[cobirds] Re: Only male Scissor-tailed Flycatcher So of Florence this morning

2014-08-05 Thread Adam Vesely
I was in the area today (August 4th, around 11 AM) for about an hour, and 
saw only the single male.  He appeared for about 15 minutes before heading 


On Sunday, August 3, 2014 12:07:03 AM UTC-6, SeEtta wrote:
> I observed the area South of Florence where the pair of Scissor-tailed 
> Flycatchers have been nesting for about 2 hours this morning (Saturday).  I 
> saw the ever-faithful male, who was perched in the nest tree for much of 
> that time I was there.  I did not see the female at all.  Though the nest 
> is hard to see I do not believe the female was sitting in it.  I received 
> two replies to my earlier request for info about the female as I was last 
> able to view this location on Monday before I went out of town.  The only 
> sighting since mine on Monday was a single bird, gender unknown, this 
> afternoon.  I took a few photos of the male, who had left the nest tree to 
> forage,  showing the deep salmon underwing as he groomed when perched on 
> the powerline north of the nest tree.  I have uploaded those to my Birds 
> and Nature blog.  
> SeEtta Moss
> Canon City
> http://BirdsAndNature.blogspot.com

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[cobirds] Re: warblers at Barr Lake (Adams Co.), Aug 20

2014-08-21 Thread Adam Vesely
I stopped by this morning and also got great views of a Townsend's Warbler 
a little further down the path from the banding area that David described 

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO 

On Wednesday, August 20, 2014 8:50:09 PM UTC-6, David Dowell wrote:
> This evening in the bird-banding area at Barr Lake, there were at least 7 
> warbler species:  Nashville Warblers (3), Virginia's Warblers (2), Northern 
> Waterthrush, American Redstarts (2), Wilson's Warblers (2), Common 
> Yellowthroats, and Yellow Warblers.  The banding area is accessed from the 
> trail about a quarter mile northeast of the visitor's center.  Walking in 
> that area isn't easy, and the mosquitoes went from bad to unbearable as the 
> evening progressed.
> Other highlights included a large group of (approximately 80) Snowy Egrets 
> on the opposite side of the lake, and a spectacular sunset.
> David Dowell
> Longmont, CO

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[cobirds] Pomarine Jaeger - Chatfield State Park - Jefferson County

2016-10-13 Thread Adam Vesely
Mark Chavez and I observed the Jaeger in several spots this morning. Still 
present. Seems to like the area between the fishing pier by the marina and by 
the north boat ramp area. 

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO

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[cobirds] Grasshopper Sparrow on Highline Canal

2016-10-14 Thread Adam Vesely
Karen, the picture you posted on eBird definitely looks like a White-throated 
Sparrow. Beautiful sparrow!

Adam Vesely

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Re: [cobirds] Re: Chestnut sided warbler

2016-11-25 Thread Adam Vesely
Joel and Dale Adams, Renee and Jesse Casias, and I had good looks at the 
warbler in the same area around 9:30 this morning.

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO

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[cobirds] Re: Dunlin- McLellen Reservoir in Douglas Cnty

2017-01-25 Thread Adam Vesely
Dunlin is still present at 11:00 AM in same general area as Gregg described 
yesterday. With a few killdeer.

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO

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[cobirds] White-throated Sparrow - Jeffco - Golden

2017-03-05 Thread Adam Vesely
Seen for about 10 minutes (0845) at the Sanders' front porch feeder.

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO

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[cobirds] Re: Harris's Sparrow, Westerly Creek, Denver County

2017-03-09 Thread Adam Vesely

Here's a photo of the gorgeous Harris's Sparrow of Westerly Creek (Denver 
Co.), around 5:30 PM, 3/9/2017.  

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO

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[cobirds] Crow Valley Campground, Weld Co., 5/7/2017

2017-05-08 Thread Adam Vesely
I didn't see any CoBirds write-ups for Crow Valley Campground (Weld Co.) 
yesterday, May 7th, so I'll go.  I didn't arrive until late morning, but 
activity was decent.  I first spent some time near the Education Site.  A 
pair of *Blue-gray Gnatcatchers* and *Brown Thrashers* were the most 
interesting birds in that area.  The best activity seemed to be on the 
south side, behind the main parking/picnic area.  A *Northern Parula*, 
Vireo*, several *Western Tanagers*, *Plumbeous Vireo*, *Yellow Warblers*, a 
ton of *Yellow-rumped Warblers*, both *Hermit* and *Swainson's Thrushes*, 
and *Yellow-throated Vireo* were among the birds I saw in that area.  Mark 
Chavez saw what sounded to be good for a *Gray Flycatcher* a few hours 
earlier, but we couldn't re-locate it.  

Definitely not as busy as some of the reports earlier in the day, but a 
great variety nonetheless and nice to see Crow Valley picking up.  

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO

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[cobirds] White Ibis, Lowell Ponds, Adams Co.

2017-06-19 Thread Adam Vesely
Following up on Zach Schiff's report yesterday, a White Ibis is still present 
in the Lowell Ponds area (Adams Co.) as of 9:20 AM. These are the ponds north 
of I-76. I counted at least 18 Snowy Egrets also.

Adam Vesely

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[cobirds] Re: White Ibis, Lowell Ponds, Adams Co.

2017-06-19 Thread Adam Vesely
Hi all, several people asked about this area and how to get there.  The 
area is now home to a new park (Clear Creek Valley Park) that opened not 
long ago.  In fact it's so new that the ball fields/playground/parking lot 
don't show up in Google Maps.  Once you get to the large paved parking area 
of the park, the main pond is easily viewed south from the parking lot. 
 There are also two smaller ponds that require a very short walk east or 
west of the main pond. These two smaller ponds aren't really visible from 
the parking lot.  I'm not sure where it was seen yesterday, but the White 
Ibis was probing in the smaller pond east/southeast of the larger, main 

There a few ways to get to the park, but I've found it's easiest to exit 
off of I-76 and head north on Sheridan, then a quick turn on to W 58th Ave. 
 W 58th Ave curves to the east, then leads directly in to the park.  If you 
haven't been to these ponds, it's pretty neat habitat, and I'm hoping some 
cool herons or a Ruddy Turnstone will fly in one of these days.  There is 
still some construction going on around the ponds, and the area has quite a 
few tractors and dump trucks moving about, so just don't get run over.    

Hope this helps, and good luck.  

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO 

On Monday, June 19, 2017 at 9:26:07 AM UTC-6, Adam Vesely wrote:
> Following up on Zach Schiff's report yesterday, a White Ibis is still 
> present in the Lowell Ponds area (Adams Co.) as of 9:20 AM. These are the 
> ponds north of I-76. I counted at least 18 Snowy Egrets also.
> Adam Vesely
> Thornton

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[cobirds] Common Tern at Aurora Reservoir, Arapahoe Co.

2017-08-13 Thread Adam Vesely
Hi all, 

There was a Common Tern this morning at Aurora Reservoir (Arapahoe County), 
perched on a buoy close to the swim beach.  Looks like two Common Terns 
were also present yesterday at the reservoir according to Glenn Walbek's 
rare bird eBird alert that just hit my inbox.  The only other interesting 
birds I noted were 6 Baird's Sandpipers foraging at the shoreline of the 
scuba beach in the far north/northeast corner.  Thanks!  

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO  

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[cobirds] Adult Sabine's Gull, Adams County Fairgrounds

2017-09-18 Thread Adam Vesely
Hi all,

There is currently an adult Sabine's Gull at the Adams County fairgrounds lakes 
(Mann-Nyholt), north of Henderson Road. Full dark gray hood. Amongst about 125 
Cal and Ring-billed gulls. 

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO

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[cobirds] Adams County Surf Scoters

2017-10-28 Thread Adam Vesely
Hi all, 

There are currently 3 Surf Scoters in the McKay Road Ponds, southeast of the 
intersection of McKay Road and 104th Ave., Thornton. They are in the reservoir 
just north of the water treatment plant. 

Adam Vesely
Thornton, Adams Co.

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[cobirds] Re: Denver — Harris’s Sparrow

2017-11-02 Thread Adam Vesely
I had an additional Harris's Sparrow this afternoon at Rocky Mountain 
Arsenal (Adams County), just a few miles north of John's sighting.  The 
bird was along the Prairie Switchback Trail, just north of Lake Mary.  
Alongside several American Tree Sparrows and a Song Sparrow.

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO

On Thursday, November 2, 2017 at 11:18:12 AM UTC-6, John W. Cobb wrote:
> This morning there was a immature Harris’s Sparrow in with a group of 
> White-crowns at Bluff Lake Nature Center in the brush near the entrance 
> porta-potties. 
> The wood duck count on the lake is down to four females from 14 about 
> three weeks ago. 
> John Cobb 
> Denver 
> Sent from my iPhone 

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[cobirds] Fox Sparrow & Hermit Thrush - deKoevend (Arapahoe)

2017-11-12 Thread Adam Vesely

While looking for the Fox Sparrow, some suspicious neighbors called the police 
on me. Luckily I don't have any warrants out for my arrest. A friendly reminder 
to always wear your "Honestly, I'm a bird watcher" hat while birding in 

Adam "Peeping Tom" Vesely
Thornton, CO

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[cobirds] Harris's Hawk Ft Collins Larimer Co

2017-12-30 Thread Adam Vesely
The Hawk just flew in from the north, currently in its favorite tree just south 
of the recycling center. 

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO

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[cobirds] Rusty Blackbirds, Pueblo State Park

2018-01-18 Thread Adam Vesely
Hi all, currently 2 Rusty Blackbirds working the shoreline of the stream just 
north of the Cottonwood Picnic area parking lot. Snowy Owl also present on the 
marina tires, and Prairie Warbler still present just below dam.

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO

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[cobirds] Long-tailed Duck, McKay Road Ponds, Adams County

2018-01-27 Thread Adam Vesely
Hi all, there is a Long-tailed Duck in the southern-most reservoir between 
the South Platte River and 104th Avenue, directly east of McKay Road 
(Thornton, Adams County).  

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO

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[cobirds] Re: Ode to Laura Steadman

2018-10-21 Thread Adam Vesely
What an incredible find, Laura, and a crazy chase! I arrived at Prince Lake 
#2 later than I wanted (blame the microbreweries), and just missed seeing 
the bird by about 10 minutes according to several happy birders. I drove 
aimlessly north without luck, trying to turn Starlings in to 
black-and-white flycatchers. Pieplow soon posted that the bird was being 
seen off of Carbonate Lane. I put the car in to afterburner, set up my 
scope, but alas the birds were mere Magpies. Apparently I missed the bird 
(again) by about 1 minute. Never fun being the sucker who just misses a 
MEGA. Bird was reported heading back towards Prince Lake #2, so I kicked 
the tires and lit the fire, SR-71 style, mach 3.1 this time back to the 
lake. Saw Aaron Shipe and Frank Farrell (thanks, guys!) up ahead; they 
looked like they had something. They soon waved to me that they had the 
bird! Despite rapidly diminishing daylight, the bird was still active, 
bouncing from branch-to-branch, and we managed a salvo of photos before 
this long-tailed beauty headed south/southwest. An epic chase I won't soon 

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO

On Sunday, October 21, 2018 at 7:48:03 PM UTC-6, William Kaempfer wrote:
> With these simple words at 2:49 p.m., Laura Steadman made lots of people 
> happy this afternoon:
> “While looking at the stilt sandpiper and plover (both still present), 
> happened to catch site of a fork-tailed flycatcher on the western shore. 
> Currently viewing.”
> It takes three things to make real birding news—finding a great bird, 
> identifying that great bird, and getting the word out. Laura had the 
> hat-trick today.  Well, it takes a great bird, too, I guess.  After a 
> frustrating, one-observer report of Fork-tailed Flycatcher in mid-September 
> that, I believe, was a first state record for Colorado, this was a species 
> that was on a lot of our minds.  A bird to dream about, with its snappy 
> black and white body, and that long, long, long tail.  Perhaps the only 
> austral migrant (breeds south migrates north and sometimes gets to North 
> America) semi-regularly seen in the US, this is a bird of interest anywhere 
> north of Mexico.  I think it is even the story bird behind the cover of 
> John Vanderpoel’s soon to be published recounting of his North American Big 
> Year in 2011, *Full Chase Mode*.  And chase we did.
> I made it to Prince #2 at about 3:15 p.m., and there were already 8 other 
> birders present.  It took a little while to re-find the bird, but we slowly 
> starting thinking that the best strategy might be to walk out on the former 
> County Road 111 in order to be below the dam for best viewing 
> opportunities..  After Peter Burke saw it flying somewhere off to the north 
> of Prince #2, we all began walking that way; groups of us, handfuls of us, 
> dozens of us, scores of us, hundreds of us.  Trying to count how many 
> birders were there was like trying to count the number of Western Grebes 
> currently on Union Reservoir, a little bit to the northwest.  There was 
> Loch Kilpatrick, and there Mark Chavez.  Oh, and Rachel Hopper, and Carl 
> Bendorf, and Bill Schmoker, and Gwen Moore, and Joey Kellner, and Glenn 
> Walbeck, and on and on.  Steve Larson and Edie Israel were there, and they 
> fly out South Africa at 3:00 a.m. Monday morning!  I bet even the 
> Widowbirds down there won’t be as thrilling.
> This is not the first time modest, little Prince Lake #2 in eastern 
> Boulder County has made birding news.  Way back on October 26, 1975, 
> then-Boulder birder Bruce Webb found what I believe to be the first state 
> record of Sharp-tailed Sandpiper at Prince #2.  This bird elicited the 
> famous comment from Colorado birding icon, Harold Holt, “It isn’t a 
> Sharp-tailed Sandpiper until the Colorado Bird Records Committee says it is 
> a Sharp-tailed Sandpiper”. (fide, Peter Gent).  Hey—another great bird 
> during the last 10 days of October.  And the year before that, what must 
> have been the first state record of Baird’s Sparrow on, wait for this, 
> October 29, 1974.  Prince #2 has also had Red Phalarope, Iceland (Iceland) 
> Gull, and Eurasian Wigeon, and just over the hill at Prince #1 there is 
> still a Yellow-billed Loon somewhere at the bottom of the pond, but that’s 
> a different story.
> Then last week’s wind-focused fallout brought American Golden Plovers to 
> us, all over the Front Range--but importantly to this story, to Prince #2.  
> A couple of plovers made themselves easy to see in the soft, nourishing mud 
> along the south shore of the small agriculture reservoir, and many went to 
> Prince #2 for their year, state, life, county, or whatever AGPL.  David 
> Waltman notes that this was the start of our own 

[cobirds] Black-legged Kittiwake, Ken Mitchell Park, Brighton, Adams Co.

2018-12-02 Thread Adam Vesely
Hi everyone,

A juvenile/1st winter Black-legged Kittiwake is currently at Ken Mitchell 
Park reservoir in Brighton. Lots of parking, walk the short distance to the 
fishing pier. Swimming extremely close to the pier and frequently flying 
right over it. If not there, also check the large gravel pit a short 5 
minute walk north of the pier (scope required) where Riley and Heather 
Morris and I saw it roosting with a bunch of gulls.  


Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO 

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Re: [cobirds] Red-throated Loon still around (Adams)

2019-03-20 Thread Adam Vesely
Still present at 1:10. Easily viewable from several pulloffs off of 104th. Now 
in eastern 1/3 of reservoir. Frequently diving. 

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO

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[cobirds] Neotropic Cormorant and good gulls - McKay Rd., Thornton

2019-03-23 Thread Adam Vesely
Riley and Heather Morris and I are viewing the Neotropic Cormorant in the small 
pond east of the Elaine Valente parking lot. Good size comparison with a 
Double-crested. Red-throated Loon also present.

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO

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[cobirds] Mew Gull, Adams County

2019-03-23 Thread Adam Vesely
The Mew Gull is present at Sprat Platte fishing pond, Adams County, as of 4:41.

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO

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Re: [cobirds] Re: Continuing Dunlin Seen from McKay and the Platte (Adams)

2015-03-09 Thread Adam Vesely
The Dunlin was spotted this morning (3/9) at around 7:45.  It was on the 
rocky, north side of the South Platte, about 200 yards downstream from the 
McKay bridge.

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO

On Saturday, March 7, 2015 at 8:13:20 PM UTC-7, Tom Behnfield wrote:
> Debbie & I saw the Dunlin & CITE at 4:30 today at this spot. 
> Here's a photo of the Dunlin: 
> https://www.flickr.com/photos/behnfield/16125454004/ 
> Tom Behnfield 
> Lakewood, CO 
> behn...@q.com  
> www.flickr.com/photos/behnfield

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[cobirds] White-eyed Vireo, Barr Lake SP

2015-05-02 Thread Adam Vesely
Hi all, I got good looks at a White-eyed Vireo at Barr Lake (Adams Co.) 
around 9:30 today.  It was about 150 yards north of the foot bridge across 
from the visitor's center.  

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO

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[cobirds] Black-bellied Plover, Colorado Springs

2015-05-10 Thread Adam Vesely
Greetings birders, while searching for Mountain Plovers, Rich and Cheri 
Phillips and I found a beautiful Black-bellied Plover northeast of the 
intersection of Book and Hemmingway Drive in Colorado Springs.  He was on 
the east side of the large body of water located at that intersection.  A 
White-faced Ibis was also present.  

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO

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[cobirds] Re: Birding itinerary for out-of-state birder?

2015-07-13 Thread Adam Vesely
Hi Trista, 

I'd highly recommend eBird to get you started, or to at least point you in 
general to specific areas depending on which target birds you are looking 
for.  This is also a great resource: 


I'm sure someone else can recommend other sites, but these are the two 
resources I use most.  I'm sure we can help more if you have specific 
questions regarding certain spots or species.  

Have a great trip to CO, you will not be disappointed with the birds we 
have here!


Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO

On Monday, July 13, 2015 at 2:42:43 PM UTC-6, trne...@comcast.net wrote:
> Hi All, 
> My 12 yr. old son and I are Virginia birders coming to CO from 8/07-8/14 
> for a week of birding.  Since this is our first time in CO, we would like 
> to see as many of the resident birds as possible.  We fly into Denver and 
> will get a rental car for the week.  Any suggestions for good birding 
> spots?  I haven't made our hotel reservations yet, as I'm trying to come up 
> with a doable itinerary for the week.  Any suggestions would be greatly 
> appreciated! 
> Trista Nealon

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[cobirds] Sandhill Cranes Barr Lake, Adams Co.

2015-10-18 Thread Adam Vesely
Huge flocks of Sandhill Cranes currently leaving Barr Lake, departing to the 
southeast. Quite a sight! 

Adam Vesely 
Thornton, CO

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[cobirds] Re: Pair of Falcons? near Eastlake at 126th and Lafayatte

2015-11-23 Thread Adam Vesely
Eric, I haven't seen these, but this is only a few blocks away from where I 
live and I can head over there when I'm back in town on Thursday and look. 
 Seems unlikely that it would be two Peregrines.  Have you ruled out 
American Kestrels?  

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO 

On Monday, November 23, 2015 at 1:45:02 PM UTC-7, Erik Kubec wrote:
> Hello Folks, 
> I have regularly been seeing one raptor in Thornton hanging out on a 
> street lamp on 126th in between Lafayette and Washington for a year or two. 
>  Yesterday went for a closer look with the binoculars and noticed there 
> were two.  Their habit it is to fly and perch back and forth between the 
> 2nd or 3rd street lamp to the west of Lafayette, and then fly east/north a 
> couple hundred yards to the white communications tower right on the 
> farmer's canal adjacent to Lafayette. 
> Not an expert--trying to determine if these are Peregrine of Prairie 
> Falcons.   
> Anyone seen these?

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[cobirds] Re: Trumpeter?

2016-01-02 Thread Adam Vesely
They weren't there yesterday when I was there around 1:30.  I don't think 
they were seen at all yesterday.  The reservoir is big (I'd recommend a 
scope), but it would be pretty obvious if they were there, especially since 
a good portion of the reservoir is frozen.  There is a trail that skirts 
the south side of the reservoir, with parking near the southwest and 
southeast corners of the reservoir.  

Thornton, CO 

On Saturday, January 2, 2016 at 6:40:32 AM UTC-7, Gary Brower wrote:
> Good morning! 
> Did anyone see the Trumpeter Swans yesterday at the S. Platte Reservoir? 
> And, as I've not birded there before, where, on the reservoir are they 
> being seen, I.e., south end, north-east corner, etc. (or is it quite 
> apparent when one arrives)? 
> Thanks! 
> Gary Brower 
> Englewood, CO 
> Sent from my iPad

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[cobirds] Greater White-fronted Goose, Thornton (Adams Co.)

2016-02-10 Thread Adam Vesely
There is currently a Greater White-fronted Goose at Sage Creek Park in 
Thornton, near the southeast corner of 128th Avenue and Holly St.  Among 
several Canadian Geese, there is also a Graylag Goose in the same field, 
which offers a nice size comparison to the Greater White-fronted Goose.  

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO  

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[cobirds] Yellow-throated Warbler, Larimer Co.

2016-02-28 Thread Adam Vesely
I'm a little late to the 2016 Yellow-throated Warbler party, but this stunning 
bird made a 5 minute appearance this morning around 8:30 at the Mountain Avenue 
location in Fort Collins. 

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO

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[cobirds] Elk Thistle Drive feeders "closed" (Summit County)

2016-04-19 Thread Adam Vesely
Hi all,

Many of you are familiar with the private feeders in the front yard of an 
Elk Thistle Drive (Wildernest area, Silverthorne, Summit County) property, 
which usually affords great views of Rosy Finches and other mountain 
species.  Today while driving by, the owners have posted a sign essentially 
saying "No Loitering/Standing/Parking" and "No cameras/scopes/binoculars." 
 I'm not sure how new the sign is, but I think it's recent (unless it was 
covered with snow a few months ago).  When I spoke with the pleasant owner 
a few months ago, she said they've been having problems with people coming 
on to their property, issues with tour buses, and even argumentative 
foreigners.  It appears they've had enough, and that birders are no longer 
welcome.  All FYI in case any of you think about stopping by. 


Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO 

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[cobirds] Re: Ani still here

2019-09-09 Thread Adam Vesely
Alison, great question, several of us were talking about that very thing 
yesterday. I'd be curious to get thoughts on this bird being seemingly very 
comfortable so close to humans from those that have observed this species 
in Texas and Central/South America. Is that type of cooperation typical for 
this species in the "wild?" 

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO

On Monday, September 9, 2019 at 8:09:03 AM UTC-6, Alison Kondler wrote:
> Got great views of the Ani just now. Could this be an escaped bird? It 
> flew up to many of us as if waiting for a hand out. At one point five of us 
> were about eight feet away from it for about 6 minutes or so. 
> Alison Kondler 
> Jefferson County

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[cobirds] Re: News from Barr Lake Adams Co 10/2

2019-10-03 Thread Adam Vesely
Just a friendly reminder about shore access at Barr Lake: birders can only 
access the shore *north* of the bird banding station. South of the banding 
station is considered the "Wildlife Refuge" and you must stay on marked 
trails. While they don't seem to enforce this much, I've confirmed with 
several of the Park Rangers and this is also depicted on the park maps. 

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO

On Thursday, October 3, 2019 at 11:47:41 AM UTC-6, Robert Righter wrote:
> Because one can walk out on the sand towards the water's edge, makes it 
> very easy for close viewing of the birds.
> Just in the southeast section:
> 3 American Golden-Plovers, (at least one was a Jv.)
> 50+ Killdeer
> 2 Marbled Godwits
> 3 Jv. Sanderlings
> 20 Baird’s Sandpipers
> 3-4 Pectorial Sandpipers
> 1 Least Sandpiper
> 20+ Forster’s Gulls
> 1000’s of Barn Swallows and vast numbers of other regularly occurring 
> waterbirds were present
> If there was more time I’d visit Meredith at Conservancy Banding station. 
> It would have been fun to see the Philadelphia Vireo
> Lots going on at Barr Lake, Come on out!
> Bob Righter
> Denver, CO

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[cobirds] Accessing the lake bed at Barr Lake

2019-10-18 Thread Adam Vesely
This is great news for birders and photographers. And also confirms that 
managers, rangers, and volunteers at this park are not at all on the same page 
when it comes to what areas the public can and can't access. But if the head 
honcho has given us the green light, that's good enough for me!

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO

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[cobirds] Long-tailed Ducks, South Platte Reservoir, Arapahoe

2019-12-01 Thread Adam Vesely
Currently looking at two gorgeous Long-tailed Ducks, South Platte Reservoir. 
Arapahoe County side. Black Scoter also present.

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO

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[cobirds] Long-tailed Duck, Adams County

2019-12-16 Thread Adam Vesely
Hi everyone, there is a Long-tailed Duck in the reservoir just north of 88th 
Avenue, between the South Platte River and Monaco St., Adams County. Viewed 
from the International Hearing Dog location. 

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO

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[cobirds] Glaucous Gull, Ken Mitchell Reservoir, Brighton, Adams County

2020-02-15 Thread Adam Vesely
Hi everyone,

There has been an off-and-on Glaucous Gull at Ken Mitchell Park/Reservoir 
in Brighton. All-white bird with black-tipped bill. I observed it today 
around 1:30 near the south portion of the reservoir. Best viewing for any 
birds at this location is along Goldeneye Lane rather than the pier as the 
majority of the rez is still frozen. 

Glaucous Gull reports on eBird have been sparse this year between Longmont 
and Aurora Reservoir so wanted to pass this observation along. 


Adam Vesely
Thornton, Adams Co. 

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[cobirds] Hooded Warbler, Barr Lake, Adams County

2020-04-30 Thread Adam Vesely
Hi everyone,

Daniel Maynard reported a female Hooded Warbler this morning at Barr Lake 
(Adams County). Riley and Heather Morris re-found the bird this afternoon 
close to the banding station. I also had a Virginia's Warbler this morning 
at Barr Lake, below the dam.  

Good to see some nice warblers popping up in Adams County! 

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO 

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[cobirds] Northern Parula, Boulder Co

2020-05-25 Thread Adam Vesely
Where is this location, specifically? 


Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO

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[cobirds] Re: Rest in Peace, COLORADO RARE BIRD ALERT! And a suggestion/request!

2020-05-31 Thread Adam Vesely

Well said, Norm! Posting rare/uncommon birds to this forum has slowed 
considerably the last few years (
I blame the blasted eBird Top 100 obsession), but is still the quickest way 
to get the word out to the masses. I appreciate the birders who still make 
an effort to post a timely note to this forum about interesting species.


Many of you probably know about this site, but Kurt Radamaker (Arizona 
birder, I believe) has a slick site that compiles all eBird rare/uncommon 
sightings and puts it in a map format. You can search any state and define 
how many “days back” you wish to go. Very easy to navigate. Data is updated 
very quickly and may be another option for those not wanting hourly/daily 
e-mail alerts.  




Adam Vesely

Thornton, CO 

On Saturday, May 30, 2020 at 11:37:44 AM UTC-6, birdernorm wrote:
> I, too, would like to thank the originators and compilers of the RBA from 
> over the years.  I have checked it virtually every day that I have been in 
> town for years.  Thanks again for all your efforts.  I will miss it. 
> Now for the suggestion:  since the RBA is kaput, and there are lots of 
> folks who do not care to manipulate their way through eBird (which is not 
> that tough, by the way), it would be nice if those observing a rarity in 
> the field, particularly one that is within easy reach of other birders, to 
> post it from the location. I have eBird alerts running for numerous 
> counties, but I don't get those reports until the next day.  My only 
> immediate access to interesting sightings is Cobirds.  There have been 
> several instances recently when an unusual species appeared but no one 
> informed the birding community at large.  For example, a scarlet tanager 
> was recently seen at Harriman Lake, just a few minutes from my house. 
>  There were fifteen eBird reports filed, which means there were no doubt 
> twice that many observers, yet no one took a moment to post the bird to 
> Cobirds.  I found out about the bird the next day, and it was a one-day 
> wonder.  Either I missed any reports, or I don't have many friends. 
>  Perhaps both.  But at any rate, it would have been nice to have had a 
> chance to pop over there for a look.
> Just my two cents.  As they say about the pandemic, we're all in this 
> together, and I have always found that one of the great joys of birding is 
> the sharing of birds with others who like them just as much as I do.
> Norm Lewis
> Lakewood
> -Original Message-
> From: 'Andrews Robert' via Colorado Birds  >
> To: Colorado Birds >; Joe Roller <
> jrol...@gmail.com >
> Sent: Fri, May 29, 2020 4:09 am
> Subject: Re: [cobirds] Rest in Peace, COLORADO RARE BIRD ALERT!
> Hello all,
> I would like to join others in showing appreciation for the compilers of 
> the RBA we see on Cobirds. Since I spend most of the year thousands of 
> miles away from Colorado in West Africa, I don’t get any direct use of the 
> RBA for birding. But I did enjoy seeing a compilation of the most 
> interesting or unusual bird sightings from Colorado as a way to keep up 
> with what is happening in Colorado. Many thanks to Joyce and then Joe and 
> his team of volunteers and all of the other compilers who have provided 
> this service.
> Bob Andrews
> Yekepa, Nimba Co., Liberia, West Africa
> On Tuesday, May 26, 2020, 09:26:03 AM MDT, Joe Roller  > wrote: 
> Daily updates on rare and interesting birds in Colorado have been shared 
> via Cobirds for over 14 years as the "Colorado Rare Bird Alert" (or 
> Report). For 13 years, Joyce Takamine tirelessly compiled this list of 
> rarities from all over the state, posting it with dates and places 
> on the Cobirds listserv and into your email inboxes.
> After Joyce retired at the end of 2018, a few of us continued to compile 
> the report. But our team of volunteers is no longer large enough to 
> continue this informational service, which has been sponsored for years by 
> the Denver Field Ornithologists. In the past we invited volunteers to join 
> the RBA team of compilers, but we are no longer seeking those, as the RBA 
> is over now.
> By way of history, the RBA continued the early notification work of 
> dedicated birders like Dave Martin, Norm Erthal and Dick Schottler, who 
> phoned in daily field updates to a DFO voice recorder. Local and visiting 
> birders could dial in to hear these daily messages and keep abreast of the 
> changing parade of rarities moving through Colorado.
> Even before that, DFO sponsored a "telephone tree" notification list in 
> the 1960s and '70s. Each birder in the tree would get a a call from an 
> ex

[cobirds] Barr Lake "below dam" is no longer

2020-08-12 Thread Adam Vesely
Hi everyone,

Some of you that have recently been to the north side of Barr Lake (Adams 
Co.) may have noticed the obliteration of the tree-lined stream area below 
the Barr Lake dam. Large construction vehicles continued their warpath 
today, removing more trees along the stream that have provided wonderful, 
shady habitat for birds over the years. I would expect this area to be 
mostly devoid of trees and shrubs in the coming days. I spoke to a ranger 
yesterday, and she said that although some trees will be saved per input 
from Barr Lake rangers, it is not Barr Lake property and those pesky trees 
were simply sucking up too much irrigation water. Ironically, this area is 
only about 1/4 mile east of the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies house. Take 
that, birds.  

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO


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[cobirds] Barr Lake Philadelphia Vireo

2020-09-05 Thread Adam Vesely
I just refound the Philadelphia Vireo at the Barr Lake Nature Center (Adams 
County). Several of us on it.

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO

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[cobirds] Barr Lake American Golden-Plovers

2020-10-03 Thread Adam Vesely
Hi everyone, we're looking at 3 American Golden-Plovers at Barr Lake (Adams 
Co.). Birds are roughly in the western, central portion of the lake and 
requires a bit of a walk to look over some sand banks. 

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO

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[cobirds] Red-necked Grebe, Adams County

2020-10-28 Thread Adam Vesely
Hi all,

I had a Red-necked Grebe this evening in Brighton (Adams County). 
Specifically, the bird was in this unnamed reservoir: 
39.951870, -104.853188 which can be accessed by parking here: 
39.943753, -104.852972

A little further north there were 3 Common Loons in "Cell No. 3" Reservoir. 

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO

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[cobirds] Probable Yellow-billed Loon, Adams County

2020-11-05 Thread Adam Vesely
Hi everyone,

After consultation, there appears to be a good candidate for a 
Yellow-billed Loon in Adams County. Bird has been present for several days, 
and is still in the same location as of this morning (11/5). The bird can 
be found in "Cell No. 3" (
39.961320, -104.847329) 
in Brighton (Adams County). This reservoir is equidistant at approximately 
1.4 miles from either Ken Mitchell Park or from the South Platte River 
Trail parking lot at the intersection of E-470 and Brighton Rd. A spotting 
scope is highly recommended. A Common Loon has also been present here 
providing nice size comparisons. A checklist with camera and digiscope 
photos can be found here:



Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO (Adams Co.)

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[cobirds] White-winged Scoter, Adams County

2020-12-18 Thread Adam Vesely
Hi all,

There is a White-winged Scoter in Henderson (Adams County) at Dunes 
Reservoir. This reservoir is located just north of 112th Avenue between 
Highway 85 and Brighton Road. The bird is in the extreme west/southwest 
corner and is best viewed by parking in the small parking lot in the 
neighborhood near this corner of the reservoir.  

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO 

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Re: [cobirds] Weld County Foray

2021-02-04 Thread Adam Vesely
Let's keep these posts focused on birds, not secession efforts, please. 

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO

On Thursday, February 4, 2021 at 4:51:27 PM UTC-7 cinnamon...@gmail.com 

> Dan,
> This morning, as I was watching the news, they were talking about Weld 
> County becoming a Wyoming territory.  Do you have any insight on this?
> Is this a realistic possibility. 
> Cinnamon Bergeron 
> On Tue, Feb 2, 2021 at 6:12 PM 'Dan Stringer' via Colorado Birds <
> cob...@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>> Early this morning I looked for Sharp-tailed Grouse in Weld County with 
>> Michael Kiessig and Chuck Aid. After Chuck spotted a Merlin carrying prey 
>> at WCR 136 and 99, we drove N on 99 N past 138. While scoping Rough-legged 
>> Hawks and a Northern Harrier to the east we saw 3 STGR in the distant tall 
>> grass, then they flew and it turned into a flock of 21.
>> Other birds of note were 9 Rough-legged Hawks in a wide area (seems like 
>> a good year to see this wintering species), and 19 Lapland Longspur: two 
>> individuals along the way and then 17 on Rd 115 between Rd 134 and 138. 
>> Some lingering snow patches appeared to be a draw, I've previously seen 
>> small numbers of LALO at stock tanks but these birds didn't need that with 
>> their water source in the side-of-the-road ditch.
>> Dan Stringer
>> Larkspur, CO
>> -- 
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>> https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/cobirds/8da574f8-8bcb-465f-b763-b77ccd5aac01n%40googlegroups.com
>> <https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/cobirds/8da574f8-8bcb-465f-b763-b77ccd5aac01n%40googlegroups.com?utm_medium=email&utm_source=footer>
>> .

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[cobirds] Re: ID of Clark’s vs Western at Sterns Lake (Boulder County)

2021-04-11 Thread Adam Vesely
Mlodinow and Leukering (2018) wrote a fantastic and informative piece in 
Colorado Birds about identification of Western and Clark's Grebes along 
with thorough discussion of hybrids. Not sure if this link will work, but 
try this:


Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO 

On Sunday, April 11, 2021 at 11:20:26 AM UTC-6 Mark Minner-lee wrote:

> If anyone has been out to see the Western and possible Clark’s Grebes at 
> Stern’s Lake (Boulder County) I’d love some thoughts on how you determined 
> a Clark’s ID. Additional commentary also welcome from others who would like 
> to lend their expertise.
> The two grebes I saw both fit Western or Intermediate but not Clark’s. 
> Flanks on both birds were dark (suggesting Western). Bill color wasn’t 
> different. Both birds had eyes clearly with the dark supercillium area, 
> with the suspected Clark’s having some white in the lores.
> Thoughts?
> Regards,
> Mark Minner-lee 
> Erie, CO
> Sent from my iPhone

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[cobirds] Re: Yellow Grosbeak viewing Tuesday

2021-05-31 Thread Adam Vesely
Carolyn Spidle posted photos from today at ~1:30 that show what appears to 
be blood around the Yellow Grosbeak's right leg. Can anyone confirm this is 
an injury? Thanks.


Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO

On Monday, May 31, 2021 at 2:15:44 PM UTC-6 Brandon wrote:

> The Yellow Grosbeak continues to be seen today in Huerfano County, with 
> many birders seeing it.  Viewing is open until 7pm today.
> Tomorrow, viewing will be open from NOON to 7pm.  Don't plan to come 
> before then.  If anything changes, we'll let you know.
> Brandon Percival
> Pueblo West, CO

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[cobirds] Re: Common Loon, Rocky Mt. Arsenal, Adams county

2021-08-11 Thread Adam Vesely
Thanks for this report, Candice and Tim! I was at Barr Lake this morning. 
More and more shoreline and its usual islands are being exposed as they 
drain the lake and shorebird activity is picking up. The best spot today 
for shorebirds was the south/southeast corner just off of the Niedrach 
Trail boardwalk. 

Adam Vesely

On Wednesday, August 11, 2021 at 11:14:36 AM UTC-6 johnsonc...@gmail.com 

> On Lake Ladore today at 8:30 am was a Common Loon. Also on Lake Derby were 
> about 8 Wilson's Phalarope, but bring a scope because they are on the north 
> bank with other shorebirds. 
> Candice & Tim Johnson, Denver

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[cobirds] Re: From Canon City Daily Record newspaper

2021-09-25 Thread Adam Vesely
Wow--sounds like a tremendous team effort! Thank you to Bob, Tim, and Dan 
for rescuing this bird. And most importantly, kudos to SeEtta for 
recognizing the dire situation this bird was in and taking the initiative 
to do something about it. Great job all! 

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO

On Saturday, September 25, 2021 at 1:30:18 PM UTC-6 Laura Gorman wrote:

> Thanks to the coming together of different people and entities in Cañon 
> City, the young osprey on the nest at Valco Ponds was saved at 6 a.m. Sept. 
> 16.
> Local resident and wildlife photographer Char Lindner said that SeEtta 
> Moss, a local bird expert, had been studying the young osprey and noticed 
> it had not left to begin its southward migration. She notified Bob Carochi 
> of the Colorado Parks and Wildlife that the bird seemed to be entangled.
> Carochi, after receiving permission from the property owners, had help 
> from Tim Koehn and Dan O’Shea, journeyman lineman with Black Hills Energy, 
> who lifted Carochi up in the Black Hills bucket lift to help the bird.
> What he found were cords and baling twine, completely ensnarling the legs 
> and talons of the osprey so that it could not fly from the nest.
> Moss had been watching its mother bringing in food when, at its maturity, 
> it should have been doing this on its own, Lindner said.  Carochi covered 
> the bird with a towel and proceeded for almost half an hour cutting the 
> twine and cords. Once freed, the bird flew off to a nearby tree.
> “Thanks to our Cañon City neighbors for caring and for saving the bird,” 
> Lindner said.

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[cobirds] Black-legged Kittiwake, Adams County

2021-12-12 Thread Adam Vesely
Hi all,

Chris Petrizzo found a Black-legged Kittiwake in Adams County yesterday, 
12/11, on a pond directly north of the intersection of Dahlia Street and 
88th Avenue (between Riverdale Road and the South Platte River) in 
Thornton. The bird was seen by a few of us today, 12/12. We're a little 
late joining the Cherry Creek/Chatfield Kittiwake party, but always a great 
bird nevertheless! Great find, Chris! 


Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO

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[cobirds] Re: Trumpeter swans

2022-01-04 Thread Adam Vesely
For non-locals, where specifically is this? 

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO

On Tuesday, January 4, 2022 at 11:34:07 AM UTC-7 david.l...@gmail.com wrote:

> There were three trumpeter swans at Pella Crossing on the west side of 
> 75th in the first (private) pond mixed in with a bazillion cackling and 
> Canada geese.

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[cobirds] Re: Adams County EURASIAN WIGEON

2022-03-31 Thread Adam Vesely
Bird was present around 8:30 this morning, 3/31. Great find, Susan!

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO

On Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 2:56:49 PM UTC-6 u5b2...@gmail.com wrote:

> I'm looking at a Eurasian Wigeon RIGHT NOW, Brighton, CO near Prairie Town 
> Center. More info in a moment!
> Susan Rosine
> Brighton

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[cobirds] Tennessee Warbler, Barr Lake, Adams County

2022-04-24 Thread Adam Vesely
Max and Lainie Miller reported and photographed a Tennessee Warbler 
yesterday at Barr Lake (Adams County). Several of us saw the bird high in 
the trees at the main picnic area next to the Nature Center parking lot 
this morning. Appreciate the birder who gave us a head's-up! 

Adam Vesely

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[cobirds] Re: White Ibis - Boulder County

2022-05-30 Thread Adam Vesely
A White Ibis was also seen and photographed at Rocky Mountain Arsenal 
(Adams County) yesterday morning, 5/29, but didn't seem to hang around long.

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO

On Monday, May 30, 2022 at 6:43:38 AM UTC-6 sarahs...@gmail.com wrote:

> White Ibis at Golden Ponds in Longmont, Boulder County, currently being 
> seen on pond #2 from 40.1713348, -105.1412201.
> I presume this is the same bird that’s been hanging out in Fountain Creek 
> Regional Park recently? Funny thing is, I was just down in Fountain two 
> days ago looking for (and not seeing) this bird. 😂
> Sarah Spotten
> Longmont, CO

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[cobirds] Black Scoter, Adams County

2022-11-06 Thread Adam Vesely
Hi all,

There is a Black Scoter at "Cell No. 3 (Willow Bay)" in Brighton, Adams 
County. Bird was in this general area and actively feeding:

39.961731, -104.848517

Adam Vesely

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[cobirds] Re: No eiders in Grand County, 11/20

2022-11-20 Thread Adam Vesely
Hi Nathan! I spent most of the day yesterday scoping various reservoirs in 
Adams County hoping these incredible birds would settle in my home county. 
I scoped reservoirs that have historically been fruitful for Scoters, 
Loons, and Grebes along the I-76/Highway 85 corridor, but unfortunately, no 
Eiders. Oh well, it's always worth the effort!

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO

On Sunday, November 20, 2022 at 6:58:02 PM UTC-7 Nathan Pieplow wrote:

> Hi all,
> I spent the day checking all the open water in and around Grand County 
> that I could find, in case the King Eiders went that way. I didn't see 
> them. 
> Shadow Mountain Reservoir -- 99.999% frozen. A couple dozen waterbirds 
> were squeezed into a waterhole the size of a bathtub.
> Lake Granby -- Completely open, but fog was a big problem when I arrived 
> at 10:00 AM and didn't completely clear until after 11:00. Once it did, I 
> found more birds than anywhere else today, including 300+ Common 
> Goldeneyes, 34 Barrow's Goldeneyes, 3 species of grebe, and 1 Common Loon.
> Windy Gap Reservoir -- no open water.
> Williams Fork Reservoir -- Completely open, but water level is fairly low. 
> A fair number of ducks and 2 Common Loons.
> Wolford Mountain Reservoir -- Mostly open, but not many birds. This is 
> where almost all the mergansers were, though.
> Green Mountain Reservoir (Summit County) -- Completely open, but very few 
> birds.
> As far as I can tell, nobody birded the reservoirs in South Park this 
> weekend. That seems like a prime location for the eiders to show up. 
> There's also plenty of Front Range water that doesn't show any recent eBird 
> checklists. 
> If you've looked for the eiders this weekend, let us know about it. 
> Likewise if you are planning to hit any key spots in the next few days. 
> Might be good to coordinate our efforts a little bit.
> Nathan Pieplow
> Boulder

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[cobirds] Red-throated Loon, Adams County

2023-11-02 Thread Adam Vesely
Hi all,

There's currently a Red-throated Loon at Ken Mitchell Park/Reservoir in 
Brighton (Adams County). 

Adam Vesely
Thornton, CO 

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