[cobirds] Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Thursday, May 17, 2012

2012-05-17 Thread Joyce Takamine
 Compiler:   Joyce Takamine
Date: May 17, 2012
email:rba AT cfobirds.org
phone:   303-659-8750

This is the Colorado Rare Birds Alert for  Thursday, May 17, 2012,
sponsored by Denver Field Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird
Observatory.  If you are phoning in a message, you can skip the recording
by pressing the star Key (*) on your phone at any time.  Please leave your
name, phone number, detailed directions, including county and dates for
each sighting.  It would be helpful if you would spell your last name.

Highlight species include: (*denotes that there is new information on this
species in this report)

Red-throated Loon (Boulder)
Green Heron (El Paso)
Glossy Ibis (Weld)
Caspian Tern (Arapahoe)
Least Tern (*Eagle)
White-winged Dove (Las Animas)
Cassin's Kingbird (*Weld)
White-eyed Vireo (El Paso)
Yellow-throated Vireo (*El Paso)
 Wood Thrush (El Paso, Pueblo)
Tennessee Warbler (El Paso, Weld)
Chestnut-sided Warbler (Kiowa)
Northern Parula (Bent, El Paso, Kiowa, Weld)
Black-throated Blue Warbler  (Prowers, *Weld)
 Black-throated Gray Warbler (Boulder)
Yellow-throated Warbler (*El Paso)
Bay-breasted Warbler (Baca)
Blackpoll Warbler (Baca, El Paso, Pueblo, Weld)
Worm-eating Warbler (El Paso, Jefferson)
Ovenbird (Bent, *Weld)
Northern Waterthrush (Bent, El Paso, *Pueblo)
Kentucky Warbler (*Weld)
Hooded Warbler (*El Paso, Kiowa, Jefferson, *Weld)
Summer Tanager (*El Paso)
Scarlet Tanager (*Larimer)
 Indigo Bunting (*El Paso)

Please note, detailed directions to most of the following locations can be
found on the Colorado County Birding Website:

Arapahoe County:
--A Caspian Tern was reported by Beltz at Cherry Creek SP on May 15.  It
was seen at the marina.

Bent County:
--On May 13 at Tempel Grove, Mlodinow reported EASTERN TOWHEE,
Black-throated Blue Warbler, Northern Parula, Ovenbird, and Northern

Boulder County:
--On May 13, Tumasonis reported Black-throated Gray Warbler and Northern
Waterthrush on CU East Campus by the ponds.
--A breeding plumaged Red-throated Loon was reported by Webb at Baseline
Reservoir on May 12 and refound by Heinrich on May 13.

Eagle County:
--A Least Tern was reported by Filby at Spring Park Reservoir in El Jebel
on the islands at the south end, near the dam on May 16.

El Paso County:
--On May 13, Percival refound the White-eyed Vireo at the Nature Center and
Green Heron at Rice's Pond.  On May 14, Chartier heard and saw the
White-eyed Vireo across the small pond at the Nature Center.
--On May 16, Getty reported a singing Hooded Warbler at Bear Creek Nature
Center in Colorado Springs.  It was just east of the Visitor's Center
around the wooden boardwalk.

El Paso/Pueblo Counties:
Chico Basin Ranch which is a fee area.
--On May 13, Percival reported Worm-eating Warbler and Northern Waterthrush
by the Banding Station and F Blackpoll Warbler at
HQ Willows.
--On May 14, Percival reported a singing Wood Thrush and Worm-eating
Warbler at the Banding Station and Drummond found a m Tennessee Warbler at
the Casita.
--On May 15, Gobris banded 1 Northern Waterthrush and 1 Indigo Bunting and
73 Swainson's Thrushes.
--On May 16, Percival reported a Yellow-throated Warbler and
Yellow-throated Vireo at the Banding Station.  Gobris banded a molting m
Summer Tanager on May 16.  Maynard found a m Indigo Bunting on the El Paso
side on May 16.  Percival reported a Northern Waterthrush at HQ on May 16.
 Drummond found a GRAY-CHEEKED THRUSH at Rose Pond on May 16.

Huerfano County:
--Wilberding reported HEPATIC TANAGER at Santa Clara Creek on May 16.  Take
Road 310 west, cross the RR tracks and continue for about 300 yards.  This
is private land so bird from the road.  This spot will be visited multiple
times during the CFO convention starting Thursday.  DO NOT USE PLAYBACK.

Jefferson County:
--A f Hooded Warbler was banded by McBurney at the Chatfield Banding
Station on May 13.
--A Worm-eating Warbler was reported by Righter on the Apex Trail adjacent
to Heritage Park on May 15.

Kiowa County:
--On May 12 at Neenoshe, Rawinski reported Chestnut-sided Warbler.  On May
13 at Neenoshe, Mlodinow reported Hooded Warbler and Northern Parula.

Larimer County:
--A m Scarlet Tanager was reported by Core at the home of Steve and Kathy
Martin in Wellington on May 16.  Please
contact Steve at falconridge AT cowisp.net to arrange visits.

Las Animas County:
--A White-winged Dove was reported by Snider near Santa Fe Trail and
Jefferson St in Trinidad on May 12 and again on May 14.   Snider reported
that the dove returned on May 15.

Prowers County:
--On May 13, Mlodinow reported a  Black-throated Blue Warbler and Nashville
Warbler at LCCW.

Weld County:
--On May 13, Mark Miller reported Tennessee Warbler, Northern Parula, m
Blackpoll Warbler, and singing Ovenbird at Crow Valley CG.  On May 16, 

[cobirds] Northern Waterthrush - McKay Lake - Adams County

2012-05-17 Thread Mailybug
There was a singing Northern Waterthrush at McKay Lake this morning.   It 
was along the shoreline just to the east of the fishing pier.  McKay  Lake is 
south of 144th Ave just east of Zuni in Adams County.
There also was a Cassin's Kingbird at Plaster Reservoir in  Broomfield.  It 
was flycatching off the chain link fence behind Legacy  HS.
(  ' 
/ ) ) 

Eric Zorawowicz, City  County of  Broomfield 

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[cobirds] Huerfano County Update: The Bobolinks are back!, Snowy Egret

2012-05-17 Thread Polly Neldner
Hello All,

The Bobolinks which next along County Rod. 360 are back. We saw 5 males
Sunday morning. I went back yesterday and had nice flyover and distant
views of two.

Beverly Jensen posted photos on her Facebook page last evening of a white
egret. I went out this morning to check it out and have some nice photos of
breeding plumage. Snowy Egret on my Facebook page. Directions to site:
Follow hwy 12 out of La Veta it will take a sharp bend to the right. I
approximately 1/4 mile you will see a sign that says National Forest Access
Indian Creek Roadslow down. Turn left at the sign that says Indian
Creek Trail 7 miles. The egret was in a flood irrigate field on the left
side of the road. We spotted it from Hwy 12. It was quite close to the road
this morning.

Gotta go pack for CFO Convention!

Polly Wren Neldner
La Veta

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[cobirds] a couple spring migrants, Fort Collins (Larimer)

2012-05-17 Thread Eric DeFonso
I wasn't really out birding today, but while doing other things I did hear 
some familiar songs.

While biking along the Poudre Trail near downtown, I passed a singing 
Swainson's Thrush near the College Ave. overpass. And then later, while 
doing some volunteer duties at the Rocky Mountain Raptor Program, I had a 
singing MacGillivray's Warbler skulking in some low brush not far from the 
rehab flight cages. After so many years of hearing nothing in that area but 
House Sparrows, European Starlings, Northern Flickers, Black-capped 
Chickadees, Blue Jays, Western Meadowlarks, Common Grackles and the like, I 
can hardly tell you how wonderful it was to hear this song.

Sorry that I'm missing the CFO. I fully expect to pull my hair out in the 
next few days as I hear about some of the fantastic birds y'all will 
certainly find.

Eric DeFonso
Fort Collins

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[cobirds] County lists updated and available

2012-05-17 Thread Mark Peterson

The latest update for Lifetime County lists is now available on the CFO 
website.  The next update will be in June, please have your new totals to me by 
June 1st.


Mark Peterson
Colorado Springs

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[cobirds] Hepatic Tanager, Huerfano

2012-05-17 Thread David Waltman
Cheryl and Dan Tieg and Maggie Boswell and I refound the Hepatic Tanager at the 
spot described yesterday.  It was singing high in a cottonwood on the south 
side of road 310.  I'm very sorry if I got Cheryl and Dan's names mangled.  
Seen around 1:15 p.m.
David Waltman

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[cobirds] Apishapa State Wildlife Area - Las Animas County

2012-05-17 Thread Ken Christie Pals
I spent all morning with a friend walking in and down into the Apishapa SWA
along the creek. We didn't have anything out of the ordinary, but we had
fun exploring in and out of the canyon.

Lark Sparrow - 10 or more
Northern Mockingbird - 10 or more
Western Kingbird - 4 on the plains
Cassin's Kingbird - 6 in the canyon
Broad-tailed Hummingbird - 1
Eastern Phoebe - 1 singing
House Finch - 6
Turkey Vulture - 6
Common Raven - 2
Canyon Wren - 2
Bullock's Oriole - 2
Yellow Warbler - 2
American Robin - 2
Red-tailed Hawk - 1
Spotted Sandpiper - 2
Say's Phoebe - 2
Mourning Dove - 4
Western Meadowlark - 4
Lark Bunting - 6
Cliff Swallow - 6
Horned Lark - 20

Good birding,
Ken Pals
Colorado Springs

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[cobirds] RMBO Banding at Chico Basin Ranch, 5/15-16, El Paso Co.

2012-05-17 Thread Nancy Gobris

Hi, All --
It was another busy day of banding day at Chico Basin Ranch on Wednesday, with 
90 birds banded.  Today was a different story, with only 14 banded.  The winds 
picked up early on, forcing us to close the nets at 10:00.  But not before we 
caught and banded the Yellow-throated Warbler found in the grove yesterday by 
Percival, Maynard, and Drummond.  Thanks, Guys!
Wednesday, May  16
Gray Flycatcher – 1
Warbling Vireo - 1
Western Kingbird - 1
House Wren – 2
American Robin – 1
Veery - 3
Swainson’s Thrush – 33
Hermit Thrush – 3
Gray Catbird - 3
Yellow Warbler - 2
Audubon’s Warbler - 1
MacGillivray’s Warbler – 3
Common Yellowthroat – 1
Wilson’s Warbler – 1
Summer Tanager - 1
Western Tanager – 3
Lazuli Bunting - 1
Indigo Bunting – 1
Spotted Towhee - 1
Chipping Sparrow – 12
Gambel’s White-crowned Sparrow – 3
Mountain White-crowned Sparrow - 1
Lincoln’s Sparrow – 3
Gray-headed Junco – 1
Red-winged Blackbird - 1
Bullock’s Oriole – 4
Orchard Oriole – 2
Thursday, May  17
House Wren – 2
American Robin – 1 
Swainson’s Thrush – 2
Hermit Thrush – 1
Gray Catbird – 1
Audubon’s Warbler – 1
Yellow-throated Warbler – 1 
MacGillivray’s Warbler – 1
Lincoln’s Sparrow – 1
Bullock’s Oriole - 3
Nancy Gobris, Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory
  Estes Park, currently at Chico Basin Ranch
Steve Brown, Colorado Springs

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[cobirds] Bobolinks at Castlewood Canyon, Douglas County

2012-05-17 Thread melgoff

It was a beautiful day in Castlewood Canyon today with lots of birds. The 
highlight was seeing the bobolinks on south Castlewood Canyon Road. This area 
is outside the state park, and can be reached on Castlewood Canyon Road from 
the north a mile west of Franktown or from the south off DC Road 11 west of CO 
Hwy 83. 

You can see the Bobolinks by stopping at either nesting box 20 or 21. Look in 
the fields to the east across the stream. They come up out of the grass, fly a 
ways and go back down. Sometimes they will sit up for a good view if you have a 
scope. There are also Red-winged Blackbirds in the fields, so you have to take 
a good look. 

Good birding, everyone. 

Mel and Jeanne Goff 

Colorado Springs 

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[cobirds] Arapahoe County Yard Bird - Yellow-headed Blackbird

2012-05-17 Thread Becky Campbell
Just had a beautiful, brilliant spring male Yellow-headed Blackbird at my

Becky Campbell

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[cobirds] Re: Northern Waterthrush - McKay Lake - Adams County

2012-05-17 Thread Dave Cameron
Re: the waterthrush, not being familiar with McKay, where, on the clock, if 
will, is the fishing pier?

On Thursday, May 17, 2012 8:21:28 AM UTC-6, Eric Zorawowicz wrote:

  There was a singing Northern Waterthrush at McKay Lake this morning.  It 
 was along the shoreline just to the east of the fishing pier.  McKay Lake 
 is south of 144th Ave just east of Zuni in Adams County.
 There also was a Cassin's Kingbird at Plaster Reservoir in Broomfield.  It 
 was flycatching off the chain link fence behind Legacy HS.
 (  ' 
 / ) ) 

 Eric Zorawowicz, City  County of  Broomfield 

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[cobirds] Black chinned hummer, Littleton, Arap Cty

2012-05-17 Thread Jane Isaacs
A week or so ago we posted that we had a broad tailed hummingbird in
our yard.  Actually it's a male black chinned hummingbird.  We got
some photos to confirm.
Also have a house wren building a nest in a birdhouse gourd.
Jane and Roger Isaacs
Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] Lyons, Old South St Vrain Rd (Boulder County)

2012-05-17 Thread Bryan Guarente
This evening, my family took a quick jaunt to Old South St Vrain Road in Lyons, 
Boulder County.  We got there around 6:45 hoping for the Lewis's Woodpecker 
seen recently and photographed by David Dowell.  No luck on the Woodpecker.  We 
did get great looks at four Beaver right at the beaver dam near the pull off at 
the east end of the road.  Fun to watch them from very close range.  The best 
bird of the trip was an Olive-sided Flycatcher.  Nothing else great, but 
plenty of good birds out there for the viewing.  When you haven't been out 
birding too much and you go to a great place like this one, it is hard NOT to 
have a good time viewing all the great birds.

Complete Checklist:
Canada Goose (Branta canadensis)  6
Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos)  4
Wild Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo)  4
Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis)  1
American Kestrel (Falco sparverius)  1
Killdeer (Charadrius vociferus)  1
Rock Pigeon (Columba livia)  12
Eurasian Collared-Dove (Streptopelia decaocto)  4
Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura)  6
White-throated Swift (Aeronautes saxatalis)  2
Broad-tailed Hummingbird (Selasphorus platycercus)  14
Downy Woodpecker (Picoides pubescens)  1
Downy Woodpecker (Rocky Mts.) (Picoides pubescens leucurus/glacialis)  1
Northern Flicker (Colaptes auratus)  3
Northern Flicker (Red-shafted) (Colaptes auratus [cafer Group])  2
Olive-sided Flycatcher (Contopus cooperi)  1
Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata)  2
Violet-green Swallow (Tachycineta thalassina)  40
Black-capped Chickadee (Poecile atricapillus)  7
House Wren (Troglodytes aedon)  5
American Robin (Turdus migratorius)  9
European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris)  1
Yellow Warbler (Setophaga petechia)  8
Spotted Towhee (Pipilo maculatus)  12
Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia)  3
Black-headed Grosbeak (Pheucticus melanocephalus)  5
Red-winged Blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus)  4
Western Meadowlark (Sturnella neglecta)  1
Common Grackle (Quiscalus quiscula)  7
Brown-headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater)  1
Bullock's Oriole (Icterus bullockii)  5
Lesser Goldfinch (Spinus psaltria)  1
American Goldfinch (Spinus tristis)  2
House Sparrow (Passer domesticus)  3

Bryan Guarente
Instructional Designer
The COMET Program
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Boulder, CO 

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[cobirds] Huerfano County: Hepatic Tanager

2012-05-17 Thread pollywren
We were running late...on our way to CFO convention but just had to stop at 
Rouse Road to check for Hepatic Tanager...were rewarded with wonderful views. 
Too far for photographs...but we're able to watch it for around 15 minutes!

Polly Wren and Paul Neldner
La Veta, CO

Sent from my iPad

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