[cobirds] Reservoirs near Longmont

2014-03-06 Thread Steven Mlodinow
Greetings All

I hit several local places yesterday. Nothing rare, but it is worth noting that 
Union Res is moderately birdy (with about 50 Herring and one THAYER'S GULL 
being the highlights, Ish Reservoir likewise has a moderate number of birds as 
does Terry. McInothsh Res, however, has been pretty much birdless. I've heard 
that Panama Res has been very birdy, but it is hard to view, except under 
cloudy conditions.

Good Birding 
Steve Mlodinow

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[cobirds] Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Thursday, March 6, 2014

2014-03-06 Thread Joe Roller
Compiler: Joe Roller
Date: March 6, 2014
email: rba AT cfobirds.org
phone: 303-659-8750

This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Thursday, March 6, 2014, updated
at 0725, sponsored by the Denver Field Ornithologists and the Rocky
Mountain Bird Observatory. If you are phoning in a message, you can skip
the recording by pressing the star key (*) on your phone at any time.
Please leave your name, phone number, detailed directions including county,
and dates for each sighting. It would be helpful if you would spell your
last name. For a mega-rarity, just call me directly at 303 204-0828.

Highlight species include (* indicates new information on this species in
this report).

Greater White-fronted Goose (Denver)
BRANT (Douglas)
Long-tailed Duck (Denver)
Barrow's Goldeneye (Jefferson)
Short-eared Owl (Weld*)
MEW GULL (Arapahoe)
Lesser Black-backed Gull (Arapahoe, Denver, Weld)
Thayer's Gull (Arapahoe, Denver, Jefferson, Weld)
Glaucous Gull (Arapahoe, Jefferson, Pueblo)
Winter Wren (El Paso)
Lapland Longspur (Weld)
Rusty Blackbird (Boulder)

--Dowell reports these gulls at Aurora Reservoir on February 26: MEW GULL,
(ad)., Lesser Black-backed Gulls, (2 ad. & 1  3rd. yr.), Thayer's Gull, (2
juv., 1 or 2 ad.), GLAUCOUS-WINGED GULL, (2nd. winter), Glaucous Gull, (1
ad., 2 immature).
--On March 3, Walbek reports a similar assortment of gulls from Aurora Res,
best seen from the SW corner.

--On February 1, Wilberding reported a TUNDRA SWAN at Cottonwood Marsh; the
swan was seen there again on  February 23 by Breitsch, and may still be
--On February 28, Moore reports 3 Rusty Blackbirds at Walden Ponds. They
were in a marsh
north of a trail at the southwest-most lake (the one with Osprey platforms)
in Sawhill Ponds.

--On February 27, T. Jones reports seeing these gulls on Marston Reservoir:
Two, ad. Lesser Black-backed Gulls were on the ice. One was a very dark
backed[almost black] colored bird. The other ad. Lesser Black-backed Gull
had more of the typical dark gray colored back. A first cycle Thayer's Gull
was also present.
--On March 3, T. Jones reports two Glaucous & one Thayer's Gull from
Marston Res.
--On Feb 20 & again on the 28th, Breitsch reports a Greater White-fronted
Goose (aka "tar belly" ) at the Rec pond at Green Valley Ranch (northeast
corner of Tower Rd aka Green Valley Ranch Blvd, in Town Center Park).
--Baker reports a Greater White-fronted Goose on the NE side of Sloans
Lake, near Stuart Street. Sloans Lake is near Sheridan and 17th Ave.
--Vickery reports seeing a Long-tailed Duck on the South Platte on February
27.  It was across the river from the aquarium, with a group of Gadwalls
and Mallards. On March 1, Breitsch saw it just SW of Speer Blvd bridge.

-- Stachowiak reports seeing the BRANT, on February 15, at the southeast
corner of Redstone Park located in Highlands Ranch. Access the parking lot
located on the west side of S Foothills Canyon Blvd approximately 2/10's of
a mile south of W Town Center Drive.  Look straight ahead as you enter the
parking lot or to the left towards the houses on the edge of the park.  I
have located the bird in this area in the past as well. The Brant was seen
by Kellner on Feb 23, at the playground pond at Redstone Park.

--On February 28 Lee reports that the Winter Wren continues at Fountain
Creek across from Mile Marker 18 & the concrete gazebo, west of the path.

--On February 18, Hackos reports seeing a Barrow's Goldeneye at Chatfield
Reservoir over the weekend.  It was in the open water near the dam, west of
the tower.  On February 28, Kibbe reports the Barrow's Goldeneye continues
on the northwest corner of the reservoir. It persisted on March 3,
according to a report by Suddjian.
--On March 2, Teuton and Brooke saw the continuing Golden-crowned Sparrow
at Red Rocks Trading Post.
On March 3, Suddjian reported a flock of 11 RUSTY BLACKBIRDS along Plum
Creek at Chatfield SP, downstream of the Plum Creek bridge.

--On February 8, Kellner reports 2 imm TRUMPETER SWANS at Boyd Ponds SWA at
Log Lane Village near Ft. Morgan.  Directions: Take Exit 79 off I-76, take
Elm St. in Log Lane Village north to the parking lot near the river.  From
the parking lot walk the "road" east & cross the canal. Head further east
along the canal.  The swans were in the open water of the pond on the south
side of the canal & were seen by Breitsch on 2/26.  Some experts find
reason to think that these are Tundra Swans.

--On March 3 Percival reports a 1st yr Glaucous Gull at Pueblo Reservoir
south Marina.

--Lefko reports Lapland Longspurs call over head in "Raptor Alley", WCR 100
x WCR 23 x WCR 102 x WCR 27 on February 27. They continued on March 2, when
he also foun

[cobirds] Sibley book signings Colorado

2014-03-06 Thread Scott E. Severs
With the near imminent release of version 2.0 of his guide, looks like
David Sibley will be visiting Denver and Boulder in April. Get your pack
mules ready - book has 55 more pages, 600 new illustrations and 111 rarer


7:30PM Tattered Cover Bookstore
2526 E Colfax Ave
Denver, CO 80206


7:30PM Boulder Book Store
1107 Pearl St,
Boulder, CO 80302

(I have no financial gain in this notice, just a fan of great wildlife
illustration, and field guides.)

Good birding,

Scott E. Severs
Longmont, CO

Boulder County Bird Trax: http://tinyurl.com/l98ahv4

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[cobirds] Lesser Yellowlegs Continue, Sanitation Ponds, CR 26, Weld County

2014-03-06 Thread Carl Starace
Hello, It was nice to hear the flight call of a Yellowlegs once
again. I paid a visit to the ponds on CR 26 just east of CR 13 in Weld
County at 8 this morning. The 2 Lesser Yellowlegs reported several days ago
by Cathy Sheeter were busy feeding at the largest pond on the northern side
of 26.  Good March Birding to All,  Carl Starace,   Longmont,Co

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[cobirds] Crane Festival Primer

2014-03-06 Thread cougar
It appears that crane numbers are peaking this week. I estimate between 
12-15,000 cranes Valleywide. A trip today produced 25 Ross’ Geese, a few Snow 
Geese, Cackling and Canada Geese, Bufflehead, Mallard, Pintail, and a few Ruddy 
Ducks. Also in the area is a Ferruginous Hawk. Still many Bald Eagles to be 
seen. Some oddities to look for include a Canada Goose that is mostly white. 
Also, the leucistic Sandhill Crane of last year is back as well as another one 
that has very white  wing coverts on each side. Best viewing is still around 
the Monte Vista Refuge turnouts, and viewing areas. There are three species of 
Rosy-finch being seen at Susan Hochstetters place. She does not mind birders 
looking at her feeders. From the Monte Refuge, continue south on Hwy 15 until 
the pavement ends. Then drive about 1 mile south and look for a small gray 
house with feeders on the east side of the road. Susan said mornings are still 
best to see them. Hope to see you here

John Rawinski
Monte Vista, CO

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[cobirds] Bald Eagles, Herons, geese, and gulls Highland Lake near Mead, Weld

2014-03-06 Thread Pauli Smith
I have a large mature Bald Eagle in one of my cottonwoods overlooking
Highland Lake, plus the Great Blue Herons are back. We are seeing one or
more mature Bald Eagles almost every day now. I haven't spotted any immature
yet. The lake also has varying numbers of geese, a few ducks, and lots of
gulls. Depending on the time of day there can be as few as 50 or several
hundred water fowl on the lake. The lake is private but open to the public. 


Pauli Smith

Highlandlake/Mead, Weld County

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[cobirds] Eagle county goshawk

2014-03-06 Thread Justin Dee
I was waiting tables at the Chophouse in Vail,looked up
to see a large pale buteo that I instantly turned into
A Goshawk due to the flapping cadence.
Justin Dee

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[cobirds] northeastern Larimer, 3/6/14

2014-03-06 Thread DAVID A LEATHERMAN
Not far north of Fort Collins along Route 1 (cottonwood w of mailbox for 4629) 
just north of Terry Lake and the entrance to the Eagle Lake Subdivision,  I had 
a Merlin which I am fairly certain was a "Pacific (aka "black" or sukleyi) 
race.  It perched high in a cottonwood against an overcast sky facing away from 
me.  I got suckyi (i.e. very poor) photos before it flew off toward the nw 
corner of Terry Lake.  This is only about the 5th I've ever seen in CO.  
Because I did not observe and photograph the underparts, the ID to subspecies 
will never be certain but the back was quite dark.

Eagle Lake Subdivision is a gated community but I was told it is probably OK to 
go just beyond the always-open (in my experience) gate a little ways, pull into 
the gravel parking area, and view the lake to the north.  I the past I have 
seen lots of gulls at this time of year, including Lesser Black-backed.  Today 
there were fully 1100 Redheads.  Impossible to count exactly, as they were 
diving a lot, but this total is pretty close.  

North Poudre #3 was almost ice-free and had nothing exceptional.

Just west of Larimer CR11 on CR70 (i.e., a mile or so north of North Poudre #3) 
is an unnamed pond on the north side near a small power station.  Mostly hiding 
in the vegetation at the north end of this pond were about 60 Sandhill Cranes.

Hamilton Reservoir did not have a lot of birds but in the far west bays were 
over 100 Canvasbacks.  Also, 1 Pied-billed Grebe, a few Horned Grebes, a few 
Western Grebes (probably all of these wintered).

Dave Leatherman
Fort Collins


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[cobirds] Bluff Lake Nature Center seeks used spotting scope

2014-03-06 Thread Chris Rurik
[This message has been approved by the moderator.]

Hi CoBirders --

Bluff Lake Nature Center, an urban wildlife refuge along Sand Creek in 
Stapleton, is looking for a used spotting scope. We would love a donation, 
but are willing to pay as well. I figured I would ask the birding community 
-- if you have an unused scope, would you consider giving it a new home, 
where it would be used most days of the week?

The need for a scope was made abundantly clear this morning as I asked 
group after group of second graders to look at a distant nest, telling them 
that the lump on top was a female great horned owl and her chicks. You can 
imagine how much more powerful the experience would have been if they could 
have looked through a scope.

Thanks for your consideration,

Chris Rurik
Education Contractor
Bluff Lake Nature Center

PS On your upcoming visits to Bluff Lake, be on the lookout for a new bird 
checklist for the refuge.

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[cobirds] Aiken Audbon - Colorado Springs - Next Wednesday - Volunteering your Obsession

2014-03-06 Thread birdingspacepig

March 6, 2014

Good evening to all!

You are invited to attend Aiken Audubon's next general meeting and program. 

When: March 12, 2014 (Wednesday) - Note that this program will be held the 2nd 
Wednesday of the month, due to a room scheduling conflict.
Time: Doors open at 6:30 p.m. / Program starts at 7:00 p.m. / We usually 
conclude around 8:30 p.m.
Where: Colorado Division of Wildlife, 4255 Sinton Road, Colorado Springs. 
Please use the back entrance.

What: Volunteering your Obsession by Eric DeFonso 

In 2011, Eric DeFonso spent six months Volunteering for conservation 
organizations, nature reserves, and ecolodges throughout Ecuador, Peru, and 
Brazil. More than just indulging his own interest in bird watching, he wanted 
to use this opportunity to give something back to the birds that have so 
greatly enriched his life over the years.

In both the Amazon and the Mata Atlantica of southeastern Brazil, Eric arranged 
to spend months assisting in conservation efforts and learning the workings of 
ecologically-based tourism. Although considerable planning and pre-arrangement 
was required to bring this year to life, he discovered a new mode of adventure 
travel, one that expanded his awareness of the magic of rainforests as well as 
the severe challenges they face towards their preservation. In this 
presentation he will discuss the wildlife monitoring projects he worked on, 
agro-forestry, his bird-guiding and surveying efforts, and more.

Eric began bird watching 20 years ago as a casual hobby, but his interest has 
now turned into a consuming passion. He has a Masters degree in Atmospheric 
Science from the University of California, Davis, and worked in the private 
sector in computing for several years before changing course and following his 
love of birds wherever it leads him. He has since become a certified Master 
Naturalist for the City of Fort Collins, served on the Board of Directors for 
Fort Collins Audubon, and worked as a volunteer educational bird handler at the 
Rocky Mountain Raptor Program. Currently he works as a seasonal field biologist 
for the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory. In addition to photography he also has 
become an experienced nature-sound recordist. His recordings can be heard 
online at xeno-canto.org and at the website for Cornell’s Macaulay Library of 
Natural Sound.

Hope to see you there!

Christine A. Bucher
President, Aiken Audubon Society

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[cobirds] From Aiken Audubon (Colorado Springs) - Suggestions to help with crow/blackbird problem

2014-03-06 Thread birdingspacepig

March 6, 2014

Good evening to all!

We (Aiken Audubon) received this request for assistance through our website and 
we do not have any good suggestions to provide. Does anyone on CoBirds have any 
ideas we can send to this person?

I am reaching out to you in hopes that you may have some suggestions
or help. I live in Colorado Springs and have a yard that has been over
run by crows/black birds. This has amounted in a large amount of bird
droppings in the yard and all over cars and lawn decorations. I tried one of the
balloons with mylar tape on it and this didn't appear to do anything
to remove the birds. Short of cutting down tree limbs (which I am
greatly opposed to) do you have any other suggestions?

Thank you in advance to all who might be able to provide help with this!

Kindest regards,

Christine A. Bucher
President, Aiken Audubon Society
Colorado Springs, CO 

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