[cobirds] Chico Today .

2014-09-13 Thread 'John D' via Colorado Birds
 CO birders :

Most of the migrant activity today at Chico Basin Ranch took place in 
El Paso County either at Holmes ( aka banding station ) or the Cassita . 6 to 8 
Townsends Warbler at the banding station , a Blue-headed Vireo at the Cassita , 
a first year female type Magnolia Warbler high in the cottonwoods at the 
banding station and multiple Wilson's Warblers and sparrows wherever you looked 

John Drummond
Colorado Springs.

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[cobirds] Chico Today

2014-05-21 Thread 'John D' via Colorado Birds

CO birders :

Highlights this morning Male Scarlet Tanager at Rose Pond found by Bill 
Maynard , and male Black-throated Green Warbler south of HQ willows found by 
Gary Koehn . Also Northern Waterthrush at HQ and Rose Pond and Least Bittern 
was heard first thing this morning in the SE corner of Rose Pond by Bill M. 
Willow Flycatchers at both locations. I also had a singing Cassin's Sparrow in 
the cholla grassland east of Rose Pond which is first of season . CASP were 
completely absent last year at Chico because of the drought . All these 
locations are Pueblo County . On my drive in along Hanover Road , a Lewis's 
Woodpecker was attacking a power line pole .

John Drummond

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[cobirds] Chico today

2014-05-07 Thread 'John D' via Colorado Birds

CO birders :

 In addition to Nancy's banding report . Aitken Audubon group enjoyed today 

Cassin's Kingbird at the Casita , Plumbeous Vireo , Townsend's , Virginia' s , 
Wilson's Warblers , Northern Waterthrush , Long-billed Curlew ( overflight ) , 
Red-breasted Nuthatch , Summer and Western Tanager at HQ willows and Mac 
Warbler at Rose Pond . Good numbers of Yellow and Yellow-rumped Warblers at all 
3 sites , plus Least and Dusky Flycatchers .

  And yet another sighting by a few in the group of a Greater Roadrunner in the 
field just behind Hanover Fire Station.

John Drummond

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[cobirds] Chico today , Sparrows and Buntings .

2014-04-11 Thread John D

CO birders :

Some new arrivals today at Chico Basin Ranch ( fee area ) . In El Paso 
County at banding station 2 Hermit Thrushes , at a cholla grassland location , 
Northern Mockingbird , 5 Sage Thrashers , Curve-billed Thrasher , 2 Lark 
Buntings ( imm males ? , photographed ) , Vesper Sparrow , 10 Brewer's Sparrow 
( singing /display flight ) , no Cassin's Sparrow yet.

 In Pueblo county , HQ had Yellow-headed Blackbird and Audubon's Warbler , at a 
prairie dog colony south of the May Camp turnoff , 6 Burrowing Owls but no 
Mountain Plover and more Brewer's Sparrows. 

Just north of Hanover School ( back in El Paso County ) a pair of Swainson's 
Hawk were nest building alongside Peyton Highway.

Still good numbers of waterfowl on HQ Lake , Rose Pond and Upper Twin Ponds . 

John Drummond

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[cobirds] Chico today

2013-08-17 Thread John D

CO birders :

 Signs of migration today at Chico Basin Ranch ( fee area ) . Willow 
Flycatcher and Northern Waterthrush at HQ willows , Great crested Flycatcher in 
the Russian Olives along Rose Pond , numerous small flocks of Chipping Sparrows 
, 5 to 10 Sage Thrashers etc . Recent rains have turned the ranch green and 
around the banding station vegetation is head high in places . All ponds and 
lakes are full with little to no shoreline for shorebirds. And heads up banding 
will start September 5 according to the RMBO website.

John Drummond

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[cobirds] Chico Today

2013-04-30 Thread John D

CO Birders :

  Aiken Audubon visited Chico Basin Ranch ( fee area ) today and found 
signs of migrant activity around HQ but not at the banding station. Highlights 
around HQ were Nashville , Virginia' ,Wilson's and Orange-crowned Warblers , 
Brown Thrasher and Green-tailed Towee . The banding station and Casita was slow 
, the best observing the capture of a Long-eared Owl , 6 of which have been 
around for the last two weeks. Western Kingbirds , Northern Mockingbirds are 
back too. We had no luck with Burrowing Owls or Mountain Plover , a complete 
change from Saturday where I had both , Burrowing Owls in double digits. 
Shorebirds were limited to a single Spotted Sandpiper , Lesser Yellowlegs and 4 
Long-billed Dowitcher.Still good numbers of waterfowl.

John Drummond

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[cobirds] Chico Today , Rusty Blackbirds

2013-03-14 Thread John D

CO Birders : 

   Chico Basin Ranch ( fee area ) hosted a good selection of waterfowl today 
including 3 Cinnamon Teal at HQ Pond and 3 Rusty Blackbirds at Rose Pond . 
Loggerhead Shrikes are back and displaying.

John Drummond

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[cobirds] Chico Today

2012-10-08 Thread John D

Cobirders :

   Nothing outstanding today but these birds of interest :

Banding Station Area , El Paso County : Swamp Sparrow 2 , White-throated 
Sparrow 2 , Cassin's Finch 2 ( female and imm male learning to sing  , fine 
streaking on undertail coverts distinguish from Purple Finch but still good 
birds for the Ranch, photographed ).

Pueblo County , HQ : Red-naped Sapsucker , juvenile Northern Goshawk ( 
photographed ) , Rose Pond : Nashville Warbler , Golden-crowned Kinglet and 
Eastern Phoebe , Twin Ponds : Marsh Wren and an interesting sparrow in the wet 
sedge area which just wouldn't show itself.

John Drummond

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[cobirds] Chico Today

2012-09-10 Thread John D

Cobirders :

   Here are the highlights for Chico today ( fee area ).

 Banding Station :  Blackpoll Warbler ( singing ). 
 HQ Willows : Yellow-throated Warbler ( found and photographed by Jeannie 
Mitchell ) , Townsend Warbler , few empids mainly Willow , Red-eyed and 
Cassin's Vireo , Merlin.
Ranch HQ : Western Scrub-Jay , Red-naped Sapsucker , Red-headed Woodpecker .
Rose Pond : Northern Waterthrush , Mac Warbler .

John Drummond


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[cobirds] Chico Today

2011-05-03 Thread Jxdrummo
CO birders :
 Chico Basin Ranch ( fee area ) had just a few  migrants today : 
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher at the Casita and Rose , Gray Flycatcher  at the Casita , 
Orange-crowned Warbler at Holmes , 10 to 15 Myrtle and  Audubon Warblers at 
Homes , Casita and HQ , Hermit Thrush at Holmes , Western  Kingbird at HQ and 
that's about it. Regular breeders such as Cassin's Sparrows  were evident , 
Ladder-backed Woodpeckers at Holmes and HQ , 2 pairs of Mountain  Plovers 
and multiple Burrowing Owls performed well too. Shorebirds at HQ Pond  include 
Least , Semi-palmated , Spotted , Solitary Sandpipers , Willet ,  
Long-billed Dowitcher and Lesser Yellowlegs .
John Drummond

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[cobirds] Chico today

2010-09-22 Thread Jxdrummo
Cobirders :
 In addition to Brian Gibbons report , Chico Basin  Ranch ( fee area ) 
gave up an female type American Redstart at the Casita ( El  Paso County ) 
and Townsend Warbler ( HQ ) and juvenile Sabine's Gull ( HQ Pond )  in Pueblo 
County. The gull may be only the second record for the ranch.
John Drummond

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[cobirds] Chico , today extra

2010-09-15 Thread Jxdrummo
Co birders :
In addition to the birds described by Brian Gibbons at  Chico today , I 
would like to add :
El Paso County : Field Sparrow ,entrance road to Ranch.
Pueblo County : Shorebirds at HQ Pond including juv Short-billed Dowitcher  
and 2 Pectoral Sandpipers , HY female Magnolia Warbler and Marsh Wren at  
Rose Pond.
John Drummond

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[cobirds] Chico Today

2010-05-25 Thread Jxdrummo
Cobirders :
 A small influx of migrants today , highlights  being Red-eyed Vireo at 
both HQ and Holmes , numerous Warbling Vireos , Ovenbird  at HQ , 
Orange-crowned Warbler and Wilson's Warbler at HQ , Swainson's Thrush at  Rose 
, HQ 
and Holmes , just a few Yellow-rumped , female Indigo Bunting at Rose  ( 
found by Gene Rutherford ) and 5 to 6 Willow Flycatcher's fitzbewing at HQ.  
Activity was sharply reduced after 11 AM.
John Drummond

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[cobirds] Chico Today :

2010-05-08 Thread Jxdrummo
CO birders :
Highlights today were Black-bellied Plover at HQ Pond  and Nashville 
Warbler ( caught and banded ) at Holmes . Otherwise migrants were  typical : 
Wilson's Warblers ,Holmes , HQ and Rose ; Northern Parula , Holmes and  Rose 
( left overs from Thursday ) , MacGillivray's Warbler at Holmes ,  
Orange-crowned Warblers at Holmes , HQ and Rose ; Lazuli Bunting , Holmes  and 
HQ ; 
Gray Catbird , Swainson's Thrush , Lark Buntings etc.
A Peregrine Falcon terrorized the shorebirds on HQ Pond for about an hour  
this morning.
John Drummond

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[cobirds] Chico today

2009-05-28 Thread jxdrummo
Cobirders :

??? Migration seems to have ended at Chico . Like the past two days new 
arrivals have been few and far between. A female Blackpoll at Rose (? first 
seen by Scott Schaum ) , a female Hooded Warbler at HQ , and a Dusky and Willow 
Flycatcher around Holmes was about it.

??? On my way home I found a Cassin's Kingbird in my Hanover NE atlas block 
visiting a potential nest site at Turkey Track Ranch along Squirrel Creek Road 
, El Paso Cty .?

? Lastly Big Johnson had both Common and Forster's Tern flying side by side to 
give nice comparative views .

John Drummond

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