Re: static analyzers says I'm leaking, I _think_ I'm not

2015-05-06 Thread Aaron Montgomery
If the property is set to retain, then the line

self.cycler = [[[….initWithGrid:self] autorelease]

will cause the setter to retain the passed in object, so after this line, 
_cycler will have a (heuristic) retain count of 2 (an alloc and a retain).

After this, when the autorelease pool is drained, reducing the (heuristic) 
retain count by 1: you've still got a hold of it in the property.

Then in dealloc, you release the object in dealloc to reduce the (heuristic) 
retain count to 0.

To release the object, you can use

[_cycler release];


self.cycler = nil;

or you may be able to not even bother if you won't create a cycle, I haven't 
done manual memory in a while, but I think retained properties are released at 
destruction automatically.


 On May 6, 2015, at 2:30 PM, Michael David Crawford 
 Am I correct that autoreleased objects are released after each round
 of even processing?
 In this case my cycler needs to hang around for the life of the whole program.
 Michael David Crawford, Consulting Software Engineer
   Available for Software Development in the Portland, Oregon Metropolitan
 On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 2:25 PM, Aaron Montgomery wrote:
 Having cycler set to assign and then releasing it in dealloc doesn't feel 
 right. Why not set cycler to retain, add an autorelease in init then 
 release _cycler in dealloc?
 On May 6, 2015, at 1:57 PM, Michael David Crawford 
 I've had problems in the past where I failed to understand the Cocoa
 ownership conventions, I'm willing to grant that could be the case.
 I know for sure that the analyzer enforces the naming conventions,
 that is, the exact same function names in C or C++ won't yield that
 same warnings as alloc, new or copy would in Objective-C.
 I'm reluctant to use ARC because in my honest opinion, ARC will get
 the leaks and most out of the crashes out of skanky code.  If you
 don't use ARC, you get them out by fixing the skank:
 Dave, why do you add twelve extra bytes to all of Spellswell's 
 That was so Spellswell would stop crashing.  Facepalm.
 // LifeGrid.h
 @property (assign, nonatomic) GridCycler *cycler;
 // Lifegrid.m - init
 self.cycler = [[GridCycler alloc] initWithGrid: self];  // Potential
 leak of an object
 if ( nil == self.cycler ) goto cycler_failed;
 // dealloc
 [self.cycler release];
 Expanding the potential leak message yields:
 1. assuming 'self' is not nil
 2. method returns Objective-C object with +1 retain count
 3. Object leaked: allocated object is not references later in this
 execution path and has a retain count of +1.
 Isn't that what I want?  I should be taking ownership of it with
 (initWithGrid doesn't do a cyclic retain.)
 Michael David Crawford, Consulting Software Engineer
  Available for Software Development in the Portland, Oregon Metropolitan
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Re: New information. Was: Re: Weird UITableView problem

2015-04-28 Thread Aaron Montgomery
Works for me. Not saying it doesn't work for you, but the problem isn't the 

Created a fresh Single View Application iOS project.
Replaced ViewController.m source with the code below.
Added a UITableView to the View Controller's View and hooked up the DataSource 
to the View Controller.
Ran it in the Simulator.
Scrolled the table and could see all the dwarves.


 On Apr 28, 2015, at 9:45 AM, William Squires wrote:
 Thinking this was a Swift problem, I recreated the project, but with ObjC as 
 the language. I set up the UI the same as with the Swift project. It too, 
 only shows a subset of the array, only this one shows 15 rows, not 13. Here's 
 the ViewController.m
 //  ViewController.m
 //  SimpleObjCTable
 //  Created by William Squires on 4/28/15.
 //  Copyright (c) 2015 William Squires. All rights reserved.
 #import ViewController.h
 @interface ViewController ()
 @property NSArray *dwarves;
 @implementation ViewController
 - (void)viewDidLoad
 [super viewDidLoad];
 self.dwarves = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@Sleepy,
@Oin, // These are not shown.
 // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
 - (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning
 [super didReceiveMemoryWarning];
 // Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.
 #pragma mark UITableView Methods
 -(NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView 
 NSInteger theCount = [self.dwarves count];
 NSLog(@theCount = %ld, theCount);
 return theCount;
 -(UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView 
 cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
 NSLog(@indexPath.row = %ld, indexPath.row);
 UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView 
 if (cell == nil)
  cell = [[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault 
 cell.textLabel.text = [self.dwarves objectAtIndex:indexPath.row];
 return cell;
 running it gives me (in the debug console) 4 instances of theCount = 20, 
 followed by 15 lines of indexPath.row = 0 up to indexPath.row = 14 (15 
 total, which corresponds to the comment in the initialization line for 
 dwarves = NSArray... line above.) In both cases (the Swift project, and the 
 ObjC project) I use the default view (with the size class w:any, h:any) and 
 pin the UITableView to the edges of the parent view.
  Now I'm totally lost as to why only a limited subset of the rows are being 
 shown, especially given that tableView:numberOfRowsInSection: consistently 
 returns 20 (the number of items initializing the array). HELP!!
 On Apr 26, 2015, at 11:29 AM, William Squires wrote:
 I made a fairly simple iOS app (Single View template, iPhone, Swift) that 
 has a UITableView. I've got it all hooked up, and running the project (in 
 the simulator) shows the table view, but only 13 (out of 20) rows are ever 
 here's the deal:
 class ViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDelegate, 
 private let dwarves = [Sleepy,
  Fili,  // From here on, these might as well not exist 
 (index = 13)
 let simpleTableIdentifier = SimpleTableIdentifier
 // MARK: UITableViewDataSource/UITableViewDelegate methods
 func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) 
 - Int
 return dwarves.count
 func tableView(tableView:UITableView, 

Re: Analyser reports memory leak… where?

2013-09-12 Thread Aaron Montgomery

On Sep 12, 2013, at 9:17 AM, Graham Cox wrote:

 On 12/09/2013, at 6:07 PM, Kyle Sluder wrote:
 Personally, I would avoid doing this, as it could cause reentrancy among
 KVO observers of eventTypes. Instead, I'd assign to mEventTypes directly
 from your lazy initializer. Or perhaps I would factor out the common
 setter code to a private helper method.
 Indeed, I have changed the code to do just this, which is what I would have 
 written in the first place (honest!). I'm not sure why it wasn't and changing 
 it appears to have not caused any problems.
 Hopefully this has the side effect of shutting the analyzer up.
 It does.
 I guess the thread is now really about why the analyser was thrown off by 
 this. Academic? Perhaps, but here's the bigger picture: I want to gradually 
 move my codebase to ARC, so in preparation for that, I have been going 
 through and trying to ensure the analyser is happy, since my understanding is 
 that ARC relies on the same analysis to do its thing correctly, so if the 
 analyser is getting it wrong, converting to ARC might introduce a bug here.

No, I don't think this is academic. The analyzer appears to have a real problem 
with using a setter inside a getter (both as exhibited with your original 
example and my more minimal example). If it is going to be responsible for 
adding all the memory management code to our code, we need to know that it can 
handle this situation or that it will refuse to convert to ARC when this 
situation is present. I'll try to see how it handles converting my minimal 
example to ARC.


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Re: @property and automatic synthesis of getters and setters.

2013-09-12 Thread Aaron Montgomery

On Sep 12, 2013, at 2:45 PM, Peter Teeson wrote:

 Xcode 4.6.2 Lion 10.7.5
 Programming with Objective-C seems to indicate I can do this:
 #import Cocoa/Cocoa.h
 #import Cell.h  //My sub-class
 @interface Document : NSDocument
 @property Cell *protoCell;
 and  this (i.e. no need to @synthesize):
 @implementation Document
 - (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self) {
protoCell = [[Cell alloc]init];
// Add your subclass-specific initialization here.
return self;
 but the compiler tells me
 Use of undeclared identifier 'protoCell'; did you mean '_protoCell'?

I think it is either
_protoCell = [[Cell alloc] init];
self.protoCell = [[Cell alloc] init];


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Re: @property and automatic synthesis of getters and setters.

2013-09-12 Thread Aaron Montgomery

On Sep 12, 2013, at 3:02 PM, Lee Ann Rucker wrote:

 On Sep 12, 2013, at 2:52 PM, Aaron Montgomery wrote:
 I think it is either
 _protoCell = [[Cell alloc] init];
 self.protoCell = [[Cell alloc] init];
 These aren't equivalent unless the @property is assign, which usually is not 
 what you want for object instvars that you intend to own. 
 @property (readwrite, retain) protoCell;
 _protoCell = [[Cell alloc] init];
 self.protoCell = [[[Cell alloc] init] autorelease];
 self.protoCell = [foo somethingThatReturnsAProtoCell]; // since getters 
 generally do not provide a retained object; see earlier discussions today :)
 self.protoCell = nil;
 [_protoCell release]; _protoCell = nil;

Right, the original poster will need to decide which one has appropriate 
semantics for his situation. Just providing him with his two syntactic options. 
Since he is doing this work in an initializer, I suspect he will want direct 
ivar access. If he wants to use the property access and isn't using ARC, he 
will need the autorelease.



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Re: Analyser reports memory leak… where?

2013-09-12 Thread Aaron Montgomery
I've been trying to reproduce this problem, but haven't been able to get the 
warning on a minimal example. However, I noticed something unusual trying to 
build a minimal example to play with. Here's a stripped down example (Xcode 

#import Foundation/Foundation.h

@interface MWObject : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSObject* object;
- (NSObject*)newObject;

@implementation MWObject

@synthesize object=_object;

- (void)dealloc
[super dealloc];
[_object release];

- (NSObject*)newObject
return [[NSObject alloc] init];

- (void)setObject:(NSObject *)object
[_object release];
_object = [object retain];//3

- (NSObject*)object
NSObject* theObject = [self newObject];
[self setObject:theObject];//2
[theObject release];//1

return _object;


Version 0: as above and we do not get a warning (I believe the memory 
management is correct even if the semantics may be a little odd).
Version 1: Comment out line 1 and we do not get a warning (I would have 
suspected a leak of the theObject).
Version 2: Comment out lines 1 and 2 and we now get a warning (expected).
Version 3: Comment out lines 1 and 3 and we now get a warning (expected).

So somehow the retain call in the setObject: method is causing the release 
call in the object method to be ignored. As long as the compiler sees the 
retain on line 3, the inclusion or exclusion of the release on line 1 doesn't 
seem to matter. Something is pretty clearly confused because Version 0 and 
Version 1 cannot both have correct memory management.


On Sep 12, 2013, at 7:42 AM, Fritz Anderson wrote:

 On 12 Sep 2013, at 4:35 AM, Graham Cox wrote:
 Here's some code for which the Analyser reports potential leak of an object 
 stored into 'eventTypes'. I don't see it.
 I didn't write this code, so I'm reluctant to change it even though I would 
 have written it a bit differently. mEventTypes is an ivar.
 - (void)setEventTypes:(NSDictionary*)eventTypes
  if (eventTypes != mEventTypes)
  [mEventTypes release];
  mEventTypes = [eventTypes retain];
 - (NSDictionary*)eventTypes
  if (mEventTypes == nil)
  [self loadNib];
  NSDictionary* eventTypes = [self newEventTypes];
  [self setEventTypes:eventTypes];
  [eventTypes release];
  return mEventTypes; //- analyser complains here
 - (NSDictionary*)newEventTypes
  //[code deleted that presets contents of 'eventTypes']
  // Method name begins with new; clients are responsible for releasing.
  return [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithDictionary:eventTypes];
 I tried a Foundation-tool project that included a class with the methods you 
 show, dummying the methods and functions not shown as empty 
 void-returning-void, and dictionary data as one string-keying-string. ARC off.
 Running this through a later version of clang showed no analyzer errors. I 
 think it's a bug in the version of clang you're using. Or: clang does 
 cross-function checks to one degree or another. Can you make a minimal 
 example, and add the code you omitted here to see what makes the analyzer 
 I assume you expanded the note and examined the code path on which the 
 compiler saw a potential problem?
   — F
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Re: Analyser reports memory leak… where?

2013-09-12 Thread Aaron Montgomery
Right, sorry, threw it together too quickly and have been living too long in 
the land of ARC. Correcting the setter, fixing the dealloc method and removing 
the newObject method (see below):

@interface MWObject : NSObject
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSObject* object;

@implementation MWObject

@synthesize object=_object;

- (void)dealloc
[_object release];
[super dealloc];

- (void)setObject:(NSObject *)object
if (object == _object) return;//5
[object retain];
[_object release];
_object = object;//3

- (NSObject*)object
NSObject* theObject = [[NSObject alloc] init];
[self setObject:theObject];//2
[theObject release];//1

return _object;//4
return [[_object retain] autorelease];


Version 0: Comment out line 5, as written has no warnings
Version 1: Comment out line 1 and 5, has no warnings
Version 2: Comment out lines 1 and 2 and 5, has a warning
Version 3: Comment out lines 1 and 3 and 5, has a warning.

Again, Versions 0 and 1 cannot both have correct memory management.

Note that if we comment out line 4, we have:
Version 4: Comment out line 4 and 5, no warnings
Version 5: Comment out lines 4 and 1 and 5, no warnings.

So not returning an retained-autoreleased value from the getter, is not the 

However, if we add a branch test for preventing self-assignment, we do get a 
warning when expected:
Version 6: As written above, no warnings
Version 7: Comment out line 1, warning

Also note that the naming of the newObject method is not the core issue here. 
We can eliminate that method entirely and we will still get the odd behavior.


On Sep 12, 2013, at 8:28 AM, Gary L. Wade 

 In your dealloc, you should release ivars before calling super dealloc. 
 Ideally a crash will tell you that quickly; otherwise things could be very 
 Gary L. Wade (Sent from my iPhone)


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UITextField access from outside the main thread

2013-09-05 Thread Aaron Montgomery

I'm currently running into this issue trying to use Telerik Test Studio (and am 
asking about it there as well), but I think the issue is more general and would 
like some ideas.

The situation: Test Studio drives my app's user interface from a background 
thread. In some places where the Test Studio is just interacting wth UI 
elements, I get a WebThreadLockFromAnyThread warnings (which is expected since 
you shouldn't interact with the UI from another thread). I believe they've done 
the coding to avoid the warning in most cases, but I've got some subclasses of 
UITextField that are generating the warnings. Note, in all examples, self is an 
object whose class is a subclass of UITextField.

In some places, the solution is to use blocks, replacing: 

[self.objectField reloadInputViews];


dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ [self.objectField 
reloadInputViews]; });

which works. The problem is places where I want to read the data. In those 
cases, replacing:

NSString* theName =  self.text;


__block NSString* theName = nil;
dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ theName = self.text; });

will block the main thread if run from the main thread (note that I really need 
a dispatch_sync so I can get the return value before continuing). So I end up 
with the replacement:

__block NSString* theName = nil;
if ([NSThread isMainThread])
theName = self.text;
dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ theName = 
self.text; });

which is now looking like an awful lot of work just to read a data value and 
adding a lot of extra code just to accommodate Test Studio.

So the questions:

Are there any pitfalls to the replacements above that I'm missing?
Should I be doing this in any case to make my code safer?
Is there a better way to go about accessing self.text that works on any thread?
If I wanted to actually update self.text from any thread (haven't needed to do 
this yet, but it may arise) would the code below be my best option?

if ([NSThread isMainThread])
self.text = theName;
dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ self.text = 
theName; });



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Re: goto and ARC

2013-02-02 Thread Aaron Montgomery
I use goto in places with ARC without too much trouble. When I get this 
warning, it is because ARC cannot figure out the lifetime of an object created 
after a possible branch and before the the . Sometimes you can get rid of the 
error by simply making the lifetime clear. Here's a silly example that causes 
the error:

- (BOOL)test:(BOOL)error
if (error) goto cleanup;

NSString* theString = [[NSString alloc] init];
//do stuff with theString;


return error;

Here's how you can clarify the lifetime of the string (which is what is causing 
the problem):

- (BOOL)test:(BOOL)error
if (error) goto cleanup;

NSString* theString = [[NSString alloc] init];
//do stuff with theString;


return error;

and another:

- (BOOL)test:(BOOL)error
NSString* theString = [[NSString alloc] init];

if (error) goto cleanup;

//do stuff with theString;


return error;

I think the general rule is:

If you aren't going to use the allocated object past the goto target, put it in 
a sub-block. If you need to use it after the goto target, allocate it prior to 
the first goto.


On Feb 2, 2013, at 11:55 AM, Jan E. Schotsman wrote:

 Today I got an error message about goto and ARC, something about leaving a 
 protected area.
 Does this mean goto is nearly unusable under ARC?
 Jan E.___
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Re: NSTableView: bindings with drag and drop

2013-01-24 Thread Aaron Montgomery

On Jan 24, 2013, at 6:46 PM, Chuck Soper wrote:

 On 1/24/13 6:30 PM, Quincey Morris
 It's clearly documented that they're optional in your situation, and the
 documentation is 10.7-vintage. The 10.8 SDK header file also says they're
 optional. They may not be optional pre-10.7, or the log message is
 spurious, or you've done something in your table view configuration that
 makes the table *think* it needs these data source methods.
 Yes, the methods are optional. But, if I implement drag and drop, then I
 need to conform to the NSTableViewDataSource protocol which causes the
 methods to be required. I suppose the only solution is to implement
 numberOfRowsInTableView: andtableView:objectValueForTableColumn:row:, and
 return 0 and nil, respectively.

Maybe toss an assertion into those methods to see if anyone is actually trying 
to call them (I'm guessing no one is, but you never know). If someone is 
(either now or in the future), it will be easier to debug the problem with the 
assertion than when the caller tries to use the bad data and chokes on it.


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Re: Is ARC any smarter than Xcode's 'Analyze'?

2012-11-12 Thread Aaron Montgomery
It has been awhile since I last did a conversion, but I do remember that when I 
Analyzed my project it didn't raise any issues, but when I tried to convert to 
ARC there were a few places where these issues were raised that I needed to 
fix. Also, converting to ARC might actually move the retain/release statements 
inserted into the code and may result in fixing the problem (although it would 
be tough to figure out exactly what it did that fixed the problem).

I guess I would suggest trying to convert on a copy of the project and seeing 
if it raises any issues or if the conversion fixes the problem.


On Nov 12, 2012, at 9:19 AM, Jerry Krinock wrote:

 I'm debugging a crash in a large project which evidence indicates is caused 
 by a retain/release imbalance.  The project is written with manual 
 retain/release, not ARC.
 The project is built in Xcode 4.5.2, and when I 'Analyze', I get no warnings 
 pertaining to memory management.  So the problem must be some edge case which 
 is not caught by 'Analyze'.  Further, I think that ARC is built upon 
 'Analyze', and therefore if I converted this project to ARC, it would still 
 Am I correct?
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