Re: Help with data structures and dereferencing

2014-02-27 Thread Dave Della Costa
Hi Robert,

I completely understand the desire to structure your code in a way that
isolates business logic.  It's something I struggle with all the time
and I think it's not simple when you're shifting from thinking in an OO
way (as you and I and so many folks are) to thinking more functionally
about things.  I mean, this is not simple, period--design is hard.

One point of advice I can make regarding this is that sometimes I've
found it useful to design a structure in an expedient way, asking the
question, what makes it easiest to get at and manipulate my data? Then
I ask questions about what that design implies: what concerns get mixed
up that I'd rather not get mixed up, what is more complex than it should
be, etc.  Then I see if I can maintain or increase the simplicity while
addressing the remaining concerns.

 my concern was that i was missing some clojure idiom for hiding
 whether a data structure was fully populated vs. requiring an explicit
 look ups.

You can still abstract this functionality without coupling your data and
the lookup functions.  It's fine to provide the API user with a function
that says, get me this data, I don't care how, and here's the tree of
entity relationships.  Heck, you can even hide the entity relationship
data structure if really really need to, depending on the needs of the
API.  That maintains the abstraction of a lookup method which could be
doing anything from pulling it from memory to looking it up in a
database to making an HTTP request...etc.  But your relationships can
still be expressed in that one isolated data structure, living wherever
it lives, getting managed however it gets managed.

But I would start by designing the lowest layer to make everything
explicit and as pure as possible: a function which gets an entity id and
this resource and tries to look up the data here, a function which gets
the id and that other resource and tries to look it up there, etc.  And
then the get-me-the-data-I-don't-care-how function would simply be
wrapping those up in logic which figures out which one succeeds (for

If you want something on top of all of that that is more semantically
meaningful and matches your domain vocabulary, you can then do that too.
 You can always wrap these functions in other functions.

Rick Hickey's comments in this interview (I could swear I saw this
interview on a different site, but can't find it...ah well) may be
pertinent here:

Fogus: Following that idea—some people are surprised by the fact that
Clojure does not engage in data-hiding encapsulation on its types. Why
did you decide to forgo data-hiding?
Hickey: Let’s be clear that Clojure strongly emphasizes programming to
abstractions. At some point though, someone is going to need to have
access to the data. And if you have a notion of “private”, you need
corresponding notions of privilege and trust. And that adds a whole ton
of complexity and little value, creates rigidity in a system, and often
forces things to live in places they shouldn’t. This is in addition to
the other losing that occurs when simple information is put into
classes. To the extent the data is immutable, there is little harm that
can come of providing access, other than that someone could come to
depend upon something that might change. Well, okay, people do that all
the time in real life, and when things change, they adapt. And if they
are rational, they know when they make a decision based upon something
that can change that they might in the future need to adapt. So, it’s a
risk management decision, one I think programmers should be free to make.

I don't think there's any magic answer to how to design something
correctly, and there are always tradeoffs and loose ends.  But perhaps
the thoughts in the quote above can provide a bit more of a basis to
start from when thinking about these kinds of design problems in Clojure.

Anyways, I was long-winded here, my apologies.  I hope at least some of
this helps.


(2014/02/27 0:48), Robert Quinn wrote:
 I think you're right.  I've complicated things by conflating the two
 the overall structure of the data is a graph. when you look at an entity
 and their relationships it's a tree.  entity (LHS) has a set of
 relationships.  that was my reason for even thinking a zipper might help
 to maintain the RHS state.  
 i'm trying to pass data between the business functions but I need them
 to have access to the latest state.  I was trying not couple/expose the
 business functions to data access (utility functions) so that's where
 the complexity got introduced.
 the embedded functions are doing exactly what you suggest, they look up
 the related entities using the references.  the advantage (i thought) of
 having the functions embedded in the data is that the business functions
 don't have any control logic to choose an appropriate utility function,
 they just invoke the function provided to 

Re: Help with data structures and dereferencing

2014-02-27 Thread Robert Quinn
That does help.  thanks for the link.  good to get feedback, I figured 
there's no magic bullet but didn't want to go to far down a path without 
soliciting advice.

I'm going to try a few things, keep it simple and see how it holds up.

thanks again dave

On Thursday, February 27, 2014 9:43:32 AM UTC-5, David Della Costa wrote:

 Hi Robert, 

 I completely understand the desire to structure your code in a way that 
 isolates business logic.  It's something I struggle with all the time 
 and I think it's not simple when you're shifting from thinking in an OO 
 way (as you and I and so many folks are) to thinking more functionally 
 about things.  I mean, this is not simple, period--design is hard. 

 One point of advice I can make regarding this is that sometimes I've 
 found it useful to design a structure in an expedient way, asking the 
 question, what makes it easiest to get at and manipulate my data? Then 
 I ask questions about what that design implies: what concerns get mixed 
 up that I'd rather not get mixed up, what is more complex than it should 
 be, etc.  Then I see if I can maintain or increase the simplicity while 
 addressing the remaining concerns. 

  my concern was that i was missing some clojure idiom for hiding 
  whether a data structure was fully populated vs. requiring an explicit 
  look ups. 

 You can still abstract this functionality without coupling your data and 
 the lookup functions.  It's fine to provide the API user with a function 
 that says, get me this data, I don't care how, and here's the tree of 
 entity relationships.  Heck, you can even hide the entity relationship 
 data structure if really really need to, depending on the needs of the 
 API.  That maintains the abstraction of a lookup method which could be 
 doing anything from pulling it from memory to looking it up in a 
 database to making an HTTP request...etc.  But your relationships can 
 still be expressed in that one isolated data structure, living wherever 
 it lives, getting managed however it gets managed. 

 But I would start by designing the lowest layer to make everything 
 explicit and as pure as possible: a function which gets an entity id and 
 this resource and tries to look up the data here, a function which gets 
 the id and that other resource and tries to look it up there, etc.  And 
 then the get-me-the-data-I-don't-care-how function would simply be 
 wrapping those up in logic which figures out which one succeeds (for 

 If you want something on top of all of that that is more semantically 
 meaningful and matches your domain vocabulary, you can then do that too. 
  You can always wrap these functions in other functions. 

 Rick Hickey's comments in this interview (I could swear I saw this 
 interview on a different site, but can't find it...ah well) may be 
 pertinent here: 

 Fogus: Following that idea—some people are surprised by the fact that 
 Clojure does not engage in data-hiding encapsulation on its types. Why 
 did you decide to forgo data-hiding? 
 Hickey: Let’s be clear that Clojure strongly emphasizes programming to 
 abstractions. At some point though, someone is going to need to have 
 access to the data. And if you have a notion of “private”, you need 
 corresponding notions of privilege and trust. And that adds a whole ton 
 of complexity and little value, creates rigidity in a system, and often 
 forces things to live in places they shouldn’t. This is in addition to 
 the other losing that occurs when simple information is put into 
 classes. To the extent the data is immutable, there is little harm that 
 can come of providing access, other than that someone could come to 
 depend upon something that might change. Well, okay, people do that all 
 the time in real life, and when things change, they adapt. And if they 
 are rational, they know when they make a decision based upon something 
 that can change that they might in the future need to adapt. So, it’s a 
 risk management decision, one I think programmers should be free to make. 

 I don't think there's any magic answer to how to design something 
 correctly, and there are always tradeoffs and loose ends.  But perhaps 
 the thoughts in the quote above can provide a bit more of a basis to 
 start from when thinking about these kinds of design problems in Clojure. 

 Anyways, I was long-winded here, my apologies.  I hope at least some of 
 this helps. 


 (2014/02/27 0:48), Robert Quinn wrote: 
  I think you're right.  I've complicated things by conflating the two 
  the overall structure of the data is a graph. when you look at an entity 
  and their relationships it's a tree.  entity (LHS) has a set of 
  relationships.  that was my reason for even thinking a zipper might help 
  to maintain the RHS state.   
  i'm trying to pass data between the business functions but I need them 
  to have access to the latest 

Re: Help with data structures and dereferencing

2014-02-26 Thread Robert Quinn

I think you're right.  I've complicated things by conflating the two 

the overall structure of the data is a graph. when you look at an entity 
and their relationships it's a tree.  entity (LHS) has a set of 
relationships.  that was my reason for even thinking a zipper might help to 
maintain the RHS state.  

i'm trying to pass data between the business functions but I need them to 
have access to the latest state.  I was trying not couple/expose the 
business functions to data access (utility functions) so that's where the 
complexity got introduced.

the embedded functions are doing exactly what you suggest, they look up the 
related entities using the references.  the advantage (i thought) of having 
the functions embedded in the data is that the business functions don't 
have any control logic to choose an appropriate utility function, they just 
invoke the function provided to them.

my concern was that i was missing some clojure idiom for hiding whether a 
data structure was fully populated vs. requiring an explicit look ups.  i 
think the answer is no, unless I can figure out some way of changing the 
behavior of (:rels entity) to do the lookup, the business function has to 
know that it's getting a function that must be invoked.

I appreciate your help.


On Tuesday, February 25, 2014 10:18:52 PM UTC-5, David Della Costa wrote:

 You are saying a zipper may be a solution--so do you have a tree or 
 graph structure? 

 If your RHS value is something that changes over time but has an 
 identity independent of its relationship to other nodes, then retrieving 
 or constructing its value could simply be a function or set of 
 functions--or just a lookup in a table--once you have access to its key, 
 could it not? 

 At least based on your description, it seems like you are complicating 
 the design by conflating two different things: accessing the most recent 
 value of the RHS value and establishing ways to look up values based on 
 their node relationships. 

 (2014/02/26 1:35), Robert Quinn wrote: 
  thanks for the reply.  I started down that path.   
  RHS is an entity itself.  Its state changes over time, with Identity 
  independent of its relationships, it can be related to many entities 
  (LHS).  So its state has to live in one place or employ synchronization 
  (complex watchers?).  I remember seeing a reference to zipper 
  functionality that seemed to imply a possible solution, I'll try to find 
  that again.. 
  On Tuesday, February 25, 2014 10:26:30 AM UTC-5, David Della Costa 
  Is there no way to simply structure the maps inside your main atom 
  such a way that you can look up your entities? 
  {lhs-uuid1 {rhs-uuid1 [values] rhs-uuid2 [values]}} 
  (get-in @myatom [lhs-uuid1 rhs-uuid2]) 
  You can wrap this in a function that does some other work to look it 
  if need be, if the result of the above is nil (for example)...etc. 
  Seems like you're making things more complicated than they need to 
  here, but it's hard to know without knowing more about your data. 
  But if I were you I would start there, as I've found thinking hard 
  the structure of your data and and using the facilities provided by 
  standard library usually helps simplify things tremendously. 
  (2014/02/25 23:14), Robert Quinn wrote: 
   new to clojure, in the process of unlearning years of OO.  sorry 
  for the 
   long post. 
   struggling with a design/impl and hoping to get some outside 
  opinions so 
   I can understand my options (clojure better) 
   basic concepts are straightforward and in a nutshell I'm modeling 
   entities and relationships  (aren't we all) 
   created a pool of entities (people and groups) implemented as 
each map has a :rels which is set of relationships to other 
the pool is an atom. 
   first approach; relationships are in the entity, add RHS entities 
   the LHS :rels.  the state of the RHS can change, I need the latest 
   of RHS not as it was when the relationship was created. I decided 
  not to 
   make each entity a ref (ref, atom, agent), it seemed too fine 
   each entity has a uuid 
   second approach, a pool of relationships (:lhs uuid :rhs uuid 
  :type x). 
   pool has all the relationships, also an atom.  the pool has lots 
   benefits it improves other parts of the code. 
   it doesn't solve the original problem, just moves it around, i 
   can't put the actual RHS, so i'm using the uuid as a reference, i 
   up RHS get the latest. (second guessing why didn't i make them 

Help with data structures and dereferencing

2014-02-25 Thread Robert Quinn

new to clojure, in the process of unlearning years of OO.  sorry for the 
long post.

struggling with a design/impl and hoping to get some outside opinions so I 
can understand my options (clojure better)

basic concepts are straightforward and in a nutshell I'm modeling entities 
and relationships  (aren't we all)


created a pool of entities (people and groups) implemented as maps.  each 
map has a :rels which is set of relationships to other entities.  the pool 
is an atom.

first approach; relationships are in the entity, add RHS entities into the 
LHS :rels.  the state of the RHS can change, I need the latest state of RHS 
not as it was when the relationship was created. I decided not to make each 
entity a ref (ref, atom, agent), it seemed too fine grained. *thoughts?*

each entity has a uuid

second approach, a pool of relationships (:lhs uuid :rhs uuid :type x). 
pool has all the relationships, also an atom.  the pool has lots of 
benefits it improves other parts of the code.

it doesn't solve the original problem, just moves it around, i still can't 
put the actual RHS, so i'm using the uuid as a reference, i look up RHS get 
the latest. (second guessing why didn't i make them atoms and use @uuid).

now my relationships aren't embedded in my entity, that doesn't feel right, 
anyone dealing with the entity should still be able to say... (:rels 
entity) and get the relationships, so i add a function to :rels that 
returns all the relationship based on the uuid of the LHS, this works 
great. syntax changes and requires me to use ((:rels entity)).

*the problem is... (assumes everything within a single process)*

I want to pass this data structure around and now dereferencing is bleeding 
out.  Instead of passing around a data structure, I'm passing around a data 
structure that has functions embedded in it.  which seems like a cool idea, 
but now the callee needs to know that :rels returns a function, when it's 
supposed to have data in it. (which is the same thing?) but I don't know 
how to treat it seamlessly.  (i have not considered eval).

for the :rels it's not too bad.  doesn't feel like I'm using all the power 
correctly, but it works.

*additional problem is, my rels look like this.*

(:lhs uuid :rhs uuid :type x)

 :lhs and :rhs should be entities, not references.  more functions?  I 
make :lhs and :rhs return functions which dereference entities. of course 
that makes selecting from rel-pool much harder 

that's when I knew I had to seek professional help [image: (smile)]

even with a long post hard to capture all the requirements... 

   1. the pools aren't supposed to be public so I can't have all the 
   callee functions understanding how to do the dereference.  
   2. the :rels function isn't one function, the truth is the rels-pool 
   doesn't have all relationships, some are virtual, the function creates them 
   on the fly, each entity could have it's own version of get-relationships
any help is appreciated.

i've considered

   - creating a function that denormalizes the data before sending it out 
   to.  now its fully formed but i lose some recency (not much diff i know)
   - centralizing all the derefs functions - so the callee knows that all 
   the data isn't embedded but the functions don't live in structure, just the 
   uuids... that works well for LHS/RHS deref, but makes the per entity 
   virtual relationships much harder.  
   - rethinking my atom granularity and using @ but i don't think that 
   really helps

thanks for reading

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Re: Help with data structures and dereferencing

2014-02-25 Thread Dave Della Costa
Is there no way to simply structure the maps inside your main atom in
such a way that you can look up your entities?

{lhs-uuid1 {rhs-uuid1 [values] rhs-uuid2 [values]}}

(get-in @myatom [lhs-uuid1 rhs-uuid2])

You can wrap this in a function that does some other work to look it up
if need be, if the result of the above is nil (for example)...etc.

Seems like you're making things more complicated than they need to be
here, but it's hard to know without knowing more about your data.

But if I were you I would start there, as I've found thinking hard about
the structure of your data and and using the facilities provided by the
standard library usually helps simplify things tremendously.

(2014/02/25 23:14), Robert Quinn wrote:
 new to clojure, in the process of unlearning years of OO.  sorry for the
 long post.
 struggling with a design/impl and hoping to get some outside opinions so
 I can understand my options (clojure better)
 basic concepts are straightforward and in a nutshell I'm modeling
 entities and relationships  (aren't we all)
 created a pool of entities (people and groups) implemented as maps.
  each map has a :rels which is set of relationships to other entities.
  the pool is an atom.
 first approach; relationships are in the entity, add RHS entities into
 the LHS :rels.  the state of the RHS can change, I need the latest state
 of RHS not as it was when the relationship was created. I decided not to
 make each entity a ref (ref, atom, agent), it seemed too fine grained.
 each entity has a uuid
 second approach, a pool of relationships (:lhs uuid :rhs uuid :type x).
 pool has all the relationships, also an atom.  the pool has lots of
 benefits it improves other parts of the code.
 it doesn't solve the original problem, just moves it around, i still
 can't put the actual RHS, so i'm using the uuid as a reference, i look
 up RHS get the latest. (second guessing why didn't i make them atoms and
 use @uuid).
 now my relationships aren't embedded in my entity, that doesn't feel
 right, anyone dealing with the entity should still be able to say...
 (:rels entity) and get the relationships, so i add a function to :rels
 that returns all the relationship based on the uuid of the LHS, this
 works great. syntax changes and requires me to use ((:rels entity)).
 *the problem is... (assumes everything within a single process)*
 I want to pass this data structure around and now dereferencing is
 bleeding out.  Instead of passing around a data structure, I'm passing
 around a data structure that has functions embedded in it.  which seems
 like a cool idea, but now the callee needs to know that :rels returns a
 function, when it's supposed to have data in it. (which is the same
 thing?) but I don't know how to treat it seamlessly.  (i have not
 considered eval).
 for the :rels it's not too bad.  doesn't feel like I'm using all the
 power correctly, but it works.
 *additional problem is, my rels look like this.*
 (:lhs uuid :rhs uuid :type x)
  :lhs and :rhs should be entities, not references.  more functions?  I
 make :lhs and :rhs return functions which dereference entities. of
 course that makes selecting from rel-pool much harder 
 that's when I knew I had to seek professional help (smile)
 even with a long post hard to capture all the requirements... 
  1. the pools aren't supposed to be public so I can't have all the
 callee functions understanding how to do the dereference.  
  2. the :rels function isn't one function, the truth is the rels-pool
 doesn't have all relationships, some are virtual, the function
 creates them on the fly, each entity could have it's own version of
 any help is appreciated.
 i've considered
   * creating a function that denormalizes the data before sending it
 out to.  now its fully formed but i lose some recency (not much diff
 i know)
   * centralizing all the derefs functions - so the callee knows that all
 the data isn't embedded but the functions don't live in structure,
 just the uuids... that works well for LHS/RHS deref, but makes the
 per entity virtual relationships much harder.  
   * rethinking my atom granularity and using @ but i don't think that
 really helps
 thanks for reading
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Re: Help with data structures and dereferencing

2014-02-25 Thread Robert Quinn

thanks for the reply.  I started down that path.  

RHS is an entity itself.  Its state changes over time, with Identity 
independent of its relationships, it can be related to many entities (LHS). 
 So its state has to live in one place or employ synchronization (complex 
watchers?).  I remember seeing a reference to zipper functionality that 
seemed to imply a possible solution, I'll try to find that again..



On Tuesday, February 25, 2014 10:26:30 AM UTC-5, David Della Costa wrote:

 Is there no way to simply structure the maps inside your main atom in 
 such a way that you can look up your entities? 

 {lhs-uuid1 {rhs-uuid1 [values] rhs-uuid2 [values]}} 

 (get-in @myatom [lhs-uuid1 rhs-uuid2]) 

 You can wrap this in a function that does some other work to look it up 
 if need be, if the result of the above is nil (for example)...etc. 

 Seems like you're making things more complicated than they need to be 
 here, but it's hard to know without knowing more about your data. 

 But if I were you I would start there, as I've found thinking hard about 
 the structure of your data and and using the facilities provided by the 
 standard library usually helps simplify things tremendously. 

 (2014/02/25 23:14), Robert Quinn wrote: 
  new to clojure, in the process of unlearning years of OO.  sorry for the 
  long post. 
  struggling with a design/impl and hoping to get some outside opinions so 
  I can understand my options (clojure better) 
  basic concepts are straightforward and in a nutshell I'm modeling 
  entities and relationships  (aren't we all) 
  created a pool of entities (people and groups) implemented as maps. 
   each map has a :rels which is set of relationships to other entities. 
   the pool is an atom. 
  first approach; relationships are in the entity, add RHS entities into 
  the LHS :rels.  the state of the RHS can change, I need the latest state 
  of RHS not as it was when the relationship was created. I decided not to 
  make each entity a ref (ref, atom, agent), it seemed too fine grained. 
  each entity has a uuid 
  second approach, a pool of relationships (:lhs uuid :rhs uuid :type x). 
  pool has all the relationships, also an atom.  the pool has lots of 
  benefits it improves other parts of the code. 
  it doesn't solve the original problem, just moves it around, i still 
  can't put the actual RHS, so i'm using the uuid as a reference, i look 
  up RHS get the latest. (second guessing why didn't i make them atoms and 
  use @uuid). 
  now my relationships aren't embedded in my entity, that doesn't feel 
  right, anyone dealing with the entity should still be able to say... 
  (:rels entity) and get the relationships, so i add a function to :rels 
  that returns all the relationship based on the uuid of the LHS, this 
  works great. syntax changes and requires me to use ((:rels entity)). 
  *the problem is... (assumes everything within a single process)* 
  I want to pass this data structure around and now dereferencing is 
  bleeding out.  Instead of passing around a data structure, I'm passing 
  around a data structure that has functions embedded in it.  which seems 
  like a cool idea, but now the callee needs to know that :rels returns a 
  function, when it's supposed to have data in it. (which is the same 
  thing?) but I don't know how to treat it seamlessly.  (i have not 
  considered eval). 
  for the :rels it's not too bad.  doesn't feel like I'm using all the 
  power correctly, but it works. 
  *additional problem is, my rels look like this.* 
  (:lhs uuid :rhs uuid :type x) 
   :lhs and :rhs should be entities, not references.  more functions?  I 
  make :lhs and :rhs return functions which dereference entities. of 
  course that makes selecting from rel-pool much harder 
  that's when I knew I had to seek professional help (smile) 
  even with a long post hard to capture all the requirements... 
   1. the pools aren't supposed to be public so I can't have all the 
  callee functions understanding how to do the dereference.   
   2. the :rels function isn't one function, the truth is the rels-pool 
  doesn't have all relationships, some are virtual, the function 
  creates them on the fly, each entity could have it's own version of 
  any help is appreciated. 
  i've considered 
* creating a function that denormalizes the data before sending it 
  out to.  now its fully formed but i lose some recency (not much diff 
  i know) 
* centralizing all the derefs functions - so the callee knows that all 
  the data isn't embedded but the functions don't live in structure, 
  just the uuids... that works well for LHS/RHS deref, but makes the 
  per entity virtual relationships much harder.   
* rethinking my atom granularity and using @ but i don't think that 
  really helps 

Re: Help with data structures and dereferencing

2014-02-25 Thread Dave Della Costa
You are saying a zipper may be a solution--so do you have a tree or
graph structure?

If your RHS value is something that changes over time but has an
identity independent of its relationship to other nodes, then retrieving
or constructing its value could simply be a function or set of
functions--or just a lookup in a table--once you have access to its key,
could it not?

At least based on your description, it seems like you are complicating
the design by conflating two different things: accessing the most recent
value of the RHS value and establishing ways to look up values based on
their node relationships.

(2014/02/26 1:35), Robert Quinn wrote:
 thanks for the reply.  I started down that path.  
 RHS is an entity itself.  Its state changes over time, with Identity
 independent of its relationships, it can be related to many entities
 (LHS).  So its state has to live in one place or employ synchronization
 (complex watchers?).  I remember seeing a reference to zipper
 functionality that seemed to imply a possible solution, I'll try to find
 that again..
 On Tuesday, February 25, 2014 10:26:30 AM UTC-5, David Della Costa wrote:
 Is there no way to simply structure the maps inside your main atom in
 such a way that you can look up your entities?
 {lhs-uuid1 {rhs-uuid1 [values] rhs-uuid2 [values]}}
 (get-in @myatom [lhs-uuid1 rhs-uuid2])
 You can wrap this in a function that does some other work to look it up
 if need be, if the result of the above is nil (for example)...etc.
 Seems like you're making things more complicated than they need to be
 here, but it's hard to know without knowing more about your data.
 But if I were you I would start there, as I've found thinking hard
 the structure of your data and and using the facilities provided by the
 standard library usually helps simplify things tremendously.
 (2014/02/25 23:14), Robert Quinn wrote:
  new to clojure, in the process of unlearning years of OO.  sorry
 for the
  long post.
  struggling with a design/impl and hoping to get some outside
 opinions so
  I can understand my options (clojure better)
  basic concepts are straightforward and in a nutshell I'm modeling
  entities and relationships  (aren't we all)
  created a pool of entities (people and groups) implemented as maps.
   each map has a :rels which is set of relationships to other
   the pool is an atom.
  first approach; relationships are in the entity, add RHS entities
  the LHS :rels.  the state of the RHS can change, I need the latest
  of RHS not as it was when the relationship was created. I decided
 not to
  make each entity a ref (ref, atom, agent), it seemed too fine
  each entity has a uuid
  second approach, a pool of relationships (:lhs uuid :rhs uuid
 :type x).
  pool has all the relationships, also an atom.  the pool has lots of
  benefits it improves other parts of the code.
  it doesn't solve the original problem, just moves it around, i still
  can't put the actual RHS, so i'm using the uuid as a reference, i
  up RHS get the latest. (second guessing why didn't i make them
 atoms and
  use @uuid).
  now my relationships aren't embedded in my entity, that doesn't feel
  right, anyone dealing with the entity should still be able to say...
  (:rels entity) and get the relationships, so i add a function to
  that returns all the relationship based on the uuid of the LHS, this
  works great. syntax changes and requires me to use ((:rels entity)).
  *the problem is... (assumes everything within a single process)*
  I want to pass this data structure around and now dereferencing is
  bleeding out.  Instead of passing around a data structure, I'm
  around a data structure that has functions embedded in it.  which
  like a cool idea, but now the callee needs to know that :rels
 returns a
  function, when it's supposed to have data in it. (which is the same
  thing?) but I don't know how to treat it seamlessly.  (i have not
  considered eval).
  for the :rels it's not too bad.  doesn't feel like I'm using all the
  power correctly, but it works.
  *additional problem is, my rels look like this.*
  (:lhs uuid :rhs uuid :type x)
   :lhs and :rhs should be entities, not references.  more
 functions?  I
  make :lhs and :rhs return functions which dereference entities. of
  course that makes selecting from rel-pool much harder
  that's when I knew I had to seek professional help (smile)
  even with a long post hard to capture all the requirements...