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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jesper Eskilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 2007-jun-13 19:56
Subject: Re: [CMake] creating static library with references to other .lib files
To: Brandon Van Every <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

2007/6/13, Brandon Van Every <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Ok, so MSVC can do it, but AR can't.  So I guess you only care about MSVC.

Yes. Sorry, I forgot to say that.

> > What you're asking for seems kinda weird.  What's the motive?
> >
> foo.obj and bar.obj uses symbols in mydll.dll, and I want to allow users of
> mystatic.lib to just have to link with mystaticlib.lib, and not with
> mydll.lib.

But why don't you just ship your users a dynamic lib?  As far as I
know, there are no restrictions on dynamic libs including static libs.

That is an alternative, but it requires a non-trivial amount of work,
testing, documentation fixes etc., which I'd prefer not to embark on
at the moment.

I'm actually happy if I just can get hold of a CMake variable where I
can put extra flags to pass to lib when creating a static lib.
Something like



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