ClojureScript, the Clojure compiler that emits JavaScript source code.

README and source code:

Leiningen dependency information:

[org.clojure/clojurescript "1.9.493"]

This is a bugfix release.

As always, feedback welcome!

### Fixes
* CLJS-1948: Possible race condition in compiler w/ parallel-build true
* CLJS-1941: `cljs.compiler/cljs-files-in` shouldn't return `.cljc` files
if a `.cljs` file exists for the namespace
* CLJS-1940: Undeclared var warning when invoking a protocol method on a
`js` interop form
* CLJS-1951: Missing 0 and 1 arity versions of interleave
* CLJS-1952: Bump Closure Compiler to Feb 2017 release
* CLJS-1937: Self-host: undeclared cljs.core$macros/mod when compiling
* CLJS-1936: cljs.analyzer declares vars which are only used in Clojure
* CLJS-1949: Self-host: cljs.compiler/munge doesn't preserve JVM compiler
* CLJS-1950: Eliminate instances of #^
* CLJS-1943: Self-host: `cljs.pprint`'s macros can't be compiled
* CLJS-1945: cljs.spec/every-impl kind-fn kind-form dead code
* CLJS-1944: Can't spec generate non-vector collections
* CLJS-1946: Self-hosted: don't emit `goog.require` calls for foreign libs
if optimizations different than `:none`
* CLJS-1636: Mark some symbols in core macros ns as private
* CLJS-1939: Fix Node load_file call for foreign-deps
* CLJS-1942: Self-host: `cljs.env.macros` and `cljs.analyzer.macros` can't
be loaded
* CLJS-1935: When calling cljs.spec/valid?, subsequent predicates of
cljs.spec/and are evaluated even when early predicate is unsatisfied

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