[ClojureScript] Re: CSS in CLJS

2017-02-08 Thread Thomas Heller
I actually spent a whole bunch of time thinking about the tradeoffs. The 
project has not been in production for that long so my experience is a bit 
limited. So for now things are heavy on the theory. I actually just had a fun 
idea last night and wrote to the closure compiler guys just now.

Anyways here is the current state with regards to performance:

CSS is generated by the compiled JS at runtime.

- No extra render-blocking  tag to fetch styles
- Dead-code removal also removes unused styles
- JS caching equals CSS caching.
- CLJS representation of CSS is probably smaller than actual CSS in total bytes 
used (ie. less for the user to download, need more data to verify though)

- CSS is generated at runtime, this takes time.
For my current project it amounts to about 25ms total, spread out over time. 
Since styles are generated when they are needed, this can mean 5ms now and 20ms 
when the user clicks a thing (maybe never). I have a solution in place to 
generate the styles on the server but that is not dead-code aware (ie. all 
styles are generated, not just the ones you use). Working through some ideas to 
make this dead-code aware.

Cannot really comment on the performance of the CSS selectors, they should be 
faster than nested rules but it is surprisingly hard to find actual good 
benchmarks for this topic. Most of the information I could find is 2+ years old 
and may not be relevant anymore. The conclusion seems to be that the the 
selectors generated by shadow.markup should be ideal.

I can tell you with a bit of confidence that my solution is much faster than 
any other css-in-js solution I looked at (styled-components, fela, aphrodite 
and more I can't remember). Granted some of them are also shipping PostCSS 
which isn't exactly fast and quite heavy on the download size.

I am committed as the fallback has always been to generate the styles on the 
server. If everything else fails you still get a .css file you can use 
normally. So far the client-side story looks promising though. Writing the 
styles in CLJS has lessened my hate for CSS considerably. It is too early to 
tell whether it will accumulate as much waste as traditional methods over time. 
My instinct feels good about it though. Cursive already tells me whether or not 
I'm using an element by just showing me whether a "def" is used or not.


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[ClojureScript] Re: CSS in CLJS

2017-02-08 Thread Torsten Uhlmann
I'm very interested in that discussion and the conclusions it brings. I've been 
working in a few large web applications and CSS has always been a big nightmare 
for me, I'm very grateful for new solutions offered.

@Thomas Can you comment on the tradeoff having the CSS put inside the html 
page? In past projects we had strict rules not to put any CSS inside html files 
to allow the browser to cache them. I guess the scenario is different here 
since the CSS would be part of the Javascript send to the browser and cached 
along with the JS and then injected into the rendered page. Is that correct?

Another thought, my guess is the created css which is component based is much 
simpler in terms of used css selectors (because it applies to just the 
component) so it would be faster for the browser to render them compared to 
large style files containing nested rule sets- right?


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