Starting a little before sunrise and birding for approximately three hours, 
I picked up 50 species along the newest and eastern-most portion of the 
First Creek Trail system.  

*The Dunkirk Pond area* (previous spot for the Yellow-crowned Night Heron 
and Blackburnian Warbler) was reasonably slow.  It did have the resident 
White-breasted Nuthatches, 3 Wood Ducks, a Great Blue Heron, Great Horned 
Owls, Red-tailed and Swainson's Hawks, American Kestrel, and a juvenile 
Black-crowned Night Heron.  A Cooper's Hawk was seen a little east of there.

*The far western end of the trail, just east of Tower Rd* had Gray Catbird, 
Blue Grosbeak, Broad-tailed and Black-chinned Hummingbirds, Wilson's 
Warblers, Lark Sparrow, Cedar Waxwings, and Red-breasted Nuthatch.

In between these two spots, *in the Willow and Cottonwood area north of the 
bike path behind the row of houses just east of First Creek Park* was were 
the fun was.  In no particular order, I observed Common Nighthawk, 
Nashville Warbler, Western Tanager, Clay-colored and Brewer's Sparrow, both 
Cassin's and Red-eyed Vireo, Sage Thrasher and a Blue-gray Gnatchatcher.

Annoying ID Alerts that you can ignore:  A Warbling Vireo was around a week 
or two ago, so pay attention to the vireos with eyebrows if looking for the 
REVI.  A MacGillavray's 
Warbler was seen yesterday, so the same advice applies for gray-headed 
yellow birds if you are looking for the Nashville.  Also, even though I 
managed to not see a single one today, the juvenile Chipping Sparrows 
should be around, so the spizella IDs are interesting.  

I think that covers it.  Have fun out there.

John Breitsch
Denver, Colorado  

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