[CMake] Visual Studio, Solutions and dependant projects

2007-09-17 Thread Stephan Diederich

I want to reanimate discussions about (Visual Studio) support for the
following sourcecode layout:

-CMakeLists.txt (sets all common stuff)
   -CMakeLists.txt (adds only the different apps with add_subdirectory(...))
   - App1
  - CMakeLists.txt (project(app1), add_executable(app1 ...),
   - App2
  - CMakeLists.txt (project(app2), add_executable(app2 ...),
target_link_libraries(app1lib1 lib2)
   -CMakeLists.txt (adds only the different libs with add_subdirectory(...))
   - lib1
  - CMakeLists.txt (project(lib1), ...)
   - lib2
  - CMakeLists.txt

I think the behaviour with Visual-Studio and Makefiles differs for
those projects. If I cd into $(BUILDDIR)/apps/app1, and do make, the
libraries (lib1 in this case) is build before the app. In Visual
Studio, that lib isn't build, and its .vcproj file isn't included in
the solution for app1.

I know it is possible to open the toplevel solution and then
everything is build fine, but for a project tree where there are many
targets the toplevel solution becomes easily cluttered and it would be
nicer to directly use the solution from the target one wants to build
(e.g. app1).

There were already several discussions about this topic on this list
(http://tinyurl.com/2s3e69 , http://tinyurl.com/3c29em) and there is a
bugreport with an attached patch from Manuel Klimek
But actually I could not read the opinion from CMake-developers about
this issue. Will the patch be included? Are there problems one should

Thanks in advance,
CMake mailing list

RE: [CMake] CPack

2007-09-17 Thread Torsten Martinsen
Hendrik Sattler  wrote:

 I want to use the CPACK generator, but the tutorial
 http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake:Packaging_With_CPack is not quite
 good. Perhaps somebody knows a better site.
 When I run make with make package, then I get following error:
 CPack Error: Cannot find a sutable ZIP program - an I is missing in
 suitable ;) CPack Error: Cannot initialize the generator
 CMake-2.4.7 wants either WinZip or Info-Zip[1]. Since the latter is
 free, I use that.

What is not immediately obvious is that 2.4.7 *requires* zip.exe to
reside in c:/cygwin/bin.

(Bad luck if you do not have a C: drive).


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CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] CPack

2007-09-17 Thread Alexander Neundorf
On Monday 17 September 2007 09:04, Eric Noulard wrote:
  Hi Eric,
  Thanks for your reply.
   Since you are on windows you may want to try a nightly build
   of CMake CVS version:
   It should properly handle 7zip (I think I already used it).
   (However THIS IS NOT a CMake VERSION just a development snapshot).
  So this is planed to be in the next released version of Cmake?

Basically everything which is now in cmake cvs will be in cmake 2.6.0, 
including all the cpack enhancements.

CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Re: -G KDevelop3 and Fortran

2007-09-17 Thread Alexander Neundorf
On Sunday 02 September 2007 09:03, Alin M Elena wrote:
 Hi Alex and Andreas,

 Thank you for you help. I have checked the cvs version.
 It seems to work. I tested  on  a hello project and on a more complex one.

 There are few things that I have observed

 1. this looks strange to me
   type ext=ui /
   type ext=cpp /
   type ext=h /
 2.   group pattern=*.ui name=Qt Designer files /   ???

Do the two points above give you any problems in kdevelop or are they 
just looking strange if you inspect the project file directly ?

 3. It is necessary to call the project Fortran77? Can you call it just

I took this from a kdevelop-generated project, I guess it must be called this 
Andreas ?

 4. hidepatterns*.o,*.lo,CVS,*~,cmake*/hidepatterns Can you add svn?

Isn't this .svn, which means it should already be hidden ?

 5. to the fortran list of extension .fpp, .FOR, .FTN,  .FPP, .ftn should
 be added

The extensions used in the project file are the extensions listed in 
Modules/CMakeFortranCompiler.cmake.in. I guess cmake doesn't handle fortran 
files with the listed extensions. 
These are also generic fortran source file extensions or are they something 
special ?

 6. I would not worry to much about ftnchek (the project seems to be
 slightly out of date 2004 last version). Today fortran compilers provide
 you a way to tell about programming warning.


CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] FLTK_WRAP_UI CMake problem

2007-09-17 Thread Alexander Neundorf
On Wednesday 12 September 2007 10:35, Romain Garrigues wrote:
 Hello all !

 I have an unexpected problem with CMake (v 2.4.2) command FLTK_WRAP_UI.
 In fact, when I configure CMake for my project, i have this message :

Does it also happen with CMake 2.4.7 ?
You should use at least 2.4.3, 2.4.2 was a beta version and I think it had 
some problems.

CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] cmake 2.5 with windows mobile

2007-09-17 Thread Alexander Neundorf
Hi Artur,

On Saturday 01 September 2007 06:16, Artur Wisz wrote:
 Alexander Neundorf wrote:
  Why is this failing ?
  It only tries to build an executable, it doesn't run it.
  Is the compiler called cl.exe or clarm.exe ?
  You need to setup a toolchain file as described here:
  It should contain
  This should be enough to get you over the first steps so a hello world
  can be built.
  Windows-cl.cmake assumes that cl is the native compiler and so can be
  only x86 32bit or x86 64bit.
  Either this file has to be modified or a new platform WindowsMobile is
  required. Is Windows Mobile a slimmed down version of XP or is it based
  on Win CE ?

 The compiler is cl.exe, so the same name as the native compiler.
 Windows Mobile is a new version of the Windows CE. WindowsMobile would
 be a good name for the target platform.

If it's a version of Win CE I'd suggest WinCE as name for the platform, so 
we don't end up with too many different platforms.

 This is the content of the CMakeError.log:

 C:\Programme\CMake\share\cmake-2.5\Modules\CMakeCCompilerId.c failed with
 the following output: 2
 Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 14.00.50725 for ARM
 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

 Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 8.00.50727.42
 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

 LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'OLDNAMES.lib'

 When doing
   set LINK=/NODEFAULTLIB:oldnames.lib /subsystem:windowsce,5.01 /DLL
 before running cmake, at least the custom platform file is scanned, but
 only when I run it under plain console (no vcvarsall.bat). I think there

Why doesn't it work with vcvarsall.bat ?

 should be a way to avoid setting LINK.
 So far my batch file looks like this:

 set PATH=C:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\ce\bin\x86_arm\;%PATH%
 set PATH=C:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\IDE;%PATH%
 set INCLUDE=C:\Programme\Windows CE Tools\wce500\Windows Mobile 5.0
 Pocket PC SDK\Include\Armv4i;C:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio
 8\VC\ce\atlmfc\include;C:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\ce\include
 set LIB=C:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio
 8\VC\ce\lib\armv4i;C:\Programme\Windows CE Tools\wce500\Windows Mobile
 5.0 Pocket PC SDK\Lib\ARMV4I
 set LINK=/NODEFAULTLIB:oldnames.lib /subsystem:windowsce,5.01 /DLL
 /NOLOGO coredll.lib corelibc.lib

 mkdir build-arm-wince-nmake
 cd build-arm-wince-nmake
 mkdir Debug
 cd Debug

 cmake -DCMAKE_MODULE_PATH=%CD%\..\..\..\config\cmake
ake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%CD%\..\..\..\arm-wince
 -DTARGET_PLATFORM=arm-wince -G NMake Makefiles ..\..

With -D you are setting cmake variables, so they should have cmake-style 
paths, i.e. using forward slashes. This should fix your problem below.
What do you use TARGET_PLATFORM for ?

 The toolchain file:

 MESSAGE(STATUS Took toolchain-visual)
 # which C and C++ compiler to use
 SET(CMAKE_C_COMPILER   /Programme/Microsoft Visual Studio
 SET(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER /Programme/Microsoft Visual Studio
 # here is the target environment located
 SET(CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH  /Programme/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/VC/ce)

You should use the full path including the drive letter, i.e. 

 # adjust the default behaviour of the FIND_XXX() commands:
 # search headers and libraries in the target environment, search
 # programs in the host environment

 ... and the platform file WindowsMobile.cmake located in config\Platform
 is at the end of the mail. I have removed some checks there, and am not
 sure if all is ok there.

I suggest you remove everything except the stuff you need right now. This will 
make it easier to understand and debug.

 Now cmake fails after scanning the WindowsMobile.cmake with a message
 which is not telling me much:

 -- Check for working C compiler: /Programme/Microsoft Visual Studio
 CMake Error: Invalid escape sequence \w
 Syntax error in cmake code at
CMakeLists.txt:1: syntax error, unexpected cal_ERROR, expecting $end (4),
 when parsing string
ke CMake Error: Internal CMake error, TryCompile configure of cmake failed

 Any ideas how to make it through ?

It seems to get the string C:
as a path for a 

RE: [CMake] Creating a static lib from other static libs, HOW?

2007-09-17 Thread Sanchez, Juan
Could you post the link to the faq?  I don't see which question covers the 


-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Brandon Van Every
Sent: Mon 9/17/2007 1:10 AM
To: cmake@cmake.org
Subject: Re: [CMake] Creating a static lib from other static libs, HOW?
On 9/16/07, Juan Sanchez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 The ar command can be used to extract the .o files from a .a file.
 Extracting them all into the same directory, perhaps you can use some
 file globbing to find all the objects and add them to another archive.

Yeah but that's the ar command, which is specific to Unixy systems.
Doesn't help a cross-platform build solution that includes MSVC.

I just got done telling all you guys how to reuse objects in a
platform independent manner.  And it's in the FAQ now for handy

Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Creating a static lib from other static libs, HOW?

2007-09-17 Thread Brandon Van Every
On 9/17/07, Sanchez, Juan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Could you post the link to the faq?  I don't see which question covers the


Brandon Van Every
CMake mailing list

[CMake] execute_process command problem

2007-09-17 Thread Ajay Divekar
I have some problem executing the execute_process command of cmake on
fedora 6 and 7 whereas the same command works fine in FreeBSD 6.2.

The command that i have is as follows

 COMMAND make clean RESULT_VARIABLE ret_var)

IF(NOT ${ret_var} STREQUAL 0)
  MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR Unable to execute make clean command on the
source dir. Error - ${ret_var})
ENDIF(NOT ${ret_var} STREQUAL 0)

The error that is generated is as follows

Unable to execute make clean command on the source dir. Error - No
such file or directory.

I have tried this over and over but this command never works on Fedora.

Thanks in advance. Waiting for your reply.


Ajay Divekar
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] OS X build directory

2007-09-17 Thread Alexander Neundorf
On Monday 17 September 2007 11:48, Mike Jackson wrote:
 The easiest way is to create the folder BEFORE cmake is run. I do the
 same thing on OS X for gcc and intel compilers.

 mkdir intel; cd intel; ccmake ../
 mdkir gcc; cd gcc; ccmake ../


 Unless Cmake takes as an argument the build directory to use? Don't
 know the answer to that one.

No, it uses the current directory as build directory.

CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] OS X build directory

2007-09-17 Thread Paul Dean

So, this cannot be done within CMakeLists.txt for OS X?
It must be done like mike says or with a script?

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[CMake] U

2007-09-17 Thread Bill Hoffman

Ajay Divekar wrote:

What that does is it outputs make clean command's output on standard
output. On the other hand if I cd and then execute make clean command
then it does not output anything to the standard output.
OUTPUT_QUIET and ERROR_QUIET should help with that issue.  Please read 
the documentation here: http://www.cmake.org/HTML/Documentation.html


CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] OS X build directory

2007-09-17 Thread Bill Hoffman

Paul Dean wrote:

So, this cannot be done within CMakeLists.txt for OS X?
It must be done like mike says or with a script?

Yes, you can not force a directory from the CMakeLists.txt file,
a user of cmake expects to be able to pick the output directory.


CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] execute_process command problem

2007-09-17 Thread Ajay Divekar
What that does is it outputs make clean command's output on standard
output. On the other hand if I cd and then execute make clean command
then it does not output anything to the standard output.


Ajay Divekar

On 9/17/07, Bill Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ajay Divekar wrote:
  I have some problem executing the execute_process command of cmake on
  fedora 6 and 7 whereas the same command works fine in FreeBSD 6.2.
  The command that i have is as follows
   COMMAND make clean RESULT_VARIABLE ret_var)
  IF(NOT ${ret_var} STREQUAL 0)
MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR Unable to execute make clean command on the
  source dir. Error - ${ret_var})
  ENDIF(NOT ${ret_var} STREQUAL 0)
  The error that is generated is as follows
  Unable to execute make clean command on the source dir. Error - No
  such file or directory.
  I have tried this over and over but this command never works on Fedora.
 What about:
COMMAND make clean RESULT_VARIABLE ret_var)


CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] execute_process command problem

2007-09-17 Thread Bill Hoffman

Ajay Divekar wrote:

I have some problem executing the execute_process command of cmake on
fedora 6 and 7 whereas the same command works fine in FreeBSD 6.2.

The command that i have is as follows

 COMMAND make clean RESULT_VARIABLE ret_var)

IF(NOT ${ret_var} STREQUAL 0)
  MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR Unable to execute make clean command on the
source dir. Error - ${ret_var})
ENDIF(NOT ${ret_var} STREQUAL 0)

The error that is generated is as follows

Unable to execute make clean command on the source dir. Error - No
such file or directory.

I have tried this over and over but this command never works on Fedora.

What about:
  COMMAND make clean RESULT_VARIABLE ret_var)


CMake mailing list

[CMake] CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR expands to $(OutDir)

2007-09-17 Thread McKay Davis
I'm experiencing trouble getting cmake to copy DLL files to my executable
output path in visual studio after the target is built.  

It seems that the CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR variable is being expanded to: $(OutDir)

This causes the .dll files to be copied to the filename '$(OutDir)', not into
the 'Debug' or 'Release' sub-directory as I would expect.

Here is the relevant cmake code:





And here are a few lines from my VC++ buildlog.htm:

C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake 2.4\bin\cmake.exe -E copy
C:/Qt/4.3.1/lib/../bin/QtXml4.dll C:/bin/viewer/$(OutDir)

C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake 2.4\bin\cmake.exe -E copy
C:/Qt/4.3.1/lib/../bin/QtXmld4.dll C:/bin/viewer/$(OutDir)

For some reason either cmake is quoting the $ in the expansion of the
${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR} variable.  Does anyone know a fix for this?

-McKay D


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CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] execute_process command problem

2007-09-17 Thread wim van hoydonck
Add an output_variable to the list of arguments of execute_process if
you do not want the output of make clean to be send to stdout:

 COMMAND make clean
 OUTPUT_VARIABLE output_var)



On 9/17/07, Ajay Divekar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What that does is it outputs make clean command's output on standard
 output. On the other hand if I cd and then execute make clean command
 then it does not output anything to the standard output.


 Ajay Divekar

 On 9/17/07, Bill Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Ajay Divekar wrote:
   I have some problem executing the execute_process command of cmake on
   fedora 6 and 7 whereas the same command works fine in FreeBSD 6.2.
   The command that i have is as follows
COMMAND make clean RESULT_VARIABLE ret_var)
   IF(NOT ${ret_var} STREQUAL 0)
 MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR Unable to execute make clean command on the
   source dir. Error - ${ret_var})
   ENDIF(NOT ${ret_var} STREQUAL 0)
   The error that is generated is as follows
   Unable to execute make clean command on the source dir. Error - No
   such file or directory.
   I have tried this over and over but this command never works on Fedora.
  What about:
  execute_process(WORKING_DIRECTORY $ENV{PP_ROOTDIR}/src
 COMMAND make clean RESULT_VARIABLE ret_var)
 CMake mailing list

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CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR expands to $(OutDir)

2007-09-17 Thread Bill Hoffman

McKay Davis wrote:

I'm experiencing trouble getting cmake to copy DLL files to my executable
output path in visual studio after the target is built.  

It seems that the CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR variable is being expanded to: $(OutDir)

This causes the .dll files to be copied to the filename '$(OutDir)', not into
the 'Debug' or 'Release' sub-directory as I would expect.

Here is the relevant cmake code:





And here are a few lines from my VC++ buildlog.htm:

C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake 2.4\bin\cmake.exe -E copy
C:/Qt/4.3.1/lib/../bin/QtXml4.dll C:/bin/viewer/$(OutDir)

C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake 2.4\bin\cmake.exe -E copy
C:/Qt/4.3.1/lib/../bin/QtXmld4.dll C:/bin/viewer/$(OutDir)

For some reason either cmake is quoting the $ in the expansion of the
${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR} variable.  Does anyone know a fix for this?

Did you try it without the VERBATIM specified?


CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] copying the contents of a directory with cpack

2007-09-17 Thread Alan W. Irwin

On 2007-09-17 20:31-0400 Bill Hoffman wrote:

Niall Dalton wrote:


I have a custom target that creates doxygen documentation from my C header 
files. I'd like, as part of my cpack configuration in my main 
CMakeLists.txt, to copy the directory containing the doxygen output into 
the .tar.gz package.

What is the simplest way to do this?
Basically, cpack just uses whatever make install does.  So, you would need to 
use the install commands in cmake.  Once those are working cpack should work.

That advice is correct for generating binary distributions with make
package, but in case you wanted to include the doxygen output in a source
distribution with the make package_source command, then all you have to do
is make your build tree a subdirectory of your source tree or copy the
doxygen output from the build tree to the source tree.  By default, make
package_source packages everything in the source tree, and you use a regex
expression variable called CPACK_SOURCE_IGNORE_FILES to ignore anything you
do not want.  To see how to set this up, have a look at the top-level
CMakeLists.txt file of CMake itself.

To those in charge of the Wiki: I am all for terse but useful documentation,
but somebody has removed so much information from 
http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake:Packaging_With_CPack that it is almost

meaningless now.  Please revert it back to the previous version which at
least supplies quite a bit of information about CPack.  We also need some
real documentation when you run cpack --help-full. The problem with that
command (at least for 2.4.7) is it gives you mostly just a template
placeholder for documentation. Instead, you need some real documentation
there of all the variables you can set from CMake when you INCLUDE the CPack
Module, and at least a mention of the make targets (package and
package_source) that are generated and the rules for including material in
binary distributions and source distributions.

Alan W. Irwin

Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Victoria (astrowww.phys.uvic.ca).

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state implementation
for stellar interiors (freeeos.sf.net); PLplot scientific plotting software
package (plplot.org); the libLASi project (unifont.org/lasi); the Loads of
Linux Links project (loll.sf.net); and the Linux Brochure Project

Linux-powered Science
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