[CMake] Building a Windows project in both 32- and 64-bit mode using the nmake generator.

2014-05-01 Thread Rick McGuire
We're trying to convert a project from using a very old hand-built makefile
(the original version was written over 20 years ago!) to using cmake.  We
want to do the builds using command line nmake, not using Visual Studio
project files.

With our existing setup, to switch between 32- and 64- bit builds, we only
need to change the option specified on the vcvarsall batch file and do a
clean build.  The tools figure out from the environment variables which
build we're doing any everything works great.

We've started our conversion by converting one of our smaller library
files.  All of the source files appear to compile correctly, but when we
get to the link, we're getting the following error:

Linking CXX shared library CMakeFiles\bin\rexxapi.dll
msvcprtd.lib(MSVCP120D.dll) : fatal error LNK1112: module machine type
'x64' con
flicts with target machine type 'X86'
LINK Pass 1 failed. with 1112
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\CMake
2.8\bin\cmake.exe"' :
return code '0x'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio
\VC\BIN\amd64\nmake.exe"' : return code '0x2'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio
\VC\BIN\amd64\nmake.exe"' : return code '0x2'

looking at the generated build.make file, I see that the option
/machine:X86 appears on the link command.  I tried manually deleting that
option, but the error persisted.  What do I need to do for cmake to
generate the correct 64-bit logic...and equally as important, how do we
switch between doing 32-bit and 64-bit builds when needed?

And let me repeat, we do not want to use the Visual Studio generators...we
want the nmake version.


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Re: [CMake] Building a Windows project in both 32- and 64-bit mode using the nmake generator.

2014-05-01 Thread Nils Gladitz

On 01.05.2014 15:04, Rick McGuire wrote:

With our existing setup, to switch between 32- and 64- bit builds, we 
only need to change the option specified on the vcvarsall batch file 
and do a clean build.  The tools figure out from the environment 
variables which build we're doing any everything works great.

Does the "clean build" involve removing the build directory or at least 
removing CMakeCache.txt/CMakeFiles?
Otherwise CMake will keep using the cached compiler information from the 
initial configuration rather than querying the build environment again.


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Re: [CMake] Building a Windows project in both 32- and 64-bit mode using the nmake generator.

2014-05-01 Thread Rick McGuire
"clean build" referred to our existing system, not the cmake conversion.
 For our current system, it is only necssary to nuke the build output
directory.  Figuring out the mechanics of doing a switching mode under
cmake is something we'll deal with  once we're able to get the different
kinds of build working.


On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 9:09 AM, Nils Gladitz  wrote:

> On 01.05.2014 15:04, Rick McGuire wrote:
>> With our existing setup, to switch between 32- and 64- bit builds, we
>> only need to change the option specified on the vcvarsall batch file and do
>> a clean build.  The tools figure out from the environment variables which
>> build we're doing any everything works great.
> Does the "clean build" involve removing the build directory or at least
> removing CMakeCache.txt/CMakeFiles?
> Otherwise CMake will keep using the cached compiler information from the
> initial configuration rather than querying the build environment again.
> Nils

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Re: [CMake] Building a Windows project in both 32- and 64-bit mode using the nmake generator.

2014-05-01 Thread Nils Gladitz

On 01.05.2014 15:13, Rick McGuire wrote:
"clean build" referred to our existing system, not the cmake 
conversion.  For our current system, it is only necssary to nuke the 
build output directory.  Figuring out the mechanics of doing a 
switching mode under cmake is something we'll deal with  once we're 
able to get the different kinds of build working.

So this was with a fresh (empty; specifically no 
CMakeCache.txt/CMakeFiles) build directory?
The machine type is determined (and cached) the first time cmake runs 
for a build directory.
It is determined by querying the compiler from within the environment in 
which it runs.

If this was with a clean build directory is it possible the project sets 
up custom compiler flags that would override the existing flags?

If that isn't the case either could you provide a minimal, 
self-contained test case that reproduces the issue?


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Re: [CMake] Building a Windows project in both 32- and 64-bit mode using the nmake generator.

2014-05-01 Thread Nils Gladitz

On 01.05.2014 15:54, Rick McGuire wrote:

Is it possible to get cmake to check the actual compile/link commands 
when they are issued?  I'd love to compare the cmake versions to our 
existing build to see if things are ending up the same.

To a degree (response files on window limit the output in some cases); 
see below.

Creating a minimal self-contained test case would not be easy.  This 
is an open source project though, if you're willing to try checking it 
out.  The svn url is svn http://svn.code.sf.net/p/oorexx/code-0/main/trunk

I was able to build the project with these steps:
- Open the "VS2013 x64 Cross Tools Command Prompt"
- Add  target_link_libraries(rexxapi ws2_32) to the end of 

- Create a "build" directory in the source directory
- Run "cmake -G NMake Makefiles .." from the build directory
- Run nmake VERBOSE=1

The command for the link this generates on my system is:
C:\PROGRA~2\MICROS~2.0\VC\bin\X86_AM~1\link.exe /nologo 
@CMakeFiles\rexxapi.dir\objects1.rsp /out:..\CMakeFiles\bin\rexxapi.dll 
/pdb:C:\Users\ngladitz\src\main\CMakeFiles\bin\rexxapi.pdb /dll 
/version:0.0 /machine:x64 /debug /INCREMENTAL ws2_32.lib kernel32.lib 
user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib 
uuid.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib /MANIFEST 

The link is successful.

Some of the project's setup looks unorthodox.
- outputting binaries in the sources directory rather than the 
build directory (this might break parallel build directories or being 
able to purge build directories since they would not contain all artifacts)
- using a directory called CMakeFiles for the output (which in in 
source-tree builds would belong to cmake and should not be used by the 
- The two platform dependent add_library() calls could be merged 
into a single call that uses a list variable for the platform specific 
sources. The redundant listing looks error prone.


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Re: [CMake] Building a Windows project in both 32- and 64-bit mode using the nmake generator.

2014-05-01 Thread Nils Gladitz

On 01.05.2014 16:57, Rick McGuire wrote:

I was able to build the project with these steps:

  - Open the "VS2013 x64 Cross Tools Command Prompt"

This is not something I'm familiar with...where do I find this?  Also, 
if this is something only available if you have the full Visual Studio 
installed, that is a problem.  We really need to have this project 
buildable using the free download version of the compiler.

It is a shortcut to vcvarsall.bat (with x86_amd64 as a parameter) in the 
windows start menu as installed (on my system) by the "VS Express 2013 
for Desktop" (free edition).

  - Add  target_link_libraries(rexxapi ws2_32) to the end of

what does the ws2_32 do?

ws2_32 is the windows' winsock2 library.
Without it I got unresolved symbols to winsock calls made by the project.
The existing comment in CMakeLists.txt about missing windows libraries 
implies that this is a known issue.

  - Create a "build" directory in the source directory

to you mean at the trunk root, or some other location?  Do I need to 
copy the CMakeLists.txt or any other files there?

I created an empty directory called "build" inside the directory called 

I did not copy any files there.
CMake will fill the directory when invoked from within.


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