The general opinion is that the bird in question is an Eastern Phoebe.  A 
good lesson for anyone carrying a camera is to take the picture, even when 
you think there is no chance it will be helpful.  In this instance, I 
managed just enough of a shot to pin down an ID.  Thanks for everyones help.

On Sunday, October 14, 2012 6:05:27 PM UTC-6, JBreitsch - Denver wrote:

> I went to Barr to search for the Magnolia Warbler.  I missed that bird but 
> picked up one of the American Redstarts, many Sandhill Cranes, a couple of 
> Brown Creepers and more of the usual assortment.  
> On my way back to the car, while still on the lake side of the canal, I 
> spotted flycatcher/phoebe type bird.  It started off in the picnic area and 
> made its way north past the Praire Welcome Trail sign.  If it wasn't a 
> juvenile Eastern Phoebe, it was most likely a Traill's Flycatcher; I'm not 
> sure whether it was an Alder or Willow.  Willow would seem to be the more 
> likely suspect.  A visiting birder from California believed it to be one of 
> the Traill's type.  I have three distant photos on my flickr site if you 
> want to join in the frustration.  
> If anyone was out at Barr and happened to see this bird, I would welcome 
> ID thoughts.
> John Breitsch
> Denver, Colorado

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