July 2022 Birds, Woodland Park Yard Area and Beyond

Canada Goose-

Green Mountain Falls on 7-17, juvs.

South Catamount Reservoir on 7-13, 4



Green Mountain Falls on 7-17, juvs.


Common Merganser-

South Catamount Reservoir on 7-13, F with 6 juvs.


American White Pelican-

Small pond S of Manitou Lake on 7-5, 10

Manitou Lake on 7-5, 4


Great Blue Heron-

Manitou Lake on 7-5, rookery S of Lake, 17 adults and juvs


Red-tailed Hawk-

South Trout Creek on 7-5, near Prairie Dog town


Swainson’s Hawk-

Antero Junction on 7-18, FOS


Cooper’s Hawk-

Crystal Res. on 7-29, flying with prey item


California Gull-

South Catamount Reservoir on 7-13


Spotted Sandpiper-

Rainbow Gulch on 7-6


Wilson’s Snipe-

Manitou Lake on 7-5, call


Mourning Dove- 7-26 sing


Band-tailed Pigeon- flyover on 7-12


Common Poorwill-

New sighting for me for Teller County on 7-9, barely, flushed from along 
Hwy. 24 at dusk just N of Crystola, just N of county line, at about 8000 


Common Nighthawk-

Along Hwy. 67 N of Woodland Park at dawn on 7-25


Broad-tailed Hummingbird- one or two around most of the time

Drainage behind Woodland Park Walmart on 7-4

Manitou Lake on 7-5, courtship display

South Trout Creek on 7-5

Crystal Res. on 7-8

Crystal Res. on 7-22

Crystal Res. on 7-23

Crystal Res. on 7-29


Callliope Hummingbird- FOS on 7-19, 7-20, 7-27, 7-28

Rainbow Gulch on 7-6, FOS


Rufous Hummingbird- FOS on 7-24, 7-28


Downy Woodpecker- 7-31

Green Mountain Falls on 7-27, 2

Green Mountain Falls on 7-31


Red-naped Sapsucker- 7-5 at water, 7-6 at water, 7-17

Rainbow Gulch on 7-6

Green Mountain Falls on 7-19

Hike to Jones Mountain B on 7-18, drum


Williamson’s Sapsucker-

South Trout Creek on 7-5, call

South Catamount Reservoir on 7-13, call, drum


Northern Flicker- 7-13


Cordilleran Flycatcher- one around most of the time, singing

Drainage behind Woodland Park Walmart on 7-4, sing

Green Mountain Falls on 7-19, sing

Green Mountain Falls on 7-20, sing

Crystal Res on 7-16, sing

Green Mountain Falls on 7-27, sing

Crystal Res. on 7-22, sing

Crystal Res. on 7-23, sing

Hike to Mount Rogers and Warren on 7-25, sing

Green Mountain Falls on 7-26, sing


Western Wood-Pewee-

Drainage behind Woodland Park Walmart on 7-4, sing

Manitou Lake on 7-5, sing

South Trout Creek on 7-5, sing

Green Mountain Falls on 7-20, sing

South Catamount Reservoir on 7-13, sing


Olive-sided Flycatcher-

Rampart road near Rainbow Gulch on 7-6, sing


Violet-green Swallow-

Manitou Lake on 7-5

South Trout Creek on 7-5

Green Mountain Falls on 7-24


Tree Swallow-

Manitou Lake on 7-5

Rainbow Gulch on 7-6

Green Mountain Falls on 7-19

Green Mountain Falls on 7-20

Green Mountain Falls on 7-17

Green Mountain Falls on 7-27

Green Mountain Falls on 7-24

Green Mountain Falls on 7-31


Barn Swallow-

Green Mountain Falls on 7-17

South Catamount Reservoir on 7-13, 1, at about 9500 feet


Plumbeous Vireo-

South Trout Creek on 7-5, sing


Warbling Vireo- 7-3 sing, 7-10 sing, 7-15 sing

Pikes Peak Highway on 7-1 sing

Crystal Res. on 7-2, sing

Drainage behind Woodland Park Walmart on 7-4, sing

South Trout Creek on 7-5, sing

Rainbow Gulch on 7-6, sing

Crystal Res. on 7-8, sing

South Catamount Reservoir on 7-13, call

Crystal Res on 7-14, call

Crystal Res on 7-16, call, juvs

Crystal Res. on 7-21, sing


Steller’s Jay- juvs. on 7-24


Blue Jay-

Green Mountain Falls on 7-19, small flock, juvs

Green Mountain Falls on 7-17


Woodhouse’s Scrub-Jay-

Green Mountain Falls on 7-26


Black-billed Magpie- juvs on 7-20


American Crow-

Green Mountain Falls on 7-17, juvs.


Gray Jay-

South Catamount Reservoir on 7-13, at about 9500 feet


Clark’s Nutcracker-

Crystal Res on 7-14

Hike to Jones Mountain B on 7-18


Ruby-crowned Kinglet-

Rainbow Gulch on 7-6, sing

Hike to Golden Bear Peak on 7-12, sing

Hike to Jones Mountain B on 7-18, sing

Hike to Mount Rogers and Warren on 7-25, sing


Hermit Thrush-

Pikes Peak Highway on 7-1, sing

Rainbow Gulch on 7-6, sing

Crystal Res. on 7-9, sing

Hike to Golden Bear Peak on 7-12, sing

South Catamount Reservoir on 7-13, sing

Crystal Res on 7-14, sing

Crystal Res on 7-15, sing

Hike to Jones Mountain B on 7-18, sing

Hike to Mount Rogers and Warren on 7-25, sing at treeline


Swainson’s Thrush-

Hike to Jones Mountain B on 7-18, sing


American Robin- food items on 7-10 and 7-12, juvs. on 7-11, 7-6 sing, 7-16 

Hike to Mount Rogers and Warren on 7-25, sing at treeline

Crystal Res. on 7-29, feeding nestlings


Townsend’s Solitaire- call on 7-3

South Catamount Reservoir on 7-13, call


Gray Catbird-

Manitou Lake on 7-5, 3, sing, two breeding, one disposing of fecal sac, 
other with food item

South Trout Creek on 7-5, sing


House Wren-

Pikes Peak Highway on 7-1, sing

Rainbow Gulch on 7-6, call


Rock Wren-

South Catamount Reservoir on 7-13, sing near dam

Hike to Mount Rogers and Warren on 7-25, sing, pair at about 13,000 feet, 
nervous calling, likely nesting


Red-breasted Nuthatch- 7-17

South Catamount Reservoir on 7-13

Hike to Jones Mountain B on 7-18


White-breasted Nuthatch- one or two around most of the time

South Catamount Reservoir on 7-13


Brown Creeper- 7-31 call


Mountain Chickadee- juvs. on 7-17, sing, 7-27 sing

Rainbow Gulch on 7-6, sing

Green Mountain Falls on 7-17, sing


American Pipit-

Hike to Golden Bear Peak on 7-12, displaying, nesting, nest with 4 eggs

Hike to Jones Mountain B on 7-18, nest distraction behavior

Hike to Mount Rogers and Warren on 7-25, nest distraction behavior


Horned Lark-

Hike to Mount Rogers and Warren on 7-25, perch and sing enthusiastically, 
likely nesting


Western Tanager- M on 7-11, M at bath on 7-31

Pikes Peak Highway on 7-1, sing

South Trout Creek on 7-5, sing

Rainbow Gulch on 7-6, sing

Crystal Res. on 7-8, sing

Crystal Res. on 7-9, sing

Green Mountain Falls on 7-20

South Catamount Reservoir on 7-13, sing

Hike to Jones Mountain B on 7-18, sing

Crystal Res. on 7-30, M


Wilson’s Warbler-

Hike to Golden Bear Peak on 7-12, call

Hike to Jones Mountain B on 7-18, call


Yellow-rumped Warbler-

Rainbow Gulch on 7-6, sing

Crystal Res. on 7-8, sing

Hike to Mount Rogers and Warren on 7-25, sing


Orange-crowned Warbler-

Pikes Peak Highway last month on 6-25, sing


Virginia’s Warbler-

Pikes Peak Highway last month on 6-25, sing


Yellow Warbler-

Drainage behind Woodland Park Walmart on 7-4, sing

Manitou Lake on 7-5, sing

South Trout Creek on 7-5, sing


MacGillivray’s Warbler-

South Trout Creek on 7-5, 2 sing

Loy Creek on 7-6, sing

Rainbow Gulch on 7-6, sing

Pikes Peak Highway on 7-15 and 7-16, sing


Common Yellowthroat-

Manitou Lake on 7-5, sing

South Trout Creek on 7-5, sing


Black-headed Grosbeak- one or two around some of the time

Manitou Lake on 7-5

South Trout Creek on 7-5, sing

South Trout Creek on 7-5, sing

Loy Creek on 7-6


Lazuli Bunting-

Colo Springs at N Chestnut and Ellston St, 1 or 2 singing through June and 


Spotted Towhee-

Green Mountain Falls on 7-19, sing

Green Mountain Falls on 7-20, sing

Green Mountain Falls on 7-17, sing

Green Mountain Falls on 7-27, sing

Colorado Springs on 7-22, sing

Green Mountain Falls on 7-24, sing

Green Mountain Falls on 7-26, sing

Colo Spgs on 7-30, sing


Song Sparrow-

Drainage behind Woodland Park Walmart on 7-4

Colo Spgs on 7-30, sing


Chipping Sparrow- sing on 7-11, 7-10 sing, 7-15 sing

Along Ramprt Road near Rainbow Gulch on 7-6, sing


Vesper Sparrow-

South Trout Creek on 7-5, sing

Rainbow Gulch on 7-6, sing


Lincoln’s Sparrow-

Pikes Peak Highway on 7-9, sing

Pikes Peak Highway on 7-1, sing

Manitou Lake on 7-5, sing

South Trout Creek on 7-5, sing

Rainbow Gulch on 7-6, sing

Hike to Golden Bear Peak on 7-12, sing

Hike to Jones Mountain B on 7-18, sing

Pikes Peak Highway on 7-21, sing


White-crowned Sparrow-

Hike to Golden Bear Peak on 7-12, sing, many, nesting

Alma on 7-12, sing

Hike to Jones Mountain B on 7-18, sing

Hike to Mount Rogers and Warren on 7-25, singing in willows below route


Lark Sparrow- 7-29, new species for yard area


Dark-eyed Junco- 7-27 sing

Crystal Res. on 7-8, sing

South Catamount Reservoir on 7-13, sing

Crystal Res on 7-16, sing

Hike to Jones Mountain B on 7-18, sing

Hike to Mount Rogers and Warren on 7-25, sing


Brewer’s Blackbird-

Manitou Lake on 7-5, display

Woodland Park on 7-25


Brown-headed Cowbird-7-17 sing, F on 7-13, 7-16 sing, 7-21 sing

South Trout Creek on 7-5, sing

South Catamount Reservoir on 7-13, sing

Crystal Res on 7-16, sing


Evening Grosbeak- a few around some of the time

Rainbow Gulch on 7-6, a few

Green Mountain Falls on 7-20, a few

Green Mountain Falls on 7-26


Pine Siskin- a few around some of the time

Pikes Peak Highway on 7-1, juvs on 7-24, 7-31

Crystal Res. on 7-2

Manitou Lake on 7-5

Rainbow Gulch on 7-6

South Catamount Reservoir on 7-13

Crystal Res on 7-16

Hike to Jones Mountain B on 7-18


Lesser Goldfinch-

Woodland Park on 7-3

Drainage behind Woodland Park Walmart on 7-4

Manitou Lake on 7-5

Green Mountain Falls on 7-26

Colo Spgs on 7-30


House Finch- 7-6 sing, 7-18 juvs.


Cassin’s Finch- M on 7-20, M on 7-27

South Catamount Reservoir on 7-13, sing

Hike to Jones Mountain B on 7-18, sing


Brown-capped Rosy-Finch-

Hike to Mount Rogers and Warren on 7-25, 2


Red Crossbill- a few around some of the time, singing on 7-13

Manitou Lake on 7-5, small flock

South Trout Creek on 7-5, two small flocks

Hike to Golden Bear Peak on 7-12, small flock fly overhead at about 12,500 

Hike to Jones Mountain B on 7-18, many small flocks, call, sing

Buffalo Creek, a few calling on 7-25

Green Mountain Falls on 7-31, a few


House Sparrow- one or two around some of the time



Cow with 2 calves along Pikes Peak Highway on 7-6


Golden Mantled Ground-Squirrel- at feeder area on 7-16 to 7-20, 7-26, 7-27, 


Admiral butterfly-

South Catamount Reservoir on 7-13

Joe LaFleur
Woodland Park, Teller County, 8500 feet 

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