After postponing my Saturday Birding for Beginners field trip on Friday evening 
due to the storm, I couldn't help this morning but still venture out to see 
what we might have found.
Despite the winds, Fountain Creek Regional Park had some good birds this 
morning.  Bob Goycoolia, Kara Lewantowitz, Dan and I randomly rendezvoused at 
the site where Bill Maynard saw the Winter Wren a few days ago.  We could not 
find the wren, but saw nearly 50 species including 1 Horned Grebe, 2 Snowy 
Egrets, 4 Black-crowned Night-herons, a pair of copulating American Kestrels, 
30 Franklin's Gulls, 4 Say's Phoebe, 1 Loggerhead Shrike, a few Northern 
Rough-winged and Barn Swallows, 1 Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 8 - 10 Western and 
Mountain Bluebirds, about 10 Yellow-rumped Warblers (both Audubon's and Myrtle) 
and 4 Yellow-headed Blackbirds. 
After Fountain Creek I drove over to Big Johnson Reservoir.  It was incredibly 
windy there with three foot waves and whitecaps.  My best bird from the car was 
a Clark's Grebe that was tucked in the cove at the south end of the dam, 
otherwise the usual waterfowl, Horned and Eared Grebes, Franklin's and 
California Gulls, Barn Swallows.  There were many birds at the far north side 
of the reservoir, but chose not to endure the bighting wind and sleet. 
Ken Pals

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