[cobirds] Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Thursday, June 7, 2012

2012-06-07 Thread Joyce Takamine
 Compiler:   Joyce Takamine
Date: June 7, 2012
email:rba AT cfobirds.org
phone:   303-659-8750

This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for  Thursday, June 7, 2012, sponsored
by Denver Field Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory.  If
you are phoning in a message, you can skip the recording by pressing the
star Key (*) on your phone at any time.  Please leave your name, phone
number, detailed directions, including county and dates for each sighting.
 It would be helpful if you would spell your last name.

Highlight species include: (*denotes that there is new information on this
species in this report)

Mexican Duck (Weld)
Barrow's Goldeneye (Clear Creek)
Green Heron (Boulder, Larimer, Weld)
Broad-winged Hawk (Weld)
Caspian Tern (Delta)
White-winged Dove (Las Animas, *Montrose)
Red-bellied Woodpecker (Larimer, Yuma)
American Three-toed Woodpecker (Eagle)
Black Phoebe (Huerfano)
Eastern Phoebe (Boulder, Douglas/Jefferson)
Great Crested Flycatcher (Morgan, Yuma)
Yellow-throated Vireo (*Jefferson)
Northern Parula (Adams, La Plata, Larimer)
Black-throated Blue Warbler (Weld)
Worm-eating Warbler (Weld)
Hepatic Tanager (Huerfano)
Summer Tanager (Boulder, Weld)
 Indigo Bunting (*Boulder, Huerfano)
White-winged Crossbill (Eagle)

Please note, detailed directions to most of the following locations can be
found on the Colorado County Birding Website:

Adams County:
--A Northern Parula was reported by Mlodinow at Barr Lake on May 31.

Boulder County:
--A f Summer Tanager and singing Indigo Bunting were reported by Nunes at
Doudy Draw on May 30.
--A singing Indigo Bunting was reported by Nunes at the South Mesa Trail
Parking Lot on May 30.  A singing Indigo Bunting was reported by Hansley on
the top of a dead tree just south of the Dunn House on the South Mesa Trail
on June 3.
--A singing Eastern Phoebe was reported by Mlodinow at Black Bear Hollow --
the park on the S side of Hwy 66 as you enter Lyons on June 2.
--A Green Heron, possibly 2, was reported by the Such boys on the First
Sunday bird walk at Walden/Sawhill Ponds in Boulder on June 3.

Clear Creek County:
--A male Barrow's Goldeneye was reported by Hartman on Echo Lake on the Mt
Evans road on June 3.

Delta County:
--A Caspian Tern was reported by Horn at Hart's Basin on May 31.

Douglas/Jefferson Counties:
--Modesitt reported that a pair of Eastern Phoebes was seen on both sides
of the river from Kingfisher Bridge on May 31.

Eagle County:
--A f American Three-toed Woodpecker was reported by Filby on May 28 on
Basalt Mountain.  Zerbi relocated the woodpecker on May 31.
--Good numbers of American Three-toed Woodpeckers and a pair of
White-winged Crossbills were reported by Andrew Spencer on June 1  N of
Edwards along FR 744 between Piney Guard Station and the private property
just before Marma Lake.  This is a 4x4 only road.

Huerfano County:
--A Hepatic Tanager and Indigo Bunting were reported by Neldner at the
Santa Clara Creek on June 1.
--A juv Black Phoebe was reported by Neldner at the Cuchara River crossing
on Virginia St in La Veta on June 1.

Jefferson County:
--Roller reported that a Wild Birds Unlimited/RMBO hike in Chatfield SP
found a Yellow-throated Vireo on May 31.  It is nesting with a Plumbeous
Vireo.  Directions:  Go south from Kingfisher Bridge on the west side of
the Platte River for 5 minutes until you come to a scarped off bare area on
the right.  Continue 50 yards where they are nesting.  Please DO NOT use
recording of either vireo and stay on the trail.  This is a very rare
pairing and we could learn a lot if the pair is allowed to nest.  Roller
reported that the two vireos continue to alternate incubation duties on
June 6.

La Plata County:
--A singing Northern Parula was found by Allerton on the Animas River Trail
in Durango on June 2.  It was behind Four Corners Riversport and Big Five

Larimer County:
--A singing Northern Parula was reported by Nelson in Estes Park at the
corner of Lower Broadview Rd and Mary's Lake Rd on June 2.  It was singing
high in tall Ponderosa Pines.  Nelson reported that the parula was still
singing on June 3.
--A Green Heron was reported by France at Lee Martinez Park in Fort Collins
on June 5.  It was W of the College Ave Bridge in a pond on N side of trail.

Las Animas County:
--Snider reported that the White-winged Dove returned to her feeder on June
1.  Her address is 1200 Sante Fe Trail, Trinidad.

Mesa County:
--The BLACK-CHINNED SPARROW parents were observed feeding a young bird in
No Thoroughfare Canyon in Colorado NM on June 4 by Teuton.  Henwood refound
the BLACK-CHINNED SPARROW family in No Thoroughfare Canyon on June 5.
 Henwood  believes that there maybe as many as four fledgings.

Morgan County:
--2 Great Crested Flycatcher were reported by Hundertmark in Riverside Park
in Fort Morgan on June 4.

[cobirds] Ovenbird, etc., Mesa Trail complex, Boulder County, June 7th

2012-06-07 Thread Ted Floyd

Hello, Birders.

I ain't no Mike Henwood, but I can report a grand total of one (1) singing 
Ovenbird in the Mesa Trail complex, Boulder County, early this morning, 
Thursday, June 7th. The bird was along the middle of the three spurs that 
connect that Shadow Canyon and Mesa trails. Coordinates: 39.945260 N, 
105.280721 W.

Also, there was a singing male Indigo Bunting at the east side of the main 
parking area for the Mesa Trail complex.

Ted Floyd
Lafayette, Boulder County, Colorado   

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[cobirds] more Dickcissels and Bobolinks, Niwot, CO

2012-06-07 Thread Scott E. Severs
At least two male Dickcissels and two male Bobolinks were in one of the
alfalfa fields north of the old Dodd homestead, northeast of the
intersection of N. 73rd St. and Niwot Rd. (Boulder Cnty), or due east of
Dodd Res. I wouldn't be surprised if there were more males on territory in
those fields. I heard the Dickcissels yesterday out my car window driving
down the Diagonal Hwy.


Scott E. Severs
Longmont, CO

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[cobirds] White-winged Dove Lakewood/Jeffco

2012-06-07 Thread markchavez
Today, in Green Mtn-Lakewood we have a White-winged Dove visiting our backyard 
feeders. This is only the second time this  The last time we had this dove was 
back in 2007.

Mark Chavez
Lakewood-Green Mtn

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[cobirds] vireo nest Chatfield

2012-06-07 Thread Kayleen A Niyo
Mary Burger and I met at Chatfield to look for the vireo nest.  We spent a
half hour with another birder who had seen it a few days ago, but was
looking in the wrong tree.  I walked on down a few yards farther and, just
as Larry's wonderfully explicit June 1 posted directions state (copy in my
pocket!), easily found the nest hanging high up on branches on the left of
the cottonwood.  We watched through scopes from 10:30-11:45.  The Plumbeous
Vireo was in the nest and would stick its whole head out once in a while and
I could see the bill moving as it sang from the nest.  We heard the
Yellow-throated Vireo singing a few times from a tree to the left of the
nest, but never saw that bird.  The storm last night brought lots of leaves
and small branches down, but the nest survived fine.  We will keep checking.



Kayleen A. Niyo, Ph.D.
Niyo Scientific Communications
Kay Niyo Photography
 mailto:k...@kayniyo.com k...@kayniyo.com

 http://www.KayNiyo.com www.KayNiyo.com
5651 Garnet Street
Golden, CO 80403
Phone: (303) 679-6646
Fax: (866) 849-8013 


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[cobirds] DFO/ABA outing: The 2nd Great Boulder Caper, June 24th

2012-06-07 Thread Ted Floyd

Hello, Birders.

Come caper with us again! The first Great Boulder Caper, held Nov. 27th of last 
year, was great fun. Trip report here: http://tinyurl.com/6v2spa8

Our second installment of the Great Boulder Caper promises to be just as fun! 
Join Denver Field Ornithologists and the American Birding Association for this 
relaxed, whirlwind tour of glorious Boulder County on SUNDAY, JUNE 24th, 2012. 
Join the group whenever you want to; leave whenever you want to.

We'll have three official meeting times/places, but, again, you can join us 

First meeting time: 3:30 a.m. at an undisclosed location (with Dick Cheney?) in 
eastern Boulder County. We will look for Barn Owls and fireflies. Call me 
(303-817-4233) if this option appeals to you. Participants are to supply the 
leader with 1-lb. bags of orange slices. Instructions 
here: http://tinyurl.com/bv8hbhf

Second meeting time: North Teller Farms parking lot for a PROMPT 4:59:59 a.m. 
departure. We'll walk north toward Boulder Creek and beyond, looking for such 
goodies as Orchard Oriole, Least Flycatcher, Willow Flycatcher, Baltimore 
Oriole genes, Cassin's Sparrow, Grasshopper Sparrow, Bobolink, Dickcissel, 
Black-chinned Hummingbird, and more. The pace will be quite brisk, but our 
spirits will be relaxed.

Third meeting time: Cottonwood Marsh parking lot at Walden Ponds for a way 
laid-back departure at 8am, 8:15, 8:30, whatever. We'll bring out the beer and 
chips, I mean tofu and sprouts, by this time; the orange slices will be long 
gone. We'll look for Green Herons, Eastern Warbling-Vireos, Indian Peafowl, and 
who-knows-what-else; Walden always has a surprise!

Then we'll head west-northwest-ish, toward the foothills, for Red-eyed Vireos, 
American Redstarts, and the like. If the Spirit moves us, we'll wind up the day 
with nightjars and small owls in the foothills. Given the outing's start time, 
however, the Spirit may have moved us to bed by that time.

No matter what, we'll have a marvelous time. Please join us, and please call me 
or e-mail me (e-mail preferred) with any questions. The Great Boulder Caper is 
eminently suitable for beginners, children, and non-birding companions; it is 
not appropriate for whiners or uptight people. More info at the DFO 
website: http://tinyurl.com/7k6bm57

Ted Floyd
Lafayette, Boulder County, Colorado   

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[cobirds] owls

2012-06-07 Thread pygmyowl
Hi all, 
A friend and I were at my pygmy-owl nest for two and a half hours before we 
watched the female enter the cavity with a chipmunk. This pair has to hunt far 
a field from theri nest to find food because it is so dry in the area of the 
nest.  There are at least two young in the nest and I presume they will fledge 
next week.

Scott Rashid
Estes Park

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