning

2010-06-02 Thread
When using bit-and with longs I get a reflection warning.  How can I
make this go away?

user (bit-and (long -10) 0x)
Reflection warning, NO_SOURCE_FILE:1 - call to and can't be resolved.

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Re: apply with constructors

2010-06-02 Thread

 Can you let the fn call figure that out for you? Like so:

     (apply (fn ([p1 p2] (new Connection.Configuration p1 p2))
                ([p1 p2 p3] (new Connection.Configuration p1 p2 p3)))

 I realize that reflection is probably better in this case, but was
 wondering if this would work.

Seems it would.

user (apply (fn ([ch] (String. ch))
 ([ch off len] (String. ch off len))) [(char-array [\r
\y \a \n])])
user (apply (fn ([ch] (String. ch))
 ([ch off len] (String. ch off len))) [(char-array [\r
\y \a \n]) 0 2])

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Re: bit-and reflection warning

2010-06-02 Thread
I was able to make this go away by adding a method to  I
have a use case where I'm calling bit-and with two longs tens of
millions of times.  Is there another way I could avoid this reflection
without this change to the Java source?

diff --git a/src/jvm/clojure/lang/ b/src/jvm/clojure/lang/
index 2aaabee..051 100644
--- a/src/jvm/clojure/lang/
+++ b/src/jvm/clojure/lang/
@@ -1880,6 +1880,10 @@ static public int and(int x, int y){
return x  y;

+static public long and(long x, long y){
+   return x  y;
 static public int or(int x, int y){
return x | y;

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Re: Some basic guidance to designing functional vs. state parts of app

2010-03-03 Thread

On Mar 2, 11:34 pm, Sophie wrote:

 How do I choose? What are the trade-offs?

 Any and all guidance, insights, advice etc. welcome!


To me, it seems like you have two orthogonal pieces of data, and a
function that builds a report from that data.  You have a set of job
listings, and a set of applicants.  I see no reason why these need to
be coordinated (ref).  The addition of a job listing is totally
independent of an applicant updating her resume.  So it's
uncoordinated (atom).  That is, the job listings are always in a
consistent state no matter what I do to the applicant data.  Said
another way, there's nothing I can do to the applicant data that can
put the job listings in an inconsistent state.

As for the match function.  Well it needs to get a snapshot of both
pieces of data, and then determine what applicants match up with each
job listing.  While this function is running a job could be added, an
applicant could update her resume, or maybe an applicant will remove
her resume but your function won't see any of that, but who cares?  It
will see a consistent snapshot of both pieces of data, and from those
it will build the result.  As of time T1, here is your latest and
greatest match report.

Now, say you want the match report built every time a job listing or
applicant data is changed.  This way the 'latest' report is always in
memory and ready to go.  Well, in this case, you now need to
coordinate the update of job listings or applicant data with the
generation of the report.  You never want your program to enter a
state where the job listings are in state L101 and applicants are in
state A54 and your report is based on the combination of (L101, A53).
That's an inconsistent state because your report is not based on the
latest data.  In this case, you'd probably want to use refs to make
sure the your job/applicant data is coordinated with your report
data.  However, if your data is constantly changing, and the match
function takes a while to run then this may be very slow.

Take what I say with a grain of salt as I'm also fairly new to this
stuff.  At the end of the day, experience is probably the best

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Re: more lazy fun

2010-02-01 Thread

On Jan 28, 3:26 pm, Raoul Duke wrote:
 [gmail is freaking out, apologies if this is sent twice]

 On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 12:23 PM, DanL wrote:
  When exactly would a lazy sequence evaluate to false?

 i thought it was happening with code like:

 (let [final-answer (and (map #(= foo %) [foo bar]))]
  (if final-answer yay humbug))

 in a larger routine. it wasn't doing what i expected from my tests,
 and when i put in a println then it suddenly worked. which led me to
 figure it was something about laziness. changing the if to read

  (if (vec final-answer) ...)

 fixed it.


Raoul, I think if you evaluate this code piece-by-piece the behavior
will become more clear.  From your example I feel like you are trying
to determine if all elements in a given collection/sequence are of the
value foo?

Start from the inside and work your way out.

user (map #(= foo %) [foo bar])
(true false)

So here we returned a lazy seq of boolean values based on the
anonymous function being used as a predicate.

user (and (map #(= foo %) [foo bar]))
(true false)

Now we pass the result to and, but yet the same result is returned.
From what I can tell you expected and to make sure all values in this
sequence were true, but lets look at the doc string.

user (doc and)
([] [x] [x  next])
  Evaluates exprs one at a time, from left to right. If a form
  returns logical false (nil or false), and returns that value and
  doesn't evaluate any of the other expressions, otherwise it returns
  the value of the last expr. (and) returns true.

Notice that and is a macro and that it doesn't expect a sequence as
argument, but rather 0 to multiple expressions (also note that the doc
string appears to have a typo or some sort).  So the seq you passed
and is treated as one expression, and that expression is treated as
true, and it is the last expression so it is returned.  To summarize,
the and function simply returned the same exact sequence that it was
passed in the first place.

The reason yay is returned is because a seq will evaluate to true.

user (if '(true false) yay humbug)
user (if '() yay humbug)
user (if '(nil) yay humbug)
user (if nil yay humbug)

I'm not sure how calling vec on final-answer fixed your problem
unless there is some code you are not showing.

user (if (vec '(true false)) yay humbug)
user (if (vec '()) yay humbug)
user (if (vec nil) yay humbug)

However, the following will work.

user (every? (partial = foo) [foo bar])

I think the problem was more of a misunderstanding with the and
function and not lazy sequences.

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Re: strange typecheck error

2009-12-30 Thread

On Dec 30, 12:53 pm, Alex Ott wrote:

 If need, i can submit somebody full test case

I think this might help because it's hard to tell what you are trying
to do without a little more context.

Some odd things that stand out to me:

1) You call loop, but you should be calling recur.  E.g. (loop result)
2) Why are the arguments streams and not readers?
3) You do nothing with the 'char' variable binding.

My guess is you just made some typos while trying to create a simple

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Re: Web application framework (beta)

2009-12-01 Thread
I'm not privy to all the technical details, but perhaps work done on
Swarm could be insightful?

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Re: Space leak with lazy sequences.

2009-12-01 Thread
I'm having similar problems, but am hesitant to post until I do some
further analysis.

However, I thought I'd share some techniques I'm trying to use to hunt
down my memory leak.

First, you can make GC verbose.


For even more detail, add the following.

-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+PrintGCDetails.

Second, do a heap dump.  If you are using Java 6 then you can use the
jmap tool.

jmap -dump:live,format=b,file=foo.hprof PID

Once you have the heap dump you can use the Eclipse Memory Analyzer
Tool.  It can take your heap dump and create various reports.  One of
them being a dominator tree which will show you what object has the
largest retained heap size.  I'm still a complete novice with it, but
it already helped me track down some memory leaks at work.

Check out this article, goes over what I just said and much more. .

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Re: Clojure is two!

2009-10-16 Thread

On Oct 16, 12:12 pm, Rich Hickey wrote:

 Thanks again to all!


Stu Halloway's terrific book, and more books on the way

Can anyone elaborate on this?
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Re: immutable defs?

2009-10-06 Thread

On Oct 2, 11:52 am, Mark Tomko wrote:

 However, outside the scope of a function, it seems that it's possible
 for bindings to be redefined later in a file without causing an
 immediate error.  This could easily lead to mistakes that would
 manifest as silent and potentially inexplicable behavior later.

There is a reason def can mutate things at the global root.  See
2:24:00 of the Clojure Concurrency screencast [1].

Basically, you need this ability in order to fix/change programs
without restarting them.

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Re: Enlive questions

2009-05-07 Thread

On May 6, 1:36 am, Christophe Grand wrote:
 Hello Ryan, a écrit : Either I've missed something, orEnlive*appears* 
 to have problems
  handling comment tags.

 Indeed. I pushed a fix, please tell me whether it works for you now.

 Thanks for the report.


 On Clojure:

Works fine now.  Thanks for the quick response, and for Enlive!
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Re: Enlive questions

2009-05-05 Thread

Either I've missed something, or Enlive *appears* to have problems
handling comment tags.

I was using Enlive against an already existing HTML file and kept
getting the following exception (please note it is HTML 4.01 Strict
and passed validation):

java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Don't
know how to create ISeq from: Keyword

The following should reproduce:

(def res (html-resource ( htmlbodyh1/
h1!-- oh noes, a comment --/body/html)))

I don't have time to track down the problem any further, if it is a
problem and not something stupid on my part.

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Re: The Path to 1.0

2009-04-17 Thread

As with any decision, it will be impossible to please everyone.  I
think the Git vs Subversion talk is way off topic at this point, but
to each his own.

Rich, I think it really depends on what *YOU* want Clojure to be.  If
you want to take a Haskell like approach and avoid success at all
costs then I would delay 1.0 for as long as possible.  However, if
you want to bring on wide adoption, which I think you do, then I think
it is *IMPERATIVE* that the front of Stu's book includes the text
Works for Clojure 1.0.

It is my opinion that if Programming Clojure goes to print without
that text Clojure, as a community and a language, loses a lot of
potential users!  It isn't a big deal to bleeding-edge folks like
ourselves, but we are a *MINORITY*.  And a minority is all we will be
if we think in minor terms.

I agree with a lot of what has been said here, but I feel Stu's book
release should be at the top of the list.  It's Clojure's first
impression on the global community of developers, and we all know the
rule about first impressions.

I vote pragmatism, lets get this sucker rolling!

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Re: Contribs with dependencies

2009-04-15 Thread

My .02 cents...

I always viewed Contrib as an incubator of sorts for Core.  That it
was simply a testing ground for functionality that *MIGHT* make it
into Core if enough people find it useful, or Rich hands down his good

Requiring a few external libs here and there, and breaking Contrib up
into modules may sound simple to some, but I think your quickly
forgetting the additional cognitive load of such a decision.

If we go the simple route and just require the user to download the
libs, then it starts out all well and good, but will quickly turn into
dependency hell.  Anyone whose been using Linux long enough, or still
uses a distro like Slackware knows exactly what I'm talking about.
IMO, this is just *NOT* and option.

If we create some build or module system around Contrib, we alleviate
the dependency problem, but add complexity to the layout/build of
Contrib.  I'm not saying it's a lot, but there is some form of
complexity added for sure.  I'm just not sure if Contrib needs such
complexity?  Is it really in the essence of Contrib to store all
these Clojure libs?  Is that it's purpose?

IMO, Contrib is just a way for Rich to allow user contribution to
Clojure, without creating havoc on the development of Clojure proper.
Often times when someone post a useful function on this group and
asks to add it to Core, the response is a unanimous Add it to Contrib
and see where it goes from there.  This allows Clojure to grow
without Rich reading every single contribution because he can rely on
community around Contrib to make sound decisions.  I believe, if you
allow 3rd party libs to penetrate Contrib, then you must allow the
same libs to penetrate Clojure itself.  To flip it the other way, I
think the only deps Contrib should be allowed are the deps used by

I think Contirb should remain a breeding ground for Core (if that is
indeed its current purpose), and should remain as dead simple and
dependency free as possible!  I think Clojure libs which require 3rd
party deps should be left to their own devices for now.  The
unification of those can be solved by some build/dependency tool.

Maybe there should be a 3rd project called clojure-extensions?  This
could rely on core, clojure-contrib and any number of 3rd party deps.
I do admit, though, that might confuse beginners more than a
modularized Contrib.

Sorry if I missed the point of this thread, but I thought the question
should be asked.  What is the purpose of Contrib?

P.S.  I don't want to get off-track, but I also don't understand why
ClojureCLR or clojurescript are included in Contrib.  I also don't
understand why test files are not under their own top level dir?  I
think that is a good convention and allows for easier tooling.  OK,
I'll shut up now.

On Apr 15, 4:01 am, dysinger wrote:
 +1 I said the same thing on IRC

 On Apr 14, 11:27 am, Mark Reid wrote:


  I'm not sure if this is relevant to this discussion but, as a
  newcomer, I was puzzled by the organisation of the clojure-contrib

  Why, for example, are ClojureCLR and clojurescript at the top of the
  trunk? Shouldn't these be in separate projects?



  On Apr 14, 10:19 pm, Rich Hickey wrote:

   I've been thinking recently about contribs with dependencies.

   I think it's very important to have layers - e.g. core depends only on
   JDK 1.5, contrib only on core. Lately there have been some ideas
   centering around Joda Time, [Parallel]Colt, AWS, JFreeChart, Fork/Join

   I'd like to start a discussion about how best to support the
   contributions of libraries that depend on things not in the JDK.

   Obviously, without care and rules it could get crazy quickly, and I
   want to avoid the kitchen-sink effect. It is very important that
   things remain [truly, not just apparently] simple.

   Looking for suggestions,

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Re: Contribs with dependencies

2009-04-15 Thread

My .02 cents...

I always viewed Contrib as an incubator of sorts for Core.  That it
was simply a testing ground for functionality that *MIGHT* make it
into Core if enough people find it useful, or Rich hands down his good

Requiring a few external libs here and there, and breaking Contrib up
into modules may sound simple to some, but I think your quickly
forgetting the additional cognitive load of such a decision.

If we go the simple route and just require the user to download the
libs, then it starts out all well and good, but will quickly turn into
dependency hell.  Anyone whose been using Linux long enough, or still
uses a distro like Slackware knows exactly what I'm talking about.
IMO, this is just *NOT* and option.

If we create some build or module system around Contrib, we alleviate
the dependency problem, but add complexity to the layout/build of
Contrib.  I'm not saying it's a lot, but there is some form of
complexity added for sure.  I'm just not sure if Contrib needs such
complexity?  Is it really in the essence of Contrib to store all
these Clojure libs?  Is that it's purpose?

IMO, Contrib is just a way for Rich to allow user contribution to
Clojure, without creating havoc on the development of Clojure proper.
Often times when someone post a useful function on this group and
asks to add it to Core, the response is a unanimous Add it to Contrib
and see where it goes from there.  This allows Clojure to grow
without Rich reading every single contribution because he can rely on
community around Contrib to make sound decisions.  I believe, if you
allow 3rd party libs to penetrate Contrib, then you must allow the
same libs to penetrate Clojure itself.  To flip it the other way, I
think the only deps Contrib should be allowed are the deps used by

I think Contirb should remain a breeding ground for Core (if that is
indeed its current purpose), and should remain as dead simple and
dependency free as possible!  I think Clojure libs which require 3rd
party deps should be left to their own devices for now.  The
unification of those can be solved by some build/dependency tool.

Maybe there should be a 3rd project called clojure-extensions?  This
could rely on core, clojure-contrib and any number of 3rd party deps.
I do admit, though, that might confuse beginners more than a
modularized Contrib.

Sorry if I missed the point of this thread, but I thought the question
should be asked.  What is the purpose of Contrib?

P.S.  I don't want to get off-track, but I also don't understand why
ClojureCLR or clojurescript are included in Contrib.  I also don't
understand why test files are not under their own top level dir?  I
think that is a good convention and allows for easier tooling.  OK,
I'll shut up now.

On Apr 15, 4:01 am, dysinger wrote:
 +1 I said the same thing on IRC

 On Apr 14, 11:27 am, Mark Reid wrote:


  I'm not sure if this is relevant to this discussion but, as a
  newcomer, I was puzzled by the organisation of the clojure-contrib

  Why, for example, are ClojureCLR and clojurescript at the top of the
  trunk? Shouldn't these be in separate projects?



  On Apr 14, 10:19 pm, Rich Hickey wrote:

   I've been thinking recently about contribs with dependencies.

   I think it's very important to have layers - e.g. core depends only on
   JDK 1.5, contrib only on core. Lately there have been some ideas
   centering around Joda Time, [Parallel]Colt, AWS, JFreeChart, Fork/Join

   I'd like to start a discussion about how best to support the
   contributions of libraries that depend on things not in the JDK.

   Obviously, without care and rules it could get crazy quickly, and I
   want to avoid the kitchen-sink effect. It is very important that
   things remain [truly, not just apparently] simple.

   Looking for suggestions,

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Re: speed question

2009-04-03 Thread

Could Clojure have something similar to CL's 'defconstant'?

On Apr 2, 4:09 pm, Bradbev wrote:
 It seems to me that the real solution is that the Clojure compiler
 needs to support global constants.  You could probably emulate the
 behaviour by rebinding global vars inside the let though.

 (def *foo* 100)
 (defn bar []
  (let [foo *foo*]


 On Apr 2, 7:57 am, Paul Stadig wrote:

  I think you are right, Brad.

  However, I wonder though if there is a better way to define a constant.
  Neither the macro nor function seems clean. I like David's
  wrapping-the-whole-thing-in-a-let, but what if you wanted to access the
  value of width in a different file? Would one have to resort to defining a
  Java class (at compile time or runtime)?


  On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 10:47 AM, Bradbev wrote:

   It would seem that macros in this case should not be required.  A
   normal function that simply returns a constant should get inlined by
   the JIT.

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Re: Keeping a ref and a DB in sync

2009-04-03 Thread

Brian, I imagine you are asking this in relation to your blog engine?

I came up with solution, that is, if you don't mind writing the
persistent data fresh every time.

Basically, I added a watch to the *comment* ref, which set the *db*
ref to the new state of the *comment* ref.  I wrote a test that hits
it with 10 current threads (that each add 10 comments) and then
validate that both refs are the same at the end (I borrowed the code
from Rich's example on the concurrency page).

This is my first real dive into the concurrency aspect of Clojure, and
just wanted to play around, but maybe this could give you other
ideas.  Maybe you could write to a file, and then every so often
commit the contents of the file to the db?  Like a buffer of commits
or something that is persisted to disk.  Meh, I'm just throwing up
ideas, good luck to ya.

On Apr 3, 5:02 am, Brian Carper wrote:
 Is there a safe way to keep the data in a Clojure ref and the data in
 a table in an external (e.g. mysql) database in sync, given concurrent
 creates/updates/deletes from within Clojure?

 I can't do a DB update from within a dosync because of retries.  If I
 send-off an agent for the DB update from within a dosync, it won't
 happen until after the dosync is done, and then if the DB update
 throws an exception, it'll be too late to rollback the ref and they'll
 be out of sync.  If I do the DB update and ref update separately,
 there's the potential for race conditions if things happen in between.

 Is manual locking the only way?
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Re: VimClojure 2.0.0 released (merged with Gorilla)

2009-03-12 Thread

Meikel, found a few more things that might need fixing.

1) In the preview window it says Use \p to close this buffer!, but I
have m LocalLeader mapped to ,.  I'm guessing maybe you hardcoded
this by accident?

2) When doing a macroexpand (me or m1), the cursor is moved into the
REPL buffer.  Is this on purpose?  I'd prefer it to stay in it's
original buffer and not move.

Both of these behaviors were witnessed in MacVim on OS X 10.5.6 if
that makes a difference at all.

Other than those two things, it's working great for me!  Us vimming
Clojurians are in your debt.

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Re: version of - short-circuiting on nil

2009-03-11 Thread

Not that I have any immediate use for this at the moment, but I +1
your proposal.  I make use of the ?. operating in Groovy, and it can
be helpful.

On Mar 10, 4:08 am, Laurent PETIT wrote:

 2009/3/10 Jason Wolfe

   (let [person (get-the-person)]
     (when-not (nil? person)
       (let [address (.getAddress person)]
         (when-not (nil? address)
            (let [street (.getStreet address)]
               (when-not (nil? street)
                  (do-something-finally-with-street street)

  ?- sounds potentially useful to me, but let me also point out that
  you could simplify the above to:

  (when-let [person (get-the-person)]
   (when-let [address (.getAddress person)]
     (when-let [street (.getStreet address)]
        (do-something-finally-with-street street

 No, because here, you could also short-circuit on the value false , and not
 only nil.
 And it's definitely what I had in a first attempt, and wanted to avoid :
 having to think about variable names and add several nested levels of lets.

  Not quite

  (?- (get-the-person) #(.getAddress %) #(.getStreet %) do-something)

  but it's halfway there at least.

  Info on contributing is here:

  The first step is to get your CA signed and in the mail.

 Yes you're right, I already have sent my CA, and will re-read this page.

 But I thought that before proposing something (even for clojure-contrib), it
 would be interesting to see if what I would like to propose sounds
 interesting to more than one person :-) and if somebody having commit rights
 on clojure-contrib informally accepts the contrib, before creating an issue
 with the patch attached ?

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Re: Shouldn't doto be named just with

2009-03-06 Thread

I think good arguments have been made for doto, but I must say I
prefer with slightly more.

FWIW, Groovy calls it with.

The great thing about Clojure is that if this really bothered me I
could easily take matters into my own hands.

(defmacro with [x  forms] `(doto ~x ~...@forms))

Clojure rocks!

On Mar 6, 7:36 pm, Dimiter \malkia\ Stanev
 Thanks for the explanation guys!

 Having learned other languages, sometimes makes you wanna have the

 On Mar 6, 3:37 pm, Meikel Brandmeyer wrote:


  Am 07.03.2009 um 00:23 schrieb Laurent PETIT:

   I'm not sure about this, but I think doto is named after the  
   convention that a lot of side effecting functions/macros/special  
   forms follow : share the do prefix if the name implies that there  
   will be side effects.

   And indeed, if you use doto with more than one following expression,  
   then this list of expression will generate side effects (mutating  
   the target object, at a minimum).

  I think doto is actually a good name. In contrast
  to -, which uses the return value of the expressions
  doto always calls the given functions or methods
  using the initial thing. So it does the function
  calls to the thing.

  Together with the points Laurent mentioned
  about the do-prefix indicating side-effects and
  the slightly different notion of the with-something
  blocks, I think doto is just good enough a name.

  Just, my 2¢ and YMMV.


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Re: Unicode, accented characters

2009-03-06 Thread

On Mar 6, 5:58 pm, max3000 wrote:

 I don't really want to use the SVN version because I'm developing an
 application and can really do without the (normal) instabilities that
 come with development builds.

FYI, you may want to consider using SVN for now because there have
been breaking changes[1] since the last release.  The general
consensus seems to be that breaking changes are allowed until version
1.0 is released.  Most of the commits are bug fixes, so IMO it only
gets more stable, not less.


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Re: A Clojure documentation browser

2009-02-16 Thread

On Feb 12, 3:31 pm, Craig Andera wrote:
  Nice work!


  Two things related to 'strcat'.

  1) This is already implemented as clojure.core/str (and is more
  efficient than concat'ing)
  2) This function is never called :)

 Yeah, that code was cut and pasted from some older work I did. It was
 removed when I started using prxml.

  I have some idea's related to the presentation, but I don't have time
  to iterate them right now.

 Well, pass them on whenever you get a minute. I've recently made some
 updates that are live on github [1] that may have addressed what you
 have in mind. Specifically, I've added the ability to collapse/expand
 an individual namespace or all namespaces. I've uploaded an updated
 example to the files section of this group [2].

 There are two more things I want to do, which probably won't be
 complete until next week:

 * See if I can strip the docstring from the displayed source code,
 since it's redundant.
 * Move the code into clojure.contrib, probably under the namespace

 Later, I may also have a look at making the symbols in the source code
 hyperlinks to the relevant place in the docs.


Sorry for the delayed response.

I think a problem with the current layout is that once you jump to one
of the library sections you have to manually scroll back up to the
index.  There are a few different ways this could be solved.

a) You could just add a top link to each library section banner.

b) Only show the currently selected library, and hide the rest.

c) Same as above, but also change the library navigation to a tree

 -) *default-encoding*
 -) file
 -) pwd

I did a quick implementation of B, and I think it makes the page feel
less cluttered (but I still feel it could be better).  However, I did
add jQuery as a dependency.  I'm not sure how 'light' you were trying
to keep this, but jQuery could simplify your JS.  Here is a diff:

diff --git a/gen_html_docs.clj b/gen_html_docs.clj
index eb3616d..2e7e46b 100644
--- a/gen_html_docs.clj
+++ b/gen_html_docs.clj
@@ -129,12 +129,21 @@ function toggle(targetid, linkid, textWhenOpen,

+$(function() {
+$('.lib-link').click(function() {
+var libName = 'library-' + this.text;
+$('.library[name=' + libName + ']').show();

 (def *style* 
+  display: none;
   padding: 0.5em 0 0 0
@@ -350,8 +359,7 @@ visibility of the library contents.
   Emits the HTML that documents the namespace identified by the
 symbol lib.
-  [:div {:class library}
-   [:a {:name (anchor-for-library lib)}]
+  [:div {:class library :name (anchor-for-library lib)}
[:div {:class library-name}
 [:span {:class library-contents-toggle}
@@ -388,7 +396,7 @@ lib, a symbol identifying that namespace.
   (let [ns (find-ns lib)]
 (if ns
-  [:a {:class lib-link :href (str # (anchor-for-library
lib))} (str (ns-name ns))])))
+  [:a {:class lib-link :href #} (str (ns-name ns))])))

 (defn- generate-lib-links
   Generates the list of hyperlinks to each namespace, given libs, a
@@ -434,6 +442,7 @@ libraries.
[:title Clojure documentation browser]
[:style *style*]
+[:script {:type text/javascript :src ./jquery-1.3.1.js}
[:raw! ]]
[:script {:language JavaScript :type text/javascript} [:raw!

[:script {:language JavaScript :type text/javascript}

Do with my idea as you wish.  I just wanted to to throw it out there.

I also think the code would be cleaner with the JS and CSS in their
own files, but I admit having everything in-lined makes it easy to

Oh, almost forgot--if you do happen to try out my patch you will
notice all the links from 'miglayout.internal' on will not behave
correctly.  If you look at the DOM with Firebug you'll notice that the
'miglayout' DIV is not being closed and is capturing the others.  I
didn't have a chance to track down the problem, but you might want to
take a look.

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Re: what's the typical usage of fn constantly

2009-01-25 Thread

Following James's description, I would image constantly's
implementation to look something like the following.

(defn constantly [value] #(identity value))

If you haven't seen the # macro before, the form below is equivalent.

(defn constantly [value] (fn [] (identity value)))

Making use of Chris Houser's fine repl-utils library, you can easily
view the source at the REPL.

user= (clojure.contrib.repl-utils/source constantly)
(defn constantly
  Returns a function that takes any number of arguments and returns
  [x] (fn [ args] x))

Seems I wasn't too far off, the canonical version allows any number of
args to be passed, but still just returns the value given at the time
of declaration.  I think it's safe to view constantly as a function
wrapper around 'identity'.

user= (clojure.contrib.repl-utils/source identity)
(defn identity
  Returns its argument.
  [x] x)

That is, I would view constantly to be the same as identity except it
returns a function which can be passed around, rather than the value

Finally, you could just as well do '#(identity the-value)' and get the
same result.

user= (= (#(identity ab)) ((constantly ab)))

Sorry if I beat this to death; some of it was for my own learning and

On Jan 25, 2:08 pm, wubbie wrote:
 thanks James,
 I'll have a look.


 On Jan 25, 2:00 pm, James Reeves wrote:

  On Jan 25, 5:34 pm, wubbie wrote:

   What's the typical usage of fn constantly ?

  When you need a function that constantly returns the same result :)

  That probably doesn't tell you any more than you know already, so I'll
  give you a real world use. My rnd-utils library has a function
  generating random strings that match a regular expression. It does
  this by converting a regex into a sequence of functions, and then
  concatenating the results into a string.

  So a regex like ab[def] would be converted into two functions:
  [(constantly ab) (rnd-choice def)]

  This can then be turned into a string using: (apply str (map apply

  - James
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merge, not just for maps?

2009-01-23 Thread

user= (doc merge)
([ maps])
  Returns a map that consists of the rest of the maps conj-ed onto
  the first.  If a key occurs in more than one map, the mapping from
  the latter (left-to-right) will be the mapping in the result.

According to merge's doc string it is meant to work on maps.  However,
this is only part of the truth:

user= (merge '(1) 2)
(2 1)

user= (merge [1] 2)
[1 2]

user= (merge #{1} 2)
#{1 2}

Of course, the canonical example:

user= (merge {:name ryan} {:age 25})
{:age 25, :name ryan}

What's the point?  Maybe the doc string should be changed to be more
general, or perhaps merge should check that it is indeed working with

Personally, this doesn't bother me all that much.  However, if people
rely on this behavior then it could be harmful if in a future version
of Clojure merge only works for maps, or if it's results change for
the other types of structures.  I feel that a doc string should act as
a contract between the function and it's user (think Eiffel).  I think
the contract for merge could be improved.

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Re: when performance matters

2009-01-14 Thread

On Jan 13, 8:04 am, Mark P wrote:
  A macro cannot depend on runtime information. A macro is a function  
  that is called at compile time, its argument is an expression (as  
  written by the programmer, or as returned by another macro), and its  
  result is a modified expression. There is no way a macro could access  
  runtime information. It is a program that works on program code, not  
  on runtime data.

 Then what do people mean when they say that lisp blurs
 the distinction between compile-time and run-time?  I
 thought that macros executing at runtime was part
 of this.  But if not, I don't know what they do mean.

 I thought macros could get executed at runtime as
 follows.  Suppose I have a domain-specific-language
 implemented in a lisp, using macros.  Suppose at
 runtime some of this domain-specific-code gets
 generated somehow (code is data at this point).
 An eval is executed on this domain-specific-code,
 which causes the macros (used to implement the
 domain-specific-language) to transform the input
 code at runtime.

 Is this wrong?

 I also thought that when a clojure application is
 bundled up as java bytecode, this executable
 actually includes the clojure compiler.  Why would
 this be included if compilation (including macros)
 is never performed at runtime?

 Is there something fundamental I am not


 Mark P.

I realize this thread has long since changed gears, but you may find
your answer in Chapter 8 of Practical Common Lisp (http://  Look for the section titled 'Macro
Expansion vs. Runtime.  Basically, it's like Konrad said, macros are
executed at 'macro expansion time' which is during the compilation
phase.  However, Peter Seibel does mention that when interpreted (vs
compiled) the line between macro expansion time and runtime becomes
kind of fuzzy because they become intertwined.  He mentions that it is
not explicitly defined when an interpreter must expand macro's.  It
could expand all the macros up front, or do it lazily as it comes
across them, but that doesn't change the fact that they must be
expanded first so that the actual runtime code can be produced and

Hope this helps.

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Re: finding all vars starting with *

2009-01-09 Thread

On Jan 8, 5:04 pm, Chouser wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 2:53 PM, wrote:

  On Jan 4, 6:05 pm, Brian Doyle wrote:
  Is there some place where all of these vars are defined?   Is there some 
  programatically I can find
  them all?  Thanks.

  I'm bored, and as an excuse to write some code I thought I'd try to
  come up with a solution.

  You can see it here:

  It could be made better with some of the clojure.contrib.ns-utils

  I'm a n00b, use at your own risk :)

 Not bad, though putting all the names into a  single string before
 doing the regex is a bit startling.

 Here's another crack at it:

 (doseq [[sym vr] (mapcat ns-publics (all-ns))
         :when (re-find #^\* (str sym))]
   (print-doc vr))

 This highlights, though, how many are missing doc strings.


The use of a list comprehension and mapcat is much more succinct then
my mess :) .  I, also, didn't like my big-string/regex; it is indeed
ugly.  Thanks for the comments, Chris.  They are always helpful.

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Re: metadata question

2009-01-07 Thread

On Jan 7, 10:37 am, Rich Hickey wrote:
 On Jan 7, 1:01 am, wrote:

  Looking at how the #^ macro is used in core.clj confuses me even more.

  For example:

  user= (def #^{:arglist '([name]) :doc Say hello.} hello (fn hello
  [name] (println (str Hello,  name
  user= (hello ryan)
  Hello, ryan

  I mean I kind of follow it, but not totally.  Is this macro explained

 This might help:


Perfect!  Thanks Rich.  I actually read over this thread before but
completely forgot about it (this group has really picked up steam over
the last couple of months).  Next time I'll try searching the group
more, rather than adding more noise.

However, I will reiterate the last threads conclusion.  #^ is not a
macro for with-meta.  That is what I think tripped me up.  I may still
not understand the full power of #^, but as long as I remember it's
not sugar for with-meta than I should at least avoid shooting myself
in the foot.

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Re: (alength nil) = java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: More than one matching method found

2009-01-06 Thread

On Jan 6, 9:54 am, Chouser wrote:
 On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 11:29 PM, 

  I was just messing around with array's and produced the following
  exception.  I don't actually need this to work for any reason, but I
  was rather surprised by the behavior.  Is this a bug or expected
  behavior? Please note I'm using revision 1195.

  user= (alength nil)
  java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: More than one matching method
  found: alength (NO_SOURCE_FILE:146)

 The docs say Works on arrays of all types and last I checked, nil is
 not an array of any type.
 What would you expect it to do?


Thanks for the reply Chris.  I'm not sure what I would expect it to
do.  I just found the actual exception returned to be odd.  For
example, compare it to the following:

user= (alength ryan)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Argument is not an array

That exception makes sense, because I called alength on something that
is not a primitive Java array.  I would expect the same from calling
'(alength nil)' (or maybe even just return nil).  This doesn't really
bother me, but I just thought I'd be a good steward and mention
something on the list.


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Re: finding all vars starting with *

2009-01-06 Thread

On Jan 4, 6:05 pm, Brian Doyle wrote:
 Today I found out about the var *file*.  I looked it up *file* on and couldn't find anything.
 Is there some place where all of these vars are defined?   Is there some way
 programatically I can find
 them all?  Thanks.

I'm bored, and as an excuse to write some code I thought I'd try to
come up with a solution.

You can see it here:

It could be made better with some of the clojure.contrib.ns-utils

I'm a n00b, use at your own risk :)

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Re: metadata question

2009-01-06 Thread

On Jan 6, 11:35 pm, wubbie wrote:
 Here is the question on differences between with-meta and #^
 Specifically 1) and 2) are different in that 1) has meta info carried
 to jumping-wubbie, while 2) has not.
 What's the rationale behind this?

 user= (def wubbie {:name Wubbie :email})
 user= wubbie
 {:name Wubbie, :email}
 user= ^wubbie
 user= (def jumping-wubbie (with-meta wubbie {:jumping true}))  ;; 1)
 meta info set
 user= ^jumping-wubbie
 {:jumping true}
 user= (def jumping-wubbie2 #^{:jumping true} wubbie)  ;; 2) meta inof
 not carried over
 user= ^jumping-wubbie2


Stu H. mentions this in his book.

The briefest way to explain it is with the following code:

user= (= #^{:jumping true} {:name Wubbie, :email} #^{:jumping true} wubbie)

In the case of #^{metadata} symbol you are adding the metadata to
the symbol, but then the symbol gets evaluated and it's *value* is
returned, not the metadata.

Maybe this makes it more clear?

user= (meta #^{:jumping true} wubbie)

I'm very much a Clojure n00b, but I would also expect the behavior you
were expecting.  I wonder if this implementation of #^ was intended,
or if this was just an oversight?  I think there is something lacking
in my fundamental knowledge of Clojure, and that's why this has yet to
make complete sense to me.
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(alength nil) = java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: More than one matching method found

2009-01-05 Thread

I was just messing around with array's and produced the following
exception.  I don't actually need this to work for any reason, but I
was rather surprised by the behavior.  Is this a bug or expected
behavior? Please note I'm using revision 1195.

user= (alength nil)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: More than one matching method
found: alength (NO_SOURCE_FILE:146)
user= (.printStackTrace *e)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: More than one matching method
found: alength (NO_SOURCE_FILE:146)
at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyzeSeq(
at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyze(
at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyze(
at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyzeSeq(
at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyze(
at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyze(
at clojure.lang.Compiler$BodyExpr$Parser.parse(
at clojure.lang.Compiler$FnMethod.parse(
at clojure.lang.Compiler$FnMethod.access$1100(
at clojure.lang.Compiler$FnExpr.parse(
at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyzeSeq(
at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyze(
at clojure.lang.Compiler.eval(
at clojure.core$eval__3756.invoke(core.clj:1566)
at clojure.main$repl__5495$fn__5513.invoke(main.clj:148)
at clojure.main$repl__5495.doInvoke(main.clj:145)
at clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke(
at clojure.main$repl_opt__5537.invoke(main.clj:208)
at clojure.main$legacy_repl__5562.invoke(main.clj:249)
at clojure.lang.Var.invoke(
at clojure.main.legacy_repl(
at clojure.lang.Repl.main(
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: More than one matching
method found: alength
at clojure.lang.Compiler.getMatchingParams(
at clojure.lang.Compiler$StaticMethodExpr.init(
at clojure.lang.Compiler$HostExpr$Parser.parse(
at clojure.lang.Compiler.analyzeSeq(
... 21 more


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Re: Using java.ext.dirs to manage the Classpath for Clojure REPLs

2009-01-04 Thread

I think this should be fine for 99% of situations, but I think it's
also fair to say this is an unorthodox use of java.ext.dirs.  I've
never really had a firm grip on the idiomatic use of Java's extension
mechanism, but I do know that they claim it is for well-established
extension/optional packages.  One example might be the bouncycastle
crypto provider.  The one thing I think you do have to be careful
about is that if you put something in the extensions path, it will be
loaded by the extensions classloader, and you will force everything
running on that JVM process to use that particular version (you can
get around this, but it's not always obvious).  For most applications
this shouldn't matter, but for an application that hosts other
applications (eg. an application server) this can be problematic.  I
know from experience after 3 years of dealing with IBM WebSphere.  You
will probably never run into any problems, but I couldn't help but

Another solution you might want to look at is Apache's Common
Launcher.  It's not the most elegant solution in the world, but it
makes it easy to add an entire directory of JARs to the classpath, and
it makes it easy to have a cross-platform execution script.

On Jan 4, 12:59 pm, Stephen C. Gilardi wrote:
 The java.ext.dirs System property provides a very convenient way to  
 set up and maintain a Classpath for Clojure REPLs. The property can be  
 set from the command line used to launch Clojure (typically within a  
 launcher script). Its value is a list of directories whose *contents*  
 will be the Classpath roots for Clojure.

 In my case, I set the value of java.ext.dirs to a list of just one  
 directory. That directory contains (relative) symbolic links to all  
 the Jar files and directories I want Clojure to use as its Classpath.

 As a concrete example, here's what I have in that directory:

 clojure-contrib.classes   - ../../clojure-contrib/classes
 clojure-contrib.src       - ../../clojure-contrib/src
 clojure.jar               - ../../clojure/clojure.jar
 derby.jar                 - ../javadb/lib/derby.jar
 etc                       - ../../../clj/etc
 itext-2.0.6.jar           - ../jfreechart/lib/itext-2.0.6.jar
 jcommon-1.0.12.jar        - ../jfreechart/lib/jcommon-1.0.12.jar
 jfreechart-1.0.9.jar      - ../jfreechart/lib/jfreechart-1.0.9.jar
 jsr166y.jar               - ../jsr166y/jsr166y.jar
 local                     - ../../../clj/local
 miglayout-3.6-sources.jar - ../miglayout/miglayout-3.6-sources.jar
 miglayout-3.6-swing.jar   - ../miglayout/miglayout-3.6-swing.jar

 I've enclosed the bash script I'm currently using the launch Clojure.  
 The one required environment variable is CLOJURE_DIRS which I set to  
 the directory containing the links above. I like how simple the script  
 is and how easy it is to manage which jars and directories are  
 available to Clojure REPLs using this method.


 (note: using this with clojure.contrib.repl-ln requires revision 337  
 (of today) or later)


 # clj: Launches a Clojure REPL with command line arguments
 # Environment variables:
 # Required:
 #  CLOJURE_DIRS A list of paths to directories containing (either  
 #               or via symbolic links) the jar files and directories  
 #               Clojure will use as its Classpath. The paths are  
 #               by File.pathSeparatorChar (: on UNIX).
 # Optional:
 #  CLOJURE_MAIN The Java class to launch
 #               default: clojure.main
 #               example: clojure.contrib.repl_ln
 #  CLOJURE_OPTS Java options for this REPL's JVM instance
 #               default:
 #               example:-Xms32M -Xmx128M -server
 #  CLOJURE_INIT Path to an init file to run, an @ prefix specifies a
 #               classpath-relative path.
 #               default:
 #               example:@init.clj

 set -o errexit
 set -o nounset
 #set -o xtrace



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code golf

2008-12-17 Thread

Neat challenge on stackoverflow:

I added an implementation in Clojure.  One that I'm sure could be
greatly improved on.  I don't really care for the extremely obfuscated
examples.  Sure, it's neat how far Perl can take things, but it's
gibberish to me.  I tried to follow a middle ground between terse and
readable and constrained myself to Clojure only (no contrib).

Chouser, where you at?  I'm sure you could write something really

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Re: code golf

2008-12-17 Thread

On Dec 17, 8:09 pm, Chouser wrote:

 I don't think I agree with the premise of the question, that golf
 answers help anyone learn about other languages.

 But I can't deny that golfing is fun!

 (defn enc[s e](apply str(map(into{}(for[[o _ n](partition 3 4 e)][o n]))s)))

 I can't figure out how to edit your stackoverflow answer, but feel
 free to put my answer in there if you want.

 It may also be worth noting that to use the command line arguments,
 you'd just need to add:

 (apply enc *command-line-args*)


As always you are very helpful, thanks Chouser!

There is a small problem with your solution, however.  If the
character is not in the encoding your solution will just drop it from
the string.  But you put me on the right track and here is what I came
up with.  I could have also built a default map with each character
mapping to itself, and then doing an overriding union with the
encoding map, but I think this way is more clear (albeit a little
obfuscated in my opinion).

(defn enc [s e] (apply str (map #(or ((into{} (for [[o _ n] (partition
3 4 e)] [o n])) %) %) s)))
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Re: In core structure editor, anyone?

2008-12-10 Thread

On Dec 10, 3:59 pm, falcon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Could you describe in-core editing a bit more?  Sounds interesting.

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Re: Running out of memory when using filter?

2008-12-07 Thread

On Dec 7, 1:52 am, Chouser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 1:16 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm also running into, what I believe to be, the same problem.  Every
  time I run the following code I get java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java
  heap space.

  (use '
  (count (line-seq (reader big.csv)))

  If I change count to dorun then it will return without problem.

 I think I can reproduce this one like so:

 user= (count (take 15000 (iterate #(str % more) some)))
 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)

 As with yours, I can replace 'count' with 'dorun' and it works fine.
 I can also use 'last':

 user= (.length (last (take 15000 (iterate #(str % more) some)

 I think the problem in this case is 'count', which for all
 IPersistentCollections (including lazy sequences) calls the 'count'
 method of the instance.  ASeq's count method is a tight for() loop,
 but since it's an instance method it must retain a 'this' reference to
 the head of the seq.

 Fixing this is hard becasue RT.count() is holding onto the head as
 well.  I've attached a patch that fixes the problem, but it's pretty
 ugly, perhaps only useful to demonstrate that this is the problem.



I started a new thread since these problems may be independent of each
other.  I don't want to get this one off track.

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