[cobirds] Brown-capped and Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch, Park County, CO

2010-11-28 Thread Bryan Patrick
Hello CO-Birders.

I attempted to relocate the Gyrfalcon reported this on Hwy 285 in Park
County with no luck.  I took a detour through the sprawling metropolis
of Como and came across a mixed flock of Brown-capped and Gray-crowned
Rosy-Finch.  There were 30-40 birds, and I was able to pick out at
least on Hepburn's from the wrong side of the sun before the flock
took flight.  They were gathered on power lines and in a junk pile
across from a bright blue house with a POW flag in the front yard.  Be
forewarned, I had at least one resident come and check me out with
phone in hand ready to dial the authorities.  Could have been me, my
binoculars, and ‘mega’ lens or it was the 10+ other  guys in the area
in similar vehicles, sporting bright orange vests, and high powered
rifles that may have the residents on edge.

On my way home, I passed by Antero Reservoir which is now 100% ice.  A
pair of Rough-legged Hawks (1 male, 1 female) were the only notables
on the power lines at the entrance.  Spinney appeared in about the
same condition from a quick binocular scan from the main dirt road.
Eleven Mile has about 20% open water from Howbert Point with a few
lingering ducks and a Common Loon that is slowly running out of runway
so he better move on soon.

Bryan Patrick
Woodland Park, CO

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[cobirds] Northern Parula, 4 Blk-headed Grosbeaks -- Sondermann Park (El Paso County) 05/11/11

2011-05-11 Thread Bryan Patrick
Hello COBirders.

I made a quick stop at Sondermann Park (El Paso County) after work
tonight and there was a good turnover of birds since last night.  A
mixed flock of warblers were working the tree/shrubs between the
bridges.  Amongst the flock were:

4 Orange-crowned Warblers
1 Virginia’s Warbler
1 Northern Parula
1 Yellow Warbler
10+ Yellow-rumped Warblers
1 MacGillivray's Warbler
1 Wilson's Warbler

Other notables (FOS) were 4 Black-headed Grosbeaks, a Blue-gray
Gnatcatcher, and a Broad-tailed Hummingbird.

Much improvement from last night's warbler list that yielded a
whopping two butter-butts!

Good birding.
Bryan Patrick
Woodland Park, CO

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[cobirds] Indigo & Lazuli Bunting, Northern Waterthrush-- Sondermann Park, El Paso County

2011-05-17 Thread Bryan Patrick

Ted Floyd, Jeff and Liz Gordon, and I birded Sondermann Park this
morning before heading into work.  Notables included:

2 Lazuli Bunting
1 Indigo Bunting
1 (maybe 2) Northern Waterthrush
1 Warbling Vireo
1 drab Common Yellowthroat
1 Western Wood-Pewee (FOS for us)
Many Dusky Flycatchers

We had a flyover of Evening Grosbeaks and several Black-headed singing
throughout the park.

Good birding,
Bryan Patrick
Woodland Park, CO

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[cobirds] Park County: Common Loon, Sandhill Crane

2011-07-24 Thread Bryan Patrick

I checked out the Park County Reservoirs today.  I started at the
first parking area of Antero's north shore and my first bird of the
day was a Common Loon foraging within 20 feet of shore.

On dirt road Highway 59, just before Spinney Reservoir, there was a
Sandhill Crane working a lush field with 30+ Canada Geese.

11 Mile and Spinney had the usual birds (CA Gulls, Western Grebes, AM
White Pelicans, DC Cormorants, etc).

Good Birding,
Bryan Patrick
Woodland Park, CO

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Re: [cobirds] Least Bittern (Fremont) yes

2011-08-06 Thread Bryan Patrick

The Least Bittern continues at Holcim Marsh, 08/06/11.  I decided to try my
luck this morning and had a similar viewing of the bittern as reported by
Rich Miller and Bill Maynard.  At 7:45am, the bird flushed from the south
shore and flew north over the cattails and disappeared about 100+feet into
the sea of green.  I watched for about an hour before giving up.  There were
three White-faced Ibis in the SW corner/area when I arrived at 7am. Also
seen in the NW corner of the pond was a Black Phoebe, probably one of those
reported by Mark Peterson earlier this week.

Good birding,

Bryan Patrick
Woodland Park CO

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[cobirds] Re: Kentucky Warbler - Chico Basin Ranch (Pueblo & El Paso)

2009-05-03 Thread Bryan Patrick

I posted an image of the male Kentucky Warbler Bill Maynard and I found at
Chico Basin Ranch on Friday.  It can be seen at the ABA Image Gallery at


Bryan Patrick

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[cobirds] Chico Basin Ranch, Pueblo County

2009-05-10 Thread Bryan Patrick

I posted several highlight shots outlined in Brandon Percival post
earlier today.  You can see the photos at the ABA Image Gallery site:

Black-throated Blue Warbler

Blackpoll Warbler

Hooded Warbler


Magnolia Wabler

It was a good day out at Chico Basin Ranch for sure.

Bryan Patrick
Woodland Park, CO

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[cobirds] Sabine's Gulls, Park County Colorado

2009-10-05 Thread Bryan Patrick

Hello COBirders,
This is a REALLY late post but I was reminded by Nathan's recent post
about Sabine's Gull.  I was able to refind the pair that Larry Semo
found a few weeks ago at Antero Reservoir.  I photographed the pair at
a pretty long distance from shore and posted a photo on the ABA image
gallery ( http://gallery.aba.org/displayimage.php?pos=-909 ).  This
photo was taken from the north shore on Sunday, September 27.

Bryan Patrick
Woodland Park, CO
Colorado Field Ornithologists: http://www.cfo-link.org/
Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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[cobirds] Grasshopper and Field Sparrow images from Fox Ranch

2009-10-05 Thread Bryan Patrick

Hello COBirders,

I posted a two images from the Fox Ranch trip this past Saturday on
the ABA image gallery site.  First, two of the five Grasshopper
Sparrows that were flushed from the tall grass 
by Ted Floyd, Bill Maynard, and Bill Schmoker and myself on Saturday,
October 3rd.  Also posted, are two Field Sparrows that Ted and I found
along the swampy reeds that split the tall grass

Good birding,
Bryan Patrick
Woodland Park, CO
Colorado Field Ornithologists: http://www.cfo-link.org/
Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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[cobirds] Red-necked Phalarope, Park County Colorado

2009-10-10 Thread Bryan Patrick

Hello CoBirders,
I swung by 11 Mile Reservoir today in Park County Colorado.  Amongst
highlights, there was one one Red-necked Phalarope hanging out with a
Baird's Sandpiper at Howbert Point. I posted an image of the bird on
the ABA image gallery at http://gallery.aba.org/displayimage.php?pos=-919
.  Other then that, I saw 4 Western Grebes, 2 California Gulls in
flight, and 6 Mallards.

Good Birding,
Bryan Patrick
Woodland Park, CO.
Colorado Field Ornithologists: http://www.cfo-link.org/
Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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[cobirds] Black-bellied Plover, Antero Reservoir Park County, Colorado

2009-10-11 Thread Bryan Patrick

Hello COBirders,

I swung by Antero Reservoir to see if the Sabine's Gulls were still
present 10/10/09.  Winds were strong so birding was a bit slow.  I did
find a Black-bellied Plover working the playa north of the north
shore, first parking area.  It was hanging with a Baird's Sandpiper.
I posted an image on the ABA Image Gallery site

good birding,
Bryan Patrick
Woodland Park, CO
Colorado Field Ornithologists: http://www.cfo-link.org/
Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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[cobirds] Common Loon, 11 Mile Reservoir, Park County, Colorado

2009-10-17 Thread Bryan Patrick

Hello COBirders,
I hit 11 Mile Reservoir today.  I started the day with a Rough-legged
Hawk circling the prairie at the entrance of the reservoir.  50+
Western Grebes populated the lake and I noticed a loon was also out on
the water but I didn't have a scope with me so I put my canoe in and
got this shot.  http://gallery.aba.org/displayimage.php?pos=-938.

Good Birding,

Bryan Patrick
Woodland Park, CO
Colorado Field Ornithologists: http://www.cfo-link.org/
Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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[cobirds] Common Loons - Eleven Mile Reservoir; Park County, CO

2009-11-08 Thread Bryan Patrick


I tried to refind the Black Scoter reported at Eleven Mile by Mark
Peterson on Friday, but no luck.  Weather conditions were very windy
and the water was rough.  I did have one Common Loon relatively close
to shore at Howbert Point and three more west of Lazy Boy.  Two of the
three took flight and circled for some time and finally landed further
east towards Rocking Chair.

Bryan Patrick
Woodland Park, CO

Colorado Field Ornithologists: http://www.cfo-link.org/
Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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[cobirds] Park County Reservoirs -ducks and eagles

2009-11-21 Thread Bryan Patrick
Hello all,
With the warmer tempatures of late, I decided to check out the Park
County reservoirs today.  Common theme--ducks  and eagles.

I started at Antero Reservoir which is 80% iced over and the anglers
have switched over to ice fishing.  Right under the dam is the only
open water.

20+ Common Goldeneyes
20+ Buffleheads
1 Common Merganser
3 American White Pelicans
2 Bald Eagles (ice fishing)
10+ American Coots

Driving east on Hwy 24, just west of Hartsel,

2 Golden Eagles
1 Bald Eagle

Next stop was Spinney Revervoir which is about 20% iced over where I
counted 23 Bald Eagles 'ice fishing' and another 3 catching thermals
over the mountain range just west of the reservoir.  On the water:

30+ Common Goldeneyes
20+ Buffleheads
3 California Gulls

Ended up at Eleven Mile Reservoir which is about 40% iced over, mostly
on the west end.  From Howbert Point:

20+ American Wigeons
30+ Lesser Scaups
20+ Common Goldeneyes
30+ Buffleheads
1 Common Loon
5 California Gulls

Good Birding,

Bryan Patrick
Woodland Park, CO

Colorado Field Ornithologists: http://www.cfo-link.org/
Colorado County Birding:  http://www.coloradocountybirding.com/

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[cobirds] Yellow-crowned Night Heron [El Paso County] Marbled Godwits [Pueblo County]

2010-04-16 Thread Bryan Patrick
Hello CO-Birders,

Not to beat the dead horse, I also refound the the Yellow-crowned
Night Heron this afternoon at Hansen Nature Center (south of Fountain
Creek Nature Center) as posted by Kara Lewantowicz this morning.  This
bird is extremely cooperative and photogenic.  I posted one of my
shots on the ABA Photo Gallery at: 

Also, the 6 Marbled Godwits (hanging with the White-faced Ibis) were
still at the 'shorebird area' at Pueblo SWA as posted by Brandon
Percival.  I also posted a photo of one of these birds at:

Thanks to Brandon and Kara.

Good Birding,
Bryan Patrick
Woodland Park, CO

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[cobirds] Northern Parula, Chico Basin Ranch [El Paso County]

2010-04-24 Thread Bryan Patrick
Hello CO-Birders,

The word of the day at Chico was WIND.  Despite the annoying breeze,
the Northern Parula at the RMBO banding station was very cooperative
to being photographed today.  I've posted a photo at the ABA image

To expand on Steve Brown's post: At HQ Ponds (fee area), Bill Maynard
and I observed a few notables including 30+ White-faced Ibis,
Semipalmated, Western, and Least Sandpiper, and a Marbled Godwit.  A
wind-blown Hermit Thrush was laying low at Rose Pond.

Good birding,

Bryan Patrick
Woodland Park, CO

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[cobirds] Wood Thrush at Sondermann Park, El Paso County--YES

2010-05-21 Thread Bryan Patrick
Hi CO-Birders,

Bill Maynard and I looked for the Wood Thrush early afternoon today.
Bill refound the bird around 1pm (I was not so lucky).  I returned
around 3pm and was able to find it in the same location reported by
Kara Lewantowicz this morning.  To say this bird is "easily spooked"
is an understatement!  It was just east of Middle Fork Trail in the
thick brush and I was able to snap a few photos, one of which can be
seen at the ABA Photo Gallery: http://gallery.aba.org/displayimage.php?pos=-1294

Good Birding,

Bryan Patrick
Woodland Park, CO

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[cobirds] Chatfield Little Gull = YES

2010-09-08 Thread Bryan Patrick
Hi COBirders,

I arrived at the handicapped platform around 4:15pm this evening.
While searching over Sabine's Gulls, hoping for a Little Gull, a boat
scattered all the gulls and I was not 100% that the Little Gull was
present.  While scanning the reservoir with a couple other birders
(sorry, I didn't get your names!)  a front blew in and turning the
calm waters into a churning mess.  Around 5:00-5:15pm, two more
Sabine's flew in along with the Little Gull due west of the platform.
They road the wake for another 10 minutes or so before another boat
scattered them once again and I lost sight of it.

Thanks to all for posting.  And, check out Glenn's pbase site if you
want a better idea of how to ID this bird:  

Good birding,

Bryan Patrick
Woodland Park, CO

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