[cobirds] RM Arsenal NWR - Adams County

2016-04-27 Thread JBreitsch - Denver
27 April 2016
Rocky Mountain Arsenal NWR

Not all of the sparrows are back yet, but I did see Chipping, Brewer's, 
Clay-colored, Vesper, Song, Lincoln's, and a couple of Green-tailed 

There were some good moments during the day.  About a minute or twos walk 
east from the intersection of the Prairie/Rod-Gun/Woodland trails meet I 
had , all at the same time, House Wren, Rock Wren, Green-tailed Towhee, a 
perched Tree Swallow, American Kestrel, mating Downy Woodpeckers, and a 
calling Sora.  

The shoreline at Havana Ponds is growing by the day. Since Sunday, the 
water level has receded at least 5-10 feet.  That being said, the only new 
shorebird seen this morning was a Spotted Sandpiper.  

Other birds of potential interest seen while walking or driving were 
Loggerhead Shrike, Burrowing Owl, the two Eastern Phoebes, the family of 
Great Horned Owls, American Avocets, rafts of Ruddy Ducks, Eared Grebe, 
Lesser Scaup, Common Merganser, White-faced Ibis, Say's Phoebe, and Horned 
Larks.  48 species in all.

John Breitsch
Denver, Colorado

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[cobirds] RM Arsenal NWR - Adams County

2014-07-02 Thread JBreitsch - Denver
Date:  2 July 2014
Time:  0500 - 1030

Notes:  After a long drive and high elevation hike for birds yesterday, I 
decided to take a rest from birding.  Being a birder, however, that meant 
just doing some very local birding for only a few hours (turned out to be a 
bit over five).  There had been some high quality birds sited at the 
arsenal in the previous days.  That and the fact that it is one of the 
nearest birding spots from where I live made it an easy decision where to 
go.  Perhaps it was because I was feeling so lazy, but I missed a lot of 
the birds that had been posted.  It also could have been due in part to the 
fact that the sun shared in my lackadaisical mood and failed to make an 
appearance for most of the morning (Of course, one might argue that the sun 
was working as hard as ever to shine, but the clouds were working harder to 
conceal it; which would make me the only sluggard in the group.  I suppose 
that is a question for philosophers and logicians).

Anyway, I did see a few of the reported species and maybe a few others. 
 Some of which are:

Common Nighthawk - first bird of the day, peenting as I drove in
Great-horned Owl
Cattle Egret - I believe just one bird, although seen in at least three 
different areas (Lake Ladora, Havana Ponds, flyover at the entrance as I 
came in)
Say's Phoebe - Dozens, perhaps.  They seemed to be everywhere
Black-crowned Night Heron - Havana Ponds, Rod and Gun Pond
Belted Kingfisher
Blue-winged and Cinnamon Teals
American Avocets
Blue Grosbeak - One couple and another adult male
Wilson's Phalarope - Havana Ponds
Spotted Sandpiper
A very Pectoral looking Sandpiper - (Is it too early to watch A Very Brady 
Christmas?  Good cinema is good cinema)
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Lark Sparrows
Redheads - five at Rod and Gun club pond
Yellow-headed Blackbird
Grasshopper Sparrow - Prairie Trail (Prairie Loop? I forget)  Two seen, one 
Peregrine Falcon - Fly overhead while I was at the parking lot by Lake 
Ladora, and I later took pictures of it at the tower it had flown to
Sage Thrasher - at least three (for the record, in case you didn't get the 
sarcasm earlier, Bad cinema is also bad cinema at any time of the year)
Red-tailed Hawk - at least two that got no peace at all due to harassing 
Western Kingbirds
Western Wood-pewee - East side of Arsenal seen from Buckley Road
Loggerhead Shrikes - a family unit of at least three birds, seen on the far 
east side of the Arsenal from Buckley Road

Just to underline my belief that it was the universe and not just me who 
was lazy this morning, here is a picture of a bug that was too lethargic to 
even walk, so he asked a friend to carry him across the road (It has been 
brought to my attention that I may be misinterpreting his intentions):


Also, just for fun, here is a mixed species duet of, "I've got You, Babe":


As is often the case, I will end my post with an apology.  This time it is 
for the nomadic ramblings of my mind and the countless parenthetical asides 
that make this post read a bit like an algebra equation.

John Breitsch
Denver, Colorado

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