[cobirds] Evening Grosbeak Vocalizations

2023-01-06 Thread robert beauchamp

Many of us are aware of the 11+ types of Red Crossbill vocalizations in 
North America; I recently learned that Evening Grosbeaks have at least five 
types of vocalizations, which differ by geographic area (we have type 4 
here in the Rocky Mts.). Like Crossbills, these differing vocalizations, 
along with geographic isolation and other factors, could inform speciation 
among these populations.

In his recent webinar for LA Birders, Lance Brenner provided a 
comprehensive overview of vocalizations by both Crossbills and Grosbeaks in 
North America. Here is a link to that webinar: 

Audio recordings of Crossbills & Grosbeaks uploaded to eBird over the past 
decade have provided tremendous opportunities for researchers to understand 
geographic differentiation of populations by voice. With the irruption of 
grosbeaks this winter, I encourage you to record audio of grosbeak calls 
and upload them to eBird to add to this database,

Good birding!

Robert Beauchamp

Fort Collins

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[cobirds] Barr Lake CBC results

2023-01-06 Thread Colin Woolley
We held our Barr Lake CBC on Jan 2nd. It was a cold, foggy morning with 
limited visibility, but at least it wasn't snowing during the count! All 
things considered, we had a great day and were able to see plenty of birds 
despite the challenging weather (we couldn't even see Barr Lake for most of 
the count!). 

   - We had 23 participants divided among 9 groups.
   - We tallied 33,914 individual birds of 69 species. We average about 70 
   species so it was great to be right about at the average, despite the 
   weather conditions.
   - About 75% of those individuals were Cackling or Canada Geese, or 
   European Starlings, again pretty typical for this count circle.
   - We had one new species for the count circle, a Golden-crowned Sparrow!
   - We had an all-time high of 476 American Robin, more than the first 20 
   years of this count circle *combined *(1981-2000)*.*
   - Raptors were low across the board, particularly Great Horned Owls with 
   just one seen, tied for lowest (1991). This was likely driven by the low 
   visibility than anything else.
   - We saw 72 Bald Eagles, considering the limited visibility this was 
   higher than expected!

Thanks to all who participated in this count, we hope to see you again next 
year and we're always welcome to new participants as well!

Colin Woolley
Bird Conservancy of the Rockies
Barr Lake CBC Compiler

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