RE: [cobirds] Barr Lake Birds Today, Adams County

2014-05-11 Thread Ira Sanders
I would like to add to Carl's report: Clark's Grebe, Peregrine Falcon, Solitary 
Sandpiper, Western Wood-Pewee, Red-breasted Nuthatch and Hermit Thrush on the 
Barr Lake SP bird walk this morning.  

Ira Sanders

Golden, CO


From: [] On Behalf Of 
Carl Starace
Sent: Saturday, May 10, 2014 9:47 PM
Subject: [cobirds] Barr Lake Birds Today, Adams County


Such a sweet morning for a stroll along Barr Lake. Out on the water there were 
90 plus Western Grebe, 19 Eared Grebe, both Common and Red Breasted Mergansers 
, both Egrets and some big fish splashing. It was nice to see a Barn Owl in 
nest box, a nesting Swainson's Hawk, a briefly cooperative Gray Flycatcher, 5 
Bullock's Orioles, 2 Eastern Kingbirds, 7 Western Kingbirds,  a Swainson's 
Thrush, 2 Orange Crowned Warblers and 2 Warbling Vireo. There were Yellow and 
Yellow rumped Warblers about and someone had a single Common Yellowthroat.  
Good May Birding All,Carl Starace and Sally Swain,  Longmont

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[cobirds] Colorado Rare Bird Alert, 11 May 2014

2014-05-11 Thread Joyce Takamine
Compiler:  Joyce Takamine
Date: May 11, 2014
email: rba AT
phone: 303-659-8750

This is the Colorado Rare Bird Alert for Sunday, May 11, sponsored
by the Denver Field Ornithologists and the Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory.
If you are phoning in a message, you can skip the recording by pressing the
star key (*) on your phone at any time. Please leave your name, phone
number, detailed directions including county, and dates for each sighting.
It would be helpful if you would spell your last name.

Highlight species include (* indicates new information on this species in
this report).

Little Blue Heron (Weld)
Green Heron (Fremont, Larimer, Pueblo, Weld)
Broad-winged Hawk (Jefferson, Larimer, Prowers, *Weld)
White-winged Dove (Montrose)
Red-bellied Woodpecker (Prowers)
Black Phoebe (*Boulder, *Mesa, Pueblo)
Eastern Phoebe (Fremont, Pueblo)
Great Crested Flycatcher (Yuma)
Yellow-throated Vireo (Prowers)
Gray Vireo (*Prowers)
White-eyed Vireo (El Paso)
Bell's Vireo (El Paso)
Curve-billed Thrasher (*Baca)
Tennessee Warbler (Prowers)
Nashville Warbler (El Paso, Weld)
Northern Parula (Douglas/Jefferson, El Paso, Jefferson, Prowers, Weld)
Chestnut-sided Warbler (Kit Carson, Weld)
Black-throated Gray Warbler (*El Paso, Pueblo)
Black-and-white Warbler (*El Paso, Rio Grande, *Weld)
Worm-eating Warbler (Arapahoe, *Prowers)
Ovenbird (Bent, El Paso/Pueblo, Prowers, *Weld)
Northern Waterthrush (*El Paso, El Paso/Pueblo, Larimer, Mesa, Prowers,
Pueblo, Yuma)
Hooded Warbler (*Boulder, El Paso/Pueblo, Kit Carson, Weld)
Summer Tanager (*Jefferson, Larimer, Prowers, Pueblo)
Black-throated Sparrow (Garfield/Mesa)
White-throated Sparrow (*Mesa, Pueblo)
Harris's Sparrow (Prowers, Pueblo)
Northern Cardinal (Prowers, Yuma)
Indigo Bunting (*Baca)

--A Worm-eating Warbler was found by Rutherford by the Smokey Hills picnic
area of Cherry Creek SP on May 6 and it was seen by many other birders.

--An Indigo Bunting and Curve-billed Thrasher were reported by Everett at
feeder and near ranch house on the Everett Ranch SW of Pritchett on May 10.
 If you would like to see the birds, please contact Laneha Everett at
719-643-5414 or laneha.everett AT to notifiy and for directions.

--On May 6, Leatherman reported WOOD THRUSH and 2 Ovenbirds at Tempel Grove.

--A singing Hooded Warbler was reported by Hansley at the junction of Skunk
Canyon Trail with Mesa Trail in Boulder on May 10.
--A Black Phoebe was reported by Floyd at a pond on the west side of 109th
St, N of Jasper on May 10.

--On May 6, an ad m Northern Parula was reported by Darling at the south
edge of Chatfield along Plum Creek after heading N from Audubon Discovery

--A Northern Parula was repored by Farese at Sondermann Park in Colorado
Springs on May 7.
--At Clear Springs Ranch on May 9, Brown banded a m Black-throated Gray
Warbler and a Nashville Warbler flew over.
--At Paint Mines Interpretive Park outside of Calhan, Farese reported
White-eyed Vireo and Bell's Vireo on May 9.
--On May 10 on the Fountain Creek Spring count, Getty reported
Black-and-white Warbler, Black-throated Gray Warbler, and Northern

--Gobris reported that an Ovenbird and Hooded Warbler were banded at the
Chico Basin banding station on May 7.
--A Northern Waterthrush was reported by Drummond at Chico Basin HQ willows
(fee area) on May 7.
--At Chico Basin Ranch on May 8, Percival reported 2 Summer Tanagers (1 HQ,
1 Rose pond) and 3 Northern Waterthrush (1 HQ, 2 Rose).  All on the Pueblo

--2 GLOSSY IBIS were reported by Moss in Florence on May 7.
--Moss reported an Eastern Phoebe at Florence River Park on May 7.
--A Green Heron was reported by Moss at Florence River Park on May 8.

--Beason reported a Black-throated Sparrow on the Garfield/Mesa County line
on May 7.

On May 10, Neldner reported that a pair of HEPATIC TANAGERS has returned to
Rouse Road.

--On May 7, Rouch reported 1 Broad-winged Hawk over the Dinosaur Ridge Hawk
--A Northern Parula was reported by Crooks at the Wheat Ridge Greenbelt on
May 4.  It was on N side of river, east of Prospect Park Footbridge.  The
Northern Parula was reported by Shade at the greenbelt on May 5.  ON May 7,
Mitzen reported Northern Parula and Broad-winged Hawk at the Wheat Ridge
Greenbelt.  On May 8, Chavez reported Northern Parula at Wheat Ridge
--A Summer Tanager was reported by Kingery on the Waterton Spring Count on
May 10.

--A f Hooded Warbler was reported by Kaempfer at Flagler SWA on May 7.  A f
Chesnut-sided Warbler was reported by Breitsch at Flager SWA on May 7.  On
May 8 Kaempfer reported f 

[cobirds] Large flock of Chipping sparrows, El Paso Co.

2014-05-11 Thread kmczbirds via Colorado Birds
I just happen to look out on the Homestead trail behind my house to see a group 
of 75+ Chipping sparrows working their way quickly due North through the 
scrub-type brush. I missed the beginning of the flock, so what I estimated was 
mid to tail end of the group.  No snow here yet, but the sky is darkening. 

Good birding,
Kathy Miller
Colo. Springs/ East side Powers corridor

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[cobirds] Ruddy turnstone at Marston.

2014-05-11 Thread '' via Colorado Birds
I was able to refind one of the ruddy  turnstones along with 5 black- belly 
plovers 3 Willets and a lot of shore birds turnstone was at the northeast to heavy rains with low clouds.

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[cobirds] Get to Pawnee Grasslands -- Crow Valley unusual for LOTS of water

2014-05-11 Thread vorticity (Rick Taylor)

The Pawnee is about as green as I have ever seen it.  I birded a little 
with Jim Sedgwick (a long-time Pawnee Grasslands expert). He said he had 
only seen it this green a few other times in hundreds of visits.  Crow 
Valley Campground is particularly interesting since it has a full stream 
encircling it on three sides from the ENE to the West then back to the 
South.  So full that from 8-10 May you could not cross it without waders.  
The place is teeming with activity and it will only get better on the 
coming weekend (17-18 May).  Notables:  Tennessee Warbler (seen by a few, 
but fleeting); Oven Bird near campsites 7 and 8 along the stream; Least 
Flycatcher (study the unique song and call) along the stream to the West 
and North, but most easily seen to the South of the pavilion near the large 
cottonwood; Plumbeos Vireo; more Blue-Gray gnatcatchers (all along the 
stream) than I have ever seen. Incredible morning light gives amazing 
views. Common Yellowthoat were ubiquitous.  Lincoln’s Sparrow, most easily 
seen along the fence crossing behind campsite 7; Yellow Warbler everywhere; 
great mix of Myrtle’s and Audubon’s Warbler with Myrtle’s perhaps 
outnumbering Audubon’s. On Saturday Coen Dexter and Brenda Wright led a 
group from Roaring Fork.  He graciously permitted an extra half dozen 
slackers to join in (including me). In a 1.5 mile walk we bagged 44 
species.  Keep an eye to the sky for hawk migration. We were treated to a 
Broad-winged flying over among some soaring Swainson’s.  Good views of 4 
swallow species along the stream where it curves back to the North from 
West: Northern Rough-winged, Bank, Barn, Cliff.  There were about half a 
dozen Swainson’s Thrushes working the area.  Look at the fence posts near 
the equipment display on the NW of the campground.  We had a Peregrine 
Falcon working the open space to the West ... and a couple of Prairie 
Falcons in the area.  Three Brown Thrashers worked the NW beyond the gate, 
while 2 others seemed to stay near the campground manager’s site.  Wilson’s 
Warbler were plentiful with amazing views.  Most easily seen behind the 
pavilion along the stream near the large cottonwood.   Lark Sparrows near 
the stream terminus to the ENE. Keep an eye on the barbed wire on the 
slopes above.  Couple of Bullock’s Oriole.  Orchard Oriole is known to nest 
in the open woods to the NNW of the equipment display beyond the gate, but 
it’s just a bit too early for their arrival.  Eastern Bluebird is nesting 
in the boxes along the N-S fence to the South of the pavilion south of the 
large cottonwood nearer to CO 14.  Take the trail to the east and south of 
the cottonwood where it ends at the full stream.  There are boxes along the 
fence line. We also saw a Lazuli Bunting on the barbed wire there.
Regarding the open areas.  I managed to make it only to Murphy’s Pasture 
and could not scare up a single Longspur amongst about 500 Lark Buntings in 
full display as far as the eye could see.  Lots of Clay-Colored Sparrows, 
Vesper Sparrows, a few Cassin’s Sparrows (stop where you see shrubs). 

Rick Taylor, Colorado Springs, El Paso County (camped 2 nights)

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2014-05-11 Thread Rachel Hopper
Brandon Percival is reporting a singing male BLACKBURNIAN WARBLER at the
south end of Lamar Community College woods in Prowers County.

Rachel Hopper
Ft. Collins, CO

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[cobirds] Today's RBA

2014-05-11 Thread DAVID A LEATHERMAN
Today's RBA has to be the mother of all RBA's, perhaps in its history.  This 
set of birds would be the envy on any state in the U.S.  This seems like an 
appropriate time to thank its compiler JOYCE TAKAMINE, and all the other folks 
who have done this largely thankless job over the years, including some of the 
early, long-stint compilers like Lynn Willcockson, David Martin, and Duane 
Nelson.  As birders, we are lucky to live in Colorado.  Where else would you 
have a shot at seeing a ptarmigan, a rare eastern warbler, a Zone-tailed Hawk, 
and a Painted Bunting in the same weekend?!

Dave Leatherman
Fort Collins

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Re: [cobirds] Today's RBA

2014-05-11 Thread Joe Roller
Thanks, Dave. Joyce is a gem.
And add Norm Erthal to the list of dutiful compilers.

Joe Roller, Denver

On Sun, May 11, 2014 at 7:49 AM, Wayne Wathen wrote:

 We all agree Dave and thanks for reminding us.

 Wayne Wathen

 Subject: [cobirds] Today's RBA
 Date: Sun, 11 May 2014 07:48:04 -0600

 Today's RBA has to be the mother of all RBA's, perhaps in its history.
 This set of birds would be the envy on any state in the U.S.  This seems
 like an appropriate time to thank its compiler JOYCE TAKAMINE, and all the
 other folks who have done this largely thankless job over the years,
 including some of the early, long-stint compilers like Lynn Willcockson,
 David Martin, and Duane Nelson.  As birders, we are lucky to live in
 Colorado.  Where else would you have a shot at seeing a ptarmigan, a rare
 eastern warbler, a Zone-tailed Hawk, and a Painted Bunting in the same

 Dave Leatherman
 Fort Collins

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[cobirds] fallout conditions today

2014-05-11 Thread Scott E. Severs
Although I'm stuck at home getting ready to leave for a long work
trip, in my brief walk with the dog just now the trees were active
with birds (thrush sp. Spizella sp. Western Kingbird, Yellow Warbler)
in about a tenth of a mile. So pull on the galoshes and the rain gear
and go check out migration today and tomorrow! Riparian areas and the
mouths of foothills canyons could be very interesting.

What are you seeing?

Good Birding and Happy Mother's Day!

Scott E. Severs
Longmont, CO

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Re: [cobirds] Today's RBA

2014-05-11 Thread '' via Colorado Birds
Let's not forget Ira sanders too

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[cobirds] Crow Valley and Pawnee Grasslands, Weld

2014-05-11 Thread Hackos, Joann
Bill and I spent Saturday May 10 at Crow Valley Campground and on the Pawnee 

The stream at Crow Valley was still too deep for us to cross so we birded the 
We saw the reported regulars
Western Kingbirds galore
One Eastern Kingbird
Lincoln's Sparrow
Yellow Warbler
Orange-crowed Warbler (many throughout)
Wilson's Warbler
House Wren
Yellow-rumped Warbler (both Audubon's and Myrtle)
Common Yellowthroat
Plumbeous Vireo
Common Poorwill
Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher
Downy Woodpecker
Two White Pelicans flying over
Broad-winged Hawk
Northern Mockingbird
Swainson's Thrush
Blue Jay
Brown Thrasher pair
Spotted Towhee
Chipping Sparrow
Bullock's Oriole
American Goldfinch
And all the ordinary Red wings, grackles, meadowlarks, robins

The Pawnee had an explosion of Lark Buntings skylarking everywhere. Probably 
Almost as many Horned Larks and Chipping Sparrows. Good numbers of McCown's 
Also Lark and Vesper Sparrows and a Green-tailed Towhee. The surprise was two 
American Pipits tail wagging. 

Sent from my iPad
JoAnn Hackos
Evergreen CO


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[cobirds] Lamar Community College/Prowers County

2014-05-11 Thread Rachel Hopper
Brandon Percival is reporting numerous birds from the woods at Lamar
Community College/Prowers County.

Wood Thrush
Tennessee Warbler
Oven Bird (2)
American Redstart
Summer Tanager
Indigo Bunting

Rachel Hopper
Ft. Collins, CO

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Re: [cobirds] Spring Count, Waterton - Jeffco

2014-05-11 Thread Chip Clouse
I also saw a Common Loon at Aurora Rampart Reservoir around 6 pm.  It was
most likely the same one.  It called once then flew north toward Chatfield.
An apparent 2nd year Bald Eagle was also at the reservoir.  I also found my
FOY Virginia's Warbler right at the hogback in Roxborough State Park.   A
pair each of Mountain Bluebirds and Western Kingbirds and 2 pair of
Blue-Gray Gnatcatchers added some diversity to the almost 2 dozen Spotted
Towhees at Roxborough.

Chip Clouse
Olde Town Arvada

On Sat, May 10, 2014 at 5:47 PM, 'Hugh Kingery' via Colorado Birds wrote:

 On the Waterton section of the Denver Spring Count today, here's a quick
 summary of the unusual birds (after 99 House Wrens  73 Yellow Warblers):
 1 Ash-throated Flycatcher
 1 Summer Tanager
 1 Bobolink.

 No W. Wood-Pewees.
 A fairly short list -- not yet totaled but probably close to 55 species.
 Plus, on the Drive-around south  east (Rampart Range Rd to Roxborough Park
 Road  Titan Road, another 20 species or so. These included a Common Loon
 in breeding plumage, a Prairie Falcon, 6 Burrowing Owls, and a
 Rose-breasted Grosbeak.

  Hugh Kingery
 Franktown, CO

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[cobirds] Red-faced Warbler

2014-05-11 Thread Glenn Dunmire
We are searching for Red-faced Warbler. Will update.

Glenn Dunmire

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Re: [cobirds] RE: Bluff Lake near Stapleton, Denver County

2014-05-11 Thread Chip Clouse
I had 2 singing Bullock's Orioles and a B-G Gnatcatcher, several Spotted
Sandpipers, a Snowy Egret plus two drake Green-winged Teals to add to Ben's
list at Bluff Lake when I visited on Friday between 11 am and 1 pm.  My
best bird was a Green-tailed Towhee.

Chip Clouse
Olde Town Arvada

On Sat, May 10, 2014 at 3:53 PM, B K wrote:

 So -- first off, no rarities, but plenty of spring variety!  And yes, at
 least this morning, it was still spring!

 Seen:  Yellow Warbler, Yellow-rumped Warbler, House Wren and nest, Downy
 Woodpecker, Northern Flicker, Starling, Barn Swallows, Blue-winged Teal,
 Cinnamon Teal, American Avocet, Mallard, Gadwall, Western Kingbird, Great
 Blue Heron, Black-crowned Night-Heron and several sparrows (but I did not
 get good enough looks for an ID).  There both Swainson's Hawks and
 Red-tailed Hawks at different times flying overhead.  There were
 significant numbers of Starlings, American Robin, Red-winged Blackbird and
 American Crow in different areas of the park.  One other birder reported
 hearing a Belted Kingfisher, but it was not sighted

 The only missing species I was hoping for were Bullock's Orioles -- which
 were plentiful at Cherry Creek State Park earlier this week.

 There is water in the lake -- pretty decent level after being dry part of
 last year.  The area around Sand Creek has obviously seen flooding and
 flood damage, but in some ways, this makes it much easier to see.  Most of
 the trail has been repaired -- or repaired enough for use.  Turtles were
 fun to see near shore.

 Ben Kemena
 Denver County, Colorado

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[cobirds] NYTimes: It's Gadgets vs. Eyeballs as Two Species of Bird-Watchers Clash

2014-05-11 Thread Jeremy Winick

In a debate that is akin to an identity crisis, competitive birding, once seen 
as a refuge from the clatter of the modern world, is now debating how much it 
should embrace technology.

I thought this article would be of interest to cobirds subscribers.

Jeremy Winick
Westminster, Adams County
Sent from my iPad

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[cobirds] San Luis Valley Fundraiser Birdathon

2014-05-11 Thread cougar
We had a pretty ideal day for our annual spring bird count and fundraiser. Each 
year, Valley birders select a charity (this year two of them), and we gather 
pledges. This year we exceeded last years donations and will be donating in 
excess of $1000 to local conservation groups. The two groups are RIGHT, an 
organization that protects open space and habitat through conservation 
easements, and the San Luis Valley Ecosystem Council, whose focus is protection 
of natural resources and human quality of life. 

And we did count birds too! Lisa Rawinski, Lisa Clements, John Stump and I gave 
a full days effort and tallied 127 species for the day. Highlights included: 3 
Mountain Plover, White-throated Sparrow (only 8 records for SLV), Snowy Plover, 
Willet, Marbled Godwit, Canvasback, Black-necked Stilt,  Black-chinned 
Hummingbird, Lewis’s Woodpecker, Osprey, Plumbeous Vireo, and Sharp-shinned 
Hawk. The weather cooperated and the winds were never too bad, and glad we got 
it done before the impending bad weather ahead. 

John Rawinski
Monte Vista, CO

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[cobirds] Chatfield fallout

2014-05-11 Thread Glenn Walbek
40 Willet - 
swim beach parking
500 or more Lark Buntings
250 or more Lark Sparrows
Hundreds of assorted icterids

Glenn Walbek
Castle Rock, CO

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID

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[cobirds] Black-throated Blue Warbler, Boulder County

2014-05-11 Thread Paula Hansley
A heard then Saw a Black-throated Blue Warbler in my catalpa tree this
morning at 10:30 am.  Although I only briefly watched it through the
binoculars, I heard it over a period of 10 minutes in a driving sleet.

I was on my way to church, but I am now changing to my birding clothes and
water proof boots!

Paula Hansley

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[cobirds] Clear Springs Ranch, El Paso Co, Sunday

2014-05-11 Thread Steven Brown
Hi COBirders

Ho-lee- Cow!  I went to CSR today to check on conditions, put things away well 
before the storm, and maybe throw up a net for a while, as the winds were 
building. Then I couldn't get the nets down!  I  had more birds in 90 minutes 
than the rest of the season so far. About as close to a fallout as we see.
Caught an Orange-crowned Warbler in the first 3 minutes, and it went on from 

Banded today, 6 nets, 2 hours:

Yellow Warbler - 5 all m
Orange-crowned Warbler m
Wilson's Warbler m
Chipping Sparrow 2 ad, SY (Second year)
Hermit Thrush 2, ad, SY
Lincoln's Sparrow 2
Gray Catbird ad (FOS)
Yellow-beasted Chat ad m
House Wren 5
Warbling Vireo ad (FOS)
Dusky Flycatcher ad
Hammond's Flycatcher ad (FOS)
Least Flycatcher 2, ad, SY (FOS)

Plus saw my FOS E Kingbird and FOS Lark Sparrow on the ranch, and lots more 
sparrows were out in the new growth in the fields.  Lots of birds staying low 
as the winds approached 20 mph.  By the time I got back to Colorado Springs, it 
was mixed rain/snow and howling winds, then just snow.


Happy Migration!
Steve Brown
Colorado Springs

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[cobirds] Black Phoebe etc, Boulder County

2014-05-11 Thread gent

The Black Phoebe reported yesterday was at the NE corner of the pond on
109th Street just north of Jasper Road, just east of Hwy 287, at 7:15 this
morning.  This was a new Boulder County species for me, having missed a
bird by one minute a few years ago.

The east CU Campus had a lot of birds: best was a flock of about 30 Lark
Buntings and a female American Redstart, which was first found by Bob
Spencer Jr. yesterday.  Sparrows were everywhere, including Clay-colored,
Brewers, Chipping, Lark and White-crowned.  FOS birds for me were Gray
Catbird, Warbling Vireo, and Black-headed Grosbeak.

Peter Gent,  Boulder.

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[cobirds] More chatfield birds this morning

2014-05-11 Thread Matt Crooks
Too many lark bunting to count 
Willets (swim beach) 
Lesser yellowleg (swim beach) 
Wilsons Phalaropes (swim beach) 
Indigo bunting (South of swim beach) 
Loggerhead shrike (plum creek) 
Common Yellowthroat (plum creek) 

No redstart or vireo  at deer  creek inlet that I could find. 

Matt Crooks 
Littleton,  Colorado 

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[cobirds] More chatfield birds this morning

2014-05-11 Thread Matt Crooks
Franklin gulls
Solitary and spotted sandpipers
Western Tanagers
Blue gray gnatcatchers

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[cobirds] Red-faced Warbler search negative

2014-05-11 Thread Glenn Dunmire
Around hail, snow, and rain squalls a search of the area came up negative. 
The habitat was very birdy this morning with lots of warbler, kinglet, etc. 
activity. Another search tomorrow? We gave it a good try Dennis!

Glenn Dunmire

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[cobirds] Sombrero Marsh, Walden Ponds This Morning -- Boulder Co.

2014-05-11 Thread Laura Steadman
This morning at Sombrero Marsh, in addition to the usual suspects (coots,
red-winged blackbirds, yellow-headed blackbirds, gadwalls, barn swallows,
etc) were 4 Wilson's phalaropes, a flock of about 10 chipping sparrows, and
close to 30 violet-green swallows. Also present was a group of 10
 yellow-rumped warblers of both varieties.

At Cottonwood Marsh, 7 pelicans huddled on an island while 9 Wilson's
phalaropes skittered about. I didn't see much else of note in the pond. An
eastern kingbird (in the company of a western kingbird, for great
comparison) was hanging out by the parking lot. I didn't explore beyond

Laura Steadman
Broomfield County

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[cobirds] Cherry Creek SP Fallout

2014-05-11 Thread picapica
Hundreds of blackbirds. Hundreds Lark, Chipping, Vesper Sparrows.
50, or so, Lark Buntings and 50, or so, White-crowned Sparrows.
A few Brewer's Sparrows, one Green-tailed Towhee and one Lazuli Bunting.
Oddest was a Solitary Sandpiper on the path at the south end of the East boat 
launch parking lot.
Bob Brown
Highlands Ranch

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[cobirds] Painted Bunting - Baca County

2014-05-11 Thread Kathy and Jeff Dunning
Late this morning, Cheryl Teuton, Dan Brook, Jeff Dunning, Steve
Mlodinow and I enjoyed the male Painted Bunting in Picture Canyon,
Baca County.

He continues to sing about 200 yards south of the trailhead on the
west side of the trail.

Thank you Chris for getting the word out.

Good birding,
Kathy Mihm Dunning
Denver, CO

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[cobirds] CO Springs Northern Waterthrush (El Paso)

2014-05-11 Thread Lee Farese
Keeping with the fallout reports, Sondermann Park midday today had a lot of 
birds. The best was a *Northern Waterthrush* in the northern part of the 
the park. Also a *MacGillivray's Warbler *near the entrance. Yellow-rumps 
(Audubon's and Myrtle's) by the dozens and Chipping Sparrows (and maybe 
other *Spizellas*) by the hundreds. Several Hermit Thrushes, Orange-crowned 
Warblers, Gnatcatchers and Yellowthroats. At least one Dusky and one 
Hammond's Flycatcher. A pair of chickadees with a nice-looking nest.

Lee Farese
CO Springs

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[cobirds] Prowers and Bent Cos. in SE CO 5/11

2014-05-11 Thread Brandon

Kara Carragher and I had a great day of birding in SE Colorado today.

Thanks to Rachel Hopper for posting the Lamar C.C. birds this morning, to alert 
other birders, that things are happening in Lamar.

Here is the recap on what we saw today:

Lamar High School, Prowers County grove:
Nashville Warbler - 1 male

Lamar Community College grove, Prowers County:
Blackburnian Warbler - 1 singing male (south end)
Wood Thrush - 1 (north end)
Tennessee Warbler - 1 male (north end)
American Redstart - 1 female (north end)
Ovenbird - 2 (north end)
Summer Tanager - 1 adult male
Indigo Bunting - 1 male (north end)
Red-belled Woodpecker and Northern Cardinals

Melody Tempel Grove, Bent County (thanks to the CFO Group for letting us know 
what they saw):
Hooded Warbler - 1 female 
Tennessee Warbler - 1 male
American Redstart - 2 (one adult male, one first spring male)
Northern Waterthrush - 3
Ovenbird - 4
Summer Tanager - 1 molting bird
White-throated Sparrow - 1
Red-headed Woodpecker - 1 here and 1 south of here, also in Bent County

Hasty Campground, Bent County (getting very windy):
Chestnut-sided Warbler - 1
Ovenbird - 1
these birds were found by the CFO group earlier in the day.

Brandon Percival
Pueblo West, CO  

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[cobirds] Lark Bunting, sparrows warbles downtown Boulder

2014-05-11 Thread Peter
I was lucky to bump into Gene Fry while picking up my kids on 15th between 
Spruce and Pine... In addition to the LABU there were Chipping and Clay-colored 
Sparrows, Western Bluebird, Yellow-rumped Warbler and likely more...all very 
busy feeding.

Ironically, I was taking a break from reviewing a terrific article on weather 
and migration authored by Bryan Guarente...look for it in next month's Colorado 

Not a CFO member? You can fix that by visiting ...just in time to 
register for the CFO convention this fall in Sterling, CO!

Good birding,

via iPhone

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[cobirds] Melody Tempel Grove 5/11 other stuff

2014-05-11 Thread Brandon
Hi all,

I forgot we saw three Rose-breasted Grosbeaks and the Eastern Phoebe as well.  
The CFO Group found some other goodies, that we didn't see here and at Hasty 
Campground today.

One more note, a very large part of a cottonwood tree fell down over the canal 
road, just east of Road 35. So, you'll have to find a way through there, wasn't 
too difficult for us, though it could be for some people.  I'm guessing there 
will be a chainsaw needed, to remove the big tree off the canal road.

Sorry for forgetting these items, in my other post.

Brandon Percival

Pueblo West, CO  

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[cobirds] No red-faced warbler today

2014-05-11 Thread bay . wren
Hi folks,

Like Glenn and Dennis earlier, I searched the Dolores River Valley this 
afternoon from about 3 to 5 for the Red-faced Warbler, but to no avail. It was 
quite blustery much of the time, and at the end I got chased out of the valley 
by a graupel squall, but there was a relatively calm time and during that it 
was indeed quite birdy. My personal highlight was a pair of Grace's Warblers, 
although not unusual for this part of the state of course.

I should have some time tomorrow morning to search as well, so we'll see how 
that goes.

Eric DeFonso

Sent from the Aether

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[cobirds] CFO Spring Field Trip to SE Colorado

2014-05-11 Thread William H Kaempfer
sponsored a three day trip to Southeast Colorado this weekend, visiting areas 
from Eads to Lamar, around to Baca County and back to La Junta.  Let me thank 
CFO VP, Christian Nunes and John Vanderpoel for helping me lead this group of 
11 birders on an outstanding weekend that we won't soon forget.  Collectively 
we observed 150 species including an outstanding 19 warbler species and 6 vireo 
species.  But, our top birds weren't in either of these groups!
We started with active stops at Last Chance and the private Thompson Ranch 
north of Limon where the highlight was a pair of Broad-winged Hawks at Last 
Chance.  From there we hustled to Eads, our first night's stop, in time to get 
in some late afternoon birding at Nee Gronde Reservoir (several Snowy Plovers), 
Melody Tempel Grove (Northern Waterthrush, Nashville Warbler, Rock Wren and 
Green-tailed Towhee) and Thurston Reservoir (falling dusk).  That was only the 
curtain raiser, though.
Day two made us forget we even birded on day one!  A quick stop for a scan at 
Nee Gronde started an otherwise water-bird-less day for us, and revved us up 
for Lamar Community College Woods.  Upon arriving, I decided to head to the 
south end because I knew there were other birders present, notably Mark 
Peterson and Dan Maynard, but there weren't any cars parked at the north.  We 
had barely gotten out of our vehicles when everyone was chasing up the hill at 
the south west corner for looks at a vulturish bird sporting clearly 
distinguishable yellow feet and cere.-Zone-tailed Hawk!  We turned around to 
get great looks at Worm-eating Warbler for our second stupendous bird in 10 
minutes.  But the woods were full of other great stuff from the local breeding 
population like Mississippi Kite, Northern Cardinal and Red-bellied Woodpecker. 
 Migrants included Ovenbird (our first of at least 6 over the next two days) 
and American Redstart.  The nearby high school shelter belt had a continuing 
Gray Vireo.
After a stop at the private Stulp Farm (thanks, Jane) to catch our breath and 
see many nice species, we continued south all the way through Baca County to 
Picture Canyon.  We ate our lunch and then started down the trail and stopped 
for a collared lizard and Canyon Towhee.  John and Christian headed closer for 
lizard pictures and I hung around expecting Christian to shout-out something 
good momentarily.  That shout was Painted Bunting! The whole group got on the 
bunting, actually a pair with the male singing away for his mate.  Ladderback 
Woodpecker, Golden Eagle, Orchard Oriole and Ash-throated Flycatcher were also 
present in the canyon.
Following Picture Canyon we went on to Carrizo and Cottonwood Canyons, but the 
southwest wind was now whipping around us and I, for one, was exhausted.  So we 
went on to La Junta stopping for a prairie rattlesnake and a Lewis's Woodpecker 
on the way.
Sunday we were off at 7:00 to meet up with Duane Nelson for a tour of the 
impressive Piping Plover nesting area the he maintains and protects in the John 
Martin SWA.  Please feel free to get in touch with Duane to ask him to show you 
this very, very special, and in danger of extirpation, species.  Better yet, 
sign up for the Bent on Birding festival in mid-May.   I need to mention the 
really exciting ground snake that was on the road that all of us, except the 
snake-a-phobes enjoyed.   We left Duane and went down to the Lake Hasty 
campground which was full of migrating fallout birds thanks to the strong north 
wind that had developed overnight.  Among our finds were White-winged Dove,  
Chestnut-sided Warbler, Ovenbird, Black-and-white Warbler, Blackpoll Warbler, 
Cassin's Vireo and Common, Foster's and Black Tern.
After much debate, we decided to allocate our remaining time on the trip to a 
return to Melody Tempel Grove; my apologies to the group if they were not happy 
with the choice, but I'd say it was pretty felicitous.   How does this 
sound-Wood Thrush, Northern Waterthrush, Hooded Warbler, Ovenbird (4 at least), 
Tennessee Warbler, American Redstart, Northern Parula.  It was epic.

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[cobirds] Chestnut-sided Warbler Waneka Lake and Greenlee Preserve, Boulder Co.

2014-05-11 Thread Charles Hundertmark
Couldn't stand it any longer, so made a quick trip to Waneka Lake and
Greenlee to catch the skyfall of birds.

At the parking lot, I spooked a nice flock of spizellas. When I got out of
the car and began walking toward them in the snow, they began moving toward
me! It proved to be a mixed flock of Chipping Sparrows and Clay-colored
Sparrows. Couldn't find any Brewer's. In this flock and a second that I
found later, I guestimated 50 Chippers and 15 Clay-colored.

Also had a good look at a Chestnut-sided Warbler and a male Baltimore x
Bullock's Oriole. Other highlights:

Spotted Sandpipers and 3 Least Sandpipers.

More fun than anyone's entitled to have in the snow.

Chuck Hundertmark
2546 Lake Meadow Drive
Lafayette, CO 80026
Cell: 720-771-8659

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[cobirds] Re: Lark Bunting, sparrows warbles downtown Boulder

2014-05-11 Thread Lonny Frye
Peter, there was a nice green tailed towhee that popped out of the bushes 
on the corner. Also a huge flock of sparrows numbering over a hundred was 
going up and down the alley hitting all the bare spots and edges looking 
for dandelion seeds. The Hackberry trees behind the church are key to 
seeing a bunch of downtown warblers. Hackberry trees are the best! Thanks 
for the tip on that one, Dave Leatherman.
Lonny Frye

On Sunday, May 11, 2014 5:06:01 PM UTC-6, Peter Burke wrote:

 I was lucky to bump into Gene Fry while picking up my kids on 15th between 
 Spruce and Pine... In addition to the LABU there were Chipping and 
 Clay-colored Sparrows, Western Bluebird, Yellow-rumped Warbler and likely 
 more...all very busy feeding. 

 Ironically, I was taking a break from reviewing a terrific article on 
 weather and migration authored by Bryan Guarente...look for it in next 
 month's Colorado Birds. 

 Not a CFO member? You can fix that by visiting ...just in 
 time to register for the CFO convention this fall in Sterling, CO! 

 Good birding, 

 via iPhone

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[cobirds] Weld County on Mother's Day

2014-05-11 Thread DAVID A LEATHERMAN
Definitely a LOT of birds in survival mode today.

Weld County Road 17 (short spur north of SR14)
Large group of birds feeding on dandelion seeds:
Lark Sparrow (20+)
Chipping Sparrow (15)
Clay-colored Sparrow (5)
Vesper Sparrow (10)
House Finch (5)

Windsor Lake (town of Windsor), sw corner 
Western Kingbird (2 sitting in the street)
GREAT CRESTED FLYCATCHER (now you see it, reach for your camera, now you don't)
Say's Phoebe (1 sitting in the street)
Forster's Tern (15+)  flying over the res with swallows, facing into the wind, 
getting midges, also sitting on tree stump/log protrusions out from the 
northwest shore
Swallows of 4 kinds that I saw (in order from most to least): Cliff, Bank, 
Barn, Violet-green.  Might have been 1 Tree.

Eaton Cemetery
Swainson's Thrush (at least 15, including one very russet-backed one that was 
NOT a Veery)
Yellow-rumped Warbler (20, all in hackberry getting psyllids)
Orange-crowned Warbler (2)
Yellow Warbler (2)

Cornish Ponds (just e of Weld CR74/CR61, both sides of road
Red-necked Phalarope (few in with bigger groups of Wilson's Phalarope)
Common set of ducks
American Avocet (few)

Weld CR74 just east of SR392 where it crosses the Crow Creek drainage
Swainson's Thrush (estimate of 50 is probably low, they were everywhere one 
VEERY (1, seen well)
Least Flycatcher (1)
Yellow Warbler (at least 3)
Eastern Kingbird (1)
Western Kingbird (2, they were so wet and dark they looked like Cassin's 
Kingbirds with white outer-tails)

Crow Valley Campground
VERY birdy, stream level high.  The wind and driving snow made keeping one's 
optics functional nigh on impossible.  I birded the south side from e to w for 
about an hour and had to throw in the towel.  Did not have on hip waders to 
explore the sw corner.  No doubt many more birds there (both numbers and 
diversity) than I saw.

Black-crowned Night-Heron (1)
Townsend's Solitaire (still reluctant to head west, smart bird)
Swainson's Thrush (zillions)
Cassin's Kingbird (1 sitting on the ground by the creek)
Olive-sided Flycatcher (1)
Ovenbird (1)
Northern Waterthrush (1)
Least Flycatcher (1)
Wilson's Warbler (2)
At least 5 each of Spotted and Green-tailed Towhees
Common Yellowthroat (in Briggsdale)
Assorted blackbirds (in Briggsdale)
Total species count at CVCG/Briggsdale: 40

Weld CR25/CR84
McCown's Longspur (4+) feeding along the flooded barrow ditch beside the road

Crom Lake on CR31 just s of CR90
Long-billed Dowitcher (15)
Least Sandpiper (4)

Bird of the day in terms of storm-caused conspicuousness was Lark Sparrow.  I 
would estimate a couple hundred over the above route.  Lark Buntings, Vesper 
Sparrows, Chipping Sparrows, and Clay-colored Sparrows also abundant.  Did not 
see a single Brewer's Sparrow.  Lot of birds not normally associated with 
worm-eating doing just that today.

Dave Leatherman
Fort Collins



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[cobirds] Short-billed Dowitcher, Jasper Road playa, Boulder County, 5/11

2014-05-11 Thread Ted Floyd
Hello, Birders.
Late this snowy Sunday afternoon, May 11, I stopped by the playa with many 
names. Anyhow, the place on the west side of 109th street, north of Jasper 
Road, south of Boulder Creek. Notable among the shorebirds was an alternate 
adult hendersoni Short-billed Dowitcher. I had a Christian Nunes sighting, too. 
And I heard several Clay-colored Sparrows singing.
Shorebird turnover here is daily, perhaps even hourly. Today there was a flock 
of Lesser Yellowlegs, the first time this spring I've seen them at the site. 
But other recent stuff had moved on. I continue to think that this site bears 
continued monitoring in the weeks ahead.
No sign of the Black Phoebe, but he comes and goes. How do I get off calling 
the bird a he? Well, because I heard a mystery phoebe there back on 
Wednesday, May 7th. Never saw it, and my time was brief. I thought at the time 
that it was a Black Phoebe, but wasn't sure without the visual; well, after 
yesterday's visual detection (and Peter Gent's this morning), I think we can 
safely say the phoebe's been there for the better part of a week. Hope it 
sticks around, and maybe mates with an Eastern Phoebe or something.
Ted Floyd
Lafayette, Boulder County, Colorado   

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[cobirds] Clay-Colored Sparrows in Boulder County

2014-05-11 Thread Kat Bradley-Bennett
8 Clay-Colored Sparrows were flitting through the open space east of Blue 
Mountain Elementary School in west Longmont this morning.

Kat Bradley-Bennett

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[cobirds] El Paso--W. Bluebirds etc in the storm

2014-05-11 Thread 'Marty' via Colorado Birds
Hey, COBirders,

This spring storm brought down a motley crew to our partially replanted 
backyard: bushtit pair; black-headed grosbeak  white-breasted nuthatch; 1 
gray-headed junco (after having none for the past two weeks); an Audubon's 
yellow-rump ground-feeding in the snow with a small flock (12) of chipping 
sparrow and a hermit thrush; a MacGillivray's warbler finding something to 
eat in the sheltered trunk bark of a pinyon pine; a spotted towhee; 
magpies, a flicker pair, many robins, 3 mourning dove, a pair of pigeon, 
house finches, a sharpie fly-through, and 5 western bluebirds trying to 
stay protected from the north wind in the leeside shelter of the pinyon. 
Here's a link to a few pics of the 

Stay warm. Enjoy the birding.

Marty Wolf,
NW CO Spgs

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[cobirds] Front Range Birds (Denver Metro, Boulder)

2014-05-11 Thread Nick Moore
Some late postings, CU East Campus has remained productive. Before the
storm I had Least Flycatchers, American Redstart, Black-throated Gray
Warbler, and Northern Parula in the last week. As well as nice number of
things like Wilson's, and Orange-crowned  Warbler around.

Today was exciting all around. At a small school playground near Berkley
Park in Denver several hundred Chipping Sparrows with a few Lark Sparrows
and a Lark Bunting was a sample of the numbers of grounded migrants today.

At Marston Res. I had terrible visibility but could see a few shorebirds,
best being BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER. I missed the RUTU.

Some land birding spots were hit or miss, Main Reservoir was productive,
nothing rare, and Wheatridge Greenbelt was poor. A empty lot in Arvada had
a huge group of field birds, I was shocked to find over a hundred American
Pipits, also more Lark Buntings and a Peregrine Falcon rocketed by. Crazy
day out there.

At the railroad crossing west of the road to Sterns Lake (Boulder) was a
flock of around 120 White-faced Ibis, 2 GLOSSY IBIS, and one hybrid. My
photos of the hybrid make it look like a pure bird, so a note of caution to
used multiple ID marks for dark Ibis. The fields near Sterns lake are
flooded and a flock of Dowitchers were there, and guess what more Lark

The shorebird spot on 109th was a wild stop. I didn't scrutinize the
Short-billed Dowitcher reported by Floyd and Nunes. Distracted by the nice
GRAY FLYCATCHER, I'm glad others got to see it. I picked up the BLACK
PHEOBE by looking around the 287 bridge over Boulder Creek.

Finally I checked Baseline Reservoir and had group of 6 SANDERLING and a
Western Sandpiper.

Crazy day with birds everywhere, sparrows were most common, but I did not
bird many treed areas.

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[cobirds] 3 grosbeak species, 3 warbler species and 2 bunting species in my Canon City yard last evening

2014-05-11 Thread SeEttaM .
Between 6 and 7:30 pm last evening an amazing number of neotropical birds
moved through my Canon City yard:
Rose-breasted Grosbeak-both a male and a female (first of the year sighting)
Evening Grosbeak-several calling loudly
Black-headed Grosbeak-a male and an immature
Yellow Warbler-several
Yellow-rumped Warblers-at least 30
Orange-crowned Warbler-3
IndigoBunting-2 males (first of the year sighting)
Lazuli Bunting-1-2 males

Most were feeding on insects or new shoots on my mature honeylocust but
some worked my crab apple trees.

I got a very good photo of the crown and upperparts of one of the male
Yellow Warblers that shows it with chestnut streaking not only on it's
breast and sides but on it's crown but even light ones on it's back
feathers.  I have uploaded photos of most of these birds onto my Birds and
Nature blog

There was little bird action today even before the rain began in late
morning.  It was as if they knew (which they likely did) that there was bad
weather coming and they needed to stock up.  I wonder if  the warblers took
off last night to continue their migration.

SeEtta Moss
Canon City

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[cobirds] Jeffco / Douglas - snow storm fallout Chatfield to Ken Cayrl Valley

2014-05-11 Thread David Suddjian
Today was a very exciting day for me, as the Front Range fallout of birds
was like nothing I had ever enjoyed back in CA! Some of the nicest birds
were in my yard or near my home at Massey Draw in Ken Caryl Valley. The
snow was much deeper there than over at Chatfield or even nearby at South
Valley Park. Highlights near my home included Black-throated Blue Warbler
(female), Townsend's Warbler (male), Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Green-tailed
Towhee, Black-chinned Hummer, Hermit and Swainson's Thrushes, Lazuli
Bunting, Western Tanagers, and an Evening Grosbeak.

At Chatfield rare to uncommon birds included a female McCown's Longspur in
the field off the main road between the Platte River Parking lot and the
campground, 1 male Indigo Bunting, 2 Black-bellied Plovers (fly over), 1
Solitary Sandpiper (in a parking lot!), Lesser Yellowlegs (parking lot), 33
Willets (parking lot), and 8 Bobolinks.

Hildebrand Ranch had a Brown Thrasher, and a Blue Grosbeak and Indigo
Bunting were at the hogback notch at Deer Creek leading into Ken Caryl.
Mann Reservoir at South Valley Park had another Solitary Sandpiper, some
Wilson's Phalaropes and several Spotteds.

Tallies of some fallout birds and/or birds pushed down out of the mountains
Western Bluebird: 22 Ken Caryl, 16 Chatfield, 120 South Valley Park
Mountain Bluebird: 25 Ken Caryl, 100 Chatfield, 150 South Valley Park
American Pipit: 190 Chatfield, a few elsewhere
Yellow-rumped Warbler: 100 Chatfield, 200 South Valley Park
Chipping Sparrow, 45 Ken Caryl, 680 Chatfield, 225 Hildebrand, 350 South
Valley Park
Clay-colored Sparrow: 4 Ken Caryl, 45 Chatfield, 11 Hildebrand, 17 South
Valley Park
Brewer's Sparrow: 2 Ken Caryl, 29 Chatfield, 12 Hildebrand, 25 South Valley
Vesper Sparrow: 7 Ken Carly, 165 Chatfield, 30 Hildebrand, 140 South Valley
Savannah Sparrow: 38 Chatfield, 8 South Valley Park
Lark Sparrow: 9 Ken Caryl, 675 Chatfield, 75 Hildebrand, 100 South Valley
Lark Bunting: 1085 Chatfield, 265 Hildebrand, 60 South Valley Park
Lazuli Bunting: 5 Ken Caryl, 12 Chatfield, 6 Hildebrand, 4 South Valley Park


David Suddjian
Littleton, CO

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[cobirds] Canon City Riverwalk: Broad-winged Hawk, MacGillivray's Warbler, and Dusky Flycatcher; Black Phoebe at Florence Sewage Plant

2014-05-11 Thread SeEttaM .
Lots of action on the Canon City Riverwalk yesterday with a Broad-winged
Hawk fly-over and a first of the year MacGillivray's Warbler foraging along
the side of the bluff trail.  Also on the bluff trail was a Dusky
Flycatcher, softly calling.  The Black-headed Grosbeak that had recently
arrived were singing up a storm.  Lots of Wilson's Warblers were moving
through as well as good numbers of Yellow-rumped Warblers and a few
Orange-crowned.  Yellow Warblers are already setting up their territories
and singing loudly while Yellow-breasted Chats are just starting to call.
Only a couple of Common Yellowthroats so far.

After saying I last week I hadn't seen a Black Phoebe at the Florence
Sewage Plant in awhile, I saw one there yesterday briefly. There are still
several hundred White-face Ibis in the area though most seemed to be in
Canon City today.

And I forgot to add that I also had a Plumbeous Vireo in my yard yesterday
which was a first.

SeEtta Moss
Canon City

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