[cobirds] Chico Basin Ranch birding on May 14th

2023-05-14 Thread Brandon
After being out of the state for a week, I got back to birding in Colorado
a bit today.

The Pueblo County side of Chico Basin Ranch (Headquarters and Rose Pond),
male Black-throated Blue Warbler, Nashville Warbler, four Northern
Waterthrush, American Redstart, Cassin's Vireo, singing Least Flycatchers.

On the El Paso County side of ranch (banding station), singing male Hooded
Warbler, male Magnolia Warbler, male Black-throated Gray Warbler, Northern

I ended with 13 species of warblers there today.

Just a reminder, any birders going to Chico Basin Ranch are required to pay
$15 per person to visit the ranch each day they go there.  Most of us local
birders have paid the annual fee of $125.  I am not sure if everyone who
was out there today from out of town, signed in and paid.  If you aren't
planning to pay, then please don't go there.  The people not paying, may
ruin the birding for us local birders who go there often.

Brandon K. Percival
Pueblo West,  CO

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[cobirds] Dinosaur Ridge - Denver Field Ornithologists (14 May 2023) 4 Raptors

2023-05-14 Thread reports
Dinosaur Ridge - Denver Field Ornithologists
Colorado, USA
Daily Raptor Counts: May 14, 2023

SpeciesDay's CountMonth Total   Season Total
-- --- -- --
Black Vulture0  0  0
Turkey Vulture   0 83435
Osprey   1 13 63
Bald Eagle   0  5 55
Northern Harrier 0  2 31
Sharp-shinned Hawk   0 28102
Cooper's Hawk0 58279
Northern Goshawk 0  0  9
Red-shouldered Hawk  0  0  0
Broad-winged Hawk0 45156
Red-tailed Hawk  1 57496
Rough-legged Hawk0  0  0
Swainson's Hawk  0 40 72
Ferruginous Hawk 0 12 64
Golden Eagle 0  4 40
American Kestrel 0 26378
Merlin   0  4 26
Peregrine Falcon 0  2 20
Prairie Falcon   0  0  5
Mississippi Kite 0  0  0
Unknown Accipiter0  6 17
Unknown Buteo1  3  6
Unknown Falcon   1  1  2
Unknown Eagle0  0  0
Unknown Raptor   0  1  3

Total:   4390   2259

Observation start time: 08:30:00 
Observation end   time: 13:00:00 
Total observation time: 4.5 hours

Official Counter:Emma Riley

Observers:Aarohi Barman

We saw 4 visitors at the ridge today including a Jefferson County ranger
coming to collect supplies, making the end of the season really sink in. 

I have been saying this all season but it needs to be said again- thank you
to everyone who has made this season run efficiently and brought skill,
passion, and great company to the count. We could not do it without the
help of our DFO volunteers. We will see you next spring, and happy birding
in the meantime! 

Light rain and low clouds came and went at the ridge for most of the
morning until settling in in the early afternoon. Winds were from the NE
and never got too strong. 

Raptor Observations:
All four of our migrants today came through the clouds or below eye level,
but the low visibility made a confident identification challenging on two
of those birds. Our final migrant of the season was an immature RT. One
local TV was seen today and the local RT weren't seen until we were hiking

As it is the last day of the season it is time to take a look at our final

Total migrants counted this spring: 2259. Lower than last years count
(predominantly due to lower RT numbers this year), but still the second
highest season count since 2005. 

OS season count is equal to the highest count on record from 2002. 

Highest CH count since 2005. 

Highest SW count on record, 18 birds higher than last years record breaking

Highest FH count on record (since 1997- 90s data still being entered) by 1
bird. It is worth noting the odd push of FH at the end of our season this

Highest AK count since 2005. 

Highest ML count on record. 

And the star species of the season- the BW! Our season count was almost 3x
last years count, and 1.6x more birds than our highest season on record.
These birds showed out this year and we are really looking forward to see
what the coming years bring for this species. 

Non-raptor Observations:
Passerines seemed to have settled into the ridge overnight following a
whole bunch of moths! YRWA, CHSP, BHGB, GTTO, SPTO, BRSP, VESP, DEJU, BTHU,
ROWR, AMRO, SCJA, BBMA, ROPI, and CORA were all highly active today giving
us great looks at many of these birds. 

Report submitted by DAVID HILL ()
Dinosaur Ridge - Denver Field Ornithologists information may be found at:

More site information at hawkcount.org:  

Site Description:
Dinosaur Ridge is the only regularly staffed hawk watch in Colorado and is
the best place in the world to see migrating Ferruginous Hawks. Hawk
watchers may see 17 species of migrating raptors; and it is an excellent
site to see rare dark morph buteos including Broad-winged hawk,
Swainson’s hawk, Ferruginous hawk, Rough-legged hawk and Red-tailed Hawk.
Other raptors w

[cobirds] Lark Buntings \ Northern Mockingbird \ Broomfield and Westminster CO

2023-05-14 Thread John Tumasonis
   Another long walk today in rain, mist, and mud, mud, mud.  
 Route:  From 132nd and Zuni into the Anthem Neighborhood to Anthem Park 
(Westminster), picked up the Dry Creek Trail going southwest to the 
Broomfield Waste Water Treatment Plant;  U-Turn back north through 
Columbine Meadows Park (Broomfield) then northly to Alexx and Michael's 
Pond.  From 10 am to about 2:30 pm.  
What was seen:

American White Pelican - 4 - flyovers
Double Crested Cormorant - 12 - flying, in ponds and marshes
Great Blue Heron - only 1
Mallard - a few
Canada Goose - a couple
American Kestrel - 1 male
Red Tailed Hawk - 4 - being attacked by grackles, red winged blackbirds and 
Swainson's Hawk - 2
Common Pigeon - 4
Eurasian Collared Dove - 12
Mourning Dove - numerous
Belted Kingfisher - 1
Northern Flicker - 12
Downy Woodpecker - 1 female
Eastern Kingbird - 1
Loggerhead Shrike - 1 - by Big Dry Creek Park
Blue Jay - a few
Black Billed Magpie - 14 - one being attacked by a blue jay
American Crow - 4
Barn Swallow - 16 - many nesting now
Cliff Swallow - 50 - under bridges nesting
Northern Rough Winged Swallow - 2
Black Capped Chickadee - 8
Bushtit - 4 - two nesting pairs
House Wren - 4
Blue Gray Gnatcatcher - 4 - close looks, good photo shots
American Robin - 30 - many foraging for worms, taking advantage of the rain 
and mud

NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD - 1 - near Big Dry Creek Park (Westminster), close to 
large prairie dog town to the west and a weedy field.

European Starling - 40
Cedar Waxwing - 6 - foraging in a blooming apple tree
Yellow Warbler - only 1
Audubon's Warbler - 1 female
Chipping Sparrow - only 1
Clay Colored Sparrow - about 10 - two small groups
Song Sparrow - 8
House Sparrow - 4

LARK BUNTING - 9;4 males and 5 females, near Big Dry Creek Park 
(Westminster);  in trees, then on ground foraging.  By big prairie dog town 
to the west.   

Western Meadowlark - 4
Yellow Headed Blackbird - 1
Red Winged Blackbird - 60+
Common Grackle - 40 - pack of 6 attacking a magpie
Brown Headed Cowbird - 10 - both males and females
Bullock's Oriole - 8 - all males, several singing
House Finch - very numerous
American Goldfinch - 10

Big Dry Creek is way up from the rain.  Lots of mud in the underpasses, and 
the fields are muddy and slick.  

Flowers:  Purple Mustard, Dandelion, Golden Banner, Golden Current, Meadow 
Salsify, Cranesbill (Storksbill),  Yellow Alyssum, Whitetop, other 
mustards, etc. etc.  

John T (Tumasonis),  Broomfield CO

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[cobirds] Sabine's Gull, El Paso County

2023-05-14 Thread David Tønnessen

Excuse the late post as I had to get home and make some mother's day
breakfast, but in the hour I had outside this morning I enjoyed a gorgeous
breeding plumaged adult Sabine's Gull foraging near the parking lots at Big
Johnson Reservoir in El Paso County. There are only a handful (4?) of other
records for this species in Colorado in May, per eBird. Also present were
Franklin's Gulls, Forester's Terns, a good number of Black Terns, and crazy
numbers of swallows put down by the low stormy clouds.

Happy Mother's Day and Happy May Birding!

David Tonnessen
Colorado Springs

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[cobirds] Migrants, El Paso County, 5/14

2023-05-14 Thread Chris Selvig
My neighborhood, Shooks Run in downtown Colorado Springs, is awash in migrants 
today.  Of note:

Western Tanager - 10 sighted in about 30 minutes
Bullock’s Oriole - 5
Warbling Vireo - 2, and a new yard bird for me.
Swainson’s Thrush (following on a Hermit Thrush that hung around for much of 
the day yesterday.)
FOS Yellow-rumped and Yellow Warblers.
Large flocks of Chipping Sparrows

On the opposite side of the migration spectrum, a straggling flock of Cedar 
Waxwings is still around.

Chris Selvig
Colorado Springs

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[cobirds] Bird Conservancy of the Rockies, Chatfield Banding Station - May 13, 2023

2023-05-14 Thread Meredith McBurney
After two days of rain, we anticipated a busy morning yesterday, if not 
with migrants passing through then our summer residents out feeding.  But 
it was pretty quiet, with just 24 new birds caught.  There was a nice 
variety, so it was a good learning experience for our visitors from Denver 
Audubon's Beginning Birder class.

Lots of water in some areas of the station; several of the river nets could 
not be opened because the water was so high.  And special thanks to the 
volunteers who added a day to help convince the bobcat to go elsewhere!  
(We did not see him/her.)

Here's the breakdown:

Least Flycatcher 2
Hammond's Flycatcher 2
Dusky Flycatcher 1 (FOS)
House Wren 2
Gray Catbird 1 new, 1 banded 2021, recaught 2022
Orange-crowned Warbler 1
Yellow Warbler 2 banded 2022, 1 banded 2021 (of the 22 YEWAs caught to 
date, 12 were already banded.  All but 1 of the 22 were adults.)
Yellow-rumped Warbler, Audubon's 2
Common Yellowthroat 1
Yellow-breasted Chat 2
Green-tailed Towhee 3
Lincoln's Sparrow 2
Red-winged Blackbird 1

We are rained out today, closed on Monday.  Hope to be back out on 
Tuesday!  Denver Audubon has scheduled one-hour time slots at 7:30, 8:30 
and 9:30 for visitors on weekends; visit here 
 to register.  (I believe many time 
slots are already sold out, so register soon if you would like to visit.)

Meredith McBurney
Bander, Chatfield Banding Station
Bird Conservancy of the Rockies

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