[ClojureScript] Re: Javascript library (Leaflet) not linking in production build, because of member renaming?

2020-02-25 Thread 'Simon Brooke' via ClojureScript

On Tuesday, 25 February 2020 10:48:27 UTC, Thomas Heller wrote:
> Hey,
> first of all :stable-names has nothing to do with this. It only attempts 
> to keep the names stable between compiles, meaning that it will try to 
> re-use the same shortened name on a recompile. It'll still shorten though.
> The issue you need to google is externs and externs inference.
> See https://clojurescript.org/guides/externs
> Your leaflet.js externs are likely just incomplete, which happens quite 
> often if they are auto-generated.
> If you enable :infer-externs you should get warnings for things that'll be 
> renamed because the compiler cannot tell who they belong to.

Thank you, that was the trick!

It's working now, but I need to do a wee bit more tidy-up before I push the 
fix to github.

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[ClojureScript] Re: Javascript library (Leaflet) not linking in production build, because of member renaming?

2020-02-25 Thread Thomas Heller

first of all :stable-names has nothing to do with this. It only attempts to 
keep the names stable between compiles, meaning that it will try to re-use 
the same shortened name on a recompile. It'll still shorten though.

The issue you need to google is externs and externs inference.

See https://clojurescript.org/guides/externs

Your leaflet.js externs are likely just incomplete, which happens quite 
often if they are auto-generated.

If you enable :infer-externs you should get warnings for things that'll be 
renamed because the compiler cannot tell who they belong to.

You can also compile with :pseudo-names true which will make the names 
somewhat recognizable, meaning setView becomes $setView$. So you can add 
setView to your externs to make that error go away. That is a bit tedious 
but an alternative to infer-externs.


PS: shadow-cljs fixes a lot of those issues.

On Tuesday, February 25, 2020 at 10:24:31 AM UTC+1, Simon Brooke wrote:
> Hi all, 
> I've a bug which is baffling me. If you go to 
> https://simon-brooke.github.io/geocsv-lite/ you will see three maps that 
> all work. Excellent. But my guilty secret is that that is a dev build; the 
> production build does not work.
> If you clone the project and run
> lein cljsbuild once min
> and load a page, you'll get
> TypeError: L.map(...).Wf is not a function
> You'll get that even if you set the compile options to:
>{:id "min"
> :source-paths ["src"]
> :compiler {:output-to 
> "resources/public/js/compiled/geocsv_lite.js"
>:main geocsv-lite.core
>:optimizations :none
>:foreign-libs [{:file 
> "./resources/node_modules/leaflet/dist/leaflet.js"}]
>:externs ["leaflet.js"]
>:stable-names true
>:pretty-print true
>:warnings true}}
> If you look at the error, it happens here:
>   switch(c = mk instanceof G ? mk.ib : null, c) {
> case "mapbox":
>   c = L.map(a, Aj(new x(null, 1, [Xl, "false"], null))).Wf([55, 
> -4], 10);
>   L.Rg("http://{s}.tiles.mapbox.com/v3/FIXME/{z}/{x}/{y}.png 
> ", Aj(new 
> x(null, 2, [Nl, "Map data \x26copy; [...]", gl, 18], null))).ef();
>   break a;
> case "osm":
>   c = L.map(a, Aj(new x(null, 1, [Xl, !1], null))).Wf([55, -4], 
>   L.Rg("https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png 
> ", Aj(new 
> x(null, 2, [Nl, "Map data \x26copy; \x3ca href\x3d'
> http://openstreetmap.org'\x3eOpenStreetMap\x3c/a\x3e contributors", gl, 
> 18], null))).ef(c);
>   break a;
> default:
>   throw Error(["No matching clause: ", B.a(c)].join(""));
>   }
> which is clearly compiled from:
> (defn map-did-mount-osm
>   "Did-mount function loading map tile data from Open Street Map.
>   Arguments are:
>   * `id` the element id of the HTML element to occupy (string);
>   * `lat` the latitude of the centre of the view (real number);
>   * `lng` the longitude of the centre of the view (real number);
>   * `zoom` the initial zoom level of the view (real number)."
>   [id lat lng zoom]
>   (let [view (.setView
>(.map js/L
>  id
>  (clj->js {:zoomControl false}))
>#js [lat lng]
> (.addTo (.tileLayer js/L osm-url
> (clj->js {:attribution osm-attrib
>   :maxZoom 18}))
> view)
> view))
> (defn map-did-mount
>   "Select the actual map provider to use. Arguments are:
>   * `id` the element id of the HTML element to occupy (string);
>   * `lat` the latitude of the centre of the view (real number);
>   * `lng` the longitude of the centre of the view (real number);
>   * `zoom` the initial zoom level of the view (real number)."
>   [id lat lng zoom]
>   (case *map-provider*
> :mapbox (map-did-mount-mapbox id lat lng zoom)
> :osm (map-did-mount-osm id lat lng zoom)
> ;; potentially others
> ))
> So what is going wrong is that *some* (not all) Leaflet method names are 
> being substituted, *despite* :stable-names being true.
> For example, above, 'L.tileLayer' is being compiled to 'L.Rg', and, where 
> it's actually breaking, 'setView' is being compiled to 'Wf'.
> Now, this cannot be a problem unique to me, and I find it hard to believe 
> that it's a problem unique to Leaflet. But I have googled and googled, and 
> I cannot find how to tell the ClojureScript compiler that it does not own 
> the 'L' global, and cannot rename its members. Anyone? Please help?

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