[ClojureScript] Re: Can't use React from a CDN with reagent 0.8.0-alpha2 without vendoring externs

2018-03-12 Thread Jonathan Fischer
This dates back to over a year ago, but here's what I did to use React 
15.1.0 from a CDN when using Reagent 0.7:

My Reagent dependency in project.clj looks like this:

 [reagent "0.7.0" :exclusions [cljsjs/react

Then I just created a set of dummy namespaces in my source tree to fake out 
the compiler:

solace:eris2 jfischer$ find src/cljsjs

solace:eris2 jfischer$ cat src/cljsjs/react.cljs
(ns cljsjs.react
  "Dummy namespace to let me exclude React from my compiled output.")

And in my HTML loaded React from the CDN:


On Monday, March 5, 2018 at 11:02:53 PM UTC-8, al...@hill.net.au wrote:
> Hi all,
> I want to use reagent 0.8 with an external React 16, available as 
> `window.React` (equivalent to using React from a CDN, but in reality built 
> and exported from a separate webpack bundle).
> My goal is to build a bundle which uses React, ReactDOM and 
> createReactClass from the window object, instead of inlining its own copies 
> of those libraries.
> I talked to @Deraen about this on Slack a couple of months ago who helped 
> me get this working. I'm currently able to build a bundle as described 
> above, but I have to vendor in all the extern files from the relevant 
> cljsjs React libraries, and add them to :exclusions. My :compiler key in my 
> cljsbuild config looks like this:
>:foreign-libs [{:file "src/js/empty.js"
>:provides ["react" "react-dom" "create-react-class" 
> "react-dom/server"]
>:requires []
>:global-exports {react React
> react-dom ReactDOM
> create-react-class createReactClass
> react-dom/server ReactDOMServer}}]
>:externs ["src/js/externs/react.ext.js"
>  "src/js/externs/react-dom.ext.js"
>  "src/js/externs/create-react-class.ext.js"]
> He thought at the time that it should be possible without the externs and 
> :exclusions, as mentioned on this page: 
> https://github.com/reagent-project/reagent/blob/master/docs/0.8-upgrade.md#browser---loading-react-from-cdnjs-or-custom-webpack-bundle
> > it should be possible to override the Cljsjs foreign-libs, while still 
> using externs from Cljsjs packages.
> But I can't figure it out - if I don't exclude the cljsjs libraries, I get 
> a bundle with React 15 built-in, and if I do exclude them, the bundle is 
> broken because the externs are missing and the names get eaten by the 
> closure compiler.
> Is there any way around having to commit the externs?
> Thanks,
> Alex

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[ClojureScript] Re: Reagent/routing/SPA question

2017-04-25 Thread Jonathan Fischer
It kind of comes down to how you're managing the state in your project. I'm 
using re-frame at the moment, so I have kind of top-level key in my project 
state to tell me what the user's looking at. Then I register my routes with 
Secretary and each route just kicks off an event that'll eventually modify that 
top-level key.

So more specifically, my project's state is in one big map, and I have a key 
`:app/view` that has a view id I can use to figure out what to render, along 
with any additional info it might need. 

(def default-db
  {:app/view {:view/id :view/sign-in}})

My routing code looks like this (I only start listening to navigation events 
after a user has signed in, and stop again when she signs out):

(ns my-app.routing
  (:require-macros [secretary.core :refer [defroute]])
  (:require [re-frame.core :refer [console dispatch]]
[goog.events :as events]
[secretary.core :as secretary])
  (:import [goog.history Html5History]))

(defonce history
  (let [h (Html5History.)]
(events/listen h
   (fn [e]
 (when (.-isNavigation e)
   (secretary/dispatch! (.-token e)

(defn set-token! [token]
  (.setToken history token))

(defn get-token
  "Returns the current history token (e.g. the stuff after the # in the URL)"
  (.getToken history))

(defn listen!
  "Starts listening for and dispatching history/navigation events."
  (.setEnabled history true))

(defn stop!
  "Stops listening for navigation events."
  (.setEnabled history false))

(defroute "/data-logging" []
  (dispatch [:events/navigate {:view/id :view/data-logging}]))

(defroute "/info" []
  (dispatch [:events/navigate {:view/id :view/info}]))

(defroute #"/page/(\d+)"
  (dispatch [:events/navigate {:view/id :view/page :page/id (js/parseInt 

(defroute "*"
  ;; Catch-all history token router to show a 404 page, etc.
  {:as params}
  (dispatch [:events/navigate {:view/id :view/unknown}]))

Again, using re-frame, so I dispatch an event and handle it elsewhere, but that 
navigate event just ends up modifying the :app/view key, something like:

(swap! app-state #(assoc % :app/view new-value))

Where app-state is a Reagent atom and updating it triggers a re-render.

On Saturday, April 22, 2017 at 10:13:33 AM UTC-7, Jonathon McKitrick wrote:
> I have an app that's been working wonderfully for a few years now. I want to 
> improve it by adding links. If you see a person's name, I want to be able to 
> click on that name and the app will jump to the 'user' page (simple enough) 
> and then move the browser view to that particular item. In static HTML we'd 
> obviously do that with a # and an anchor. But with Reagent, I'm not quite 
> sure.
> I'm exploring Secretary right now, but what's the missing piece that will get 
> me from a link to a Reagent-rendered page and then jumping to that row or 
> even opening a modal with that item?

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