Re: [CM] make-pulsed-env

2021-06-23 Thread bil

The make-pulsed-env frequency parameter sets the
base frequency (it can be 0); you change the pulse
rate while running via the fm argument to the
pulsed-env generator.  For example:

(with-sound ()
  (let ((e (make-pulsed-env '(0 0 1 1 2 0) .01 1))
(frq (make-env '(0 0 1 1) :duration 1.0 :scaler (hz->radians 

(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i 44100))
  (outa i (* .5 (pulsed-env e (env frq)))

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[CM] make-pulsed-env

2021-06-23 Thread James Hearon
I was trying to figure out how to use an env on the freq parameter of 
(make-pulsed-env envelope duration frequency) but it wants a real, not a pair.  
I thought I'd look-see the code for make-pulsed-env, but I can't seem to locate 
it.  Wondering if there's a way to go about achieving the effect?  

I tried adding an amp to the pulsed-env but that's not the effect I was after.
(outa i (* 5.95 (polyshape gen (* (env ampenv) (pulsed-env jsenvel))  0.01) 
Also tried a vibrato type effect using an LFO, but still no joy.
Just trying to get make-pulsed-env to change frequency within the duration of 
the note.
Something like: <>,<  >,   < >, <>, <>,<>,<>

(with-sound (:srate 48000 :channels 1 :play #t)
  (let ((gen (make-polyshape 400.0 :partials (list 1 .5  2 .25  3 .125  4 
(jsenvel (make-pulsed-env '(0 0  .25  0.01  .5  0.2 1  0.0)  1.0  1.0)) 
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i 96000))
(outa i (* 5.95 (polyshape gen  (pulsed-env jsenvel)  0.01)  ))

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