Re: filter-split

2009-03-08 Thread Laurent PETIT
It seems to me that neither filt-split nor filter-rem from e are lazy
operations (one uses reduce, the other one uses recur).
The version in clojurecontrib seems to preserve the original property of
filter of returning a lazy sequence.

My 0,02€,


2009/3/8 Adrian Cuthbertson

 That's the beauty of this language - there are many ways to skin the cat!
 Here's a version using reduce...

 (defn filt-split [pred col]
  (reduce (fn [[a b] x] (if (pred x) [(conj a x) b] [a (conj b x)]))
 [[] []] col))

 (filt-split even? [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8])
 [[2 4 6 8] [1 3 5 7]]

 But when you look at separate in clojure.contrib.seq-utils its simple
 and elegant;
 (defn separate [f s]
  [(filter f s) (filter (complement f) s)])
 Rgds, Adrian.
 - Afficher le texte des messages précédents -

 On Sun, Mar 8, 2009 at 6:44 AM, e wrote:
  check the discussion with the subject, time lies, even with doall.  We
  came up with something like the following, but some name change change
  tweaks were suggested.  This thing takes a pred and a collection and
  a list of two collections -- one that passes the pred, and one that
  (defn filt-rem [pred coll]
 (loop [l1 () l2 () [f  r] coll]
   (if f
 (if (pred f)
   (recur (conj l1 f) l2 r)
   (recur l1 (conj l2 f) r))
 (list l1 l2
  On Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 11:37 PM, Jeffrey Straszheim wrote:
  There is separate in seq_utils in contrib.
  On Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 11:29 PM, David Sletten
  I'm reading the Sequences chapter of Programming Clojure, and Stu
  points out that split-with combines the semantics of take-while and
  drop-while. But is there a function that does something similar with
  filter? Namely, rather than simply filtering the elements of a
  collection that satisfy a predicate I also want to capture those that
  don't. Something like this:
  (defn filter-split [pred coll]
(loop [trues '() falses '() coll coll]
  (cond (empty? coll)
(vector (reverse trues) (reverse falses))
(pred (first coll))
(recur (cons (first coll) trues) falses (rest coll))
(recur trues (cons (first coll) falses) (rest coll)
  (filter-split #{\a\e\i\o\u} is this not pung?) = [(\i \i \o \u)
  (\s \space \t \h \s \space \n \t \space \p \n \g \?)]
  (filter-split even? (range 10)) = [(0 2 4 6 8) (1 3 5 7 9)]
  David Sletten


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Re: filter-split

2009-03-08 Thread Adrian Cuthbertson

Sorry, further to that last example, if you actually consume all of
both even and odd sets then the reduce version is more efficient...

(time (let [[a b] (filt-split even? (range 10))] [(nth a 4)
(nth b 4)]))
Elapsed time: 36.711 msecs
[8 9]

(time (let [[a b] (separate even? (range 10))] [(nth a 4) (nth
b 4)]))
Elapsed time: 67.004 msecs
[8 9]

On Sun, Mar 8, 2009 at 12:11 PM, Adrian Cuthbertson wrote:
 You're absolutely right...

 user= (time (let [[a b] (separate even? (range 100))] (nth a 3)))
 Elapsed time: 0.115 msecs
 user= (time (let [[a b] (filt-split even? (range 100))] (nth a 3)))
 Elapsed time: 413.614 msecs

 and is also more efficient over large sequences...

 (time (let [[a b] (filt-split even? (range 10))] (nth a 4)))
 Elapsed time: 44.64 msecs
 user= (time (let [[a b] (separate even? (range 10))] (nth a 4)))
 Elapsed time: 24.042 msecs

 I guess there's only one way to skin this cat :-)

 On Sun, Mar 8, 2009 at 10:29 AM, Laurent PETIT 
 It seems to me that neither filt-split nor filter-rem from e are lazy
 operations (one uses reduce, the other one uses recur).
 The version in clojurecontrib seems to preserve the original property of
 filter of returning a lazy sequence.

 My 0,02€,


 2009/3/8 Adrian Cuthbertson

 That's the beauty of this language - there are many ways to skin the cat!
 Here's a version using reduce...

 (defn filt-split [pred col]
  (reduce (fn [[a b] x] (if (pred x) [(conj a x) b] [a (conj b x)]))
 [[] []] col))

 (filt-split even? [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8])
 [[2 4 6 8] [1 3 5 7]]

 But when you look at separate in clojure.contrib.seq-utils its simple
 and elegant;
 (defn separate [f s]
  [(filter f s) (filter (complement f) s)])
 Rgds, Adrian.
 - Afficher le texte des messages précédents -
 On Sun, Mar 8, 2009 at 6:44 AM, e wrote:
  check the discussion with the subject, time lies, even with doall.  We
  came up with something like the following, but some name change change
  tweaks were suggested.  This thing takes a pred and a collection and
  a list of two collections -- one that passes the pred, and one that
  (defn filt-rem [pred coll]
     (loop [l1 () l2 () [f  r] coll]
       (if f
         (if (pred f)
           (recur (conj l1 f) l2 r)
           (recur l1 (conj l2 f) r))
         (list l1 l2
  On Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 11:37 PM, Jeffrey Straszheim wrote:
  There is separate in seq_utils in contrib.
  On Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 11:29 PM, David Sletten
  I'm reading the Sequences chapter of Programming Clojure, and Stu
  points out that split-with combines the semantics of take-while and
  drop-while. But is there a function that does something similar with
  filter? Namely, rather than simply filtering the elements of a
  collection that satisfy a predicate I also want to capture those that
  don't. Something like this:
  (defn filter-split [pred coll]
    (loop [trues '() falses '() coll coll]
      (cond (empty? coll)
            (vector (reverse trues) (reverse falses))
            (pred (first coll))
            (recur (cons (first coll) trues) falses (rest coll))
            (recur trues (cons (first coll) falses) (rest coll)
  (filter-split #{\a\e\i\o\u} is this not pung?) = [(\i \i \o \u)
  (\s \space \t \h \s \space \n \t \space \p \n \g \?)]
  (filter-split even? (range 10)) = [(0 2 4 6 8) (1 3 5 7 9)]
  David Sletten


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Re: filter-split

2009-03-08 Thread Christophe Grand

The question showed up the other day on #clojure with the additional 
constraint to evaluate pred only once per item, here is Rich's solution:

(defn unzip-with [pred coll]
  (let [pvs (map #(vector (pred %) %) coll)]
[(for [[p v] pvs :when p] v)
 (for [[p v] pvs :when (not p)] v)]))


David Sletten a écrit :
 I'm reading the Sequences chapter of Programming Clojure, and Stu  
 points out that split-with combines the semantics of take-while and  
 drop-while. But is there a function that does something similar with  
 filter? Namely, rather than simply filtering the elements of a  
 collection that satisfy a predicate I also want to capture those that  
 don't. Something like this:
 (defn filter-split [pred coll]
(loop [trues '() falses '() coll coll]
  (cond (empty? coll)
(vector (reverse trues) (reverse falses))
(pred (first coll))
(recur (cons (first coll) trues) falses (rest coll))
(recur trues (cons (first coll) falses) (rest coll)

 (filter-split #{\a\e\i\o\u} is this not pung?) = [(\i \i \o \u)  
 (\s \space \t \h \s \space \n \t \space \p \n \g \?)]
 (filter-split even? (range 10)) = [(0 2 4 6 8) (1 3 5 7 9)]

 David Sletten



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Re: filter-split

2009-03-08 Thread Adrian Cuthbertson

Hmm, on the same (micro admittedly) benchmark as above...

(time (let [[a b] (unzip-with even? (range 10))] [(nth a 4)
(nth b 4)]))
Elapsed time: 177.797 msecs
[8 9]

that's a bit slower than both the previous versions. The reduce
version does only apply the pred once per item I think?

On Sun, Mar 8, 2009 at 12:37 PM, Christophe Grand wrote:

 The question showed up the other day on #clojure with the additional
 constraint to evaluate pred only once per item, here is Rich's solution:

 (defn unzip-with [pred coll]
  (let [pvs (map #(vector (pred %) %) coll)]
    [(for [[p v] pvs :when p] v)
     (for [[p v] pvs :when (not p)] v)]))


 David Sletten a écrit :
 I'm reading the Sequences chapter of Programming Clojure, and Stu
 points out that split-with combines the semantics of take-while and
 drop-while. But is there a function that does something similar with
 filter? Namely, rather than simply filtering the elements of a
 collection that satisfy a predicate I also want to capture those that
 don't. Something like this:
 (defn filter-split [pred coll]
    (loop [trues '() falses '() coll coll]
      (cond (empty? coll)
            (vector (reverse trues) (reverse falses))
            (pred (first coll))
            (recur (cons (first coll) trues) falses (rest coll))
            (recur trues (cons (first coll) falses) (rest coll)

 (filter-split #{\a\e\i\o\u} is this not pung?) = [(\i \i \o \u)
 (\s \space \t \h \s \space \n \t \space \p \n \g \?)]
 (filter-split even? (range 10)) = [(0 2 4 6 8) (1 3 5 7 9)]

 David Sletten


 Professional: (fr)
 On Clojure: (en)


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Re: filter-split

2009-03-08 Thread e
(filt-rem identity '(true nil false 8)) = ((true) ())
 (filt-split identity '(true nil false 8)) = [[true 8] [nil false]]

can't speak for this one, cause I don't know enough clojure

 (filt-rem even? (range 10)) = ((8 6 4 2 0) (9 7 5 3 1))
 (filter-split even? (range 10)) = [(0 2 4 6 8) (1 3 5 7 9)]

yeah, we had variations that preserved order, too  but that reduce one
looks even cooler, anyway.

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Re: filter-split

2009-03-08 Thread e
 This is exactly what I'm trying to avoid. I don't want to traverse
 the collection twice.

In that other thread, Time lies, even with doall, someone helped me figure
out a way to get the true time for filter-split, and concluded it was 2- 3
times faster than whats in contrib as expected . . . .you just can't time
it, outright for some reason ... so that's a gotcha.

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Re: filter-split

2009-03-08 Thread e
On Sun, Mar 8, 2009 at 6:48 AM, Meikel Brandmeyer wrote:


 Am 08.03.2009 um 11:44 schrieb Adrian Cuthbertson:

  that's a bit slower than both the previous versions. The reduce
 version does only apply the pred once per item I think?

 unzip-with is lazy, the reduce version is not. I would
 prefer laziness over speed.

they both probably have their places -- lazy and not.  With the non-lazy
one, someone can put the laziness at a higher level and batch in blocks, no?


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Re: filter-split

2009-03-07 Thread Jeffrey Straszheim
There is separate in seq_utils in contrib.

On Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 11:29 PM, David Sletten wrote:

 I'm reading the Sequences chapter of Programming Clojure, and Stu
 points out that split-with combines the semantics of take-while and
 drop-while. But is there a function that does something similar with
 filter? Namely, rather than simply filtering the elements of a
 collection that satisfy a predicate I also want to capture those that
 don't. Something like this:
 (defn filter-split [pred coll]
   (loop [trues '() falses '() coll coll]
 (cond (empty? coll)
   (vector (reverse trues) (reverse falses))
   (pred (first coll))
   (recur (cons (first coll) trues) falses (rest coll))
   (recur trues (cons (first coll) falses) (rest coll)

 (filter-split #{\a\e\i\o\u} is this not pung?) = [(\i \i \o \u)
 (\s \space \t \h \s \space \n \t \space \p \n \g \?)]
 (filter-split even? (range 10)) = [(0 2 4 6 8) (1 3 5 7 9)]

 David Sletten


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Re: filter-split

2009-03-07 Thread e
check the discussion with the subject, time lies, even with doall.  We
came up with something like the following, but some name change change
tweaks were suggested.  This thing takes a pred and a collection and returns
a list of two collections -- one that passes the pred, and one that fails.

(defn filt-rem [pred coll]
   (loop [l1 () l2 () [f  r] coll]
 (if f
   (if (pred f)
 (recur (conj l1 f) l2 r)
 (recur l1 (conj l2 f) r))
   (list l1 l2

On Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 11:37 PM, Jeffrey Straszheim wrote:

 There is separate in seq_utils in contrib.

 On Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 11:29 PM, David Sletten wrote:

 I'm reading the Sequences chapter of Programming Clojure, and Stu
 points out that split-with combines the semantics of take-while and
 drop-while. But is there a function that does something similar with
 filter? Namely, rather than simply filtering the elements of a
 collection that satisfy a predicate I also want to capture those that
 don't. Something like this:
 (defn filter-split [pred coll]
   (loop [trues '() falses '() coll coll]
 (cond (empty? coll)
   (vector (reverse trues) (reverse falses))
   (pred (first coll))
   (recur (cons (first coll) trues) falses (rest coll))
   (recur trues (cons (first coll) falses) (rest coll)

 (filter-split #{\a\e\i\o\u} is this not pung?) = [(\i \i \o \u)
 (\s \space \t \h \s \space \n \t \space \p \n \g \?)]
 (filter-split even? (range 10)) = [(0 2 4 6 8) (1 3 5 7 9)]

 David Sletten


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Re: filter-split

2009-03-07 Thread Adrian Cuthbertson

That's the beauty of this language - there are many ways to skin the cat!
Here's a version using reduce...

(defn filt-split [pred col]
 (reduce (fn [[a b] x] (if (pred x) [(conj a x) b] [a (conj b x)]))
[[] []] col))

(filt-split even? [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8])
[[2 4 6 8] [1 3 5 7]]

But when you look at separate in clojure.contrib.seq-utils its simple
and elegant;
(defn separate [f s]
 [(filter f s) (filter (complement f) s)])

Rgds, Adrian.

On Sun, Mar 8, 2009 at 6:44 AM, e wrote:
 check the discussion with the subject, time lies, even with doall.  We
 came up with something like the following, but some name change change
 tweaks were suggested.  This thing takes a pred and a collection and returns
 a list of two collections -- one that passes the pred, and one that fails.

 (defn filt-rem [pred coll]
    (loop [l1 () l2 () [f  r] coll]
      (if f
        (if (pred f)
          (recur (conj l1 f) l2 r)
          (recur l1 (conj l2 f) r))
        (list l1 l2

 On Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 11:37 PM, Jeffrey Straszheim wrote:

 There is separate in seq_utils in contrib.

 On Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 11:29 PM, David Sletten wrote:

 I'm reading the Sequences chapter of Programming Clojure, and Stu
 points out that split-with combines the semantics of take-while and
 drop-while. But is there a function that does something similar with
 filter? Namely, rather than simply filtering the elements of a
 collection that satisfy a predicate I also want to capture those that
 don't. Something like this:
 (defn filter-split [pred coll]
   (loop [trues '() falses '() coll coll]
     (cond (empty? coll)
           (vector (reverse trues) (reverse falses))
           (pred (first coll))
           (recur (cons (first coll) trues) falses (rest coll))
           (recur trues (cons (first coll) falses) (rest coll)

 (filter-split #{\a\e\i\o\u} is this not pung?) = [(\i \i \o \u)
 (\s \space \t \h \s \space \n \t \space \p \n \g \?)]
 (filter-split even? (range 10)) = [(0 2 4 6 8) (1 3 5 7 9)]

 David Sletten


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Re: filter-split

2009-03-07 Thread David Sletten

On Mar 7, 2009, at 7:17 PM, Adrian Cuthbertson wrote:

 That's the beauty of this language - there are many ways to skin  
 the cat!

Hmmm...I'm not sure what I'll do with a skinless cat. :)

 Here's a version using reduce...

 (defn filt-split [pred col]
  (reduce (fn [[a b] x] (if (pred x) [(conj a x) b] [a (conj b x)]))
 [[] []] col))

 (filt-split even? [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8])
 [[2 4 6 8] [1 3 5 7]]

I like that a lot. As long as the repeated creation of the ephemeral  
vectors isn't too expensive.

 But when you look at separate in clojure.contrib.seq-utils its simple
 and elegant;
 (defn separate [f s]
  [(filter f s) (filter (complement f) s)])

This is exactly what I'm trying to avoid. I don't want to traverse  
the collection twice.

David Sletten

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Re: filter-split

2009-03-07 Thread David Sletten

On Mar 7, 2009, at 6:44 PM, e wrote:

 check the discussion with the subject, time lies, even with  
 doall.  We came up with something like the following, but some  
 name change change tweaks were suggested.  This thing takes a pred  
 and a collection and returns a list of two collections -- one that  
 passes the pred, and one that fails.

 (defn filt-rem [pred coll]
(loop [l1 () l2 () [f  r] coll]
  (if f
(if (pred f)
  (recur (conj l1 f) l2 r)
  (recur l1 (conj l2 f) r))
(list l1 l2

This is almost identical to what I posted. However, is this the  
intended behavior?
(filt-rem identity '(true nil false 8)) = ((true) ())
(filt-split identity '(true nil false 8)) = [[true 8] [nil false]]

(filt-rem even? (range 10)) = ((8 6 4 2 0) (9 7 5 3 1))
(filter-split even? (range 10)) = [(0 2 4 6 8) (1 3 5 7 9)]

 (defn filter-split [pred coll]
   (loop [trues '() falses '() coll coll]
 (cond (empty? coll)
   (vector (reverse trues) (reverse falses))
   (pred (first coll))
   (recur (cons (first coll) trues) falses (rest coll))
   (recur trues (cons (first coll) falses) (rest coll)

David Sletten

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Re: filter-split

2009-03-07 Thread Adrian Cuthbertson

 ...repeated creation of the ephemeral vectors isn't too expensive.

With Clojure, although it looks like the immutable vectors are being
re-created on each iteration, under the covers it's really just
pointers being updated and the operations are (about) as efficient as
a loop/recur method.

 ...I don't want to traverse the collection twice.

Yes, I guess that even though each filter clause is lazy they each
will pass through the entire collection once.

On Sun, Mar 8, 2009 at 7:53 AM, David Sletten wrote:

 On Mar 7, 2009, at 7:17 PM, Adrian Cuthbertson wrote:

 That's the beauty of this language - there are many ways to skin
 the cat!

 Hmmm...I'm not sure what I'll do with a skinless cat. :)

 Here's a version using reduce...

 (defn filt-split [pred col]
  (reduce (fn [[a b] x] (if (pred x) [(conj a x) b] [a (conj b x)]))
 [[] []] col))

 (filt-split even? [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8])
 [[2 4 6 8] [1 3 5 7]]

 I like that a lot. As long as the repeated creation of the ephemeral
 vectors isn't too expensive.

 But when you look at separate in clojure.contrib.seq-utils its simple
 and elegant;
 (defn separate [f s]
  [(filter f s) (filter (complement f) s)])

 This is exactly what I'm trying to avoid. I don't want to traverse
 the collection twice.

 David Sletten


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