[cobirds] Spring migrants, Ft Carson, El Paso County

2011-04-19 Thread Kara Carragher
Hi CObirders,
Today, Rick Clawges and I birded a few bodies of water located on Fort Carson.  
The weather was a lovely mix of sun, rain, wind, and slushy hail balls. 
In no particular order, we observed the following birds:
Hooded Merganser - 1 female
Wilson's Snipe - 7
Black-chinned Hummingbird (observed first by Rick yesterday at feeders, seen 
again today)
Barn Owl
Swallows (Barn, Tree, N. Rough-Winged) 
Hermit Thrush
Common Yellowthroat
Yellow-rumped Warblers - several Myrtle, no Audubon's
Lincoln's Sparrow - 2
Great-tailed Grackle 
Good birding,
Kara Carragher
Colorado Springs, CO

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[cobirds] Broad-tailed Hummer, Colorado Springs, CO

2011-04-23 Thread Kara Carragher
Hello CObirders,
Finally!  My first Broad-tailed Hummingbird of the year is currently visiting 
my hummingbird feeders as I type.  I live in the Pleasant Valley neighborhood 
on the west side of Colorado Springs.
Good birding,
Kara Carragher
Colorado Springs, CO  

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[cobirds] Easter Birding (4/24), El Paso County (Caspian Tern)

2011-04-25 Thread Kara Carragher

Hello CObirders,
Easter Sunday was a very birdy day!  My husband Dan and I ran into many birders 
(Bill Maynard, Dan Maynard, John Maynard, and Mark Peterson) while birding El 
Paso County.  The main highlight was a Caspian Tern that flew over Big Johnson 
Reservoir and flew away (this is probably the same bird found first by Bill 
Maynard on Saturday 4/23 at Prospect Lake, Colorado Springs).  The tern 
was seen later in the afternoon again at Prospect Lake by Bill Maynard.  This 
bird did not stay long at each location...a few minutes at most.  
Here is the quick Easter (4/24) summary for all the birds observed by myself 
and others, sorry for the tardiness of the post.  Hopefully I did not forget 
Big Johnson Reservoir

- Caspian Tern- lots of grebes (5 species), dabbling ducks, and mergansers, etc.
- Common Loon
- White-faced Ibis
- American Avocet
- Marbled Godwit
- Wilson's Phalarope
- Willet (over 50)
- Bonaparte's Gull
- Franklin's Gull 
- Baird's Sandpiper 
- American White Pelican (2 large flocks flew over, but never landed)
- Snowy Egret 
- Great Egret 
- Bald Eagle
- Swallows (lots!!!)
- Yellow-headed Blackbird (~200 feeding in the farmer's fields below the dam)
Private Pond in Fountain/Widefield
- American Avocet
- Black-necked Stilt
- Solitary Sandpiper
- Least Sandpiper
- Baird's Sandpiper
- Semipalmated Sandpiper
- Greater Yellowlegs
- Lesser Yellowlegs
- Long-billed Dowitcher
- Stilt Sandpiper
Prospect Lake

- Caspian Tern
- Wilson's Phalarope
- Forster's Tern
- Osprey
Good birding,
Kara Carragher
Colorado Springs, CO

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[cobirds] Broad-winged Hawk, Sondermann Park, Colorado Springs

2011-04-28 Thread Kara Carragher
Hi CObirders,
A quick jaunt around Sondermann Park, Colorado Springs this morning produced 
the following birds.  It was fairly quiet overall.  
Broad-winged Hawk (light morph)
Wilson's Warbler 
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Yellow-rumped Warbler 
Hermit Thrush - lots, some flycatching for insects while in shrubs
Lincoln's Sparrow
Brewer's Sparrow (seen and heard)
Vesper Sparrow
Good birding,
Kara Carragher
Colorado Springs, CO

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[cobirds] Harris's Sparrow, Fountain Creek Regional Park, El Paso County, CO

2011-04-30 Thread Kara Carragher
Hi CObirders,
Fountain Creek Regional Park (El Paso County) was a bit on the quiet side 
today.  My husband and I birded the nature center area along with warbler alley 
and rice's pond.  Yellow-rumped Warblers were abundant with Blue-gray 
Gnatcatchers, Lincoln's Sparrows, and Orange-crowned Warblers 
in smaller numbers.  Great-tailed Grackles were present at both rice's pond and 
the pond immediately below the nature center.  Here are some highlights below:  
Harris's Sparrow - still coming to nature center feeders.
Black-crowned Night-heron - 3 at rice's pond.
Semipalmated Plover - on sandbar in Fountain Creek north of dam.  Dam is near 
the south end of rice's pond.
Wilson's Phalarope - 2 spinning around on what I believe is called square pond 
near the nature center.
Good birding,
Kara Carragher
Colorado Springs, CO

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[cobirds] El Paso County Birding, 5/1

2011-05-01 Thread Kara Carragher

Hi CObirders,
My husband Dan and I decided to cruise around and see what water birding 
offered us since land birding at Sondermann Park (Colorado Springs) was quite 
slow in terms of migrants.  The following highlights are below...
Big Johnson Reservoir
- Peregrine Falcon - 2
- Bald Eagle - 1
- White-faced Ibis ~200 flew down to shoreline
- Snowy Egret - 1 (both the BAEA and one of the PEFA tried to catch this bird)
- Western Sandpiper 
- Semiplamated Sandpiper
- Least Sandpiper 
- Willet
- Lesser Yellowlegs
- American Avocet
- Wilson's Phalarope (tons!)
- Common Loon (in basic plumage)
- 4 species of swallow (swallows everywhere - on ground, on fence/power lines, 
flying around)
Prospect Lake, Memorial Park
- Osprey
- Willet
- Solitary Sandpiper
- Spotted Sandpiper
- American Avocet
- White-faced Ibis
- 5 species of swallow
Private Pond in Fountain/Widefield
- Black-necked Stilt
- American Avocet
- Western Sandpiper
- Semipalmated Sandpiper
- Solitary Sandpiper
- Spotted Sandpiper
- Lesser Yellowlegs
- Greater Yellowlegs
Good birding,
Kara Carragher
Colorado Springs, CO

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[cobirds] El Paso County - Black-throated Blue Warbler, Am. Redstart

2011-05-17 Thread Kara Carragher

My husband, my dog, and I ventured over to Hansen Nature Park at Fountain Creek 
Regional Park, El Paso County this late afternoon.  The second pond was quite 
birdy for the time of day, however, we did not see the N. Parula or Tennessee 
Warbler that Ken Pals observed this morning.  There was a lot of activity and 
the longer we stayed, the more species we observed.  
American Redstart - 1 adult male
Northern Waterthrush - 3
Orchard Oriole
We also checked out warbler alley and the male Black-throated Blue Warbler was 
hanging out.  Quite literally...for it was perched on a branch, not moving very 
much at all.    
Good birding,
Kara Carragher
Colorado Springs, CO

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[cobirds] El Paso County - Black-and-white warbler, N. Parula

2011-05-18 Thread Kara Carragher

This morning at Hansen Nature Park (area 7 of Fountain Creek Regional Park) in 
Fountain, Bob Harnish and I observed the following birds at the second 
pond.  It was quite birdy again today.  
Black-and-white Warbler (female)
Northern Parula
Northern Waterthrush (at least 3)
Other birds:
Wilson's, Virginia, Yellow, and Yellow-rumped Warblers
Orchard and Bullock's Orioles
Western Tanager
Gray Catbird
Brewer's and Lincoln's Sparrows
Swallows galore
Good birding,
Kara Carragher
Colorado Springs, CO 

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[cobirds] White-winged Dove, Colorado Springs

2011-12-24 Thread Kara Carragher
A single White-winged Dove visited my feeders this morning in the Pleasant 
Valley neighborhood on the west side of Colorado Springs.  A new yard bird for 
me just in time for Christmas.    
Happy holidays.
Good birding,
Kara Carragher
Colorado Springs

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[cobirds] Mississippi Kite, Colorado Springs, El Paso County

2010-08-01 Thread Kara Carragher
Yesterday afternoon, a Mississippi Kite soared high over the intersection of 
21st street and Cimmarron. 
Good birding,
Kara Carragher
Colorado Springs, CO (west side) 


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[cobirds] Yellow-throated Vireo, Colorado Springs, El Paso County

2013-05-29 Thread Kara Carragher
I opened the garage door and was about to jump on the tandem bike with my 
husband when I heard a buzzy vireo singing "3-a". I grabbed my bins and sure 
enough, a singing Yellow-throated Vireo. We got great views and then he 
disappeared. Good yard bird! :) I live in the Pleasant Valley neighborhood on 
the west side of Colorado Springs. 

Kara Carragher
Colorado Springs, CO

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[cobirds] Rufous Hummingbird, Colorado Springs, El Paso County

2013-07-03 Thread Kara Carragher
Hi folks,
A Rufous Hummingbird just showed up at my feeder.  I live on the west side of 
Colorado Springs in the Pleasant Valley neighborhood.
Good birding,
Kara Carragher

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[cobirds] Calliope Hummingbird, Colorado Springs, El Paso County

2013-07-05 Thread Kara Carragher
Hi all,
A male Calliope Hummingbird just showed up at my feeder.  This is ~5-7 days 
earlier than what I recorded for the last 6 years at my house here in Colorado 
Happy belated 4th.
Kara Carragher
Colorado Springs, CO (Pleasant Valley neighborhood on the west side) 

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[cobirds] Calliope Hummingbird - Colorado Springs, El Paso County

2014-07-02 Thread 'Kara Carragher' via Colorado Birds
My husband and I have a competition where one tries to find the first Rufous 
Hummingbird of the year before the other person does.  This year, we both lost. 
 The Calliope Hummingbird came through first.  It has been coming to our 
feeders this morning on the west side of Colorado Springs.  

Good birding,
Kara Carragher
Colorado Springs, El Paso County 

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[cobirds] Chestnut-sided Warbler (continuing), Arapahoe County

2016-11-25 Thread 'Kara Carragher' via Colorado Birds
Hi COBirders,

The Chestnut-sided Warbler is still being seen at the previously described 
location in Littleton. It took over 30 minutes, but we were rewarded with good 
looks of it hopping along the top of the wooden fence under the large willows. 
A step stool is recommended for best viewing. :)

Good birding,

Kara Carragher 
Colorado Springs

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[cobirds] American Black Duck, Weld County

2017-03-04 Thread 'Kara Carragher' via Colorado Birds

The American Black Duck was seen this morning by Lisa Edwards, Tim Smart, and 
myself on the east side of Woods Lake, Weld County.

Good birding,
Kara Carragher 
Colorado Springs, CO

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[cobirds] Varied Thrush and Red-breasted Sapsucker - El Paso County

2018-01-05 Thread 'Kara Carragher' via Colorado Birds
Greetings COBirders,
A small group of us observed the Varied Thrush today in its usual location 
along the road to Seven Falls. It was spotted by Glenn Walbek along the creek 
(thanks Glenn!). I am not sure I have ever seen a bird drink that much water! 
He obviously knows the importance of hydration at this elevation! We observed 
the bird shortly after 8:00 am until about 8:30 am.  
The Red-breasted Sapsucker was also in its usual location on Mirada Road in the 
Broadmoor area.
Good birding,
Kara CarragherColorado Springs, CO

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[cobirds] Mountain Plover, El Paso County

2018-03-24 Thread 'Kara Carragher' via Colorado Birds
Hi COBirders,

Robin Bredl and I observed a Mountain Plover at the intersection of Squirrel 
Creek RD and Ellicott Hwy in El Paso County. The bird was actively feeding on 
the dry, barren ground on the southeast side of intersection. It was nice to 
see that they have returned to this location. There is also an additional ebird 
report from a few days ago. 

Good Birding,
Kara Carragher
Colorado Springs, CO 

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[cobirds] Black Scoter - Lathrop State Park, Huerfano County

2019-03-17 Thread 'Kara Carragher' via Colorado Birds
Hi COBirders,

We observed a female Black Scoter today at Lathrop State Park, Huerfano County. 
The bird was actively diving in the first lake that the state park map refers 
to as Martin Lake (I believe eBird refers to it as Lake Oehm). We posted photos 
to the eBird checklist. 

Good birding,
Kara Carragher
Cody Ensanian 
Colorado Springs, CO

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[cobirds] Nashville Warbler, Fountain Creek Regional Park, El Paso County

2015-05-02 Thread 'Kara Carragher' via Colorado Birds
 Hi CObirders,
This morning, Dan Carragher and I birded Fountain Creek Regional Park (FCRP) in 
El Paso County.  Flocks of Yellow-rumped Warblers were everywhere and they were 
actively feeding and moving around. 
The best bird was a Nashville Warbler at Hansen Nature Park.  This bird was in 
a flock of Orange-crowned and Yellow-rumped Warblers.  
Other migrants observed at various locations within FCRP:
Green-tailed TowheeYellow WarblerVirginia's WarblerOrange-crowned 
WarblerYellow-bellied Sapsucker Green HeronBullock's OrioleBrown Thrasher 
Black-headed Grosbeak
Thanks and good birding!
Kara CarragherColorado Springs

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[cobirds] Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, Chico Basin Ranch, El Paso County

2016-05-07 Thread 'Kara Carragher' via Colorado Birds
Bill Maynard and I found a scissor-tailed flycatcher at Chico Basin Ranch (fee 
area), El Paso county. The bird was seen for 30 seconds as it flew over the 
road and continued southeast. Lovely bird. 

Good birding,
Kara Carragher
Colorado Springs, CO

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