[cobirds] Wheat Ridge Greenbelt - JeffCo (Rose-breasted Grosbeak RFI Response)

2019-05-16 Thread Matt Markese
Wow what a great post! This is one of my favorite areas to bird and I really 
appreciate your post.  I'll have to get back out there and look for so many of 
the birds you mentioned that I haven't seen yet this spring. Thanks Kevin.

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[cobirds] Wheat Ridge Greenbelt - JeffCo (Rose-breasted Grosbeak RFI Response)

2019-05-15 Thread Kevin
I've been walking Wheat Ridge as often as possible over the last couple 
months. Sometimes I shoot out there at first light and bird up until I have 
to get over to my office and other days I'll go for a lunch hour walk. I 
typically start over at West Lake and work my way in a loop over to the 
Prospect Lake bridge then circle back. I'll also sometimes venture over to 
the west side of 70, but that area has seemed to be less birdy with all of 
the construction going on. 

I birded for the *Rose-breasted Grosbeaks* multiple times after they were 
first reported without any luck, then finally came across a female 
yesterday. I was walking the trail back into the wooded area east of the 
fence across the creek from Prospect Lake. After about 100 yards the fence 
turns back west away from the trail and about 100 feet after that I walked 
into a big group of warblers. The grosbeak wasn't moving much and wasn't 
calling, but I ended up catching it in my binoculars at one point when 
chasing down a warbler. It was up high in a tree on the west side of the 
trail picking food off of the leaves. It was back behind some leaves so I 
tried some quick pishing that it didn't care at all for. After growing a 
little impatient I tried some playback for both grosbeak species and didn't 
get a response to that either. After sitting there another 5 minutes and 
losing the bird behind leaves multiple times it finally popped out onto an 
open branch so I could confirm that it was indeed a rose-breasted. 

*Shorebirds* haven't been as easy to come by this year, but if I'm seeing 
anything unusual it's typically in the morning. By the lunch hour I'm 
guessing the mix of dogs and people have scared off anything that may have 
wanted to stick around, unless it's raining of course! The mud flat on the 
south side of West Lake looks so good for Plovers, but it's really rare for 
me to see anything other than *Killdeer* and *Spotted Sandpiper*s.

The colder temperatures that we've had most of the month so far were 
keeping a lot of the *Warblers* along the creek, mostly from the Youngfield 
parking lot east to the first bridge, then again along the length of the 
Prospect Lake parking lot. The warmer weather over the last couple days has 
seemed to allow the birds to move around a little more. A pair of *Common 
Yellowthroats* have been hanging out around the Bass Lake boardwalk. *Yellow 
Warbler*s are calling throughout the area. *Orange-crowned*s are piling up 
in the wooded area east of the fence across the creek from Prospect Lake. I 
had my lowest number of *Yellow-rumped*s of the year this morning, so it 
seems they're moving on, which makes things a lot less birdy, but should 
provide more opportunity to "bird every bird" in hopes of finding those 
less common migrants. 

I recently had a pair of *Swainson's Thrushes* along the small creek south 
of Clear Creek about halfway between Bass Lake and Prospect Lake. I had a *Gray 
Flycatcher* catching bugs one morning on the west side of Prospect Lake. A 
pair of *Cinnamon Teal* are still hanging out - most recently in the river. 
I had a male *Wood Duck* in West Lake this morning. I've come across at 
least 4 *Bullock's Oriole's *nests, 3 *Flicker *nests, 2 *Tree Swallow *nests, 
2 *Starling *nests, and a *Cooper's Hawk* nest. It also appears that there 
are at least 2 pairs of *Black-crowned Night-heron*'s, 2 pairs of *Great 
Blue Herons* and multiple pairs of *Canada Geese* nesting on the island of 
Tabor Lake

*Flycatchers* have been really slow this year, or I'm just not walking at 
the right times of the day. I've only had 2 empids and the Gray Flycatcher 
mentioned above. 

The area doesn't prove to be one of the best for *Sparrows *but I've found 
*Lincoln's* in a few spots this year. *Chipping* have been all over in 
large flocks. I had some *Lark *and *Vesper* earlier in the season west of 
70 on both sides of the pond. 

For the most part the morning birding is by far superior to the early 
afternoon birding, although I'm noticing that flycatchers and warblers are 
much less active in the morning. I typically have to leave by around 7 to 
get to work, so by 8 things are probably picking up a little better. 
Weather has been playing a huge part in the birds as well, as I'm sure it 
is everywhere else. The only fall-out type conditions I've seen were with 
Pipits with the snow a couple weeks ago, but cold snaps and rain almost 
always produce something new and different. The species of birds are 
definitely changing as the month goes on, but these nice warm days aren't 
nearly as productive! 

Good luck! Feel free to check in anytime. 

Kevin DeBoer,

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