Re: Macro help/strategy for writing a tiny DSL for circuit-model quantum computing?

2019-05-16 Thread Vic Putz

The reason I'm starting with macros is that they're the 
high-risk/less-understood part of this; the rest is more or less 
straightforward, so I want to get a vertical slice working as soon as 
possible and expand from there.

1. Start with data - what are the entities (bits? gates?), and how do you 
> represent them? It's ok (actually better) for these to be verbose. Plan for 
> extension (maps are open, which is why they're so common in representing 
> data in Clojure).

Mostly done, as above--gates as keywords (with optional parameters), bits 
as integers, operations as a sequence of gate and bit, so (:H 1) or (:CNOT 
1 2) or ((:RX (/ pi 2)) 3).  Honestly if I could just output a sequence of 
those in the end, I'm Ok with that; I could scan that for the highest-index 
bit and know that's how much I'd need.  Yes, there are extra fun things to 
add for representation and such, but that's the bare-bone version that 
would get the job done.

> 2. Create functions that manipulate that take and return that data.
> 3. Decide what you actually want to write to capture the domain operations 
> - how do you represent these in "function-like" forms.

Right, and as above I'd like the gates represented as functions, so (H 1) 
would be represented as (:H 1), and you could do (map (partial CNOT 1) [2 3 
4]) to output [(:CNOT 1 2) (:CNOT 1 3) (:CNOT 1 4)].

> 4. Write macros that translate #3 into #2 using #1.

Aaaand this is where I falter, in both Clojure and Hy.  We'll leave Hy 
aside, but in Clojure if I just do something like

(defmacro defgate [gate nbits]
(= nbits 1)
`(do (defn ~gate [bit#]
  (list ~(keyword gate) bit#))
... similar for 2-bit, 3-bit gates, and a similar thing for parameterized 

I can happily do something like

(defn bellpair [b1 b2]
  (H b1)
  (CNOT b1 b2))

And (bellpair 1 2) will of course just give me (CNOT b1 b2) because clojure 
just returns the last thing in a sequence.  Okay, there are ways to do this 
and trivially get that result ("make the whole thing a vector!" ie (defn 
bellpair [b1 b2] [(H b1...) and wrap that in a macro, but that runs into 
trouble if trivially done when mixed with other Clojure code.

My best success so far has been something like

(def code-atom (atom []))
(defn emit [op] (swap! code-atom conj op))

(defmacro defgate [gate nbits]
(= nbits 1)
`(do (defn ~gate [bit#] (emit (list ~(keyword gate) bit#) ...
(defmacro qcomp [form] 
(reset! code-atom [])
(eval ~form)

But this is a problem because I don't like the stateful "need an atom" 
implementation, and also we get issues like (qcomp [(H 1) (CNOT 1 2)]) work 
fine, but (qcomp (map H [1 2 3])) fails with ArityException.

So it's not clear to me the prettiest way to go with this translation from 
"functional form" to "data structure".  The "emit" solution just seems 
ugly, but I also don't want to walk a structure representing the code tree 
and selectively pick out operations and manually expand partial function 
applications, so I was wondering what suggestions anyone would have.

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Re: Macro help/strategy for writing a tiny DSL for circuit-model quantum computing?

2019-05-15 Thread Alex Miller
My general advice would be not to start with macros. 

1. Start with data - what are the entities (bits? gates?), and how do you 
represent them? It's ok (actually better) for these to be verbose. Plan for 
extension (maps are open, which is why they're so common in representing 
data in Clojure).
2. Create functions that manipulate that take and return that data.
3. Decide what you actually want to write to capture the domain operations 
- how do you represent these in "function-like" forms.
4. Write macros that translate #3 into #2 using #1.
5. Bask in the warm glow of a job well done.

On Wednesday, May 15, 2019 at 1:56:30 PM UTC-5, Vic Putz wrote:
> ...which sounds a LOT more complex than it is.  I don't care about 
> simulation--there are great Python-based packages for that.  I don't even 
> care about verification or optimization yet; I just want to generate a data 
> structure that's exportable in, say, EDN that I can write a parser for in 
> Python.
> So... I'm dabbling in quantum computing, and the way these things work, 
> loosely, is that you have a fairly small address space (Google's 
> Bristlecone has 72 bits, and that's HUGE), and you basically apply "gates" 
> (atomic operations) to one, two, or occasionally three bits at a time.  
> That's basically it--you can have larger operations, but at the end of they 
> day they get broken down into 1/2/3-qubit gates.
> Right now the available kits use python to create these, and it just feels 
> clunky... not even like writing assembler, but like writing Python code to 
> write assembler, and there's no separation of data structure from execution 
> environment.  I figure at the end of the day you're just making lists of 
> operations; if only there was a language suited for list processing!  :)
> Example: here's Python code for a "bell pair" (when measured, both bits 
> are either 0 or 1), from ProjectQ, one of the Python libraries:
> # The H operator is defined as an object elsewhere
> # because ProjectQ mixes the construction of the quantum
> # code with its execution:
> # create a main compiler engine
> eng = MainEngine()
> # allocate one qubit
> b1 = eng.allocate_qubit()
> b2 = eng.allocate_qubit()
> # put it in superposition
> H | b1
> CNOT | (b1, b2)
> # measure
> Measure | q1
> Measure | q2
> eng.flush()
> # print the result:
> print("Measured: {}{}".format(int(q1),int(q2)))
> What I'd like to see is something more like
> ;; declare H to be a 1-bit gate and CNOT to be a 2-bit gate
> ;; note these don't have to DO anything here as long as they can
> ;; be interpreted in the Python backends
> (defgate H 1)
> (defgate CNOT 2)
> (defq-fn bell-pair [b1 b2]
>   (H b1)
>   (CNOT b1 b2))
> (defq-pgm run-bell-pair []
>   (let [b1 (allocate-bit 1)   ;; variable of one qubit
>  b2 (allocate-bit 1)]  ;; same
>   (bell-pair b1 b2)
>   (measure b1 b2))
> ...where gates behave like functions (so you can use partial, map, etc, 
> like (map (partial CNOT 1) [b1 b2 b3])
> And doing say (bell-pair 1 2) would spit out EDN
> ((:H 1)
>  (:CNOT 1 2))
> and (run-bell-pair) might parse everything, include extra data about the 
> necessary machine, and reassign variables to allocated bits
> {:machine {:bitsize 2} ; calculated because only two bits were allocated 
> in all the subsidiary code
>  :code ((:block {:name bell-pair 
>  :code (:H 0) (:CNOT 0 1) (:measure 0 1)}))}
> That sort of thing (the ":block" idea is mostly to delineate "where you 
> are" in the output program, and to group operations for display).  Then I 
> could write a parser in Python for the simulators and such (or rewrite the 
> Clojure code for Hylang, which is its own exercise, but I could use the 
> Python libs directly then).  There are other things I'd like (allocate 
> multi-bit variables, and apply gates to individual bits of those, like to 
> have the idea of reusing bits once they're measured and done with, that 
> sort of thing) but this is a start.
> On the surface, this looks really easy--you're just generating and 
> traversing data structures--but it's funny how hard I'm finding it because 
> it's key that you can execute proper computational code within (to do 
> things like determine angles for parameterized gates, apply gates in 
> complex ways to sequences, etc).  
> I created a defgate macro that generated function stubs for gates that 
> created EDN for gates; that was easy.  But properly doing the "defq-fn" 
> macro is eluding me.  I want it to return a list of the gates' data 
> structures, but if I just eval the given form, I'll only get the last 
> result and (do...) to get a sequence is tricky because we're mixing gates 
> and clojure code.  I tried a solution where the generated "gate" functions 
> would call an "emit" function which appended to a module-level variable, 
> and that srta worked, but it's not elegant (and not threadsafe).
> Ideally the defq-fn macro would create a 

Macro help/strategy for writing a tiny DSL for circuit-model quantum computing?

2019-05-15 Thread Vic Putz
...which sounds a LOT more complex than it is.  I don't care about 
simulation--there are great Python-based packages for that.  I don't even 
care about verification or optimization yet; I just want to generate a data 
structure that's exportable in, say, EDN that I can write a parser for in 

So... I'm dabbling in quantum computing, and the way these things work, 
loosely, is that you have a fairly small address space (Google's 
Bristlecone has 72 bits, and that's HUGE), and you basically apply "gates" 
(atomic operations) to one, two, or occasionally three bits at a time.  
That's basically it--you can have larger operations, but at the end of they 
day they get broken down into 1/2/3-qubit gates.

Right now the available kits use python to create these, and it just feels 
clunky... not even like writing assembler, but like writing Python code to 
write assembler, and there's no separation of data structure from execution 
environment.  I figure at the end of the day you're just making lists of 
operations; if only there was a language suited for list processing!  :)

Example: here's Python code for a "bell pair" (when measured, both bits are 
either 0 or 1), from ProjectQ, one of the Python libraries:

# The H operator is defined as an object elsewhere
# because ProjectQ mixes the construction of the quantum
# code with its execution:
# create a main compiler engine
eng = MainEngine()

# allocate one qubit
b1 = eng.allocate_qubit()
b2 = eng.allocate_qubit()

# put it in superposition
H | b1
CNOT | (b1, b2)

# measure
Measure | q1
Measure | q2

# print the result:
print("Measured: {}{}".format(int(q1),int(q2)))

What I'd like to see is something more like

;; declare H to be a 1-bit gate and CNOT to be a 2-bit gate
;; note these don't have to DO anything here as long as they can
;; be interpreted in the Python backends
(defgate H 1)
(defgate CNOT 2)

(defq-fn bell-pair [b1 b2]
  (H b1)
  (CNOT b1 b2))

(defq-pgm run-bell-pair []
  (let [b1 (allocate-bit 1)   ;; variable of one qubit
 b2 (allocate-bit 1)]  ;; same
  (bell-pair b1 b2)
  (measure b1 b2))

...where gates behave like functions (so you can use partial, map, etc, 
like (map (partial CNOT 1) [b1 b2 b3])

And doing say (bell-pair 1 2) would spit out EDN

((:H 1)
 (:CNOT 1 2))

and (run-bell-pair) might parse everything, include extra data about the 
necessary machine, and reassign variables to allocated bits

{:machine {:bitsize 2} ; calculated because only two bits were allocated in 
all the subsidiary code
 :code ((:block {:name bell-pair 
 :code (:H 0) (:CNOT 0 1) (:measure 0 1)}))}

That sort of thing (the ":block" idea is mostly to delineate "where you 
are" in the output program, and to group operations for display).  Then I 
could write a parser in Python for the simulators and such (or rewrite the 
Clojure code for Hylang, which is its own exercise, but I could use the 
Python libs directly then).  There are other things I'd like (allocate 
multi-bit variables, and apply gates to individual bits of those, like to 
have the idea of reusing bits once they're measured and done with, that 
sort of thing) but this is a start.

On the surface, this looks really easy--you're just generating and 
traversing data structures--but it's funny how hard I'm finding it because 
it's key that you can execute proper computational code within (to do 
things like determine angles for parameterized gates, apply gates in 
complex ways to sequences, etc).  

I created a defgate macro that generated function stubs for gates that 
created EDN for gates; that was easy.  But properly doing the "defq-fn" 
macro is eluding me.  I want it to return a list of the gates' data 
structures, but if I just eval the given form, I'll only get the last 
result and (do...) to get a sequence is tricky because we're mixing gates 
and clojure code.  I tried a solution where the generated "gate" functions 
would call an "emit" function which appended to a module-level variable, 
and that srta worked, but it's not elegant (and not threadsafe).

Ideally the defq-fn macro would create a function that returns a sequence 
of gates, one for every "gate function" executed in the execution of the 
function, but no other output (I may be making a specious distinction 
between defq-fn and defq-pgm, since I'd like to be able to allocate and 
"free" bits within qfns).

Aaaanyway, long story.  But what's the best/correct approach here?  I'm new 
to macros, but game to flail wildly.  Ideally any solution would be 
sorta-portable to Hylang (I'm doing the same exercise there and running 
into even stranger problems as for example "map" just returns a "map 
object" rather than simply being lazily evaluated, but I'm trying).

And yeah, for "real" QC applications there's a lot missing here, but one 
has to start somewhere :)

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