Re: maximum theoretical speedup with dual quad processors

2009-01-31 Thread Chris Hanson

On Jan 31, 2009, at 2:04 PM, wrote:

There IS a know bug with the NSInvocationQueue method on intels using
10.5.6 which I have read will be fixed on 10.6.

Please do not say things like this without citing a specific source.   
Otherwise you are spreading rumors.

In general, Apple does not comment on future products or product plans.

  -- Chris


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elementary CAAnimationGroup question

2009-01-31 Thread Matt Neuburg
Just as an experiment, learning about Core Animation, I tried using the
implicit animator proxy to make a picture (an image well, iw) drop and
tumble to the bottom of the window. So I want it to move (frameOrigin) and
turn over (frameRotation) simultaneously. To do that, I tried making an
animation group:

NSPoint p = iw.frame.origin;
CABasicAnimation* anim1 = [CABasicAnimation
p.y = iw.frame.size.height;
p.x += iw.frame.size.width;
anim1.toValue = [NSValue valueWithPoint: p];
CABasicAnimation* anim2 = [CABasicAnimation
anim2.fromValue = [NSNumber numberWithFloat: 0.0f];
anim2.toValue = [NSNumber numberWithFloat: 180.0f];
CAAnimationGroup* g = [CAAnimationGroup animation];
g.animations = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: anim1, anim2, nil];
g.duration = 3.0;
[iw setAnimations:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:g
[[iw animator] setFrameOrigin: p];

It works okay. But here's my question. When I give the window contentView a
layer (with setWantsLayer:YES or with the checkbox in the nib), it stops
working - the rotation never happens and the duration is ignored. Why? Is it
because I'm doing this wrong, and it was just dumb luck that it ever worked
in the first place? Why would the existence of the layer make a difference?
And what's the right way to do this when there is a layer? Thx - m.

matt neuburg, phd =,
pantes anthropoi tou eidenai oregontai phusei
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Re: What alternatives exist for objc_setClassHandler?

2009-01-31 Thread Andrew Thompson

Thanks... I think I'm with you... kinda of.

So, let's say for the sake of argument I have some NSView subclass  
implemented in Java: MyView.
In interface builder I drag in a custom view and I set its type to  
MyView by typing in the name of this class, which doesn't exist as an  
Objective C class.

When I load that nib file, I'm going to get an error message on the  
console complaining correctly that MyView doesn't exist.

What I was looking for was a hook from the runtime so I could step in  
and define some kind of forwarding proxy, which would be the MyView  
class as far as the objective C runtime was involved, but would  
delegate all functionality to the actual Java class.

objc_setClassHandler would have provided just such a hook. (assuming  
the name is sufficient to know which class to load, which it usually  
but not always would be).

Are you proposing instead that the programmer, knowing MyView needs to  
exist, calls objc_allocateClassPair, class_addMethod and  
objc_registerClassPair in advance of loading the nib to ensure the  
classes exist?

That's OK but its a mite clunky. Seems like with most things in obj-c  
you get notified before a failure occurs so you can step in (e.g.  
class doesn't respond to message). And indeed this used to exist for  
undefined classes, but they removed it :(

Unless there's an API to examine a NIB file and see what classes are  
required to load it? Can NSBundle do that?


On Jan 31, 2009, at 5:51 PM, Michael Ash wrote:

On Sat, Jan 31, 2009 at 3:36 PM, Andrew Thompson  

Hi all,

I was looking for a way to define Objective-C classes at runtime...
specifically to be able to supply class definitions when a Nib file  
loaded. This search soon led me to  objc_setClassHandler, but  
that's listed

as deprecated without replacement here:

What's the story here? Is there a new, preferred way to do this?  
What are

the Ruby etc. bridges doing?

The bridges don't need this functionality, as they can build the
bridging classes as they are created, rather than doing lazy loading.
If you can do that as well, that would seem to be an obvious approach.
The contents of a nib file shouldn't be a mystery, but should be known
ahead of time, so you ought to be able to create all of your classes
before you load the nib.


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AndyT (lordpixel - the cat who walks through walls)
A little bigger on the inside

(see you later space cowboy, you can't take the sky from me)


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Re: maximum theoretical speedup with dual quad processors

2009-01-31 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 31 Jan 09, at 15:11, Chris Hanson wrote:

On Jan 31, 2009, at 2:04 PM, wrote:

There IS a know bug with the NSInvocationQueue method on intels using
10.5.6 which I have read will be fixed on 10.6.

Please do not say things like this without citing a specific  
source.  Otherwise you are spreading rumors.

This developer appears to have isolated a concurrency error in  

As noted on that page, it appears to be triggered by attempting to  
make use of more than one NSOperationQueue in an application.


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Re: Cocoa-dev Digest, Vol 6, Issue 183

2009-01-31 Thread Frederick Bartram

On Jan 31, 2009, at 5:57 PM, wrote:

Can anyone tell me if the maximum speedup using parallel programming  

multicore processors is BOUNDED by:

(A) number of processers (as on a single core processor).

(B) number of processors X number cores / processor.

If each processor runs numCore threads SIMULTANEOUSLY the answer  
would be


If each procssor run numCore threads non-concurrently the answer is  

If anyone REALLY knows please help a frustrated cocoa developer out.


Ron Jurincie

Ron, try the 'performance optimization' list ( 
 ) for more info in this domain.


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Re: NSToolbar and constrolling visible items

2009-01-31 Thread Jerry Krinock

On 2009 Jan 31, at 8:07, Ferhat Ayaz wrote:

I need ... to control whether a toolbar item is visible or not.

How can I do this?

I don't think you can do that, and it might look kind of weird.

Use -[NSToolbar -removeItemAtIndex:] to remove the item.  Retain it if  
desired and then later use -insertItemWithItemIdentifier:atIndex: if  
you want to restore it.


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Re: Core Data relationship disappears

2009-01-31 Thread Jerry Krinock

On 2009 Jan 31, at 8:33, Ivan C Myrvold wrote:

But later on, the transponder relationship have been set to nil, and  
I don't know why. There is probably something missing in my core  
data code.

Or, something that should not be in your code that is in your code

Do anyone know what I am missing?

Certainly I cannot tell from the information you provided.  Possibly  
you did not save the managed object context?  Another possibility is  
that it got cascade-deleted: 

Delete Rule is shown in the .xcdatamodel when inspecting a relationship.


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Anyone actually used OpenMP with cocoa on leopard 10.5?

2009-01-31 Thread jurincie
I am attempting to multi-process an cocoa application I developed last
year.  I have a MacPro with dual-quads, using xcode 3.1.

Trying to use openMP to concurrently run a loop via the #pragma omp for
command (yes I have taken care of ALL necessary setup to ensure entire
loop can be run concurrently).

Has anyone actually used openMP with xcode 3.1 using cocoa?  I cannot find
any information on placing files in proper location etc.

I am in fact using the LLVM gcc 4.2 compiler as the limited information I
have found instructs.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


Ron Jurincie

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Re: How to draw text with fade out effect?

2009-01-31 Thread Ken Ferry
All else aside, yes you can do this in Cocoa and/or Quartz.
Here are a couple different ways.  For instruction's sake, here's it done
with a compositing operation, NSCompositeDestinationIn.  Result color =
what's already in the context but with additional alpha taken from the new

- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect {
NSRect bounds = [self bounds];
NSImage *textLayerImage = [[NSImage alloc] initWithSize:bounds.size]; {
[textLayerImage lockFocus]; {
NSRect textLayerBounds = {NSZeroPoint, [textLayerImage size]};

[@I am a string drawAtPoint:textLayerBounds.origin

NSGradient *alphaGradient = [[NSGradient alloc]
initWithStartingColor:[NSColor blackColor] endingColor:[NSColor clearColor]];
[[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] setCompositingOperation:
[alphaGradient drawInRect:textLayerBounds angle:0];
} [alphaGradient release];
} [textLayerImage unlockFocus];

[textLayerImage drawInRect:bounds fromRect:NSZeroRect/*whole thing*/
operation:NSCompositeSourceOver fraction:1.0];
} [textLayerImage release];

That works, but it loses the LCD antialiasing, as others have noticed.  The
text is drawn into a transparent layer, which defeats subpixel rendering.
 Also, most people will not understand your code, because of the use of

A more understandable method that will also preserve the LCD text is to set
a clip that has partial transparency.  This requires mixing CoreGraphics
calls in with the Cocoa.

- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)dirtyRect {
CGContextRef ctx = [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] graphicsPort];
NSRect bounds = [self bounds];

CGImageRef maskImage = CreateMaskImage(bounds.size); {
CGContextClipToMask(ctx, NSRectToCGRect(bounds), maskImage);
} CFRelease(maskImage);

[@I am a string drawAtPoint:[self bounds].origin withAttributes:nil];

CGImageRef CreateMaskImage(NSSize size) {

CGImageRef maskImage;

CGContextRef maskContext = CGBitmapContextCreate(NULL, size.width, size.
height, 8/*bitsPerComponent*/, 0/*bytesPerRow - 0 means CG picks*/, [[
NSColorSpace genericGrayColorSpace] CGColorSpace], kCGImageAlphaNone); {

CGGradientRef grayGradient = CGGradientCreateWithColors([[
NSColorSpace genericGrayColorSpace] CGColorSpace], (CFArrayRef)[NSArray
arrayWithObjects:(id)CGColorGetConstantColor(kCGColorWhite), (id)
CGColorGetConstantColor(kCGColorBlack), nil], NULL/*locations - NULL means
colors evenly distribute*/); {

CGContextDrawLinearGradient(maskContext, grayGradient,
CGPointZero, CGPointMake(CGBitmapContextGetWidth(maskContext), 0), 0

} CFRelease(grayGradient);

maskImage = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(maskContext);

} CFRelease(maskContext);

return maskImage;


CoreImage is likely to not perform well for a small task like this.
 CoreImage incurs some per-use costs that it makes up for with awesome
per-pixel performance.  If you don't have very many pixels and your effect
is simple enough to do with Cocoa/CoreGraphics, the CoreGraphics approach is
likely to perform better.


On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 12:27 AM, Oleg Krupnov oleg.krup...@gmail.comwrote:

 Yeah, the question is however how do I technically (e.g. in Cocoa)
 composite the appropriate alpha with an image, whether the
 background image, as you suggest, or with text image, as Ricky

 AFAIU, there is not such NSCompositingOperation to do this trick. It
 appears that I need to iterate all pixels of the intermediate bitmap,
 and multiply the transparency value by the mask. This is quite
 low-level, is there a better way?

 On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 8:32 AM, Kyle Sluder
  On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 10:57 AM, Thomas Davie
  This solution will also throw sub-pixel anti-aliasing in the bin.
  Perhaps the better solution is to draw the text as normal and then
  re-draw the background with the appropriate alpha on top.
  --Kyle Sluder

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Re: Rating-style LevelIndicator not showing dots

2009-01-31 Thread Jeffrey J . Early

The dots show in the cell's highlighted state. If you send,
[cell setHighlighted: YES];
then you'll get dots... until it gets clicked on, then it  
automatically un-highlights itself.

The solution is thus to subclass NSLevelIndicatorCell and override  
isHighlighted to always return YES. Seems to work.

I realize this is 10 months late, but I needed the answer to this  
myself, figured it out, and thought I should share.


On Mar 23, 2008, at 11:10 PM, Jens Alfke wrote:

I've put an NSLevelIndicator into a panel, configured it to show  
iTunes-style star ratings, and made it editable. Unfortunately it  
doesn't draw the dots where stars would go; so if the current rating  
is zero stars, the control is completely invisible. This presents a  
UI problem, as the user has no idea there's something there to click.

I remember I previously ran into this a few years ago and reported  
it — it turned out to be a bug in the cell's implementation in  
AppKit. The cell suppresses the dots when it's in a table view and  
the row it's in isn't selected [as in iTunes], but the code for this  
didn't consider the case where it _wasn't_ in a table view, with the  
result that it always suppresses the dots.

Unfortunately I can't remember the workaround, or whether there even  
is one. Has anyone else dealt with this?


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Re: Flowing text between text fields

2009-01-31 Thread Sean McBride
John Murphy ( on 2009-01-31 4:19 PM said:

On many applications, when you enter in a serial number, there are
several text fields in a row, and as the user enters in the serial
number the cursor automatically jumps to the next text field at the
appropriate time.
I am assuming that this is a long string being displayed across several
text fields. How is this done?

Personally, I would not mimic that UI.  It introduces an inconsistent
behaviour to a very standard control.  What if I mistype a letter and
the app jumps to the next field?  Will the delete key jump back to the
previous field?  What if the user does not expect this jumping and
presses tab?  Then he is one field too far.  I'd suggest just letting
the user type the serial number in one big field.  You can then disgard
any invalid characters, like '-', and so it doesn't even matter if the
user enters dashes or not.  Also, I'd suggest you exclude '0', 'O', '1',
'i', and 'l' from your serial numbers.


When the winds of change are blowing, some people are building shelters
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NSTextField with an date formatting

2009-01-31 Thread minapre999

I have an NSTextField that is bound to a date in a Core Data program.   
The text field has an NSDateFormatter attached to it.  All connections  
are set up using IB.  The odd thing is that the user needs to enter  
the date into  the text field twice for the text field to correctly  
update to the new date.  Using key value observing, the text field  
object correctly updates it's data on the first enter.  The text field  
simply does not display the new value.  Calling setNeedsDisplay or any  
other similar method does not do anything.  Interestingly, when I  
modify the program to add a second text field (ie now have two text  
fields, both with date formatters and bound to the same date in Core  
Data), when the user changes the date in text field 1, it will result  
in text field 2 but not text field 1 correctly updating to the new  
date, and vice versa.  I suspect this may be a bug, has anyone else  
experience anything similar  and what is the process of reporting to  
Apple if it is a bug?

Kind Regards

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Using NSAppleScript With AXMakeProcessTrusted -- and/or, How To Indirectly Launch A Secure Agent

2009-01-31 Thread Tobias Zimmerman
I have a somewhat complex problem I am hoping the list can help me with.
Ultimately, what I am trying to do is grant my application rights to use the
Accessibility API without forcing users to turn on ³Enable access for
assistive devices².  My application uses AppleScripts (primarily calling
System Events) to move the front window of any application between displays.

So, I have read up on the AXMakeProcessTrusted function, and seen the
example at on how to use this
function.  The problem is, using that approach causes the AppleScripts in my
application to fail with the error ­2709 (can¹t access dictionary).

First question:  I have seen a message saying that AXMakeProcessTrusted was
broken in Tiger.  Was it fixed in Leopard?  It seems to work correctly, save
causing my AppleScripts to fail.

Next question:  Are the AppleScripts failing because the application process
has elevated rights due to AXMakeProcessTrusted, or is it because the
application links to the Security Framework?  I have seen posts/messages
that suggest both.  If I can get my application the status of
AXProcessIsTrusted without linking to the Security Framework, will the
AppleScripts work?  (And is this a bug or a security feature?)

Third question: Assuming the answers to the first two questions are
favorable, how would you more experienced and wise developers go about doing
something like this?  How can I do a one-time operation as root without
linking the Security Framework into my main application?  It seems to me I
need to include two separate agents in my app ‹ one that is run with normal
permissions from the main app (thus, no need to link to the Security
Framework or give the main app generally elevated permissions), and then a
second one, called from the first agent with privileges, that actually
executes the AXMakeProcessTrusted function on the main app.  Does this seem
right?  I am a novice programmer, but I have looked at both NSTask and the
NSWorkspace - launchedApplication: method and can¹t discern the easier way
to go in terms of passing the main app¹s path to the first, and then the
second agent applications.  I am not even sure of the proper build settings
for a project using two helpers in this manner.  Could I use a shell/perl
script as the middle agent?

Sorry for the longwinded/semi-ranging question(s), but any and all advice
the more experienced can offer would be really really appreciated.

(I have looked at AuthSample,  MoreAuthSample, BetterAuthorizationSample and
ŒAuthorizedTasksInCocoa¹ (from and none of them
suggested an easy and straight forward solution to me.)

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[Announce] DropKit 1.0 Obj-C library

2009-01-31 Thread Chris Patterson

Hello Cocoa developers!

This is my formal announcement of the release of version 1.0 of my  
Objective-C library wrapper around the API, which I have  
dubbed DropKit. is an easy to use, online file sharing service that provides  
users with a simple and private way to share images, video, audio,  
documents and other digital content through unique, user-created and  
controlled sharing points called 'drops.'

Each 'drop' is non-searchable, non-networked, does not require any  
type of account registration and can be password-protected and set to  
expire after a period of time.

DropKit is a lightweight set of classes that allows iPhone and Mac OS  
developers to create apps that interface with the API,  
allowing those apps to easily do things such as:

* Post photos, messages and audio to the web,
* Send emails with attachments via,
* Create mobile blogs or podcasts on-the-go,
* Share documents and links with friends or coworkers,
* integrate all the great features of!

You can get more information about DropKit, read the documentation,  
and download the source code, from the official DropKit drop, at:

Right now, DropKit has only been extenstively tested on the iPhone OS.  
In particular, there is one dependency on the UIImage class (a  
category), which can be removed from Mac OS projects.

I'd love to hear developer feedback, especially if you end up using  
DropKit in your project!

Chris Patterson   chris dot s dot patterson at gmail dot com
The only problem with Microsoft is they just have no taste.
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Re: maximum theoretical speedup with dual quad processors

2009-01-31 Thread Robert Marini
Easily reproduced doesn't always translate into guaranteed to occur.   
In my experience, using a single queue in your application is a  
sufficient safeguard as no system framework I've encountered causes an  
issue.  That isn't to say that the API is without quirks but they can  
usually be adjusted to easily enough...   (in short, one can endlessly  
debate whether or not it's safe to use NSOperationQueue or one can use  
it and ship a product a great deal quicker than if they hadn't and  
join a number of other applications churning data in large  
installation bases).

If you really dislike the idea of it that much, I'd suggest adopting a  
similar approach to the API while implementing your own queue.  Mike  
Ash has done so previously though I don't believe it's a good fit for  
what's being talked about here  ( 

As bbum pointed out, the biggest issue that needs to be addressed is  
how flexible your code is w/r/t running across multiple cores.  In my  
experience, thinking in terms of operation objects tends to yield a  
high return on investment and enables you to more efficiently  
structure your code for parallel execution without shared data  

And please remember, 10.6 is unreleased and discussion of what may or  
may not be fixed in it is a no-no.


On Jan 31, 2009, at 6:34 PM, Andrew Farmer wrote:

On 31 Jan 09, at 15:11, Chris Hanson wrote:

On Jan 31, 2009, at 2:04 PM, wrote:
There IS a know bug with the NSInvocationQueue method on intels  

10.5.6 which I have read will be fixed on 10.6.

Please do not say things like this without citing a specific  
source.  Otherwise you are spreading rumors.

This developer appears to have isolated a concurrency error in  

As noted on that page, it appears to be triggered by attempting to  
make use of more than one NSOperationQueue in an application.


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Re: Anyone actually used OpenMP with cocoa on leopard 10.5?

2009-01-31 Thread Robert Marini

Are you compiling with the -fopenmp flag?


On Jan 31, 2009, at 8:30 PM, wrote:

I am attempting to multi-process an cocoa application I developed last
year.  I have a MacPro with dual-quads, using xcode 3.1.

Trying to use openMP to concurrently run a loop via the #pragma omp  

command (yes I have taken care of ALL necessary setup to ensure entire
loop can be run concurrently).

Has anyone actually used openMP with xcode 3.1 using cocoa?  I  
cannot find

any information on placing files in proper location etc.

I am in fact using the LLVM gcc 4.2 compiler as the limited  
information I

have found instructs.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


Ron Jurincie

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[MEET] CocoaHeads Mac Developer Meetings

2009-01-31 Thread Stephen Zyszkiewicz


CocoaHeads is an international Mac programmer's group. Meetings are  
free and open to the public. We specialize in Cocoa, but everything  
Mac programming related is welcome.

Upcoming meetings:
Ottawa/Gatineau- Thursday, December 11, 2008 19:00.

Aachen- Thursday, February 26, 2009 19:00.
Berlin- Thursday, February 12, 2009 19:00.
Frankfurt - Monday, February 2, 2009 20:00.
Munich- Thursday, February 19, 2009 20:00.

Mexico City- Thursday, February 5, 2009 19:00.

South Africa
Johannesburg- Thursday, February 5, 2009 18:30.

Stockholm- Tuesday, February 3, 2009 19:00.

United States
Boston- Thursday, February 12, 2009 19:00.
Boulder- Tuesday, February 10, 2009 19:00.
Chicago- Tuesday, February 13, 2007.
Colorado Springs- Thursday, February 12, 2009 19:00.
Des Monies- Thursday, February 12, 2009 19:00.
Lake Forest- Wednesday, February 11, 2009 19:00.
Madison- Thursday, February 12, 2009.
Minneapolis- Thursday, February 12, 2009 18:00.
Nashville- Thursday, February 12, 2009 19:00.
New York- Thursday, February 12, 2009 18:00.
Philadelphia- Thursday, February 12, 2009 19:00.
San Diego- Thursday, February 12, 2009 18:00.

United Kingdom
Swindon- Monday, February 2, 2009 20:00.

Please check the web site at for more
information including last-minute changes. Some chapters may have yet
to post their meeting for this month.

Silicon Valley CocoaHeads

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Re: What alternatives exist for objc_setClassHandler?

2009-01-31 Thread Michael Ash
On Sat, Jan 31, 2009 at 6:33 PM, Andrew Thompson wrote:
 Thanks... I think I'm with you... kinda of.

 So, let's say for the sake of argument I have some NSView subclass
 implemented in Java: MyView.
 In interface builder I drag in a custom view and I set its type to MyView by
 typing in the name of this class, which doesn't exist as an Objective C

 When I load that nib file, I'm going to get an error message on the console
 complaining correctly that MyView doesn't exist.

 What I was looking for was a hook from the runtime so I could step in and
 define some kind of forwarding proxy, which would be the MyView class as far
 as the objective C runtime was involved, but would delegate all
 functionality to the actual Java class.

 objc_setClassHandler would have provided just such a hook. (assuming the
 name is sufficient to know which class to load, which it usually but not
 always would be).

 Are you proposing instead that the programmer, knowing MyView needs to
 exist, calls objc_allocateClassPair, class_addMethod and
 objc_registerClassPair in advance of loading the nib to ensure the classes

 That's OK but its a mite clunky. Seems like with most things in obj-c you
 get notified before a failure occurs so you can step in (e.g. class doesn't
 respond to message). And indeed this used to exist for undefined classes,
 but they removed it :(

 Unless there's an API to examine a NIB file and see what classes are
 required to load it? Can NSBundle do that?

Yes, I just meant that you register ahead of time. I agree that it's
clunky and annoying, but it seems to me that it's not *too* bad, and I
don't see a better way. Hopefully you know which classes can get
bridged, so you can bridge them ahead of time. As far as I know there
is no API to get the classes out of a nib at runtime. You *might* be
able to do it with ibtool at compile time and thus somewhat automate
it that way, with some scripting and such to build some data you can
use to load your classes, but I really haven't look at it.

And as always, file an enhancement request at
about this missing API. They may have removed it thinking that nobody
actually uses it, and if you inform them otherwise there is a chance
(however slight) that they will change their minds for some future OS


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Re: maximum theoretical speedup with dual quad processors

2009-01-31 Thread Michael Ash
On Sat, Jan 31, 2009 at 10:15 PM, Robert Marini wrote:
 Easily reproduced doesn't always translate into guaranteed to occur.  In my
 experience, using a single queue in your application is a sufficient
 safeguard as no system framework I've encountered causes an issue.  That
 isn't to say that the API is without quirks but they can usually be adjusted
 to easily enough...   (in short, one can endlessly debate whether or not
 it's safe to use NSOperationQueue or one can use it and ship a product a
 great deal quicker than if they hadn't and join a number of other
 applications churning data in large installation bases).

Or one can waste days tracking down an intermittent bug that only
shows up rarely, only to discover that it's entirely out of your
control. There are many choices! Of course, now that the problem is
known, hopefully googling the error message will actually get results,
leading to a much faster debugging session.

 If you really dislike the idea of it that much, I'd suggest adopting a
 similar approach to the API while implementing your own queue.  Mike Ash has
 done so previously though I don't believe it's a good fit for what's being
 talked about here

RAOperationQueue's single-threaded nature means that an individual
queue will get no speedup from multiprocessing. If you can, through
whatever means, involve multiple RAOperationQueues in your computation
simultaneously, each one will potentially run on a separate core.
However, RAOperationQueue is meant as more of a
synchronization/background processing mechanism rather than a
performance enhancer, so its design does not do much in that

 And please remember, 10.6 is unreleased and discussion of what may or may
 not be fixed in it is a no-no.

Technically, you can discuss it (although probably not here) as long
as you're uninformed about it. Which means the best you can hope for
is unsubstantiated rumor, which is not generally a good idea. As I
said in another thread today, those who know can't say, and those who
can say don't know. Unless you see it coming from an
address, don't believe it!


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Re: maximum theoretical speedup with dual quad processors

2009-01-31 Thread Andrew Farmer

On 31 Jan 09, at 19:15, Robert Marini wrote:
Easily reproduced doesn't always translate into guaranteed to  
occur.  In my experience, using a single queue in your application  
is a sufficient safeguard as no system framework I've encountered  
causes an issue.  That isn't to say that the API is without quirks  
but they can usually be adjusted to easily enough...   (in short,  
one can endlessly debate whether or not it's safe to use  
NSOperationQueue or one can use it and ship a product a great deal  
quicker than if they hadn't and join a number of other applications  
churning data in large installation bases).

That's true. However, there are some surprisingly easy ways to end up  
with multiple queues - one example might be if one queue is associated  
with each document object in a document-based application. (In this  
case, the bug might manifest as rare crashes when multiple documents  
are open and doing stuff.)


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Drawing Invalidation Question

2009-01-31 Thread Seth Willits

When inside of -[NSView drawRect:], what's the difference between

- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)rect;
  if ([self needsToDrawRect:someRect])

... and ...

- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)rect;
  if (NSIntersectsRect(rect, someRect))

... ?

AFAICT from the documentation, there isn't a difference. Am I  
misreading something important?

Seth Willits


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Re: maximum theoretical speedup with dual quad processors

2009-01-31 Thread Michael Vannorsdel
If your original algorithm is scalar, you can get upto 4x increase by  
moving to SIMD (SSE2/3) if your algorithms can be paralleled.  Add  
that to the 7 extra cores and you can get upto 32x speed up.  In the  
real world you're very (very) unlikely to reach max throughput because  
of data dependencies, memory bandwidth limits, cache capacity limits,  
and thread preemption to name a few.

And you can manage threads with pthread functions (pthread_create) or  
NSThread class (+[detachNewThreadSelector:toTarget:withObject:]).

On Jan 31, 2009, at 3:04 PM, wrote:

I have a bullet-proof scientific app I developed using cocoa.  I just
purchased a new MacPro with the dual quad processors.

Earlier posts attempting to determine MAXIMUM theoretical speedup have
gotten bogged down with semantic differencea between a corea and a  

Having done EXTENSIVE multi-processing on UNIX machines using MPI, I  
hoping I could achieve a speedup on my application exceeding 2 times  

hopefully approachig numcores - 1 times (7 in this case).

There IS a know bug with the NSInvocationQueue method on intels using
10.5.6 which I have read will be fixed on 10.6.

my question are:

(1) Is the ANYONE out there who has actually done scientific  
computing on

the quad-core intel machines?

(2) Have you achieved a speedup beyond number of CPU's (2)?

(3) Has anyone used OpenMP with optional (LLVM or gcc 4.2) compilers?

(4) If so where do I install the xomp foler  I downloadd which is
compatible with my machine and OS.

(5) Please don't waste your time explaining the semantic differences
between cores and cpu's, I don't care what you call them, all I need  

know is MAXIMUM speedup.

Anyone who can point me in the right direction for running concurrent
methods NOT using NSOperationQueue with NSInvocationOperations would  

me VERY VERY happy.

Thanks again everyone.


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+[NSColor highlightColor] returns white instead of actual color

2009-01-31 Thread Jerry Krinock
I'm overriding -[NSTableView highlightSelectionInClipRect:] because I  
don't want all the columns of the selected row to be highlighted.   
Works fine except +[NSColor highlightColor] returns white instead of  
actual highlight color I have set in System Preferences  Appearance,  
which is green.

Here's the code:

color = [NSColor highlightColor] ;
color = [color colorUsingColorSpaceName:@NSDeviceRGBColorSpace] ;
NSLog(@highlight color = %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f %0.2f,
 [color redComponent],
 [color greenComponent],
 [color blueComponent],
 [color alphaComponent]) ;

Here's the console output:

highlight color = 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

{1,1,1,1} is solid white, not green.  What am I doing wrong?

Thank you,

Jerry Krinock


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Re: +[NSColor highlightColor] returns white instead of actual color

2009-01-31 Thread Stephen J. Butler
On Sun, Feb 1, 2009 at 1:11 AM, Jerry Krinock wrote:
 I'm overriding -[NSTableView highlightSelectionInClipRect:] because I don't
 want all the columns of the selected row to be highlighted.  Works fine
 except +[NSColor highlightColor] returns white instead of actual highlight
 color I have set in System Preferences  Appearance, which is green.

From the docs: Returns the system color that represents the virtual
light source on the screen.

You want +[NSColor controlHighlightColor].

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Re: NSTextFieldCell editing text that is an attribute of the bound object - EVIL HACK

2009-01-31 Thread Luke Evans
The docs that do exist concerning the way to map arbitrary objects  
(such as ones that contain a 'name' attribute in my case) onto text  
cells have to do with NSFormatter.
The latter is clearly how one converts 'simple' values from an object  
form to a stringified form and v.v.
The problem with using a subclass of NSFormatter in my case is that I  
only want to affect a change to the 'name' attribute on an otherwise  
persistent object (actually a Core Data object).  I don't want to be  
creating new 'value' objects every time the user edits a character in  
the cell.  NSFormatter's getObjectValue:forString:errorDescription:  
method is really supposed to return a new object if parsing of the  
string is successful.

Nevertheless, it is possible to make a subclass of NSFormatter that is  
constructed explicitly to deal with the object that becomes set on the  
cell (via setObjectValue:) from the column binding.  The  
aforementioned method can then forward the received strings to this  
object as changes to its name attribute.  This is a pretty nasty abuse  
of NSFormatter, but it 'works' so long as the object can stomach  
'continuous' updates as the user types.

What this doesn't do though, is fix the KVC error mentioned below.   
This can be suppressed by implementing -setValue:forUndefinedKey: on  
MyClass and handling the empty string key that gets sent -  
essentially to ignore the value (which is curiously the cell's  
placeholder string Text Cell) further indicating that things are  
pretty screwed up!

So, I really think there must be a 'proper' way to get the editor to  
pick up and return the value (name) I need editing from my cell's  
model object, but I'm still searching for the white magic, having  
dabbled in the darker sort.

-- Luke

On 30-Jan-09, at 9:32 PM, Luke Evans wrote:

The Cocoa docs seem silent on how to achieve this.

I have an NSTextFieldCell subclass that gets sent an object from  
bindings.  The reason for sending it an object is that I want the  
cell to display a number of the object's attributes - which it does  
nicely through custom drawing.
Now I need to allow editing of the text in the cell.  I have  

and its buddy:

These bring up the text editor nicely.  However, as I have an object  
at the cell, I need to present a string to this mechanism (the name  
property of my object), and similarly I need to somehow obtain the  
value from the editor when editing has finished.  At the moment, the  
default behaviour has the editor coming up with placeholder text,  
and when editing is finished I get an KVC error, e.g.:
Error setting value for key path  of object MyClass: 0x1b385c0  
(...) from bound object NSTableColumn: 0x1b1ab20(null)): [MyClass  
0x1b385c0 setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: the entity MyClass is not key  
value coding-compliant for the key .

Does anyone know how to wire up the editing so that I can provide  
initial text to the editor and prevent whoever it is from attempting  
to set the final value directly onto the bound object (which it  
clearly doesn't know how to do as it's a particular attribute of the  
object at the cell)?


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Reverting Address Book changes

2009-01-31 Thread Andy Bettis


I'm writing an app that provides 'added value' to the Address Book  
database. I'm having a problem with allowing the user to Revert to the  
last saved state, if I discard my copies of the person and group  
records and reload them from the Address Book database all is well  
except that group membership is always preserved - if my app has added  
a person to a group they stay in there despite reloading the details.  
If I quit and restart the app all is well, but it's a bit awkward! I  
realise I could just do a multiple undo but I hope there's a simpler  


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[SOLVED] Re: NSTextFieldCell editing text that is an attribute of the bound object

2009-01-31 Thread Luke Evans

So, I really think there must be a 'proper' way to get the editor to  
pick up and return the value (name) I need editing from my cell's  
model object, but I'm still searching for the white magic, having  
dabbled in the darker sort.

OK, I think I finally (mostly) grokked it.

The NSCell subclass can pretend it was given a string object (the name  
of the actual bound object) and palm this off on its superclass  
(NSTextFieldCell).  The actual object given can be stashed in  
'representedObject', so long as you remember to copy this in  
copyWithZone:  and this can be used to drive all the extras in any  
custom drawing code for the cell.

You can pick up the string at the end of editing, with the cell's  

So I have code like this:

- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
NSCell *newCell = [super copyWithZone:zone];
[newCell setRepresentedObject:[self representedObject]];
return newCell;

- (void)setObjectValue:(id)object {
if ([object isKindOfClass:[Thing class]]) {
[self setRepresentedObject:object];
[super setObjectValue:[object name]];

- (void)endEditing:(NSText *)textObj {
[super endEditing:textObj];

// Set the representedObject's text
[[self representedObject] setValue:[textObj string]  


Thankfully there's no messing with (abusing?) NSFormatter subclasses  
this way,

The only remaining fly in the ointment is that the model object  
(Thing class here, the object stored in representedObject) still  
gets a KVC message to set the OLD value of cell to the  (empty  
string) key, which I currently just defend against, ignoring the  
value.  I'd love to know how to prevent this from happening.

-- lwe


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Can we render QCRenderer in CAOpenGLLayer..?

2009-01-31 Thread Anshul jain

I am trying to play  QCComposition in CAOpenGLLayer
According to the documentation of QCRenderer this should work fine.
but at final output nothing is displayed. Can anyone tell me where i  
am going wrong...?

but at final output nothing is displayed. Can anyone tell me where i  
am going wrong.

- (id) init
self = [super init];
if (self != nil) {
[self setAsynchronous:YES];
return self;

- (CGLPixelFormatObj)copyCGLPixelFormatForDisplayMask:(uint32_t)mask
CGLPixelFormatAttribute attributes[] = {
kCGLPFADisplayMask, mask,
kCGLPFAColorSize, 2,
kCGLPFAAlphaSize, 8,
kCGLPFADepthSize, 16,
CGLPixelFormatObj pixelFormatObj = NULL;
GLint numPixelFormats = 0;
CGLChoosePixelFormat(attributes, pixelFormatObj, numPixelFormats);
if (pixelFormatObj == NULL)
NSLog(@Error: Could not choose pixel format!);
return pixelFormatObj;

- (void)releaseCGLPixelFormat:(CGLPixelFormatObj)pixelFormat

- (CGLContextObj)copyCGLContextForPixelFormat: 

	CGLContextObj object =  [super  
	NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@Blob  

QCComposition *aComposition = [QCComposition compositionWithFile:path];
	CGColorSpaceRef colorRef =   
	qcRenderer = [[QCRenderer alloc] initWithCGLContext:object  
pixelFormat:pixelFormat colorSpace:colorRef composition:aComposition];

return object;

- (BOOL)canDrawInCGLContext:(CGLContextObj)glContext pixelFormat: 
(CGLPixelFormatObj)pixelFormat forLayerTime: 
(CFTimeInterval)timeInterval displayTime:(const CVTimeStamp *)timeStamp

BOOL success = [self renderAtTime:timeStamp];
if (texture)
texture = [qcRenderer createSnapshotImageOfType:@CVOpenGLBuffer];
if (texture)
return YES;
else return NO;
return success;

- (BOOL) renderAtTime:(const CVTimeStamp*)time

NSTimeInterval  videoTime;
if (time) {
		videoTime = (NSTimeInterval)time-videoTime / (NSTimeInterval)time- 
		NSLog(@%f  %f  %f,videoTime,time-videoTime,time- 

return [qcRenderer renderAtTime:videoTime arguments:nil];

- (void)drawInCGLContext:(CGLContextObj)glContext pixelFormat: 
(CGLPixelFormatObj)pixelFormat forLayerTime: 
(CFTimeInterval)timeInterval displayTime:(const CVTimeStamp *)timeStamp

glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
if (CFGetTypeID(texture) == CVOpenGLTextureGetTypeID()) {
GLenum target = CVOpenGLTextureGetTarget(texture);
GLint name = CVOpenGLTextureGetName(texture);
GLfloat topLeft[2], topRight[2], bottomRight[2], bottomLeft[2];
		CVOpenGLTextureGetCleanTexCoords(texture, bottomLeft, bottomRight,  
topRight, topLeft);

glColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0);
glBindTexture(target, name);
glTexCoord2fv(bottomLeft);  glVertex2i(-1, -1);
glTexCoord2fv(topLeft); glVertex2i(-1,  1);
glTexCoord2fv(topRight);glVertex2i( 1,  1);
glTexCoord2fv(bottomRight); glVertex2i( 1, -1);
	[super drawInCGLContext:glContext pixelFormat:pixelFormat  
forLayerTime:timeInterval displayTime:timeStamp];


Thanks !

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NSToolbar and constrolling visible items

2009-01-31 Thread Ferhat Ayaz


I have added - (BOOL)validateToolbarItem:(NSToolbarItem *)toolbarItem   
to my code, which will control whether a toolbar item is enabled or  
not. However, I need a something similar to control whether a toolbar  
item is visible or not.

How can I do this?

Thank you,


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-stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString: return value iphone

2009-01-31 Thread Marco Cassinerio


i'm trying to execute a javascript function on the iPhone and get the  
return value.

The function is simple:
return hello;

I'm using a UIWebView and the -stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:  
method but, while it works on os x, it doesn't on the iPhone.

How can i solve?


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Re: Newbie Object Sharing Question

2009-01-31 Thread Brian Slick

On Jan 30, 2009, at 9:47 PM, Ken Thomases wrote:

On Jan 30, 2009, at 2:46 PM, Brian Slick wrote:

It starts to occur to me that I don't actually want an instance, I  
want the real deal.

That statement is nonsensical.  There is no real deal.  An  
instance is real.  It's not some pale reflection of something else.

You do want an instance.

I suspect that perhaps you don't understand the difference between  
an object and a pointer to an object.  The reason I suspect that is  
because the simple solution to your dilemma, the thing you're not  
seeing, is that you want a single instance referenced from multiple  
places using multiple pointers.

It may be a nonsensical statement here (good to know), but in the 3D  
CAD world that I'm used to, which I have been leveraging in my  
attempts to understand OOP, there is a distinction between instances  
and the source item.

And I believe that I do understand the difference between objects and  
pointers (I could be mistaken).  The part I'm missing is what this  
needs to look like in code.  I'm afraid I need some handholding here.   
If I knew what I needed to do in order for there to be only a single  
data object referenced from multiple places, I wouldn't have asked the  
question in the first place.

I read through some documentation about model objects and objects  
in general, and stumbled upon the concept of Singletons.  Some  
additional searching lead me to this blog post:
...which seems to describe exactly what I want.  I reconfigured  
MyListItemArray as a singleton, and remapped my data source  
methods accordingly, and everything seemingly works perfectly.   
Items added in one view are displayed in the other, and so on.  It  
works so well that I have to assume there is a catch.

I can't shake the feeling that this seems more difficult than in  
ought to be, and generally when I feel that way there tends to be  
a single line of code solution that I haven't found yet.  Are  
singletons really the only way (that doesn't involve saving to a  
file, I suppose) to share a model object across multiple view  
controllers?  I think I'm missing something really fundamental.

Yes, I think your are missing something fundamental -- the ability  
to share references to an object simply by assigning multiple  
pointers to point to the same thing.

Yes, exactly.  How do I do that?

A singleton implementation is _one_ solution to the issue you're  
having, but it's not necessary, and not even recommended for  
something as simple as this.

Can you expand upon why not?  Based on the blog post I linked, it  
sounds like this is exactly the situation in which to do this.

One stumbling block is that you have two view controllers, but  
evidently no central application controller.  View controllers  
should have logic and state specific to a view and that view's  
relationship to the model.  An application controller manages your  
application overall.  It manages the other controllers, including  
your view controllers.  It has the primary responsibility for  
managing the application-global (as opposed to, for example,  
document-specific) model, and for providing access to that model to  
other parts of the program.

Well, I just used the Tab Bar Application template, and other than the  
AppDelegate that doesn't contain very much, there is no provided  
application controller.  The need to create one was not immediately  
obvious to me, as none of the examples in the book I'm reading through  
have dealt with accessing the same data set in different tabs.

I also do not yet see how this solves my problem.  I need to see some  
code.  From my view controllers, I don't believe that I know how to  
send messages to the AppDelegate (say, for the table data source  
methods) without creating an instance, which I believe brings me back  
around to the same problem I started with.

If your application has one central list of items, then it would be  
the application controller's job to create and load that model.  It  
would hold references to the model objects in instance variables.   
It would provide access to those model objects to other parts of the  
program.  One way would be to pass the references in to the view  
controllers when those view controllers are initialized.  Another  
way would be for the application controller to expose those  
references through properties and have the view controllers  
reference those properties -- the view controllers would need a  
reference to the application controller to do that.  Again, they  
could get such a reference by being passed it, or if your  
application controller is your application delegate, they can obtain  
the reference using [NSApp delegate].


Thank you for the explanation, but I'm afraid I still have no idea  
what I specifically need to do, or even what help topic to go search  
on for 

Core Data relationship disappears

2009-01-31 Thread Ivan C Myrvold
I have an Entity named ServiceItem which have a relationship to  
another Entity named Transponder.
I am creating the ServiceItem by looping through a text file, scanning  
for a service item pattern, and create the object with a newObject  
message to an NSArrayController.

 ServiceItem *serviceItem = [oservicesArrayController newObject];

The Transponder entity I have created similarly, and saved into an  

Setting the transponder relationship for a ServiceItem, I do:

 Transponder *transponder = [transDict objectForKey:transString];
 [serviceItem setTransponder:transponder];

I can see that the transponder relationship is set in an NSLog:

2009-01-31 16:57:05.596 MyrDream[14520:10b] serviceItem: ServiceItem:  
0x173086f0 (entity: ServiceItem; id: 0x17308750 x-coredata:///ServiceItem/t252F7A01-BE3C-4945-B3F3-11FE1CE644892269 
 ; data: {

channel = nil;
channelName = TV 2 Norge;
package = Telenor,c:000202,c:01029c,c:020242,c:030202,C:0b00;
serviceType = 1508;
serviceTypeString = TV;
sid = 1508;
specialFlags = 0;
transponder = 0x16d3b9f0 x-coredata:///Transponder/t252F7A01-BE3C-4945-B3F3-11FE1CE64489141 


But later on, the transponder relationship have been set to nil, and I  
don't know why. There is probably something missing in my core data  

Do anyone know what I am missing?

2009-01-31 16:57:05.751 MyrDream[14520:10b] makeTransponders 2  
serviceItem: ServiceItem: 0x173086f0 (entity: ServiceItem; id:  
0x17308750 x-coredata:///ServiceItem/t252F7A01-BE3C-4945-B3F3-11FE1CE644892269 
 ; data: {

channel = nil;
channelName = TV 2 Norge;
package = Telenor,c:000202,c:01029c,c:020242,c:030202,C:0b00;
serviceType = 1508;
serviceTypeString = TV;
sid = 1508;
specialFlags = 0;
transponder = nil;


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Re: Can we render QCRenderer in CAOpenGLLayer..?

2009-01-31 Thread Gordon Apple
Just curious - are you using garbage collection?  We recently determined
there is a bug in QCCompositionLayer with garbage collection that prevents
the composition from playing.  QCCompositionLayer is a subclass of
CAOpenGLLayer. Maybe you hit the same bug?

On 1/31/09 10:09 AM, wrote:

 I am trying to play  QCComposition in CAOpenGLLayer
 According to the documentation of QCRenderer this should work fine.
 but at final output nothing is displayed. Can anyone tell me where i
 am going wrong...?
 but at final output nothing is displayed. Can anyone tell me where i
 am going wrong.


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Re: Core Data, Garbage Collection and SQL Store

2009-01-31 Thread Kevin Ross
I've been trying in vain to reproduce this bug on my computer (c2duo)  
and my wife's computer (G4) to no avail.  Also the output from - 1 doesn't seem unusual at all.  Maybe I'll  
try some tests with using large photos and see it there's a  
significant slowdown when writing atomically versus w/ SQL.


On Jan 30, 2009, at 3:09 PM, Kevin Ross wrote:

On Jan 30, 2009, at 3:02 PM, Sean McBride wrote:

On 1/30/09 2:49 PM, Kevin Ross said:

If it's not too much trouble are you able to send me your repro  

I'm wondering why it's not happening with my project anymore.

I'm afraid the bug I filed contains not a simple test project, but my
entire (unreleased) application.  I wanted to be sure they fixed my
exact case.



Sean McBride, B. Eng
Mac Software Developer  Montréal, Québec, Canada

No problem, thanks anyway Sean!

Kevin Ross
Feng Shui Software


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Re: Disabling sorting in a programatically generated table

2009-01-31 Thread Keary Suska

On Jan 30, 2009, at 10:39 AM, Ken Tozier wrote:

On Jan 30, 2009, at 10:52 AM, Keary Suska wrote:

When you call -bind: do you pass  
NSCreatesSortDescriptorBindingOption NO?

I'm not calling bind, because the array controller and array are  
created inside the same function, so it just seemed bass ackward to  
write an accessor for something I can just set directly with  
[controller setContent: tableData]. I looked at the  
NSArrayController docs again and didn't see any method that  
approximates  NSCreatesSortDescriptorBindingOption other than

[controller setSortDescriptors: nil];
[controller setAutomaticallyRearrangesObjects: NO];

You don't have a binding between the table view and the array  

Keary Suska
Esoteritech, Inc.
Demystifying technology for your home or business


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How many processors?

2009-01-31 Thread jurincie
On Jan 30, 2009, at 8:31 PM, wrote:

 I am developing a computationally intense application which I need to
 multi-process to take advantage of the 8 cpu's on my new MacPro with
 quads.  I am using Leopard 10.5 OS.

 Your machine has two CPU's, not eight.


I ALWAYS thought quad-core means 4 processors as are shown when I bring up
the Activity Monitor CPU usage window which shows (8)???

Am I incorrect?

THank you,


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Re: How many processors?

2009-01-31 Thread Dave DeLong

Core != CPU.

Your machine has 8 cores, but 2 CPUs (since it has 4 cores per CPU)


On Jan 31, 2009, at 1:19 PM, wrote:

On Jan 30, 2009, at 8:31 PM, wrote:

I am developing a computationally intense application which I need to
multi-process to take advantage of the 8 cpu's on my new MacPro with
quads.  I am using Leopard 10.5 OS.

Your machine has two CPU's, not eight.


I ALWAYS thought quad-core means 4 processors as are shown when I  
bring up

the Activity Monitor CPU usage window which shows (8)???

Am I incorrect?


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Re: Disabling sorting in a programatically generated table [SOLVED]

2009-01-31 Thread Ken Tozier

On Jan 31, 2009, at 1:19 PM, Keary Suska wrote:

You don't have a binding between the table view and the array  

Yes, sorry, misread your post. I had been binding with options: nil  
but when I passed in an options dict with  
NSCreatesSortDescriptorBindingOption , it worked perfectly.




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What alternatives exist for objc_setClassHandler?

2009-01-31 Thread Andrew Thompson

Hi all,

I was looking for a way to define Objective-C classes at runtime...  
specifically to be able to supply class definitions when a Nib file is  
loaded. This search soon led me to  objc_setClassHandler, but that's  
listed as deprecated without replacement here:

What's the story here? Is there a new, preferred way to do this? What  
are the Ruby etc. bridges doing?

AndyT (lordpixel - the cat who walks through walls)
A little bigger on the inside

(see you later space cowboy, you can't take the sky from me)


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New question about borken NSOperationQueue

2009-01-31 Thread jurincie
I have a computationally intensive modeling application which I NEED to
multi-process,  I am trying to avoid low level calls to pthread and tcb

In order to get my GUI running I had to create a NSOperationQueue and run
my big method via a NSInvocationOperation.

Previous post indicates that NSOperationQueue only seems to work with ONE
queue.  So it seems that I can either have GUI working OR do

The key is the waitUntilAllOperationsAreFinished method of MSOperationQueue.

I create a NSOperationQueue in  my intialization process in my
appController class.

I have a method triggered by user pushing button which calls:

- (IBAction)launchEvolveTask:(id)sender
NSInvocationOperation* bigOp = [[NSInvocationOperation alloc]
initWithTarget:self selector:@selector(evolve:) object:nil];

[myOpQueue addOperation:bigOp];

NOW in my evolve: method I have nested loops:

for(i = 0; i  MAX_GENS; i++)

   for(j = 0; j  NUM_MEMBERS; j++)
member = [someArray objectAtIndex:j];

NSInvocationOperation *concurrentOp = [NSInvocationOperation
initWithTarger:member selector:processStuff:

[[appController opQueue] addOperation:concurrentOp];

[opQueue waitUntilAllOperationsAreFinished];  -

* above method HAS to wait for the bigOp to finish too, which makes
the wait operation useless.

The only solution I have come up with so far is to launch my evolve:
NSInvocationOperation directly with the start method,  This means GUI

If I nest another NSOperationQueue instead of using appController's
NSOperationQueue the BUG forces a crash every time.

Evidently this is a KNOWN bug which is supposed to be fixed in 10.6

I am going to implement my own pthreads with a tcb block to go low-level
on this problem, but would LOVE to be able to use Apples high-level tools.

Any advice is welcomed.




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New NSZombie warning on CFRunLoopTimer

2009-01-31 Thread Fritz Anderson

SDK 10.4, target 10.3, environment 10.5.6

In the course of startup, my application creates one NSTimer and  
conducts one transaction through the Web Services Core framework  
(culminating in WSMethodInvocationScheduleWithRunLoop).

NSZombieEnabled is YES.

When the scheduled invocation returns with the server's response, I  
start getting this message -- it repeats periodically:

2009-01-31 14:15:21.769 MyApp[53942:813] *** -[CFRunLoopTimer  
_cfTypeID]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x15a3bbb0


There is only one NSTimer I create before this point. Here is the  
print-object of that timer. You see it's not the instance the zombie  
message complains about:

Printing description of _splashScreenTimer:
CFRunLoopTimer 0x1a4550 [0xa03a81a0]{locked = No, valid = Yes,  
interval = 0, next fire date = 255125688, order = 0, callout = ???  
(0x9506cd90), context = CFRunLoopTimer context 0x1ab550}


My application appears to run fine. Should I be worried?

— F

Fritz Anderson -- Xcode 3 Unleashed: Now in its second printing -- 


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Re: -stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString: return value iphone

2009-01-31 Thread Peter Blazejewicz

hi Marco,

are you waiting for WebView to report load finished before calling  

e.g. see example snippet (loads Google api and calls it):

#import UIKit/UIKit.h
@class UIWebView;
@interface WebViewController : UIViewControllerUIWebViewDelegate {}
@property (nonatomic, readonly) UIWebView *webView;

#import WebViewController.h
@implementation WebViewController
@dynamic webView;
-(UIWebView *)webView
return (UIWebView *)self.view;
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
NSMutableString *htmlCode = [NSMutableString  
[htmlCode appendString:@script type=\text/javascript\ src=\ 

[htmlCode appendString:@script type=\text/javascript\];
[htmlCode appendString:@google.load(\language\, \1\);];
[htmlCode appendString:@/script/headbody/body/html];
[self.webView loadHTMLString:htmlCode baseURL:nil];
- (void)webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView *)webView
NSString *scriptCode = @google.language.isTranslatable(\en\);
NSString *translatable = [webView  
NSLog(@isTranslatable: %@, (translatable) ? translatable :  


Peter Blazejewicz

On Jan 31, 2009, at 5:10 PM, Marco Cassinerio wrote:


i'm trying to execute a javascript function on the iPhone and get  
the return value.

The function is simple:
return hello;

I'm using a UIWebView and the - 
stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString: method but, while it works  
on os x, it doesn't on the iPhone.


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Flowing text between text fields

2009-01-31 Thread John Murphy
On many applications, when you enter in a serial number, there are several text 
fields in a row, and as the user enters in the serial number the cursor 
automatically jumps to the next text field at the appropriate time.
I am assuming that this is a long string being displayed across several text 
fields. How is this done?



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maximum theoretical speedup with dual quad processors

2009-01-31 Thread jurincie
I have a bullet-proof scientific app I developed using cocoa.  I just
purchased a new MacPro with the dual quad processors.

Earlier posts attempting to determine MAXIMUM theoretical speedup have
gotten bogged down with semantic differencea between a corea and a CPUa.

Having done EXTENSIVE multi-processing on UNIX machines using MPI, I was
hoping I could achieve a speedup on my application exceeding 2 times and
hopefully approachig numcores - 1 times (7 in this case).

There IS a know bug with the NSInvocationQueue method on intels using
10.5.6 which I have read will be fixed on 10.6.

my question are:

(1) Is the ANYONE out there who has actually done scientific computing on
the quad-core intel machines?

(2) Have you achieved a speedup beyond number of CPU's (2)?

(3) Has anyone used OpenMP with optional (LLVM or gcc 4.2) compilers?

(4) If so where do I install the xomp foler  I downloadd which is
compatible with my machine and OS.

(5) Please don't waste your time explaining the semantic differences
between cores and cpu's, I don't care what you call them, all I need to
know is MAXIMUM speedup.

Anyone who can point me in the right direction for running concurrent
methods NOT using NSOperationQueue with NSInvocationOperations would make
me VERY VERY happy.

Thanks again everyone.


Ron Jurjincie


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Re: maximum theoretical speedup with dual quad processors

2009-01-31 Thread Josh Abernathy
At the risk of stating the obvious: it seems like your limiting factor  
in speedup will depend a lot more on your algorithm design than  
NSInvocationQueue, the number of cores/processors, etc.

In other words, this isn't really an Apple-specific question. It's a  
matter of parallel algorithm design.

On Jan 31, 2009, at 5:04 PM, wrote:

I have a bullet-proof scientific app I developed using cocoa.  I just
purchased a new MacPro with the dual quad processors.

Earlier posts attempting to determine MAXIMUM theoretical speedup have
gotten bogged down with semantic differencea between a corea and a  

Having done EXTENSIVE multi-processing on UNIX machines using MPI, I  
hoping I could achieve a speedup on my application exceeding 2 times  

hopefully approachig numcores - 1 times (7 in this case).

There IS a know bug with the NSInvocationQueue method on intels using
10.5.6 which I have read will be fixed on 10.6.

my question are:

(1) Is the ANYONE out there who has actually done scientific  
computing on

the quad-core intel machines?

(2) Have you achieved a speedup beyond number of CPU's (2)?

(3) Has anyone used OpenMP with optional (LLVM or gcc 4.2) compilers?

(4) If so where do I install the xomp foler  I downloadd which is
compatible with my machine and OS.

(5) Please don't waste your time explaining the semantic differences
between cores and cpu's, I don't care what you call them, all I need  

know is MAXIMUM speedup.

Anyone who can point me in the right direction for running concurrent
methods NOT using NSOperationQueue with NSInvocationOperations would  

me VERY VERY happy.

Thanks again everyone.


Ron Jurjincie


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Re: How many processors?

2009-01-31 Thread Michael Ash
On Sat, Jan 31, 2009 at 3:21 PM, Dave DeLong wrote:
 Core != CPU.

 Your machine has 8 cores, but 2 CPUs (since it has 4 cores per CPU)

This is one of those things that's true but mostly pointless. The
question for which the answer is 2 here is really not a useful
question. For nearly all purposes, what's interesting is the number of
CPU cores. The number of actual discrete CPU chips is a hardware
detail with essentially zero consequences for applications.


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Re: -stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString: return value iphone

2009-01-31 Thread Peter Blazejewicz

hi Marco,
I'm not John Resig ( but I would not assume that  
return o will actually evaluate to javascript object/function call,

I would rather script:

NSString *scriptCode = @\Hello\;
NSString *scriptCode = @(function(){return \hello\;})();;

but I would also fire up Safari (WebKit) script console (ALT+CMD+C)  
and take few trials with code.
Because you're correct of differencies between UIWebView and WebView  
(@return \hello\ works in WebView) I would look into other place  
(webkitsk-dev list). Maybe that is because WebKit on OS X is bridged  
JavaScriptObjective-C while on Touch OS is not (return o does not  
work in WebKit/Safari interactive console while it works in WebView  
string code evaluating call).


On Jan 31, 2009, at 10:23 PM, Marco Cassinerio wrote:

Hi Peter,

i tried:

- (void)webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView *)webView
	NSLog(@finished: %@,[webView  
stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@return \hello\]);


but it doesn't work, while on os x it does.



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maximum speedup bound on multi-core processors

2009-01-31 Thread jurincie
Can anyone tell me if the maximum speedup using parallel programming on
multicore processors is BOUNDED by:

(A) number of processers (as on a single core processor).

(B) number of processors X number cores / processor.

If each processor runs numCore threads SIMULTANEOUSLY the answer would be

If each procssor run numCore threads non-concurrently the answer is (A).

If anyone REALLY knows please help a frustrated cocoa developer out.


Ron Jurincie


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Re: What alternatives exist for objc_setClassHandler?

2009-01-31 Thread Michael Ash
On Sat, Jan 31, 2009 at 3:36 PM, Andrew Thompson wrote:
 Hi all,

 I was looking for a way to define Objective-C classes at runtime...
 specifically to be able to supply class definitions when a Nib file is
 loaded. This search soon led me to  objc_setClassHandler, but that's listed
 as deprecated without replacement here:

 What's the story here? Is there a new, preferred way to do this? What are
 the Ruby etc. bridges doing?

The bridges don't need this functionality, as they can build the
bridging classes as they are created, rather than doing lazy loading.
If you can do that as well, that would seem to be an obvious approach.
The contents of a nib file shouldn't be a mystery, but should be known
ahead of time, so you ought to be able to create all of your classes
before you load the nib.


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Re: New NSZombie warning on CFRunLoopTimer

2009-01-31 Thread Michael Ash
On Sat, Jan 31, 2009 at 3:45 PM, Fritz Anderson wrote:
 SDK 10.4, target 10.3, environment 10.5.6

 In the course of startup, my application creates one NSTimer and conducts
 one transaction through the Web Services Core framework (culminating in

 NSZombieEnabled is YES.

 When the scheduled invocation returns with the server's response, I start
 getting this message -- it repeats periodically:

 2009-01-31 14:15:21.769 MyApp[53942:813] *** -[CFRunLoopTimer _cfTypeID]:
 message sent to deallocated instance 0x15a3bbb0

 There is only one NSTimer I create before this point. Here is the
 print-object of that timer. You see it's not the instance the zombie message
 complains about:

 Printing description of _splashScreenTimer:
 CFRunLoopTimer 0x1a4550 [0xa03a81a0]{locked = No, valid = Yes, interval =
 0, next fire date = 255125688, order = 0, callout = ??? (0x9506cd90),
 context = CFRunLoopTimer context 0x1ab550}

 My application appears to run fine. Should I be worried?

Yes. You have a major bug. That it happens to be benign in this
particular case is just an unfortunate coincidence. You should figure
out why this object is being prematurely destroyed and fix it.
Instruments and the malloc debug environment variables can help you
figure it out.


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Re: maximum theoretical speedup with dual quad processors

2009-01-31 Thread Michael Ash
On Sat, Jan 31, 2009 at 5:04 PM, wrote:
 I have a bullet-proof scientific app I developed using cocoa.  I just
 purchased a new MacPro with the dual quad processors.

 Earlier posts attempting to determine MAXIMUM theoretical speedup have
 gotten bogged down with semantic differencea between a corea and a CPUa.
 (5) Please don't waste your time explaining the semantic differences
 between cores and cpu's, I don't care what you call them, all I need to
 know is MAXIMUM speedup.

The maximum speedup is exactly equal to the number of cores (not CPUs,
I know you don't care about the terminology but it's important) in
your system. In your case, that is 8. The number of physical CPUs is
completely irrelevant to nearly everything. When it comes to maximum
speedup, look at the number of cores, and it's exactly like any other
parallel system out there. Of course you'll only get a factor of 8
speedup on highly parallel code with no dependencies or shared
resource contention (and note that memory counts as a shared resource
on a multiprocessor PC), but the theoretical max is 8.


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Re: Flowing text between text fields

2009-01-31 Thread Fritz Anderson

On 31 Jan 2009, at 3:19 PM, John Murphy wrote:

On many applications, when you enter in a serial number, there are  
several text fields in a row, and as the user enters in the serial  
number the cursor automatically jumps to the next text field at the  
appropriate time.
I am assuming that this is a long string being displayed across  
several text fields. How is this done?

I assume it is not done that way. If I were attempting this (I haven't  
done it), I'd start with NSControl's controlTextDidChange: delegate  
method (or  NSControlTextDidChangeNotification notification) and jump  
whenever a field holds the requisite number of characters after the  

— F

Fritz Anderson -- Xcode 3 Unleashed: Now in its second printing -- 


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Re: maximum speedup bound on multi-core processors

2009-01-31 Thread Bill Bumgarner

On Jan 31, 2009, at 2:48 PM, wrote:
Can anyone tell me if the maximum speedup using parallel programming  

multicore processors is BOUNDED by:

(A) number of processers (as on a single core processor).

(B) number of processors X number cores / processor.

If each processor runs numCore threads SIMULTANEOUSLY the answer  
would be


If each procssor run numCore threads non-concurrently the answer is  

If anyone REALLY knows please help a frustrated cocoa developer out.

Of far more importance is the algorithm employed and, quite  
specifically, the dependencies between threads and exactly how the  
dependencies are managed.

The question above can only be specifically quantified if your threads  
operates in total isolation, do no simultaneous I/O, and there is  
absolutely nothing else running on the system.

In the real world, the algorithm itself will have far more to do with  
scalability than raw machine capabilities.



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