Re: [CMake] Parallel builds do not work correctly when using "cmake -E copy" to copy files

2008-02-06 Thread Alan W. Irwin

On 2008-02-06 22:37-0500 Bill Hoffman wrote:

Alan W. Irwin wrote:

No file level depends are done mostly a build time.  This is a performance 
issue.  Some generators like VS IDE do file level depends by themselves. 
With the makefiles cmake computes the depends, but at build time not cmake 
time.  The custom command stuff output input is known at cmake time, and 
maybe enough for what you want.

Probably, since it is usually there where the build-system developer makes
mistakes in the dependencies.

But if you have a file foo.c with #include 
, cmake does not know that foo.c depends on foo.h until build time.

Right, but hopefully those automatically generated depends would be ok.

Alan W. Irwin

Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Victoria (

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state implementation
for stellar interiors (; PLplot scientific plotting software
package (; the libLASi project (; the Loads of
Linux Links project (; and the Linux Brochure Project

Linux-powered Science
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Parallel builds do not work correctly when using "cmake -E copy" to copy files

2008-02-06 Thread Alan W. Irwin

On 2008-02-06 21:04-0500 Brad King wrote:

Alan W. Irwin wrote:

On 2007-12-14 09:53-0800 Alan W. Irwin wrote:

On 2007-12-14 10:32-0500 Brad King wrote:

CMake employs a 2-level make recursion system that is independent of 

directory structure.  The first level never builds just
evaluates target-level dependencies with phony targets.  That 

the order in which targets must be built.  The second level is the
build.make for each target.  This is where file-level dependencies are

In your example the file1...fileN rules are showing up in target1's
build.make and target2's build.make but they should never be evaluated
in the second target.  They are pulled in through the additional_file
rule's dependencies on them (see below), but they should always be up 

date if target2 doesn't build until after target1 finishes.  Then only
the additional_file rule will be invoked.  However if there is no
dependency from target2->target1 then both build.make files may be 
simultaneously and you get race conditions causing the double 

CMake traces through the dependencies of custom commands in each 

When it is constructing target2 it doesn't know that target1 will also
provide rules for the files.  If you place the targets in different
directories it would not be able to make this extra connection, but 

the build would not work correctly unless you add the target-level
dependency.  Any further explanation here will just duplicate my
previous message so I'll stop.

That's fine.  Your combined explanation now makes sense and completely
confirms my working hypothesis that the make recursion system of CMake 
responsible for the parallel build issues I was encountering.  I hope I 
work around these PLplot parallel build issues (note the double copy 

was only the most obvious one) by using extra target dependencies.  The
problem is that parallel build issues tend to appear and disappear 
on load, the N level (for -j N), and hardware.  Thus, even if a whole 

of PLplot developers confirm success for parallel builds, there could be
some subtle dependency issue left that we have missed, and some user 

the road is going to come up with a combination of load, N, and hardware
that triggers the parallel build problem because of that dependency 

As a PLplot developer, I don't like being in such an uncertain position!

I thought it important to resurrect this two-month old thread because 
I _finally_ got success (at least no obvious issues, see comment below) 
parallel builds of PLplot on my particular platform.  That's the good 

The bad news is it took so much effort.  Plplot is not that big a piece of
software, but there are a large number of different components with 
dependencies between them.  Therefore I had several tries in the two 
to get parallel builds to work that failed miserably.  This last 

effort of getting "make -J N" to work for many different N values took at
least several days of isolating the problem by enabling/disabling various
PLplot components until I was finally able to find and fix the last two
dependency issues that showed up on my system.

Even worse news is I caught the last problem only by accident. That 

only showed up intermittently for N = 4 for a very specific PLplot
configuration.  N=2 and N=8 never showed any problems for that 

for my two-processor hardware!  So from that experience it is unlikely I
caught all issues.

To help to sort out such difficult dependency issues with CMake (which
affect parallel builds on Unix system and I understand also certain kinds 

builds on Windows), I have a feature request I would like to discuss here
before I make a formal feature request on the kitware bug system.

I already made one for this:

That is great that you are considering automatically putting in target
depends if two targets depend on the same file.  That new feature would
address the original issue that started this thread, and I am all in favour
of this feature for that reason.

However, during my dependency hell I discovered other issues with the PLplot
depends such as missing dependencies between custom commands.  Those missing
dependencies didn't matter for the non-parallel build case because the order
of the custom commands was deliberately chosen (back in our autotools days
and simply copied to our CMake build system without much thought) so that
the files were built in the correct order, but of course that doesn't happen
for parallel builds.  So some sort of output that emphasizes targets or
files without many depends (which mean they are suspects for missing
dependencies) is needed as well.  Bill's idea of adding file depends to the
graphviz output file would probably satisfy that need since isolated
files/targets would really stand out.


Re: [CMake] Parallel builds do not work correctly when using "cmake -E copy" to copy files

2008-02-06 Thread Bill Hoffman

Alan W. Irwin wrote:

My first interpretation was "that" referred to graphviz, but in fact the
file was produced at cmake time, and it was a simple matter to process 
it by

hand using the "dot" command-line tool (even though I had never heard of
that tool or graphviz before). "gv" has errors for both the ps and pdf
results, but I think that is because the latest gv is extra careful about
non-standard ps and pdf files.  xpdf could understand the pdf output, but I
have to say the result is black with dependency lines to a frightening
extent. I can send the pdf file to Brad and/or you off-list if either of 

is interested in being frightened by the PLplot dependencies as well.  :-)

Seriously, I am fairly impressed with the graphviz result, and adding in
the file depends would add a lot of value to the result.

If your "that" refers to file depends instead of graphviz, I don't
understand your comment since surely file depend information is 
available at

cmake time?

No file level depends are done mostly a build time.  This is a 
performance issue.  Some generators like VS IDE do file level depends by 
themselves.  With the makefiles cmake computes the depends, but at build 
time not cmake time.  The custom command stuff output input is known at 
cmake time, and maybe enough for what you want.  But if you have a file 
foo.c with #include , cmake does not know that foo.c depends on 
foo.h until build time.

CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Parallel builds do not work correctly when using "cmake -E copy" to copy files

2008-02-06 Thread Alan W. Irwin

On 2008-02-06 21:05-0500 Bill Hoffman wrote:

Could we have a cmake command-line option to evaluate/diagnose the 
list of file and target dependencies as understood by cmake? You could 

with a print out of complete target dependency chains and file dependency
chains as cmake understands them.  As part of that printout it would be
useful to highlight files or targets that are built with few dependencies
since that might be a sign of missing dependencies.  And also highlight
chains of file depends that include files that are part of other chains of
file depends. You could put in some error analysis as well (in case two
targets which do not target-depend on each other file-depend on the same
file, for example.)

Anyhow, as I went through this dependency hell for PLplot I kept wishing 

such a diagnostic tool, and I think it would be useful for others as well
that are dealing with projects like PLplot with complex dependency chains
spread over quite a few different directories.

What do you think?

You could try this:

cmake --graphviz=[file]   = Generate graphviz of dependencies.

It will only show the target level stuff.  It would be another project to get 
the file level depend stuff to show up.  The problem is that is done at build

time and not a cmake time.

My first interpretation was "that" referred to graphviz, but in fact the
file was produced at cmake time, and it was a simple matter to process it by
hand using the "dot" command-line tool (even though I had never heard of
that tool or graphviz before). "gv" has errors for both the ps and pdf
results, but I think that is because the latest gv is extra careful about
non-standard ps and pdf files.  xpdf could understand the pdf output, but I
have to say the result is black with dependency lines to a frightening
extent. I can send the pdf file to Brad and/or you off-list if either of you
is interested in being frightened by the PLplot dependencies as well.  :-)

Seriously, I am fairly impressed with the graphviz result, and adding in
the file depends would add a lot of value to the result.

If your "that" refers to file depends instead of graphviz, I don't
understand your comment since surely file depend information is available at
cmake time?

Alan W. Irwin

Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Victoria (

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state implementation
for stellar interiors (; PLplot scientific plotting software
package (; the libLASi project (; the Loads of
Linux Links project (; and the Linux Brochure Project

Linux-powered Science
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Parallel builds do not work correctly when using "cmake -E copy" to copy files

2008-02-06 Thread Bill Hoffman

Alan W. Irwin wrote:

On 2007-12-14 09:53-0800 Alan W. Irwin wrote:

On 2007-12-14 10:32-0500 Brad King wrote:

CMake employs a 2-level make recursion system that is independent of the
directory structure.  The first level never builds just
evaluates target-level dependencies with phony targets.  That determines
the order in which targets must be built.  The second level is the
build.make for each target.  This is where file-level dependencies are

In your example the file1...fileN rules are showing up in target1's
build.make and target2's build.make but they should never be evaluated
in the second target.  They are pulled in through the additional_file
rule's dependencies on them (see below), but they should always be up to
date if target2 doesn't build until after target1 finishes.  Then only
the additional_file rule will be invoked.  However if there is no
dependency from target2->target1 then both build.make files may be built
simultaneously and you get race conditions causing the double 

CMake traces through the dependencies of custom commands in each target.
When it is constructing target2 it doesn't know that target1 will also
provide rules for the files.  If you place the targets in different
directories it would not be able to make this extra connection, but then
the build would not work correctly unless you add the target-level
dependency.  Any further explanation here will just duplicate my
previous message so I'll stop.

That's fine.  Your combined explanation now makes sense and completely
confirms my working hypothesis that the make recursion system of CMake is
responsible for the parallel build issues I was encountering.  I hope 
I can
work around these PLplot parallel build issues (note the double copy 

was only the most obvious one) by using extra target dependencies.  The
problem is that parallel build issues tend to appear and disappear 
on load, the N level (for -j N), and hardware.  Thus, even if a whole 

of PLplot developers confirm success for parallel builds, there could be
some subtle dependency issue left that we have missed, and some user down
the road is going to come up with a combination of load, N, and hardware
that triggers the parallel build problem because of that dependency 

As a PLplot developer, I don't like being in such an uncertain position!

I thought it important to resurrect this two-month old thread because today
I _finally_ got success (at least no obvious issues, see comment below) 

parallel builds of PLplot on my particular platform.  That's the good news.

The bad news is it took so much effort.  Plplot is not that big a piece of
software, but there are a large number of different components with complex
dependencies between them.  Therefore I had several tries in the two months
to get parallel builds to work that failed miserably.  This last successful
effort of getting "make -J N" to work for many different N values took at
least several days of isolating the problem by enabling/disabling various
PLplot components until I was finally able to find and fix the last two
dependency issues that showed up on my system.

Even worse news is I caught the last problem only by accident. That problem
only showed up intermittently for N = 4 for a very specific PLplot
configuration.  N=2 and N=8 never showed any problems for that 

for my two-processor hardware!  So from that experience it is unlikely I
caught all issues.

To help to sort out such difficult dependency issues with CMake (which
affect parallel builds on Unix system and I understand also certain 
kinds of

builds on Windows), I have a feature request I would like to discuss here
before I make a formal feature request on the kitware bug system.

Could we have a cmake command-line option to evaluate/diagnose the complete
list of file and target dependencies as understood by cmake? You could 

with a print out of complete target dependency chains and file dependency
chains as cmake understands them.  As part of that printout it would be
useful to highlight files or targets that are built with few dependencies
since that might be a sign of missing dependencies.  And also highlight
chains of file depends that include files that are part of other chains of
file depends. You could put in some error analysis as well (in case two
targets which do not target-depend on each other file-depend on the same
file, for example.)

Anyhow, as I went through this dependency hell for PLplot I kept wishing 

such a diagnostic tool, and I think it would be useful for others as well
that are dealing with projects like PLplot with complex dependency chains
spread over quite a few different directories.

What do you think?

You could try this:

 cmake --graphviz=[file]   = Generate graphviz of dependencies.

It will only show the target level stuff.  It would be another project 
to get the file level depend stuff to 

Re: [CMake] Parallel builds do not work correctly when using "cmake -E copy" to copy files

2008-02-06 Thread Brad King

Alan W. Irwin wrote:

On 2007-12-14 09:53-0800 Alan W. Irwin wrote:

On 2007-12-14 10:32-0500 Brad King wrote:

CMake employs a 2-level make recursion system that is independent of the
directory structure.  The first level never builds just
evaluates target-level dependencies with phony targets.  That determines
the order in which targets must be built.  The second level is the
build.make for each target.  This is where file-level dependencies are

In your example the file1...fileN rules are showing up in target1's
build.make and target2's build.make but they should never be evaluated
in the second target.  They are pulled in through the additional_file
rule's dependencies on them (see below), but they should always be up to
date if target2 doesn't build until after target1 finishes.  Then only
the additional_file rule will be invoked.  However if there is no
dependency from target2->target1 then both build.make files may be built
simultaneously and you get race conditions causing the double 

CMake traces through the dependencies of custom commands in each target.
When it is constructing target2 it doesn't know that target1 will also
provide rules for the files.  If you place the targets in different
directories it would not be able to make this extra connection, but then
the build would not work correctly unless you add the target-level
dependency.  Any further explanation here will just duplicate my
previous message so I'll stop.

That's fine.  Your combined explanation now makes sense and completely
confirms my working hypothesis that the make recursion system of CMake is
responsible for the parallel build issues I was encountering.  I hope 
I can
work around these PLplot parallel build issues (note the double copy 

was only the most obvious one) by using extra target dependencies.  The
problem is that parallel build issues tend to appear and disappear 
on load, the N level (for -j N), and hardware.  Thus, even if a whole 

of PLplot developers confirm success for parallel builds, there could be
some subtle dependency issue left that we have missed, and some user down
the road is going to come up with a combination of load, N, and hardware
that triggers the parallel build problem because of that dependency 

As a PLplot developer, I don't like being in such an uncertain position!

I thought it important to resurrect this two-month old thread because today
I _finally_ got success (at least no obvious issues, see comment below) 

parallel builds of PLplot on my particular platform.  That's the good news.

The bad news is it took so much effort.  Plplot is not that big a piece of
software, but there are a large number of different components with complex
dependencies between them.  Therefore I had several tries in the two months
to get parallel builds to work that failed miserably.  This last successful
effort of getting "make -J N" to work for many different N values took at
least several days of isolating the problem by enabling/disabling various
PLplot components until I was finally able to find and fix the last two
dependency issues that showed up on my system.

Even worse news is I caught the last problem only by accident. That problem
only showed up intermittently for N = 4 for a very specific PLplot
configuration.  N=2 and N=8 never showed any problems for that 

for my two-processor hardware!  So from that experience it is unlikely I
caught all issues.

To help to sort out such difficult dependency issues with CMake (which
affect parallel builds on Unix system and I understand also certain 
kinds of

builds on Windows), I have a feature request I would like to discuss here
before I make a formal feature request on the kitware bug system.

I already made one for this:

CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Parallel builds do not work correctly when using "cmake -E copy" to copy files

2008-02-06 Thread Alan W. Irwin

On 2007-12-14 09:53-0800 Alan W. Irwin wrote:

On 2007-12-14 10:32-0500 Brad King wrote:

CMake employs a 2-level make recursion system that is independent of the
directory structure.  The first level never builds just
evaluates target-level dependencies with phony targets.  That determines
the order in which targets must be built.  The second level is the
build.make for each target.  This is where file-level dependencies are

In your example the file1...fileN rules are showing up in target1's
build.make and target2's build.make but they should never be evaluated
in the second target.  They are pulled in through the additional_file
rule's dependencies on them (see below), but they should always be up to
date if target2 doesn't build until after target1 finishes.  Then only
the additional_file rule will be invoked.  However if there is no
dependency from target2->target1 then both build.make files may be built
simultaneously and you get race conditions causing the double evaluations.

CMake traces through the dependencies of custom commands in each target.
When it is constructing target2 it doesn't know that target1 will also
provide rules for the files.  If you place the targets in different
directories it would not be able to make this extra connection, but then
the build would not work correctly unless you add the target-level
dependency.  Any further explanation here will just duplicate my
previous message so I'll stop.

That's fine.  Your combined explanation now makes sense and completely
confirms my working hypothesis that the make recursion system of CMake is
responsible for the parallel build issues I was encountering.  I hope I can
work around these PLplot parallel build issues (note the double copy issue
was only the most obvious one) by using extra target dependencies.  The
problem is that parallel build issues tend to appear and disappear depending
on load, the N level (for -j N), and hardware.  Thus, even if a whole flock
of PLplot developers confirm success for parallel builds, there could be
some subtle dependency issue left that we have missed, and some user down
the road is going to come up with a combination of load, N, and hardware
that triggers the parallel build problem because of that dependency issue.
As a PLplot developer, I don't like being in such an uncertain position!

I thought it important to resurrect this two-month old thread because today
I _finally_ got success (at least no obvious issues, see comment below) with
parallel builds of PLplot on my particular platform.  That's the good news.

The bad news is it took so much effort.  Plplot is not that big a piece of
software, but there are a large number of different components with complex
dependencies between them.  Therefore I had several tries in the two months
to get parallel builds to work that failed miserably.  This last successful
effort of getting "make -J N" to work for many different N values took at
least several days of isolating the problem by enabling/disabling various
PLplot components until I was finally able to find and fix the last two
dependency issues that showed up on my system.

Even worse news is I caught the last problem only by accident. That problem
only showed up intermittently for N = 4 for a very specific PLplot
configuration.  N=2 and N=8 never showed any problems for that configuration
for my two-processor hardware!  So from that experience it is unlikely I
caught all issues.

To help to sort out such difficult dependency issues with CMake (which
affect parallel builds on Unix system and I understand also certain kinds of
builds on Windows), I have a feature request I would like to discuss here
before I make a formal feature request on the kitware bug system.

Could we have a cmake command-line option to evaluate/diagnose the complete
list of file and target dependencies as understood by cmake? You could start
with a print out of complete target dependency chains and file dependency
chains as cmake understands them.  As part of that printout it would be
useful to highlight files or targets that are built with few dependencies
since that might be a sign of missing dependencies.  And also highlight
chains of file depends that include files that are part of other chains of
file depends. You could put in some error analysis as well (in case two
targets which do not target-depend on each other file-depend on the same
file, for example.)

Anyhow, as I went through this dependency hell for PLplot I kept wishing for
such a diagnostic tool, and I think it would be useful for others as well
that are dealing with projects like PLplot with complex dependency chains
spread over quite a few different directories.

What do you think?

Alan W. Irwin

Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Victoria (

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state implementation

Re: [CMake] Parallel builds do not work correctly when using "cmake -E copy" to copy files

2007-12-15 Thread Brad King

Alan W. Irwin wrote:

So let me rephrase the question.  Are the CMake developers happy with the
present state of the dependencies system or are you considering some major
changes there because of such issues as the difficulties in getting 

builds to work properly for projects like PLplot which (necessarily) have
complicated chains of dependencies?

I personally don't have any problems with the current state.  I do 
parallel builds of big projects all the time.  There will be no major 
changes.  If you want to submit a feature request to the bug tracker 
you're welcome to do so.

CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Parallel builds do not work correctly when using "cmake -E copy" to copy files

2007-12-15 Thread Alan W. Irwin

On 2007-12-15 12:57-0500 Brad King wrote:

Alan W. Irwin wrote:

Well, it turns out I had to add four different target dependencies to the
CMake-based PLplot build system to get rid of the parallel build problems 
was having on my Core Duo box.  One of them was pretty subtle so I missed 

for my first review of the dependencies. Nevertheless, these changes were
not as extensive as I thought they would be so there is some hope that I
didn't miss anything that will show up as strange parallel build problems 
for PLplot on other machines.

Great, I'm glad you got it working.

Well, I thought so, but my previous test was without the (docbook)
documentation build.  Now, that I have included that, the parallel build 
errors out.  For the last few hours I have been going through the

complicated dependencies in our documentation build, but I just cannot see
what is causing the trouble.  Perhaps if I sleep on it, it will become
obvious tomorrow.

Is that complete rework actually going to happen for 2.6.x or is it 
currently just a gleam in the CMake developer's eyes?

To what message are you referring?

I was sure I remembered a discussion of reworking the CMake depends system
on this list in the past year, but I have been unable to find it so perhaps
I was misremembering (or perhaps my searching skills are not good enough).

So let me rephrase the question.  Are the CMake developers happy with the
present state of the dependencies system or are you considering some major
changes there because of such issues as the difficulties in getting parallel
builds to work properly for projects like PLplot which (necessarily) have
complicated chains of dependencies?

Alan W. Irwin

Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Victoria (

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state implementation
for stellar interiors (; PLplot scientific plotting software
package (; the libLASi project (; the Loads of
Linux Links project (; and the Linux Brochure Project

Linux-powered Science
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Parallel builds do not work correctly when using "cmake -E copy" to copy files

2007-12-15 Thread Brad King

Alan W. Irwin wrote:

Well, it turns out I had to add four different target dependencies to the
CMake-based PLplot build system to get rid of the parallel build problems I
was having on my Core Duo box.  One of them was pretty subtle so I 
missed it

for my first review of the dependencies. Nevertheless, these changes were
not as extensive as I thought they would be so there is some hope that I
didn't miss anything that will show up as strange parallel build 
problems for PLplot on other machines.

Great, I'm glad you got it working.

Is that complete rework actually going to happen for 2.6.x or is it 
currently just a gleam in the CMake developer's eyes?

To what message are you referring?

CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Parallel builds do not work correctly when using "cmake -E copy" to copy files

2007-12-14 Thread Alan W. Irwin

On 2007-12-14 09:53-0800 Alan W. Irwin wrote:

Obviously, CMake 2.4.x users are stuck with these file dependency issues and
their workarounds, but for obvious reasons and especially for the parallel
build case I hope the complete rework of the CMake dependency system that
has been mentioned previously on list will remove these limitations.

Well, it turns out I had to add four different target dependencies to the
CMake-based PLplot build system to get rid of the parallel build problems I
was having on my Core Duo box.  One of them was pretty subtle so I missed it
for my first review of the dependencies. Nevertheless, these changes were
not as extensive as I thought they would be so there is some hope that I
didn't miss anything that will show up as strange parallel build problems 
for PLplot on other machines.

I am still interested in the answer to the question below.


Is that complete rework actually going to happen for 2.6.x or is it currently
just a gleam in the CMake developer's eyes?

Alan W. Irwin

Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Victoria (

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state implementation
for stellar interiors (; PLplot scientific plotting software
package (; the libLASi project (; the Loads of
Linux Links project (; and the Linux Brochure Project

Linux-powered Science
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Parallel builds do not work correctly when using "cmake -E copy" to copy files

2007-12-14 Thread Alan W. Irwin

On 2007-12-14 12:49-0500 Bill Hoffman wrote:

You might also want to consider visual studio builds.  It will build two 
targets at the same time if there is no dependency between them, and would 
have the same issue.

Currently, we have had no reports about such problems.  However, our windows
developers (and users) tend to use just the core of PLplot mostly because
that was all that was available in the past for our previous home-brew build
system for windows, and installing the extra libraries needed for the rest
of PLplot (additional language interfaces and additional plot device and
plot file drivers) can be an issue for windows users.  Thus, it is quite
possible our windows developers have so far fortuitously skated by the
issue, and that testing of a complete PLplot build on windows would show
similar dependency issues to what I am getting now with parallel builds of a
complete PLplot under Linux.

Hopefully, a complete dependency review and deploying the appropriate
workarounds will make all these PLplot parallel build (and potentially
windows build) problems go away, but I am definitely concerned the review
might miss some complex target- or file-dependency chains that may only
cause intermittent and difficult-to-reproduce parallel build problems.

Alan W. Irwin

Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Victoria (

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state implementation
for stellar interiors (; PLplot scientific plotting software
package (; the libLASi project (; the Loads of
Linux Links project (; and the Linux Brochure Project

Linux-powered Science
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Parallel builds do not work correctly when using "cmake -E copy" to copy files

2007-12-14 Thread Alan W. Irwin

On 2007-12-14 10:32-0500 Brad King wrote:

Alan W. Irwin wrote:

I am struggling with understanding the recursive make system that
CMake normally employs

CMake employs a 2-level make recursion system that is independent of the
directory structure.  The first level never builds just
evaluates target-level dependencies with phony targets.  That determines
the order in which targets must be built.  The second level is the
build.make for each target.  This is where file-level dependencies are

In your example the file1...fileN rules are showing up in target1's
build.make and target2's build.make but they should never be evaluated
in the second target.  They are pulled in through the additional_file
rule's dependencies on them (see below), but they should always be up to
date if target2 doesn't build until after target1 finishes.  Then only
the additional_file rule will be invoked.  However if there is no
dependency from target2->target1 then both build.make files may be built
simultaneously and you get race conditions causing the double evaluations.

CMake traces through the dependencies of custom commands in each target.
When it is constructing target2 it doesn't know that target1 will also
provide rules for the files.  If you place the targets in different
directories it would not be able to make this extra connection, but then
the build would not work correctly unless you add the target-level
dependency.  Any further explanation here will just duplicate my
previous message so I'll stop.

That's fine.  Your combined explanation now makes sense and completely
confirms my working hypothesis that the make recursion system of CMake is
responsible for the parallel build issues I was encountering.  I hope I can
work around these PLplot parallel build issues (note the double copy issue
was only the most obvious one) by using extra target dependencies.  The
problem is that parallel build issues tend to appear and disappear depending
on load, the N level (for -j N), and hardware.  Thus, even if a whole flock
of PLplot developers confirm success for parallel builds, there could be
some subtle dependency issue left that we have missed, and some user down
the road is going to come up with a combination of load, N, and hardware
that triggers the parallel build problem because of that dependency issue.
As a PLplot developer, I don't like being in such an uncertain position!  I
wonder if really large projects such as KDE have attempted to deal with
parallel build issues for CMake or whether they have just given up on
parallel builds because the symptoms can be so intermittent and

I was well aware of the CMake file dependency limitation for separate
directories before, but I did not realize that limitation extends to file
dependencies in the _same_ directory when using parallel builds.  I
personally think these limitations of your 2-level make recursion system are
pretty ugly since they require CMake users to deploy nonintuitive (at least
from the make perspective) additional target-level dependencies as a
workaround for these issues. The problem is especially pernicious for the
parallel builds case since the symptoms are inherently difficult to

Obviously, CMake 2.4.x users are stuck with these file dependency issues and
their workarounds, but for obvious reasons and especially for the parallel
build case I hope the complete rework of the CMake dependency system that
has been mentioned previously on list will remove these limitations.

Is that complete rework actually going to happen for 2.6.x or is it currently
just a gleam in the CMake developer's eyes?

Alan W. Irwin

Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Victoria (

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state implementation
for stellar interiors (; PLplot scientific plotting software
package (; the libLASi project (; the Loads of
Linux Links project (; and the Linux Brochure Project

Linux-powered Science
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Parallel builds do not work correctly when using "cmake -E copy" to copy files

2007-12-14 Thread Bill Hoffman
You might also want to consider visual studio builds.  It will build two 
targets at the same time if there is no dependency between them, and 
would have the same issue.

CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Parallel builds do not work correctly when using "cmake -E copy" to copy files

2007-12-14 Thread Brad King
Alan W. Irwin wrote:
> I am struggling with understanding the recursive make system that
> CMake normally employs

CMake employs a 2-level make recursion system that is independent of the
directory structure.  The first level never builds just
evaluates target-level dependencies with phony targets.  That determines
the order in which targets must be built.  The second level is the
build.make for each target.  This is where file-level dependencies are

In your example the file1...fileN rules are showing up in target1's
build.make and target2's build.make but they should never be evaluated
in the second target.  They are pulled in through the additional_file
rule's dependencies on them (see below), but they should always be up to
date if target2 doesn't build until after target1 finishes.  Then only
the additional_file rule will be invoked.  However if there is no
dependency from target2->target1 then both build.make files may be built
simultaneously and you get race conditions causing the double evaluations.

CMake traces through the dependencies of custom commands in each target.
 When it is constructing target2 it doesn't know that target1 will also
provide rules for the files.  If you place the targets in different
directories it would not be able to make this extra connection, but then
the build would not work correctly unless you add the target-level
dependency.  Any further explanation here will just duplicate my
previous message so I'll stop.

CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Parallel builds do not work correctly when using "cmake -E copy" to copy files

2007-12-13 Thread Alan W. Irwin

On 2007-12-13 18:45-0800 Alan W. Irwin wrote:

Brad, I am struggling with understanding the recursive make system that
CMake normally employs so I am having trouble following the complete
Makefile logic that my simple example creates.  However,
CMakeFiles/tclIndex_examples_tcl2.dir/build.make generated by my simple
CMake example seems to follow the above OPTION A scenario.  Indeed, if I 

that Makefile directly from the commmand line, e.g.,

make -f CMakeFiles/tclIndex_examples_tcl2.dir/build.make \
make -j 2 -f CMakeFiles/tclIndex_examples_tcl2.dir/build.make \

there are never double copy problems, while if I run

make clean
make -j 2

there are always double copy problems.  (You should try this for yourself to
be sure you can replicate my experience.) So my current working hypothesis
is there is a parallel build issue for OPTION A that CMake artificially
introduces when it recursively invokes make (i.e., the result of the
above "make -j 2" command).

That last sentence was poorly written.  Replace it with the following:

So my current working hypothesis is there is a parallel build issue for
OPTION A that CMake artificially introduces through its generated recursive
make system.  That generated recursive make system is invoked with the above
"make -j 2" command, but bypassed with the "make -j 2 -f CMakeFiles/..."
command above.


Alan W. Irwin

Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Victoria (

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state implementation
for stellar interiors (; PLplot scientific plotting software
package (; the libLASi project (; the Loads of
Linux Links project (; and the Linux Brochure Project

Linux-powered Science
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Parallel builds do not work correctly when using "cmake -E copy" to copy files

2007-12-13 Thread Alan W. Irwin

On 2007-12-13 19:15-0500 Brad King wrote:

Alan W. Irwin wrote:

So the rule seems to be that parallel builds do not work if there are two
or more separate custom targets that file depend directly or indirectly
some custom command file dependency chain) on the same output files.

Another way of summarizing these results is that file depends must be
minimized and/or custom target depends maximized in order for parallel
builds to work properly.

This is correct.

My guess is I should be able to work around this CMake issue by appropriate
changes to the PLplot build system although I have a number of these
parallel build issues and the copy problem was only the most obvious.

I do regard this as a CMake issue.  Normally, the shoe is on the other
and the build system developer is desperately trying to make sure that all
the CMake file depends are obviously in place locally rather than depending
on a long easily-broken chain of dependencies to do it for them in a
minimalist way.  So the big question is whether CMake can be modified so
that minimalist file depends and/or maximal (and unintuitive) target
are not required in order for parallel builds to work properly.

I don't see how CMake can automatically fix this.  If two targets think
they know how to build the same file how is CMake supposed to know which
one is the correct target to build first?

I am not completely convinced by that reasoning.  Let me create an abstract
case in Makefile terms that we can discuss (at first) strictly from the GNU
make point of view.  Putting my simple test case in Makefile terms we have
the following rules:

all: target1 target2

custom command to create file1

custom command to create fileN

target1: file1, file2,fileN

additional_file: file1, file2,fileN
custom command to create additional_file

There are two alternatives for the target2 dependencies


target2: additional_file  (OPTION A)


target2: target1 additional_file (OPTION B)

all, target1, and target2 arephony targets that do not correspond
to actual files.

OPTION A is what my simple example (and current PLplot) uses.  OPTION B
is one fixup you discussed where you made target2 depend on target1.

I know OPTION A always works for serial builds. The reason is each target
knows independently how to build what it needs.  target1 file-depends
directly on the files from a variety of file1 through fileN custom rules. So
it knows how to build exactly what it needs.  target2 (with OPTION A)
file-depends on additional_file which file depends on the file1-fileN rules.
So target2 knows how to build exactly what it needs as well. Thus, if you
remove target1, target2 would build without problems and vice versa.

Of course once you introduce parallel builds it gets complicated, and I
would appreciate your input on that.  I have always assumed that if one
processor was busy creating file1 through the target1 chain of dependencies
the make command kept track that a build of file1 was in progress so the
other processor would not attempt to duplicate that build regardless of
whether it needed it via the target1 or target2 dependency chains.  Indeed,
OPTION A works well for parallel builds (see below where I non-recursively
invoke the appropriate Makefile that is generated by CMake).

You claim that OPTION B must be used for parallel builds (at least if I have
understood you correctly and if my mental model of how cmake dependencies
translate to Makefile dependencies is correct).  I just don't see the
necessity of OPTION B for parallel builds for non-recursive Makefiles, but I
am willing to be educated. :-)

If GNU make does parallel builds without problems for non-recursive OPTION A
(which appears to be the case, see below), then my concern is that CMake is
introducing some additional make issues via the make recursion that it
normally employs that screws up parallel builds and OPTION B is simply a
workaround that bypasses that recursion issue.

Brad, I am struggling with understanding the recursive make system that
CMake normally employs so I am having trouble following the complete
Makefile logic that my simple example creates.  However,
CMakeFiles/tclIndex_examples_tcl2.dir/build.make generated by my simple
CMake example seems to follow the above OPTION A scenario.  Indeed, if I execute
that Makefile directly from the commmand line, e.g.,

make -f CMakeFiles/tclIndex_examples_tcl2.dir/build.make \
make -j 2 -f CMakeFiles/tclIndex_examples_tcl2.dir/build.make \

there are never double copy problems, while if I run

make clean
make -j 2

there are always double copy problems.  (You should try this for yourself to
be sure you can replicate my experience.) So my current working hypothesis
is there is a parallel build issue for OPTION A that CMake artificially
introduces when it recursively invokes make (i.e., the res

Re: [CMake] Parallel builds do not work correctly when using "cmake -E copy" to copy files

2007-12-13 Thread Brad King
Alan W. Irwin wrote:
> So the rule seems to be that parallel builds do not work if there are two
> or more separate custom targets that file depend directly or indirectly
> (via
> some custom command file dependency chain) on the same output files.
> Another way of summarizing these results is that file depends must be
> minimized and/or custom target depends maximized in order for parallel
> builds to work properly.

This is correct.

> My guess is I should be able to work around this CMake issue by appropriate
> changes to the PLplot build system although I have a number of these
> parallel build issues and the copy problem was only the most obvious.
> I do regard this as a CMake issue.  Normally, the shoe is on the other
> foot,
> and the build system developer is desperately trying to make sure that all
> the CMake file depends are obviously in place locally rather than depending
> on a long easily-broken chain of dependencies to do it for them in a
> minimalist way.  So the big question is whether CMake can be modified so
> that minimalist file depends and/or maximal (and unintuitive) target
> depends
> are not required in order for parallel builds to work properly.

I don't see how CMake can automatically fix this.  If two targets think
they know how to build the same file how is CMake supposed to know which
one is the correct target to build first?

Consider this:

1.) Split your example into two separate directories
2.) Put the first-level custom commands in a target in one dir
3.) Put the second-level custom commands in a target in the other dir
4.) Try to build

Without explicit dependence between the two targets there is no way the
target in the second directory can know it must wait for the target in
the first directory to build.  It doesn't even know about the
first-level custom command rules or that the input to one if its
second-level custom commands is a generated file.  The second
directory's target will try to build and complain that input files are

This problem arises because CMake does not track file-level dependencies
globally.  It actually can't because some target build environments like
the VS and Xcode IDEs do not provide this capability.  File-level
dependencies must be divided into targets.

In your case the target-level dependency that must be added is a logical
high-level statement of dependence: "I need all the 'tcl_examples' to be
ready before I use them for anything"

CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Parallel builds do not work correctly when using "cmake -E copy" to copy files

2007-12-13 Thread Alan W. Irwin

On 2007-12-13 17:07-0500 Brad King wrote:

Alan W. Irwin wrote:

So just keeping narrowly focussed on that fragment there is only one "ALL"
custom target and ADD_DEPENDENCIES would not help since it only works on
targets.  Thus, I doubt there is anything locally wrong with dependencies
there.  It is possible some other dependency is making a dependency pattern
that triggers the bug, but I should know more about that when I have a
simpler example that triggers the bug (or not).

I was able to reproduce the problem with the code below.  It is fixed by
uncommenting the ADD_DEPENDENCIES line.  You must be putting those
output files into another target that does not depend on the
tcl_examples target.  Perhaps the make_documentation target?



FOREACH(f f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9)
   COMMAND echo ${f} > ${FOO_BINARY_DIR}/${f}
#ADD_DEPENDENCIES(examples2 examples)

Good example, Brad!

Working from the PLplot case, I came up with another simple test case
(complete tarball attached including the required small files to be copied
for those who want to play with it).

In the PLplot case (and also the attached simple test case) there is
an additional custom command that file depends on the copied files.  In
addition there is a custom target that depends on the additional custom
command output file, and a custom target that depends on the copied files.

So the rule seems to be that parallel builds do not work if there are two
or more separate custom targets that file depend directly or indirectly (via
some custom command file dependency chain) on the same output files.

Another way of summarizing these results is that file depends must be
minimized and/or custom target depends maximized in order for parallel
builds to work properly.

My guess is I should be able to work around this CMake issue by appropriate
changes to the PLplot build system although I have a number of these
parallel build issues and the copy problem was only the most obvious.

I do regard this as a CMake issue.  Normally, the shoe is on the other foot,
and the build system developer is desperately trying to make sure that all
the CMake file depends are obviously in place locally rather than depending
on a long easily-broken chain of dependencies to do it for them in a
minimalist way.  So the big question is whether CMake can be modified so
that minimalist file depends and/or maximal (and unintuitive) target depends
are not required in order for parallel builds to work properly.

Alan W. Irwin

Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Victoria (

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state implementation
for stellar interiors (; PLplot scientific plotting software
package (; the libLASi project (; the Loads of
Linux Links project (; and the Linux Brochure Project

Linux-powered Science

Description: complete CMake test case for bad parallel builds
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Parallel builds do not work correctly when using "cmake -E copy" to copy files

2007-12-13 Thread Brad King
Alan W. Irwin wrote:
> So just keeping narrowly focussed on that fragment there is only one "ALL"
> custom target and ADD_DEPENDENCIES would not help since it only works on
> targets.  Thus, I doubt there is anything locally wrong with dependencies
> there.  It is possible some other dependency is making a dependency pattern
> that triggers the bug, but I should know more about that when I have a
> simpler example that triggers the bug (or not).

I was able to reproduce the problem with the code below.  It is fixed by
uncommenting the ADD_DEPENDENCIES line.  You must be putting those
output files into another target that does not depend on the
tcl_examples target.  Perhaps the make_documentation target?



FOREACH(f f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9)
COMMAND echo ${f} > ${FOO_BINARY_DIR}/${f}
#ADD_DEPENDENCIES(examples2 examples)
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Parallel builds do not work correctly when using "cmake -E copy" to copy files

2007-12-13 Thread Bryan O'Sullivan
Alan W. Irwin wrote:

> It was good to hear that make -j N normally works with CMake.

Yes indeed.  I frequently run make -j70 across a 35-host dual-CPU
cluster using distcc, and every time I've updated CMake's files, it's
correctly rebuilt the makefiles before continuing.

Re: [CMake] Parallel builds do not work correctly when using "cmake -E copy" to copy files

2007-12-13 Thread Alan W. Irwin

On 2007-12-13 15:39-0500 Bill Hoffman wrote:

Alan W. Irwin wrote:

My obvious next step is to try and make a simple CMake example that 

reproduces the bug, but this is such an important bug (at least for those
with access to multiprocessors who want to use parallel builds) that I
thought the above result was worth reporting immediately since it tends to
point the finger at something CMake is doing rather than some bug in GNU

We use -j N builds all the time at Kitware for VTK, ParaView and CMake.  It 
is however, possible to create input to CMake that will not work in a 
parallel environment.   A simple example would be the best way to figure out 
if there is a way around the issue you are having.  One thing you might want 
to look at is the add_dependancy command, and make sure that your custom 
targets are built in some order.  From your email, I am not exactly sure what 
targets are involved and what files are created at what time.

It was good to hear that make -j N normally works with CMake.

To answer your question, from the CMake language fragment in the first
e-mail on this issue, there is a custom command (with OUTPUT signature with
full pathname) for each file to be copied, and then an overall "ALL" custom
target that file depends (with full pathname) on those OUTPUT files.

So just keeping narrowly focussed on that fragment there is only one "ALL"
custom target and ADD_DEPENDENCIES would not help since it only works on
targets.  Thus, I doubt there is anything locally wrong with dependencies
there.  It is possible some other dependency is making a dependency pattern
that triggers the bug, but I should know more about that when I have a
simpler example that triggers the bug (or not).

Alan W. Irwin

Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Victoria (

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state implementation
for stellar interiors (; PLplot scientific plotting software
package (; the libLASi project (; the Loads of
Linux Links project (; and the Linux Brochure Project

Linux-powered Science
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Parallel builds do not work correctly when using "cmake -E copy" to copy files

2007-12-13 Thread Bill Hoffman

Alan W. Irwin wrote:

My obvious next step is to try and make a simple CMake example that 

reproduces the bug, but this is such an important bug (at least for those
with access to multiprocessors who want to use parallel builds) that I
thought the above result was worth reporting immediately since it tends to
point the finger at something CMake is doing rather than some bug in GNU

We use -j N builds all the time at Kitware for VTK, ParaView and CMake. 
 It is however, possible to create input to CMake that will not work in 
a parallel environment.   A simple example would be the best way to 
figure out if there is a way around the issue you are having.  One thing 
you might want to look at is the add_dependancy command, and make sure 
that your custom targets are built in some order.  From your email, I am 
not exactly sure what targets are involved and what files are created at 
what time.

CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Parallel builds do not work correctly when using "cmake -E copy" to copy files

2007-12-13 Thread Alan W. Irwin

On 2007-12-12 17:10-0800 Alan W. Irwin wrote:

A set of custom rules to copy files from the source tree to the build tree
is screwing up for parallel builds on Debian testing with cmake 2.4.7.

Here is part of the "make -j 2" output:

make -f examples/tcl/CMakeFiles/tclIndex_examples_tcl.dir/build.make 


make[2]: *** [examples/tcl/x05] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/software/plplot_cvs/HEAD/build_dir'
/usr/bin/cmake -E cmake_progress_report 
/home/software/plplot_cvs/HEAD/build_dir/CMakeFiles make[1]: *** 
[examples/tcl/CMakeFiles/tclIndex_examples_tcl.dir/all] Error 2

make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs

Note, the above make command is generated recursively from the overall
"make -j 2" command.  I have no idea how the -j option was propagated in
that case, but I assume it was via some Makefile variable.

Now here is the really strange part.  If I directly run

make -f examples/tcl/CMakeFiles/tclIndex_examples_tcl.dir/build.make \
make -j 2 -f examples/tcl/CMakeFiles/tclIndex_examples_tcl.dir/build.make \

from the command line there are no extra copying operations and no errors.
Also, all other attempts to reproduce this bug from a hand-crafted Makefile
have failed.
However, the double copy is reliably reproduced in the build tree by

make clean
make -j 2

and intermittently that above sequence produces other "*** Waiting for
unfinished jobs..." errors as well, but those are more complicated than
the simple double copy errors I have documented so I won't go into details.

In sum, so far it appears I need CMake-generated Makefiles that are
recursively run with "make -j 2" in order to see parallel build errors.
Thus, my working hypothesis is these bad parallel build results are due to
some CMake error (a Makefile variable that is set or propagated
incorrectly?) in the way it does make recursion.

My obvious next step is to try and make a simple CMake example that reliably
reproduces the bug, but this is such an important bug (at least for those
with access to multiprocessors who want to use parallel builds) that I
thought the above result was worth reporting immediately since it tends to
point the finger at something CMake is doing rather than some bug in GNU

Alan W. Irwin

Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Victoria (

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state implementation
for stellar interiors (; PLplot scientific plotting software
package (; the libLASi project (; the Loads of
Linux Links project (; and the Linux Brochure Project

Linux-powered Science
CMake mailing list

Re: [CMake] Parallel builds do not work correctly when using "cmake -E copy" to copy files

2007-12-12 Thread Alan W. Irwin

On 2007-12-12 17:10-0800 Alan W. Irwin wrote:

A set of custom rules to copy files from the source tree to the build tree
is screwing up for parallel builds on Debian testing with cmake 2.4.7. The
parallel builds are done with "make -j 2" on a core duo system (Intel E6550
2.33 MHz).

Before anybody else spots that, I have to say that system sure would be
slow!  I meant GHz, of course.  :-)

Alan W. Irwin

Astronomical research affiliation with Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Victoria (

Programming affiliations with the FreeEOS equation-of-state implementation
for stellar interiors (; PLplot scientific plotting software
package (; the libLASi project (; the Loads of
Linux Links project (; and the Linux Brochure Project

Linux-powered Science
CMake mailing list