[CMLHope] Re: white skin

2006-08-02 Thread anjana

Hi Allyson,

  There are lots of medical reports on hypopigmentation on Gleevec, so
it is a medical fact, a side-effect of Gleevec.  Since you go to MDACC,
you may be interested in a study by them, given below.  But it is a
well-known side-effect of Gleevec in Asia since the lightening of the
skin in the patients is more apparent.  The website below should give
you information on how losing skin pigmentation may be harmful to you.
Let me know if you have further questions.


They have even measured the loss of skin color in a Gleevec patient by
colorimetric methods.

Best Wishes,
caregiver to Roy

Cancer. 2003 Dec 1;98(11):2483-7.  Links

Comment in:
Cancer. 2004 Jun 1;100(11):2486-7; author reply 2487-8.
Imatinib mesylate causes hypopigmentation in the skin.
Tsao AS,
Kantarjian H,
Cortes J,
O'Brien S,
Talpaz M.
Medical Oncology Fellowship Program, University of Texas M. D. Anderson
Cancer Center, Houston, Texas 77030, USA.

BACKGROUND: Imatinib mesylate is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor that
targets the BCR-ABL protein in CML, c-kit (KIT) and platelet-derived
growth factor receptors. In clinical trials with imatinib mesylate,
common side effects of nausea, emesis, diarrhea, periorbital edema,
fluid retention, and myelosuppression have been documented. METHODS: In
this case series, the authors describe unique clinical findings of skin
hypopigmentation in six patients with CML who were treated with
imatinib mesylate. RESULTS: Most patients developed onset of skin
hypopigmentation within the first month of treatment and all of the
patients experienced additional drug toxicity. Despite patient
susceptibility to toxicity, the presence of hypopigmentation did not
appear to predict leukemic cell response or clinical outcome. All six
patients established a hematologic response but only two patients had a
complete cytogenetic response. Imatinib mesylate induced
hypopigmentation also appeared to be reversible and potentially dose
related. CONCLUSION: Skin hypopigmentation is a benign side effect from
imatinib mesylate treatment that appears to be reversible upon
discontinuation or dose reduction. Several lines of evidence have
previously reported that KIT and its ligand stem cell factor (SCF) have
a regulatory role in melanocyte development and survival, suggesting a
rational mechanism of action for imatinib mesylate in the pathogenesis
of hypopigmentation. The signal transduction mechanism currently is
believed to involve SCF ligand binding of KIT and downstream activation
of MAP kinase (Erk-2). Microphthalmia (Mi), a basic helix-loop-helix
leucine zipper (bHLHZip) transcription factor, is phosphorylated by MAP
kinase at a serine residue (S73). Once phosphorylated, Mi
transactivates the tyrosine pigmentation gene promoter and affects
pigment production.

Pediatr Dermatol. 2006 Mar-Apr;23(2):175-8.  Links

Vitiligo-like lesions and diffuse lightening of the skin in a pediatric
patient treated with imatinib mesylate: a noninvasive colorimetric
Brazzelli V,
Roveda E,
Prestinari F,
Barbagallo T,
Bellani E,
Trevisan V,
Rona C,
Locatelli F,
Zecca M,
Borroni G.
Department of Human and Hereditary Pathology, Institute of Dermatology,
University of Parvia, Parvia, Italy. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Imatinib mesylate is a drug that has been recently approved for the
treatment for chronic myeloid leukemia. It acts as a potent and
selective inhibitor of BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase. It also inhibits both
c-kit and platelet-derived growth factor receptor tyrosine kinases.
Hypopigmentation of the skin in patients receiving this drug has been
recently reported. We report a 17-year-old Caucasian patient affected
by chronic myeloid leukemia in therapy with imatinib mesylate who
developed hypopigmented vitiligo-like patches and generalized
lightening of the skin. In order to evaluate the lightening observed
clinically, we measured the progressive skin color hypopigmentation by
using a colorimeter over several months. The colorimetric evaluation
confirmed the generalized and gradual lightening of patient's skin over
treatment with imatinib mesylate. We believe that this is the first
reported instance of vitiligo-like lesions in a pediatric patient
treated with imatinib mesylate, and the second in a Caucasian patient.

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[CMLHope] Re: Chat Reminder - This Evening - 9:00 PM

2006-08-02 Thread Tracy Manor
please remove me from this listthanksZavie miller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Chat Reminder - This Evening - 9:00 PMPhoto - Boating on the Ottawa River		Do you Yahoo!? Everyone is raving about the  all-new Yahoo! Mail Beta.
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[CMLHope] Re: 11 new messages in 6 topics - digest

2006-08-02 Thread dgschulz
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Allyson  Kay
I had to weigh in on your messages. I am 5 1/2 years on Gleevec and am grateful to still be here, but struggle with all the side-effects like everyone else. Over those years the Gleevec has eaten away the outside (epidermis) layer of skin. That is why I am always freezing anddraw blood every time I bump something. The same goes for being in the sun without sunscreen - burn. I also desperately want to rid myself of looking pale as a dead man. I am now trying a new moisturizer and tanner. It seems to be working on my face and legs. I forget the name (Gleevec related loss of memory). Try it.

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Today's topics:

* white skin/Allyson - 3 messages, 3 authors
* white skin - 3 messages, 3 authors
* Chat Reminder - This Evening - 9:00 PM - 1 messages, 1 author
* Cytotoxic effects of histone deacetylase inhibitor FK228 (depsipeptide, 
formally named FR901228) in combination with conventional anti-leukemia/
lymphoma agents against human leukemia/lymphoma cell lines. - 1 messages, 1 
* City of Hope making strides in understanding the cause of leukemia - 1 
messages, 1 author
* heart murmur - 2 messages, 2 authors

TOPIC: white skin/Allyson

== 1 of 3 ==
Date: Tues, Aug 1 2006 8:17 am 
From: Terry Dailey  

Allyson and Katy,

I am half irish and half American Indian and I also am pale, though I do tan
very easy. I am not sure how everyone else feels, but if I am out in the hot
sun for very long it starts to feel like I am in a mircowave..lol. It was a
running joke for a while in my family that you could watch me and I would
become pale then back to normal color right before you eyes.  I also have
black hair so that does not help either. Along with dark circles under my
Now I do avoid being out in the sun simply because I can't handle the heat
at all. I do need to disclose I am into sort of the goth look so for me
being pale is not a problem..rotfl. I have been told not to be out in the
sun for long periods which suits me just fine. I would check with your
doctor Allyson, but I do know their are rub on cremes that will give you a
tan without being in the sun. My lady use to get what they call mystic
tan. It is a booth at a tanning salon here in our area that gives you a
spray on tan. It is kind of funny because when we have been out together we
have had commits that we look like a barbie doll and a vampire..hehe.  That
is sort of ironic and me with my dark humor can't help but laugh because I
actually love vampire movies and I end up with a blood disorder..rotl.
Anyway Allyson, check with your doctor first but that rub on or spray on
stuff might help without you having to be in the sun.



  Dear Allyson,
  I have never heard that it is bad to get in the sun while taking
 gleevec just that it makes you more susceptible to burning so you have to be
 careful. I have attached a pic of me (hope it comes thru and you can see it)
 which goes to prove you can take gleevec and *still *get a tan!
 p.s... if the pic 

[CMLHope] questions re trials son-in-law with cml

2006-08-02 Thread marcon

To anyone with up-to-date info on trials:

My friend Priscilla had to stop the bms trial because she
had to go on coumadin. She's been off medicine for 3 mos.
She's still in remission but the percentage of PH has
increased  is expected to gradually increase over time.

She knows of other trials  will be going back to MD
Anderson in 2 weeks. So can you give some help as to what
questions she could/should ask about

SKI 606 (in phase 2)

INNO 406 (in phase 1)


Thanks for any info  insights here.

Now for the truth-is-stranger-than-fiction dept.: My
son-in-law was diagnosed with cml 2 wks. ago!! It was found
on a routine check for his diabetes. His wbc was at 45 
he's started on 400 mg of Gleevec. He  my daughter aren't
as scared as they could be because of my experience. I'm 6
yrs. from dx  5 yrs. in remission. So hoping my luck will
rub off on him. It should.

Am going on the 6th annual(my 5th) BMT cruise on the Hudson
this Sunday. Will meet up with Cathy  Jeff Kramer at this
event. It's a happy time. Will report back next week.


Ruth Marcon

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[CMLHope] Re: Muscle Pain

2006-08-02 Thread katybug45

OMW yes! I had so much muscle and bone pain at the beginning it wassnt funny. I still have it but not quite as bad. My neck is the only thing that is consistently hurting since starting gleevec. 


-- Original message -- From: "Priesty" [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Hi  wondered if anyone can help...my wife has significant muscle pain  around her neck and shoulders which is a little reminiscent of pain she  had prior to her CML diagnosis. I am aware that bone pain occurs, but  does anyone have muscle pain and is it attributable to the CML or  Gleevec?  let me know  cheers  steve

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